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This study reports on pressures recorded at the denture base-mucosal surface interface in four edentulous subjects. Four sites were selected, namely (a) the midpalatal region in the upper complete denture, (b) the labial to the mid-line lower complete denture, (c) directly under the lower left and (d) right first molar teeth. The study examined the reproducibility of the pressure values obtained when the subjects chewed two test foods (carrot and peanut). The subjects repeated the chewing sequences on the same day and one subject was tested over a 3-day period. The younger subjects and subjects with the shortest chewing sequences gave the most reproducible results. The two foods were shown to have different effects both on the pressure values recorded and the duration of the chewing sequence. Patients who transferred the food bolus from side to side during the chewing sequence affected the reproducibility of the results obtained from the lower denture transducers.  相似文献   

舌翼全口义齿与传统全口义齿满意度的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :比较舌翼全口义齿与传统全口义齿的满意度 ;方法 :通过问卷调查的形式 ;结果 :舌翼全口义齿的满意率较传统全口义齿高 ;结论 :舌翼全口义齿较传统全口义齿性能优越。  相似文献   

目的    比较中性区全口义齿和传统全口义齿在患者满意度方面的差异。方法    选择2007年12月至2009年2月就诊于河南省信阳市第四人民医院口腔科需做全口义齿修复的15例患者,每例患者均戴用传统全口义齿3个月后再改戴用中性区全口义齿。分别在戴用两种全口义齿1个月和3个月时采用问卷的形式了解患者的满意度。结果    患者戴用中性区全口义齿1个月和3个月的固位稳定和舒适程度满意度明显高于戴用传统全口义齿(P < 0.01)。结论    患者戴用中性区全口义齿在固位稳定和舒适程度方面优于传统全口义齿。  相似文献   

A metod for measuring pressures exerted by denture bases against the supporting tissues during mastication which yields valid quantitative results was developed. Use of a specially designed diaphragm pressure transducer overcomes the disadvantages of a cantilever-beam arrangement which gave inaccurate results in earlier studies. On going research using this method was described. Several suggestions for additional applications of this method for prosthodontic research were presented.  相似文献   

全口义齿基托成型关系到义齿基托加工精度。基托成型传统采用装盒法,通过装盒、烫盒、冲蜡、充填树脂、压盒、热处理、出盒、磨光等步骤将义齿基托蜡型替换成树脂基托。注塑法是另外一种义齿基托成型技术,制作过程简便,加工精度更高,并且能够保存无牙颌石膏模型,但是需要特殊设备。本文详细描述了上述2种临床基托成型技术,并且比较了两者的优缺点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨异常牙合面形态对上颌全口义齿基托应力分布状况的影响。方法:建立正常形态、舌尖磨耗及颊尖磨耗三类不同牙合面形态的上颌全口义齿及其支持组织的三维有限元模型,在全牙列加载下分析基托内应力分布状况。结果:Ⅰ类模型(正常牙合面形态),基托呈现前牙区和后牙区应力均衡分布趋势;Ⅱ类模型(舌尖磨耗)整个中线区均为高应力值区,随牙尖斜度增大,中线区集中趋势愈加明显;Ⅲ类模型(颊尖磨耗),始终呈现基托前部应力集中。结论:异常的牙合面形态可能对上颌全口义齿基托的应力分布状况有明显的影响作用。提示临床行上颌单颌全口义齿修复时,应考虑患者对颌天然牙列的牙合面磨耗形态,必要时先进行下颌牙列异常牙合面形态的调整后再行上颌总义齿的修复。  相似文献   

Functional lining of the internal surface of the basis of a complete mandibular denture is carried out for 21 patients aged 65-84 years with mobile folds of the mucosa on the denture bed. A more rapid accommodation (2-3 weeks) and improvement of the masticatory efficacy of dentures indicate that the method may be recommended for wide use.  相似文献   

随着精密铸造技术和材料的不断发展,铸件的精度得到了较大程度的提高。高精度的金属基托,也逐步应用于全口义齿的制作。与传统树脂制作的全口义齿相比,采用金属基托完成的全口义齿具有一定的优点,但在临床应用中也应注意其适应证和制作要点。1.临床资料收集2002-2005年采用金属  相似文献   

Shellace materials and cold-curing acrylic resins are most commonly used as trial denture bases. Shellac sheets are malleable under a combination of heat and pressure, and bases made of them must not be retained too long in the mouth nor placed near excess heat. Acrylic resin bases have unstable physical properties if they are not properly prepared, and they are subject to shrinkage and warpage if they are not properly stored.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in occlusal force at denture dislodgement (OFD) in patients with poorly fitting complete dentures after improvement. In 91 patients, OFD was recorded before treatment, immediately after fitting the renewed denture (direct effect), and 1 week, 1 month, and 6 months later (adaptation). OFD increased significantly (P < .01) after optimizing the dentures and was dependent on patients' gender and age. The greatest changes occurred within the first week. It can be concluded that the increase in OFD is not only induced by the optimized denture, but also-and to an even greater extent--by adaptation.  相似文献   

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