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转基因食品检测技术与安全性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴家林 《职业与健康》2003,19(10):12-14
转基因食品是按卫生部《转基因食品卫生管理办法》给出的定义[1] ,指利用基因工程技术改变基因组构成的动物、植物和微生物生产的食品和食品添加剂。从目前来看 ,转基因微生物主要用来生产食品用酶 ,而直接用作食品的转基因微生物如发酵食品则市面上还未见 ;转基因动物因研究费用较高 ,未直接用于食品 ,主要用于医药方面的研究 ,目前市面上主要的转基因食品是转基因植物及其加工品。1 转基因食品及其安全性的研究现状1 1 转基因植物食品的研究现状 截至 2 0 0 0年底 ,全球转基因作物品种达到 10 0多种 ,,由转基因作物生产加工的转基因食…  相似文献   

对转基因食品安全性的争议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着生物工程技术的突飞猛进 ,象征第二次“绿色革命”的转基因食品 ,正在悄悄走来 ,有的可能已经静躺在我们面前的货架上 ,等待您的挑选……。是吃耶 ,是不能吃 ?一时成了人们的热门话题 ,也引起了近一年多来 ,全球生物学界的热烈争论。为此 ,由我刊发起 ,上海市预防医学会会同上海市疾病预防控制中心联合召开了“转基因食品学术研讨会” ,现将部分专家的发言发表如下 ,以供读者参考 ,并欢迎读者把希望和建议书面告诉我们。  相似文献   

转基因食品安全性检测与评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着转基因生物技术越来越广泛的应用,转基因食品生产的增加,近年来,在全球范围内转基因生物食品的安全性问题已成为人们关注的焦点。为此,从转基因食品的安全性问题,检测技术研究进展,综合评价问题以及未来发展前景等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

转基因食品(Genetically Modifled Food GMF)是指利用基因工程技术改变基因组成构成的动物、植物和微生物生产的食品和食品添加剂。转基因食品代表了当今高新农业技术的发展方向,有着非常巨大、潜在效益和市场。转基因食品生产的原料和工艺与传统的食品生产最大的差别是实现了基因在动物、植物、微生物之间的转移,或将人工合成的基因导人生物体内。由于可利用及可改造的基因的来源和范围非常广泛,  相似文献   

转基因食品检测技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1转基因食品概述 在我国,卫生部发布的《转基因食品卫生管理办法》中对转基因食品的解释为:利用基因工程技术改变基因组构成的动物、植物和微生物的食品和食品添加剂。美国食品药品管理局(FAD)使用生物工程食品(Bioengineered food)一词,欧洲使用“新型食品(Novel foods)”一词,把转基因食品包括在内。由于转基因动物的技术难度大,真正批准上市的还没有。转基因微生物虽然在生物酶制剂的生产方面应用广泛,但并没有完全走向人们的餐桌,所以目前人们所食用的转基因食品多指转基因作物转化或加工而来的食品。  相似文献   

转基因食品安全性的争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新技术的应用,总会有许多显而易见的利益,也有不少潜在的风险。在全球范围内,公众对转基因食品的反应在不同的国家和地区有所不同。  相似文献   

浅谈转基因食品的安全性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国际间贸易往来及新型食品的飞速发展,国内外各类食品安全事件接连不断,转基因食品的安全性问题也成为当今各国政府、消费者和科技界广为关注的焦点问题之一,成为了国家公共安全体系中的一个重要组成部分。本文就转基因食品对人类健康及生态环境可能存在的潜在危害进行了分析,并就有关转基因食品的安全性争论进行了讨论。  相似文献   

转基因食品检测方法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
转基因食品 (geneticallymodifiedfoods ,GMF) ,是由细胞DNA中经非生殖方法插入了特定外源基因或基因片段 ,并获得某种良好性状的动、植物或微生物制成的食品。目前主要为转基因植物源食品。随着GMF作物在世界范围内种值面积日益扩大 ,以及全球经济一体化进程加速 ,日益多样化的GMF必将走上人们的餐桌。转基因技术为提高粮食产量 ,减少环境污染 ,改善食品品质 ,以及制造廉价药物方面提供了一种操作性强的手段 ,有利于解决世界人口增加与粮食短缺的矛盾 ,满足人们提高生活质量的要求[1-3 ] 。但转基因也…  相似文献   

酶联免疫吸附分析法在食品检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活水平的不断提高 ,人们越来越关注食品中各种有害物质对健康的影响 ,对食品中各种有害物质的监测显得越来越重要。检测食品中有害物质的方法很多 ,大多数需要昂贵的仪器设备 ,且操作繁琐 ,成本较高。酶联免疫吸附分析法 (enzym e- linked im munosorbent assay,EL ISA) ,因其具有操作简便、快速准确等优点 ,得到人们的青睐 ,展示出了很好的应用前景 ,本文就该技术在食品检测中的应用作一介绍。1  ELISA在食品检测中的应用1.1 食品中的农药残留食品中高农药残留不仅是化学性食物中毒的主要元凶 ,更能造成人体远期危害 ,监测食品…  相似文献   

转基因食品安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

食品安全风险分析评估体系建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
接连发生的食品安全事件向各级政府敲响了警钟,使人们认识到解决食品安全问题,已不但是某个企业诚信自律问题或政府监管问题,更是一个建立食品安全预防机制,对食品安全风险及其危害程度进行科学研究与评估的系统工程问题。风险分析是当今食品安全管理最显著的进展之一,是国际社会目前普遍遵循的原则之一,《食品安全法》也已  相似文献   

Assessment of knowledge and cognitive skills has been traditionally included in examinations for certification and licensure of health professionals. Evaluation techniques for assessing complex cognitive and interpersonal skills, however, have not been as widely developed or incorporated in national examination programs. Specifically, the evaluation of interviewing and counseling skills has been complicated by difficulties in: (a) defining what consititutes skillful interviewing and counseling and in specifying criteria against which performance can be assessed; (b) developing evaluation procedures to permit accurate and reliable observations of these activities; (c) solving logistic problems of standardizing the content and format of these evaluation procedures; and (d) establishing standards for identifying individuals who have not yet achieved acceptable levels of proficiency. Progress has been made in defining the criteria for evaluating the interviewing and counseling skills of several categories of health professionals. Definitions can be developed to identify specific behaviors associated with acceptable and unacceptable skills in this area of professional competence. On the basis of these definitions, interaction analysis techniques have been developed for accurate and reliable recording of behavior as it occurs in an interviewing and counseling session. Moreover, the use of actors programmed to portray the roles of patients has enabled the standardization of this evaluation procedure so that examinees can be assessed on the basis of equivalent testing conditions. A number of research studies are under way to determine whether paper-and-pencil, as well as audiovisual, simulations can be substituted for evaluation in a live, interactive setting. However, little has yet been done to identify appropriate procedures for establishing standards of proficiency. Perhaps such efforts will be more feasible when appropriate evaluation techniques are more fully developed. Of relevance in determining whether the evaluation of counseling and interviewing skills is pertinent to dietetics are questions such as: How frequently do dietitians interact with patients? In what settings and for what purposes do these interactions take place? What impact do dietitian-patient interactions have on the quality of the health care provided?  相似文献   

转基因鱼的食用安全性评价及其分子生物学基础   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张希春  杨晓光 《卫生研究》2004,33(2):233-236
我国的鱼类基因转移育种研究位于世界领先地位 ,但转基因鱼的安全性及其评价方法的研究才刚刚开始。转基因鱼与植物或陆生动物相比 ,游动性大 ,不易跟踪观察 ,同时 ,鱼类怀卵量大 ,生殖周期短 ,繁殖个体众多 ,因此可能引发的生态安全问题更为严重。由基因操作过程可能引发的的安全性危险是转基因鱼安全性研究的另一主要问题 ,主要是嵌合型整合及其导致的遗传稳定性和整合位点效应问题。转基因鱼不育系的培育和外源基因的定点整合是解决这两个问题的主要方法 ,同时也是转基因鱼食用安全性评价和检测的基础。目前还未见转基因鱼营养学评价、过敏性评价及模式蛋白建立的报道 ;其次 ,在转基因鱼的研究中对外源基因整合及表达水平的检测虽然一直都在进行 ,但以食品安全为目标的检测的基础研究还没有进行。转基因鱼食品安全性评价和检出方法的基础研究势在必行  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to design and develop food safety knowledge and attitude scales based on food-handling guidelines developed by a national panel of food safety experts. DESIGN: Knowledge (n=43) and attitude (n=49) questions were developed and pilot-tested with a variety of consumer groups. Final questions were selected based on item analysis and on validity and reliability statistical tests. SUBJECTS/SETTING: Knowledge questions were tested in Washington State with participants in low-income nutrition education programs (pretest/posttest n=58, test/retest n=19) and college students (pretest/posttest n=34). Attitude questions were tested in Ohio with nutrition education program participants (n=30) and college students (non-nutrition majors n=138, nutrition majors n=57). STATISTICAL ANALYSES PERFORMED: Item analysis, paired sample t tests, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and Cronbach's alpha were used. RESULTS: Reliability and validity tests of individual items and the question sets were used to reduce the scales to 18 knowledge questions and 10 attitude questions. The knowledge and attitude scales covered topics ranked as important by a national panel of experts and met most validity and reliability standards. The 18-item knowledge questionnaire had instructional sensitivity (mean score increase of more than three points after instruction), internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha >.75), and produced similar results in test-retest without intervention (coefficient of stability=.81). Knowledge of correct procedures for hand washing and avoiding cross-contamination was widespread before instruction. Knowledge was limited regarding avoiding food preparation while ill, cooking hamburgers, high-risk foods, and whether cooked rice and potatoes could be stored at room temperature. The 10-item attitude scale had an appropriate range of responses (item difficulty) and produced similar results in test-retest ( P 相似文献   

国内外新资源食品管理法规和安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新资源食品作为无安全食用历史或仅在局部地区有食用历史的非传统食品,由于对其安全性认识不足,为保证消费者健康,加强新食品的管理,欧盟、加拿大、澳大利亚等包括我国在内的一些国家都制定了相应的新资源食品管理法规,对新资源食品实行上市前的安全性评价和审批。  相似文献   

Food establishments are complex systems with inputs, subsystems, underlying forces that affect the system, outputs, and feedback. Building on past exploration of the hazard analysis critical control point concept and Ludwig von Bertalanffy General Systems Theory, the National Park Service (NPS) is attempting to translate these ideas into a realistic field assessment of food service establishments and to use information gathered by these methods in efforts to improve food safety. Over the course of the last two years, an experimental systems-based methodology has been drafted, developed, and tested by the NPS Public Heatlh Program. This methodology is dscribed in this paper.  相似文献   

Food safety levels in school food services are an important concern, given that any incident can affect a high number of students. The purpose of this research was to evaluate food handlers' knowledge and self-reported behaviour as regards the safe handling of food in school canteens. The study was conducted in 32 school canteens and included 124 participants. Food handlers displayed a reasonable level of knowledge, particularly regarding personal hygiene and cross-contamination, but fared worse in other areas. The level of knowledge displayed was influenced by age, motivation and training. A high correctness in handlers' self-reported behaviour towards food safety was observed, with a negative trend appearing when workload was increased. Our assessment of prevailing knowledge levels indicates that food professionals need to be made significantly more aware of the importance their actions can have on children's health.  相似文献   

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