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The preBötzinger Complex (preBötC), a compact medullary region essential for generating normal breathing rhythm and pattern, is the kernel of the breathing central pattern generator (CPG). Excitatory preBötC neurons in rats project to major breathing‐related brainstem regions. Here, we provide a brainstem connectivity map in mice for both excitatory and inhibitory preBötC neurons. Using a genetic strategy to label preBötC neurons, we confirmed extensive projections of preBötC excitatory neurons within the brainstem breathing CPG including the contralateral preBötC, Bötzinger Complex (BötC), ventral respiratory group, nucleus of the solitary tract, parahypoglossal nucleus, parafacial region (RTN/pFRG or alternatively, pFL/pFV), parabrachial and Kölliker‐Füse nuclei, as well as major projections to the midbrain periaqueductal gray. Interestingly, preBötC inhibitory projections paralleled the excitatory projections. Moreover, we examined overlapping projections in the pons in detail and found that they targeted the same neurons. We further explored the direct anatomical link between the preBötC and suprapontine brain regions that may govern emotion and other complex behaviors that can affect or be affected by breathing. Forebrain efferent projections were sparse and restricted to specific nuclei within the thalamus and hypothalamus, with processes rarely observed in cortex, basal ganglia, or other limbic regions, e.g., amygdala or hippocampus. We conclude that the preBötC sends direct, presumably inspiratory‐modulated, excitatory and inhibitory projections in parallel to distinct targets throughout the brain that generate and modulate breathing pattern and/or coordinate breathing with other behaviors, physiology, cognition, or emotional state.  相似文献   

Excitatory neurons of the cerebral cortex migrate radially from their place of birth to their final position in the cortical plate during development. Radially-migrating neurons display a single leading process that establishes the direction of movement. This leading process has been described as being unbranched, and the occurrence of branches proposed to impair radial migration. Here we have analyzed the detailed morphology of leading process in radially-migrating pyramidal neurons and its impact on radial migration. We have compared ferret and mouse to identify differences between cortices that undergo folding or not. In mouse, we find that half of radially-migrating neurons exhibit a branched leading process, this being even more frequent in ferret. Branched leading processes are less parallel to radial glia fibers than those unbranched, suggesting some independence from radial glia fibers. Two-photon videomicroscopy revealed that a vast majority of neurons branch their leading process at some point during radial migration, but this does not reduce their migration speed. We have tested the functional impact of exuberant leading process branching by expressing a dominant negative Cdk5. We confirm that loss of Cdk5 function significantly impairs radial migration, but this is independent from increased branching of the leading process. We propose that excitatory neurons may branch their leading process as an evolutionary mechanism to allow cells changing their trajectory of migration to disperse laterally, such that increased branching in gyrencephalic species favors the tangential dispersion of radially-migrating neurons, and cortical folding.  相似文献   

Interlaminar astrocytes (ILA) in the cerebral cortex possess a soma in layer I and extend an interlaminar process that runs perpendicular to the pia into deeper cortical layers. We examined cerebral cortex from 46 species that encompassed most orders of therian mammalians, including 22 primate species. We described two distinct cell types with interlaminar processes that have been referred to as ILA, that we termed pial ILA and supial ILA. ILA subtypes differ in somatic morphology, position in layer I, and presence across species. We further described rudimentary ILA that have short GFAP+ processes that do not exit layer I, and “typical” ILA with longer GFAP+ processes that exit layer I. Pial ILA were present in all mammalian species analyzed, with typical ILA observed in Primates, Scandentia, Chiroptera, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Hyracoidea, and Proboscidea. Subpial ILA were absent in Marsupialia, and typical subpial ILA were only found in Primate. We focused on the properties of pial ILA by investigating the molecular properties of pial ILA and confirming their astrocytic nature. We found that while the density of pial ILA somata only varied slightly, the complexity of ILA processes varied greatly across species. Primates, specifically bonobo, chimpanzee, orangutan, and human, exhibited pial ILA with the highest complexity. We showed that interlaminar processes contact neurons, pia, and capillaries, suggesting a potential role for ILA in the blood–brain barrier and facilitating communication among cortical neurons, astrocytes, capillaries, meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

Interaction between autoreactive immune cells and astroglia is an important part of the pathologic processes that fuel neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis. In this inflammatory disease, immune cells enter into the central nervous system (CNS) and they spread through CNS parenchyma, but the impact of these autoreactive immune cells on the activity pattern of astrocytes has not been defined. By exploiting naïve astrocytes in culture and CNS-infiltrated immune cells (CNS IICs) isolated from rat with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), here we demonstrate previously unrecognized properties of immune cell–astrocyte interaction. We show that CNS IICs but not the peripheral immune cell application, evokes a rapid and vigorous intracellular Ca2+ increase in astrocytes by promoting glial release of ATP. ATP propagated Ca2+ elevation through glial purinergic P2X7 receptor activation by the hemichannel-dependent nucleotide release mechanism. Astrocyte Ca2+ increase is specifically triggered by the autoreactive CD4+ T-cell application and these two cell types exhibit close spatial interaction in EAE. Therefore, Ca2+ signals may mediate a rapid astroglial response to the autoreactive immune cells in their local environment. This property of immune cell–astrocyte interaction may be important to consider in studies interrogating CNS autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

The corticogeniculate (CG) pathway links the visual cortex with the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus and is the first feedback connection in the mammalian visual system. Whether functional connections between CG neurons and LGN relay neurons obey or ignore the separation of feedforward visual signals into parallel processing streams is not known. Accordingly, there is some debate about whether CG neurons are morphologically heterogeneous or homogenous. Here we characterized the morphology of CG neurons in the ferret, a visual carnivore with distinct feedforward parallel processing streams, and compared the morphology of ferret CG neurons with CG neuronal morphology previously described in macaque monkeys [Briggs et al. (2016) Neuron, 90, 388]. We used a G-deleted rabies virus as a retrograde tracer to label CG neurons in adult ferrets. We then reconstructed complete dendritic morphologies for a large sample of virus-labeled CG neurons. Quantification of CG morphology revealed three distinct CG neuronal subtypes with striking similarities to the CG neuronal subtypes observed in macaques. These findings suggest that CG neurons may be morphologically diverse in a variety of highly visual mammals in which feedforward visual pathways are organized into parallel processing streams. Accordingly, these results provide support for the notion that CG feedback is functionally parallel stream-specific in ferrets and macaques.  相似文献   

Central cholinergic structures within the brain of the even‐toed hoofed Goettingen miniature domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) were evaluated by immunohistochemical visualization of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and the low‐affinity neurotrophin receptor, p75NTR. ChAT‐immunoreactive (‐ir) perikarya were seen in the olfactory tubercle, striatum, medial septal nucleus, vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band of Broca, and the nucleus basalis of Meynert, medial habenular nucleus, zona incerta, neurosecretory arcuate nucleus, cranial motor nuclei III and IV, Edinger‐Westphal nucleus, parabigeminal nucleus, pedunculopontine nucleus, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus. Cholinergic ChAT‐ir neurons were also found within transitional cortical areas (insular, cingulate, and piriform cortices) and hippocampus proper. ChAT‐ir fibers were seen throughout the dentate gyrus and hippocampus, in the mediodorsal, laterodorsal, anteroventral, and parateanial thalamic nuclei, the fasciculus retroflexus of Meynert, basolateral and basomedial amygdaloid nuclei, anterior pretectal and interpeduncular nuclei, as well as select laminae of the superior colliculus. Double immunofluorescence demonstrated that virtually all ChAT‐ir basal forebrain neurons were also p75NTR‐positive. The present findings indicate that the central cholinergic system in the miniature pig is similar to other mammalian species. Therefore, the miniature pig may be an appropriate animal model for preclinical studies of neurodegenerative diseases where the cholinergic system is compromised. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:553–573, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Similar to the human brain, Drosophila glia may well be divided into several subtypes that each carries out specific functions. Glial GPCRs play key roles in crosstalk between neurons and glia. Drosophila Lgr4 (dLgr4) is a human relaxin receptor homolog involved in angiogenesis, cardiovascular regulation, collagen remodeling, and wound healing. A recent study suggests that ilp7 might be the ligand for Lgr4 and regulates escape behavior of Drosophila larvae. Here we demonstrate that Drosophila Lgr4 expression in glial cells, not neurons, is necessary for early development, adult behavior, and lifespan. Reducing the Lgr4 level in glial cells disrupts Drosophila development, while knocking down other LGR family members in glia has no impact. Adult-specific knockdown of Lgr4 in glia but not neurons reduce locomotion, male reproductive success, and animal longevity. The investigation of how glial expression of Lgr4 contributes to this behavioral alteration will increase our understanding of how insulin signaling via glia selectively modulates neuronal activity and behavior.  相似文献   

Neuroinflammation is a contributory factor underlying the progressive nature of dopaminergic neuronal loss within the substantia nigra (SN) of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, albeit the role of astrocytes in this process has been relatively unexplored to date. Here, we aimed to investigate the impact of midbrain astrocytic dysfunction in the pathophysiology of intra-nigral lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced experimental Parkinsonism in male Wistar rats via simultaneous co-injection of the astrocytic toxin L-alpha-aminoadipic acid (L-AAA). Simultaneous intra-nigral injection of L-AAA attenuated the LPS-induced loss of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (TH+) dopamine neurons in the SNpc and suppressed the affiliated degeneration of TH+ dopaminergic nerve terminals in the striatum. L-AAA also repressed LPS-induced nigrostriatal dopamine depletion and provided partial protection against ensuing motor dysfunction. L-AAA abrogated intra-nigral LPS-induced glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive (GFAP+) reactive astrogliosis and attenuated the LPS-mediated increases in nigral S100β expression levels in a time-dependent manner, findings which were associated with reduced ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1-positive (Iba1+) microgliosis, thus indicating a role for reactive astrocytes in sustaining microglial activation at the interface of dopaminergic neuronal loss in response to an immune stimulus. These results indicate that midbrain astrocytic dysfunction restricts the development of dopaminergic neuropathology and motor impairments in rats, highlighting reactive astrocytes as key contributors in inflammatory associated degeneration of the nigrostriatal tract.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the avian sensory trigeminal system has been largely restricted to the principal trigeminal nucleus (PrV) and its ascending projections to the forebrain. Studies addressing the cytoarchitecture and organization of afferent input to the sensory trigeminal complex, which includes both the PrV and the nuclei of the descending trigeminal tract (nTTD), have only been performed in pigeons and ducks. Here we extend such an analysis to a songbird, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). We describe the cytoarchitecture of the sensory trigeminal complex, the patterns of calbindin‐like and substance P‐like immunoreactivity, and the organization of afferents from the three branches of the trigeminal nerve and from the lingual branch of the hypoglossal nerve. On the basis of cytoarchitecture and immunohistochemistry, the sensory trigeminal column can be subdivided from caudal to rostral, as in other species, into cervical dorsal horn, subnucleus caudalis, subnucleus interpolaris, subnucleus oralis, and nucleus principalis. The relative positions of the terminal fields of the three trigeminal branches move from medial to lateral in the dorsal horn to dorsomedial to ventrolateral in nTTD, whereas in PrV there is considerable overlap of mandibular and ophthalmic terminal fields, with only a small maxillary input ventrally. The hypoglossal afferents, which terminate medially in the dorsal horn and dorsolaterally in nTTD, terminate in specific cell groups in the dorsolateral nTTDo and in PrV. This work sets the grounds for further analyses of the ascending connections of the nTTD and the afferents from the syrinx to the trigeminal sensory column.  相似文献   

In the developing mouse optic tract, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axon position is organized by topography and laterality (i.e., eye-specific or ipsi- and contralateral segregation). Our lab previously showed that ipsilaterally projecting RGCs are segregated to the lateral aspect of the developing optic tract and found that ipsilateral axons self-fasciculate to a greater extent than contralaterally projecting RGC axons in vitro. However, the full complement of axon-intrinsic and -extrinsic factors mediating eye-specific segregation in the tract remain poorly understood. Glia, which are known to express several guidance cues in the visual system and regulate the navigation of ipsilateral and contralateral RGC axons at the optic chiasm, are natural candidates for contributing to eye-specific pre-target axon organization. Here, we investigate the spatiotemporal expression patterns of both putative astrocytes (Aldh1l1+ cells) and microglia (Iba1+ cells) in the embryonic and neonatal optic tract. We quantified the localization of ipsilateral RGC axons to the lateral two-thirds of the optic tract and analyzed glia position and distribution relative to eye-specific axon organization. While our results indicate that glial segregation patterns do not strictly align with eye-specific RGC axon segregation in the tract, we identify distinct spatiotemporal organization of both Aldh1l1+ cells and microglia in and around the developing optic tract. These findings inform future research into molecular mechanisms of glial involvement in RGC axon growth and organization in the developing retinogeniculate pathway.  相似文献   

The vertebrate ciliary ganglion (CG) is a relay station in the parasympathetic pathway activating the iris sphincter and ciliary muscle to mediate pupillary constriction and lens accommodation, respectively. While the postganglionic motoneurons in the CG are cholinergic, as are their inputs, there is evidence from avian studies that GABA may also be involved. Here, we used light and electron microscopic methods to examine the GABAergic innervation of the CG in Macaca fascicularis monkeys. Immunohistochemistry for the gamma aminobutyric acid synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) revealed that all CG neurons are contacted by ChAT‐positive terminals. A subpopulation of 17.5% of CG neurons was associated with terminal boutons expressing GAD‐immunoreactivity in addition. Double‐labeling for GAD and synaptophysin confirmed that these were synaptic terminals. Electron microscopic analysis in conjunction with GABA‐immunogold staining showed that (1) GAD‐positive terminals mainly target dendrites and spines in the perisomatic neuropil of CG neurons; (2) GABA is restricted to a specific terminal type, which displays intermediate features lying between classically excitatory and inhibitory endings; and (3) if a CG neuron is contacted by GABA‐positive terminals, virtually all perisomatic terminals supplying it show GABA immunoreactivity. The source of this GABAergic input and whether GABA contributes to a specific CG function remains to be investigated. Nevertheless, our data indicate that the innervation of the ciliary ganglion is more complex than previously thought, and that GABA may play a neuromodulatory role in the control of lens or pupil function. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:1517–1531, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Astrocytes are essential mediators of many aspects of synaptic transmission and neuroplasticity. Exercise has been demonstrated to induce neuroplasticity and synaptic remodeling, such as through mediating neurorehabilitation in animal models of neurodegeneration. However, the effects of exercise on astrocytic function, and how such changes may be relevant to neuroplasticity remain unclear. Here, we show that exercise remodels astrocytes in an exercise- and region-dependent manner as measured by GFAP and SOX9 immunohistochemistry and morphological analysis in male mice. Additionally, qRT-PCR analysis of reactive astrocyte gene expression showed an exercise-induced elevation in brain regions known to be activated by exercise. Taken together, these data demonstrate that exercise actively modifies astrocyte morphology and drives changes in astrocyte gene expression and suggest that astrocytes may be a central component to exercise-induced neuroplasticity and neurorehabilitation.  相似文献   

Detailed anatomical tracing and mapping of the viscerotopic organization of the vagal motor nuclei has provided insight into autonomic function in health and disease. To further define specific cellular identities, we paired information based on visceral connectivity with a cell‐type specific marker of a subpopulation of neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) and nucleus ambiguus (nAmb) that express the autism‐associated MET receptor tyrosine kinase. As gastrointestinal disturbances are common in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), we sought to define the relationship between MET‐expressing (MET+) neurons in the DMV and nAmb, and the gastrointestinal tract. Using wholemount tissue staining and clearing, or retrograde tracing in a METEGFP transgenic mouse, we identify three novel subpopulations of EGFP+ vagal brainstem neurons: (a) EGFP+ neurons in the nAmb projecting to the esophagus or laryngeal muscles, (b) EGFP+ neurons in the medial DMV projecting to the stomach, and (b) EGFP+ neurons in the lateral DMV projecting to the cecum and/or proximal colon. Expression of the MET ligand, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), by tissues innervated by vagal motor neurons during fetal development reveal potential sites of HGF‐MET interaction. Furthermore, similar cellular expression patterns of MET in the brainstem of both the mouse and nonhuman primate suggests that MET expression at these sites is evolutionarily conserved. Together, the data suggest that MET+ neurons in the brainstem vagal motor nuclei are anatomically positioned to regulate distinct portions of the gastrointestinal tract, with implications for the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal comorbidities of ASD.  相似文献   

Descending projections from the thalamus and related structures to the midbrain are evolutionarily highly conserved. However, the basic organization of this auditory thalamotectal pathway has not yet been characterized. The purpose of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the anatomical and neurochemical features of this pathway. Analysis of the distributions of retrogradely labeled cells after focal injections of retrograde tracer into the inferior colliculus (IC) of the mouse revealed that most of the subcortical descending projections originated in the brachium of the IC and the paralaminar portions of the auditory thalamus. In addition, the vast majority of thalamotectal cells were found to be negative for the calcium‐binding proteins calbindin, parvalbumin, or calretinin. Using two different strains of GAD‐GFP mice, as well as immunostaining for GABA, we found that a subset of neurons in the brachium of the IC is GABAergic, suggesting that part of this descending pathway is inhibitory. Finally, dual retrograde injections into the IC and amygdala plus corpus striatum as well into the IC and auditory cortex did not reveal any double labeling. These data suggest that the thalamocollicular pathway comprises a unique population of thalamic neurons that do not contain typical calcium‐binding proteins and do not project to other paralaminar thalamic forebrain targets, and that a previously undescribed descending GABAergic pathway emanates from the brachium of the IC. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:885–900, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The anterolateral group of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTALG) is a critical modulator of a variety of rodent and primate behaviors spanning anxiety behavior and drug addiction. Three distinct neuronal cell types have been previously defined in the rat BNSTALG based on differences in the voltage‐response to hyperpolarizing and depolarizing current injection. Differences in genetic expression profile between these three cell types suggest electrophysiological cell type may be an indicator for functional differences in the circuit of the rat BNSTALG. Although the behavioral role of the BNST is conserved across species, it is unknown if the same electrophysiological cell types exist in the BNSTALG of the mouse and nonhuman primate. Here, we used whole‐cell patch clamp electrophysiology and neuronal reconstructions of biocytin‐filled neurons to compare and contrast the electrophysiological and morphological properties of neurons in the BNSTALG from the mouse, rat, and rhesus macaque. We provide evidence that the BNSTALG of all three species contains neurons that match the three defined cell types found in the rat; however, there are intriguing differences in the relative frequency of these cell types as well as electrophysiological and morphological properties of the BNSTALG neurons across species. This study suggests that the overall landscape of the BNSTALG in the primate and mouse may be similar to that of the rat in some aspects but perhaps significantly different in others.  相似文献   

Mitral cells are the major projection neurons of the olfactory bulb. They receive olfactory inputs, regulate information, and project their axons to the olfactory cortex. To understand output regulation of mitral cells better, we established a method to visualize individual projection neurons and quantitatively examined their synaptic distribution. Individual mitral cells were labeled by viral injection, reconstructed three dimensionally with light microscopy, and serial sectioned for electron microscopy. Synaptic distributions were analyzed in electron microscopically reconstructed cell bodies, two regions of secondary dendrites (near the somata and ~200 μm from the somata), and primary dendrites. The ratio of presynaptic sites (60%) and reciprocal synapses (60% presynaptic and 80% postsynaptic sites) were similar in each region. Characteristically, primary dendrite synapses were distributed mainly within the inner half of the external plexiform layer (EPL). For comparison, tufted cells were also examined, and the synaptic distribution in two secondary dendrite regions, which corresponded with mitral cells, was analyzed. The results showed that the ratio of reciprocal synapses (80% presynaptic and 90% postsynaptic sites) was greater than in mitral cells. The distribution of symmetrical synapses was also analyzed with synaptic and neuronal markers, such as parvalbumin, vesicular gamma‐aminobutyric acid transporter, and gephyrin. Parvalbumin‐expressing neurons tended to form synapses on secondary dendrites near the somata and were more uniformly distributed on primary dendrites of mitral cells. These results indicate that local mitral cell synaptic circuits are formed in accordance with their functional roles and restricted to the inner half of the EPL. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:1633–1648, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) expressing retinal amacrine cells are present across vertebrates. These interneurons play important roles in the development of retinal projections to the brain and in motion detection, specifically in generating direction-selective responses to moving stimuli. ChAT amacrine cells typically comprise two spatially segregated populations that form circuits in the ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ synaptic layers of the inner retina. This stereotypic arrangement is also found across the adult human retina, with the notable exception that ChAT expression is evident in the ON but not OFF layer of the fovea, a region specialized for high-acuity vision. We thus investigated whether the human fovea exhibits a developmental path for ON and OFF ChAT cells that is retinal location-specific. Our analysis shows that at each retinal location, human ON and OFF ChAT cells differentiate, form their separate synaptic layers, and establish non-random mosaics at about the same time. However, unlike in the adult fovea, ChAT immunostaining is initially robust in both ON and OFF populations, up until at least mid-gestation. ChAT expression in the OFF layer in the fovea is therefore significantly reduced after mid-gestation. OFF ChAT cells in the human fovea and in the retinal periphery thus follow distinct maturational paths.  相似文献   

The vertebrate retina has about 30 subtypes of ganglion cells. Each ganglion cell receives synaptic inputs from specific types of bipolar and amacrine cells ramifying at the same depth of the inner plexiform layer (IPL), each of which is thought to process a specific aspect of visual information. Here, we identified one type of displaced ganglion cell in the goldfish retina which had a large and elongated dendritic field. As a population, all of these ganglion cells were oriented in the horizontal axis and perpendicular to the dorsal–ventral axis of the goldfish eye in the central part of retina. This ganglion cell has previously been classified as Type 1.2. However, the circuit elements which synapse with this ganglion cell are not yet characterized. We found that this displaced ganglion cell was directly tracer‐coupled only with homologous ganglion cells at sites containing Cx35/36 puncta. We further illustrated that the processes of dopaminergic neurons often terminated next to intersections between processes of ganglion cells, close to where dopamine D1 receptors were localized. Finally, we showed that Mb1 ON bipolar cells had ribbon synapses in the axonal processes passing through the IPL and made ectopic synapses with this displaced ganglion cell that stratified into stratum 1 of the IPL. These results suggest that the displaced ganglion cell may synapse with both Mb1 cells using ectopic ribbon synapses and OFF cone bipolar cells with regular ribbon synapses in the IPL to function in both scotopic and photopic light conditions.  相似文献   

The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been considered to participate in many higher cognitive functions, such as memory formation and spatial navigation. These cognitive functions are modulated by cholinergic afferents via muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Previous pharmacological studies have strongly suggested that the M1 receptor (M1R) is the most important subtype among muscarinic receptors to perform these cognitive functions. Actually, M1R is abundant in mPFC. However, the proportion of somata containing M1R among cortical cellular types, and the precise intracellular localization of M1R remain unclear. In this study, to clarify the precise immunolocalization of M1R in rat mPFC, we examined three major cellular types, pyramidal neurons, inhibitory neurons, and astrocytes. M1R immunopositivity signals were found in the majority of the somata of both pyramidal neurons and inhibitory neurons. In pyramidal neurons, strong M1R immunopositivity signals were usually found throughout their somata and dendrites including spines. On the other hand, the signal strength of M1R immunopositivity in the somata of inhibitory neurons significantly varied. Some neurons showed strong signals. Whereas about 40% of GAD67‐immunopositive neurons and 30% of parvalbumin‐immunopositive neurons (PV neurons) showed only weak signals. In PV neurons, M1R immunopositivity signals were preferentially distributed in somata. Furthermore, we found that many astrocytes showed substantial M1R immunopositivity signals. These signals were also mainly distributed in their somata. Thus, the distribution pattern of M1R markedly differs between cellular types. This difference might underlie the cholinergic modulation of higher cognitive functions subserved by mPFC.  相似文献   

The brainstem (midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata) and cerebellum (diencephalic prosomere 1 through to rhombomere 11) play central roles in the processing of sensorimotor information, autonomic activity, levels of awareness and the control of functions external to the conscious cognitive world of mammals. As such, comparative analyses of these structures, especially the understanding of specializations or reductions of structures with functions that have been elucidated in commonly studied mammalian species, can provide crucial information for our understanding of the behavior of less commonly studied species, like pangolins. In the broadest sense, the nuclear complexes and subdivisions of nuclear complexes, the topographical arrangement, the neuronal chemistry, and fiber pathways of the tree pangolin conform to that typically observed across more commonly studied mammalian species. Despite this, variations in regions associated with the locus coeruleus complex, auditory system, and motor, neuromodulatory and autonomic systems involved in feeding, were observed in the current study. While we have previously detailed the unusual locus coeruleus complex of the tree pangolin, the superior olivary nuclear complex of the auditory system, while not exhibiting additional nuclei or having an altered organization, this nuclear complex, particularly the lateral superior olivary nucleus and nucleus of the trapezoid body, shows architectonic refinement. The cephalic decussation of the pyramidal tract, an enlarged hypoglossal nucleus, an additional subdivision of the serotonergic raphe obscurus nucleus, and the expansion of the superior salivatory nucleus, all indicate neuronal specializations related to the myrmecophagous diet of the pangolins.  相似文献   

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