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Mitochondrial diversity in house flies was examined by using the single-strand conformation polymorphism method in house flies, Musca domestica L. sampled in six zoogeographical subregions in the New World. The number of haplotypes and haplotype diversities were homogeneous among subregions, but a strong spatial component was found in the distribution of particular haplotypes. Nei's differentiation index among subregions, GRT, was 0.53 and that among populations within subregions, GPR, was 0.31. Greater genetic differentiation was found among populations in the Nearctic than in the Neotropics. Haplotype frequency distributions in two of three Nearctic subregions deviated from that expected under the neutral infinite allele model, suggesting the existence of differential selection patterns.  相似文献   

Species diversity and seasonal abundance of muscoid flies (Diptera: Muscidae) developing in biosolid cake (dewatered biosolids) stored at a wastewater treatment facility in northeastern Kansas were evaluated. Emergence traps were deployed 19 May through 20 October 2009 (22 wk) and 27 May through 18 November 2010 (25 wk). In total, 11,349 muscoid flies were collected emerging from the biosolid cake. Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) and house flies (Musca domestica (L.)), represented 80 and 18% of the muscoid flies, respectively. An estimated 550 stable flies and 220 house flies per square-meter of surface area developed in the biosolid cake annually producing 450,000 stable flies and 175,000 house flies. Stable fly emergence was seasonally bimodal with a primary peak in mid-July and a secondary peak in late August. House fly emergence peaked with the first stable fly emergence peak and then declined gradually for the remainder of the year. House flies tended to emerge from the biosolid cake sooner after its deposition than did stable flies. In addition, house fly emergence was concentrated around midsummer whereas stable fly emergence began earlier in the spring and continued later into the fall. Biosolid age and temperature were the most important parameters affecting emergence for house flies and stable flies, whereas precipitation was not important for either species. This study highlights the importance of biosolid cake as a larval developmental habitat for stable flies and house flies.  相似文献   

Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator with juvenile hormone-like activity that has potential uses for dipterans that are difficult to manage with conventional insecticides, such as house flies (Musca domestica L.). The objectives of this study were to determine the efficacy of this insect growth regulator against house flies using variety of delivery systems and target life stages, including an evaluation of the potential for autodissemination by female flies to larval development sites. Adult female house flies exposed to filter paper (3.75% active ingredient) or sugar treated with pyriproxyfen (0.01-0.1%) produced significantly fewer F1 pupae than untreated flies. Adult emergence from pupae was unaffected. In contrast, treatment of larval rearing medium with 0.35 ml/cm2 of a 12 mg pyriproxyfen/liter preparation had no effect on the number of pupae developing from eggs but markedly inhibited adult emergence from those pupae. There was little difference in susceptibility between an insecticide-susceptible and a wild strain of house fly. The LC50 for inhibiting fly emergence of dust formulations in diatomaceous earth incorporating commercial pyriproxyfen products ranged from 8 to 26 mg/liter, with little difference among products. Compared with untreated flies, significantly fewer pupae were produced at concentrations > 0.5% and no adults were produced at concentrations > 0.05% pyriproxyfen. When gravid females were exposed for 1 h to treated fabric (6 mg pyriproxyfen/cm2) and allowed to oviposit in rearing media containing eggs, sufficient pyriproxyfen was autodisseminated to reduce adult emergence from those eggs by > 99%. Intermittent contact with treated fabric over 2 d reduced adult emergence by 63-76%.  相似文献   

A granular formulation of novaluron (Novaluron 0.2G, 0.2% [AI]), a newer benzoylphenyl urea insecticide, was evaluated for its efficacy in controlling the larval stage of horn flies, Haematobia irritans (L.); house flies, Musca domestica L.; and stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), in cow manure. Various rates and insecticide placement locations (top, middle, and bottom of manure) were evaluated in this study and all combinations of these variables reduced adult emergence of all three species when compared with the untreated controls. The presence of deformed pupae indicated that novaluron had an insect growth regulator effect on the developing fly larvae. Top, middle, or bottom application rates of 0.125, 0.195, 0.25, and 0.375 g novaluron onto manure samples, reduced adult horn fly emergence by > 90%. Middle and bottom application rates of 0.195, 0.25, and 0.375 g novaluron reduced adult house fly emergence >93%. All rates and placement combinations resulted in >98% reduction of adult stable fly emergence. The level of control efficacy observed against these three fly species along with the ease of use of a granular formulation, make this product an ideal candidate for use in an integrated livestock pest management program.  相似文献   

The effect of Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) on selected fitness parameters of stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), was examined in the laboratory. Virus-injected stable flies of both genders suffered substantially higher mortality than control flies. By day 9, female mortality was 59.3 +/- 10.1% in the virus group compared with 23.7 +/- 3.7% in the controls; mortality in virus-injected males was 78.1 +/- 3.1% compared with 33.3 +/- 9.3% for controls. Fecundity of control flies on days 6-9 was 49-54 eggs deposited per live female per day (total, 8,996 eggs deposited), whereas virus-injected flies produced four to five eggs per female on days 6-7 and less then one egg per female per day thereafter (total, 251 eggs). Fecal spot deposition by virus-injected flies was comparable to controls initially but decreased to approximately 50% of control levels by day 4 after injection; infected flies produced only 26% as many fecal spots as healthy flies on days 6 and 7. None of the virus-injected stable flies developed symptoms of salivary gland hypertrophy. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction demonstrated virus replication in injected stable flies, with increasing titers of virus genome copies from one to four days after injection. MdSGHV in stable flies displayed tissue tropism similar to that observed in house fly hosts, with higher viral copy numbers in fat body and salivary glands compared with ovaries. Virus titers were approximately 2 orders of magnitude higher in house fly than in stable fly hosts, and this difference was probably due to the absence of salivary gland hypertrophy in the latter species.  相似文献   

Stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae), an economically important pest of livestock and humans, were observed parasitizing prefledged American white pelicans, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos (Pelecaniformes: Pelecanidae), in a pelican breeding colony in northeastern Montana where die-offs attributed to West Nile virus (family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, WNV) have occurred since 2002. Engorged and unengorged flies were collected off nine moribund chicks. Of 29 blood-engorged flies testing positive for vertebrate DNA, all 29 contained pelican DNA. Virus isolation was performed on 60 pools (1,176 flies) of unengorged flies using Vero cell plaque assay. Eighteen pools were positive for WNV for an estimated infection rate of 18.0 per 1,000 flies. Fifty-four percent (36/67) of abdomens from blood-engorged flies tested positive for WNV. Pelican viremia levels from the blood-engorged fly abdomens revealed that at least one of the ill pelicans circulated a viremia capable of infecting Culex mosquito vectors. Stable flies may be involved in WNV transmission within the pelican breeding colony by serving as either a mechanical vector or as a source for oral infection if ingested by predators.  相似文献   

A PCR based diagnostic method to detect salivary gland hypertrophy virus (SGHV) in tsetse flies is described. Two sets of primers GpSGHV1F/GpSGHV1R and GpSGHV2F/GpSGHV2R were selected from a virus-specific sequence. Both primer sets can detect specifically the virus in individual tsetse flies by generating an amplicon of 401 bp. Attempts were made to develop a simple and reliable non-destructive virus detection method in live flies. PCR reactions were performed on either crude or purified tsetse DNA from saliva and legs. While saliva can be an indicator for the presence of the virus in flies, the method is laborious. Crude extract from an excised middle leg resulted in a positive PCR reaction equivalent to crude extract from whole fly. However, sensitivity could be significantly increased when purified DNA was used as the template. In conclusion, PCR using a purified DNA template from a single tsetse leg represents an efficient, non-destructive method for virus diagnosis in live tsetse flies.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial gene diversity was used in house fly, Musca domestica L., populations to examine gene flow within and among 16 sealed barns in a large egg-laying facility in Renville, MN. Haplotypes in poultry barns were compared with those in outdoor house fly populations nearby and in St. Paul, MN. Haplotype diversities were greater in the closed than in the open populations. There was significant gene flow among poultry barns, and export of flies from barns was observed. Nevertheless, of three haplotypes detected in the closed populations, one was undetected in the open populations. A significant change in haplotype frequencies within poultry barns between years is attributed to genetic drift. The geographical origin of one haplotype is obscure.  相似文献   

Avian influenza caused by avian influenza virus (AIV) has a negative impact on poultry production. Low-pathogenic AIV (LPAIV) is naturally present in wild birds, and the introduction of the virus into domestic poultry is assumed to occur through contact with wild birds and by human activity, including the movement of live and dead poultry, and fomites such as clothing and vehicles. At present, the possible role of insects in the spread of AIV is dubious. The objective of the present work was to investigate the potential transmission of LPAIV by persistence of the virus in the alimentary tract of house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). Flies were fed three virus concentrations of two AIV strains and then incubated at different temperatures for up to 24 h. The persistence of the two virus strains in the flies declined with increasing incubation temperatures and incubation periods. Similarly, increased virus uptake by the flies increased the persistence of virus. Persistence of infective AIV in flies differed significantly between the two virus strains. The laboratory experiments of the present study indicate that the house fly can be a potential carrier of AIV.  相似文献   

The house fly (Musca domestica L.) may transmit Campylobacter to broiler flocks. We assessed the retention time of house flies for Campylobacter jejuni at five temperatures and three doses. Flies were inoculated individually at their proboscis with 1.6 x 10(7) CFU (colony forming units) of C. jejuni and incubated at 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 degrees C. Furthermore, a dose experiment was conducted at 25 degrees C where individual flies were inoculated in three series: 6.5 x 10(6), 6.0 x 10(4), and 8.2 x 10(2) C.jejuni CFU. Whole flies were tested for C. jejuni carriage at 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h by initial preenrichment in Bolton broth, which afterwards was streaked on modified mCCDA agar plates and incubated under micro-aerobic conditions. The results showed that the time C. jejuni remained in flies declined over time with ascending temperatures and when reducing the inoculation dose. All flies stayed Campylobacter positive 24 h postinoculation at 15 degrees C whereas only one-third of the flies were positive at 20 degrees C and few to none at 25, 30, and 35 degrees C. When combinations of temperature and retention time were expressed as accumulated day-degrees, data could be adequately fitted using a generalized linear mixed model that included a linear effect of day-degrees and the difference between the lowest and the two highest doses. Based on model predictions of selected combinations of temperature and dose, the time for 50% and 1% of flies containing Campylobacter was calculated. It is suggested that house flies are mainly short distance carriers of C. jejuni.  相似文献   

A colony of horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.), was established from field-collected, resistant flies. Changes in resistance levels were monitored under a regimen with and without insecticide pressure. The colony remained closed with no introduction of susceptible flies. In the absence of permethrin pressure, resistance levels dropped to 2.5 times from an initial level of 17 times at LC50 and remained at that level from generation 12 through 33. In the presence of various insecticide pressure regimens, resistance increased to 500 times at LC90 by generation 86. In a separate study, susceptible colony flies were subjected to permethrin pressure, with first resistance evident in generation 16 and increasing to greater than 100 times at LC90 in generation 88.  相似文献   

The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae), is an economically important pest of livestock. Previous studies demonstrated lymphocyte suppression by crude salivary gland extract (SGE) of the stable fly. A dominant 27-kDa protein identified in the SGE was reported to stimulate immunodominant antibody responses in exposed cattle. The purpose of this study was to determine whether this protein, now identified as ahomolog of insect proteins named antigen 5 (Ag5), was responsible for the lymphocyte suppression and whether naive calves can mount an immune response to it. Calves raised in the winter were immunized with recombinant Ag5 (rAg5) expressed in Drosophila S2 cells or with "natural" Ag5 protein isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis of SGE. Control calves were immunized with adjuvant alone. Rising antibody concentrations to rAg5 were detected in two of three calves immunized with rAg5 and one of three calves immunized with natural Ag5. Recall lymphocyte responses to rAg5 were detected at 21 and 28 d postimmunization in calves immunized with rAg5 but not in calves immunized with the natural Ag5 or those exposed to adjuvant alone. Mitogen-stimulated bovine lymphocyte responses were not suppressed by rAg5. Further investigation using immunoblotting revealed that rAg5 binds to the Fc and F (ab')2 portions of bovine IgG, but not to an Fab fragment. These findings suggest that Ag5 of the stable fly salivary gland is not immunosuppressive but that it has immunoglobulin binding properties and can invoke specific antibody and memory lymphocyte responses in immunized calves.  相似文献   

Stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), are among the most damaging arthropod pests of cattle worldwide. The last estimate of their economic impact on United States cattle production was published 20 yr ago and placed losses at $608 million. Subsequently, several studies of effects of stable flies on beef cattle weight gain and feed efficiency have been published, and stable flies have become increasingly recognized as pests of cattle on pasture and range. We analyzed published studies and developed yield-loss functions to relate stable fly infestation levels to cattle productivity, and then estimated the economic impact of stable flies on cattle production in the United States. Four industry sectors were considered: dairy, cow-calf, pastured stockers, and feeder cattle. In studies reporting stable fly infestation levels of individual herds, median annual per animal production losses were estimated to be 139 kg of milk for dairy cows, and 6, 26, and 9 kg body weight for preweanling calves, pastured stockers, and feeder cattle, respectively. The 200,000 stable flies emerging from an average sized winter hay feeding site reduce annual milk production of 50 dairy cows by an estimated 890 kg and weight gain of 50 preweanling calves, stockers, or feeder cattle by 58, 680, or 84 kg. In 2009 dollars, the value of these losses would be $254, $132, $1,279, or $154, respectively. Using cattle inventories and average prices for 2005-2009, and median monthly infestation levels, national losses are estimated to be $360 million for dairy cattle, $358 million for cow-calf herds, $1,268 million for pastured cattle, and $226 million for cattle on feed, for a total impact to U.S. cattle industries of $2,211 million per year. Excluded from these estimates are effects of stable flies on feed conversion efficiency, animal breeding success, and effects of infested cattle on pasture and water quality. Additional research on the effects of stable flies on high-production dairy cows and nursing beef calves is needed to increase the reliability of the estimates.  相似文献   

A solar-charged, battery-powered, electrocuting grid was combined with a white plywood base to make a portable, pulsed-current, pest-electrocuting device that attracted and killed stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), outdoors. The grid was powered once every 1-2 s by a 0.016-s pulse of 60-Hz alternating current of 4 mA and 9,500 V. Power was turned off at night by a photoresistor. The trap functioned continuously for 14 d with an unrecharged 12-V, 18A/h lawn-tractor battery and killed as many as 4,000 flies per day. Solar cells were used to charge a single 12-V battery continuously that operated 12 grids for a period of 90 d. The grid did not short circuit for any length of time even during heavy rainstorms or when large insects were killed. The incorporation of moiré patterns and the utilization of the correct size, orientation, and placement of wires made the electrocuting grid itself attractive to stable flies. The traps were spaced at distances of up to 120 m from the battery and pulse circuit. The electrocuting traps were more effective than sticky traps and avoided the problems associated with chemicals. They are well suited for use around calf pens, dog kennels, or large animal shelters.  相似文献   

The effect of salivary gland extract of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L), on bovine lymphocyte proliferation was determined, and antibody reactivity to salivary gland proteins was characterized in cattle exposed to stable flies. Salivary glands were dissected from male and female flies (4-8 d after eclosion), and protein extracts were made by freeze-thaw cycles. Salivary gland extract (SGE, 1 and 5 microg) significantly inhibited mitogen-driven proliferation of bovine lymphocytes, compared with 1 and 5 microg of identically prepared midgut extract (ANOVA, P < 0.05). Phytohemagglutinin A (PHA) stimulated lymphocyte responses were suppressed by 61.7 and 79.5% (mean values) with 1 and 5 microg of SCE, whereas concanvalin A (Con A) stimulated responses were suppressed by 62.9 and 77.1% (1 and 5 microg). In contrast, midgut extract (1 and 5 microg) minimally suppressed PHA (12.7% +/- 12.6 and 18.7% +/- 15.5) and Con A-driven responses (13.8% +/- 20.5 and 24.6% +/- 14.9), respectively. Viability studies using propidium iodide and flow cytometry demonstrated that SGE was not cytotoxic. Two-color immunofluorescence studies identified T and B lymphocytes as the nonviable cells in the cultures. Western blot analysis of serum collected from five dairy cows during periods of low and high fly exposure identified an immunodominant 27 kDa protein among the salivary gland proteins. These results indicate that exposure of cattle to stable fly saliva during blood feeding results in an antibody response to salivary proteins and that the saliva has a potential to modulate T lymphocyte function.  相似文献   

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