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辛味药在方剂中的配伍应用湖南中医学院(410007)袁振仪主题词中药配伍,中药五味中药有四气五味,即寒热温凉与辛甘苦酸咸淡。在方剂当中合而用之,变化无穷。李时珍云:“甘缓、酸收、苦燥、辛散、咸软、淡渗五味之本性,一定而不变者也。其或补或泻,则因五脏四...  相似文献   

《黄帝内经》“甘味”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>五味,指中药药味中的辛、甘、酸、苦、咸。五味基于口尝,确定于临床,是药物真实滋味与功效相结合的归纳。中药五味不仅反映中药自身的功效属性,更在临床配伍中发挥重要作用。本文主要对"甘味"的药性、功效及临证应用进行论述及探讨。1甘之概述《黄帝内经·素问》最早记载了"五味"理论并将五味归属于五脏,《素问·宣明五气》以五脏为中心,确定了五味与五方、五色、五体、五志等的对应关系。以甘为例,  相似文献   

刘松林 《河南中医》2010,30(12):1145-1147
《伤寒杂病论》中方剂药物性味配伍的运用非常全面。在四气配伍方面有寒热(温)并用法和寒温(热)互投法;在五味配伍方面有辛甘化阳、辛开苦降、辛散酸收、酸甘化阴、酸苦涌泄、甘淡利湿、甘补苦泻等方法;另外还有四气配伍五味的辛温成寒反佐法。临床应充分掌握药物的性味,根据疾病证候特点,按性味特点配伍组方,才能充分发挥中药性味配伍的特点和优势。  相似文献   

杭传珍 《中医药导报》2001,7(3):134-135
中药具辛、甘、酸、苦、咸五味 ,分属五脏以合五行。五味不仅是味觉之不同 ,而且还反映出药物作用的内涵 ,不同的味有不同的物质基础和作用 ,其配伍关系也有区别 ,现分述如下。1 五味的物质基础及作用中药药味同其所含化学成份及作用有一定的规律 ,药物通过五味而产生作用。辛味药具有发散、行气、活血的功效 ,含挥发油成份最多 ,其次是甙类和生物碱。药理药化研究证明[1 ] ,解表药如麻黄、桂枝、紫苏、细辛、防风、生姜等多含挥发油 ,均有发汗解热作用 ,并有抑菌或抗病毒效果 ;行气药中除柿蒂为苦平外 ,其余皆为辛味 ,如枳实、陈皮、佛手…  相似文献   

五味子在<神农本草经>中列为上品,由于产地不同,有南五味子和北五味子之分,以北五味子入药为佳.本品性温,人心、肺、肾三经,功能补肾养心,益气生津,收敛固涩,其味酸、苦、甘、辛、咸,五味具备,功效奇异,运用广泛,五脏皆治.正如孙思邈所说:"五月常服五味子以补五脏气".我们多年来用五味子配伍,治疗五脏疾病,每收良效,简介如下.  相似文献   

目的探究仲景方剂中几种常见的方剂配伍方法以及所治疗的病症,加以分析以便更好地指导临床。方法对经典的仲景方剂加以归纳分析、加以总结。结果通过分析归纳得出常见的五种配伍方法(辛苦甘除痞法、咸辛苦泄下法、甘咸苦除燥法、酸甘苦除烦法、酸苦甘除挛法)及治疗病症。结论从五种配伍方法中得到了启示,药物的五味配伍十分重要,需要医者探索更好的配伍方法。  相似文献   

祖国医学中的四性又称四气,是指药物的寒、热、温、凉(平)四种不同的药性。五味是指酸、苦、甘、辛、咸五种不同的药味。《神农本草经》称:"药有酸、咸、甘、苦、辛五味,又有寒、热、温、凉四气与有毒无毒",自古以来,各种中草药书籍论述药物时首先标明其性味,这对鉴别认识药物及临床用药都有实际意义,而现代药学是根据其所含成分指导临床实践。  相似文献   

五味合化理论是由五味药性理论发展而来的一种配伍理论,即酸、苦、甘、辛、咸五种药性和滋味配伍化合出新的功用。试从五味合化角度探讨张仲景组方原则,具体从辛甘化阳、酸甘化阴、苦咸泻热、辛开苦降等几个方面探讨五味合化理论在《伤寒杂病论》中的体现。  相似文献   

五味,是辛、甘、酸、苦、咸五种不同的滋味。五味能滋养人体,古人早有论述,“天食人以五气,地食人以五味”。“阴之所生,本在五味,阴之五宫,伤在五味”。“阴”是指五脏而言,说明五脏的资生依赖五味。这正是“五味入口,藏于肠胃,味有所养,以养五气。”人们只要把五味调和得当,机体就会得到充分的营养来源,就能“骨正筋柔气血以疏,腠理以密,如是则骨气以精”。  相似文献   

目的 梁代陶弘景所撰《辅行诀五脏用药法要》转引了已遗方书《汤液经法》的诸多内容,其中包括一幅中药组方配伍原理图,即“汤液经法图”。“汤液经法图”描述了一个独特的五脏虚实辨证(肝心脾肺肾)和五味补泻配伍(辛咸甘酸苦)理论体系,以中心对称的五边形表示,其中每一脏均有其固定对应的“体”味(泻),“用”味(补)和两者合化的“化”味(调和)。其中,酸泻肝、辛补肝、酸辛化甘缓肝,苦泻心、咸补心、苦咸化酸收心,辛泻脾、甘补脾、辛甘化苦燥脾,咸泻肺、酸补肺、咸酸化辛散肺,甘泻肾、苦补肾、甘苦化咸润肾。该研究选择适当的数学工具分析“汤液经法图”五脏之间“体”味,“用”味和“化”味之间的固定关系,建立五味化合关系的数学模型。方法 基于五行(木火土金水)的群表示,应用矩阵计算方法和群论推导五脏“体”味,“用”味,“化”味与五行生克间的关系,拓展三维空间向量积的计算方法,建立五味化合的数学算子。结果与结论:“汤液经法图”中五脏“体”味,“用”味,“化”味所代表的泻、补、调和作用与五行生克存在映射关系,通过研究建立的五味化合数学算子,可以诠释五味化合的固定搭配。采用这种算法,可以清晰地阐释10首代表性经方的五味补泻功效特点。  相似文献   

就藏医药学经典著作《四部医典》及《蓝琉璃》《晶珠本草》中有关藏药的炮制与剂型的内容加以归纳,分别从藏药的炮制与剂型概貌方面予以简要译介。  相似文献   

郭慧  崔扬  王秋红  匡海学 《中草药》2016,47(3):363-368
代谢组学作为系统生物学的重要组成部分,其研究思想与中医药研究思想的整体观相似。近几年,随着代谢组学技术的蓬勃发展,其在中药现代研究中的应用越来越广泛。通过对代谢组学起源、发展、研究内容及方法进行简要概述,并对其在中药药性理论,包括四气五味、升降沉浮、归经、有毒无毒、配伍、禁忌中的应用进行概述,初步分析并总结了代谢组学应用于中药药性理论研究所存在的问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   

药物配伍是中医遣方用药的主要形式,中药复方是药物配伍的进一步延伸,要科学阐明中药复方疗效、优化复方配伍,单纯针对中药复方化学成分的研究不足以讲清复方配伍规律及其基本药效与作用机制。中药复方作为一个整体,应通过复方作用于机体和机体所处的整体反应来判定其疗效,进而优化复方配伍。代谢组学通过分析机体相关代谢簇和代谢网络的时序变化,阐明药味及复方的疗效,进而解析复方配伍规律。单味药是配伍的基础,药对是配伍最基本的形式,方剂是复方临床应用的最主要形式。综述了近年来代谢组学在“四气五味”“七情合和”和“君臣佐使”配伍理论中的应用研究,从性味、药对、复方等不同层次对中药复方配伍进行系统性评价,分析中药复方配伍规律,有助于指导中药复方临床用药以及新复方的研制。  相似文献   

Objective To observe clinical effect of treating pelvic effusion with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave. Methods 182 cases patients with inflammatory pelvic effusion were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group was treated with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics、microwave, and the control group was treated with antibiotics combined with microwave. The absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion were observed between control group and treatment group after treatment.Results The complete absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control. The total effective rate of the treatment group was 100%, and the total effective rate of the control group was 87.5%, which has a significant difference (P<0.05) .Conclusion The treatment of twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave on pelvic effusion is better than western medicine.  相似文献   

根据同气相求的原则,五味入于五脏,而五脏的五行机能与五味的作用完全相反,脾不包括在内.五味源于地气,成为"阴成形",特别是生成五脏.形成脏的味与脏的机能相反,是因为物质结构和机能活动之间的阴阳对立、阴阳互根、阴阳平衡、阴阳协调,是相反相成的原则.  相似文献   

《黄帝内经》首将“五音疗疾”引入中医学,五音经络疗法是以阴阳五行学说和中医经络腧穴理论为基础,把五音阶中宫、商、角、徵、羽以音作药,与中医闻诊、针灸等及其他方法相互协调补充,综合预防、诊断和治疗身心疾病的中国传统医疗方式。这种疗法,将五音与五脏经络连属起来,是对音乐与情感及脏腑脏气之间的声音频率和共鸣互动关系的深刻体验和总结。医者根据音变辨病变,取相对应的经络、腧穴来调节,从而达到治疗的目的。  相似文献   

Objective To observe clinical effect of treating pelvic effusion with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave. Methods 182 cases patients with inflammatory pelvic effusion were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group was treated with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics、microwave, and the control group was treated with antibiotics combined with microwave. The absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion were observed between control group and treatment group after treatment.Results The complete absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control. The total effective rate of the treatment group was 100%, and the total effective rate of the control group was 87.5%, which has a significant difference (P<0.05) .Conclusion The treatment of twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave on pelvic effusion is better than western medicine.  相似文献   

Objective To observe clinical effect of treating pelvic effusion with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave. Methods 182 cases patients with inflammatory pelvic effusion were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group was treated with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics、microwave, and the control group was treated with antibiotics combined with microwave. The absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion were observed between control group and treatment group after treatment.Results The complete absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control. The total effective rate of the treatment group was 100%, and the total effective rate of the control group was 87.5%, which has a significant difference (P<0.05) .Conclusion The treatment of twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave on pelvic effusion is better than western medicine.  相似文献   

Objective To observe clinical effect of treating pelvic effusion with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave. Methods 182 cases patients with inflammatory pelvic effusion were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group was treated with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics、microwave, and the control group was treated with antibiotics combined with microwave. The absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion were observed between control group and treatment group after treatment.Results The complete absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control. The total effective rate of the treatment group was 100%, and the total effective rate of the control group was 87.5%, which has a significant difference (P<0.05) .Conclusion The treatment of twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave on pelvic effusion is better than western medicine.  相似文献   

Objective To observe clinical effect of treating pelvic effusion with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave. Methods 182 cases patients with inflammatory pelvic effusion were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group was treated with twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics、microwave, and the control group was treated with antibiotics combined with microwave. The absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion were observed between control group and treatment group after treatment.Results The complete absorption, symptoms disappeared and cure situations of pelvic effusion in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control. The total effective rate of the treatment group was 100%, and the total effective rate of the control group was 87.5%, which has a significant difference (P<0.05) .Conclusion The treatment of twenty five tastes podophyllum pill combined with antibiotics, microwave on pelvic effusion is better than western medicine.  相似文献   

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