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Geniculate ganglion (GG) cell bodies of chorda tympani (CT), greater superficial petrosal (GSP), and posterior auricular (PA) nerves transmit orofacial sensory information to the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract (rNST). We used whole cell recording to study the characteristics of the Ca(2+) channels in isolated Fluorogold-labeled GG neurons that innervate different peripheral receptive fields. PA neurons were significantly larger than CT and GSP neurons, and CT neurons could be further subdivided based on soma diameter. Although all GG neurons possess both low voltage-activated (LVA) "T-type" and high voltage-activated (HVA) Ca(2+) currents, CT, GSP, and PA neurons have distinctly different Ca(2+) current expression patterns. Of GG neurons that express T-type currents, the CT and GSP neurons had moderate and PA neurons had larger amplitude T-type currents. HVA Ca(2+) currents in the GG neurons were separated into several groups using specific Ca(2+) channel blockers. Sequential applications of L, N, and P/Q-type channel antagonists inhibited portions of Ca(2+) current in all CT, GSP, and PA neurons to a different extent in each neuron group. No difference was observed in the percentage of L- and N-type Ca(2+) currents reduced by the antagonists in CT, GSP, and PA neurons. Action potentials in GG neurons are followed by a Ca(2+) current initiated after depolarization (ADP) that may influence intrinsic firing patterns. These results show that based on Ca(2+) channel expression the GG contains a heterogeneous population of sensory neurons possibly related to the type of sensory information they relay to the rNST.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent sodium (INa) and calcium (ICa) currents in small (<30 microM) neurons from adult rat trigeminal root ganglia were characterized with a standard whole cell patch-clamp technique. Two types of INa showing different sensitivity to tetrodotoxin (TTX) were recorded, which showed marked differences in their activating and inactivating time courses. The activation and the steady-state inactivation kinetics of TTX-resistant INa were more depolarized by about +20 and +30 mV, respectively, than those of TTX-sensitive INa. Voltage-dependent ICa was recorded under the condition that suppressed sodium and potassium currents with 10 mM Ca2+ as a charge carrier. Depolarizing step pulses from a holding potential of -80 mV evoked two distinct inward ICa, low-voltage activated (LVA) and high-voltage activated (HVA) ICa. LVA ICa was first observed at -60 to -50 mV and reached a peak at about -30 mV. Amiloride (0.5 mM) suppressed approximately 60% of the LVA ICa, whereas approximately 10% of HVA ICa was inhibited by the same concentration of the amiloride. LVA ICa was far less affected by the presence of external Cd2+ or the replacement of Ca2+ by 10 Ba2+ than HVA ICa. The omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-CgTx), an N-type ICa blocker, suppressed approximately 65% of the whole cell HVA ICa at the concentration of 1 microM. The omega-CgTx-resistant HVA ICa was sensitive to nifedipine (10 microM), a dihydropyridine (DHP) calcium channel antagonist, which produced an additional blockade by approximately 25% of the drug-free control ( approximately 70% of the omega-CgTx-resistant ICa). The combination of 10 microM nifedipine and 1 microM omega-CgTx left approximately 13% of the drug-free control ICa unblocked. The DHP agonist S(-)-BayK8644 (5 microM) shifted the activation of the HVA ICa to more negative potentials and increased its maximal amplitude. Additionally, S(-)-BayK8644 caused the appearance of a slowed component of the tail current. These results clearly demonstrate that the presence of two types of sodium channels, TTX sensitive and resistant, and three types of calcium channels, T, L, and N type, in the small-sized adult rat trigeminal ganglion neurons.  相似文献   

Capsaicin, the pungent ingredient in hot pepper, activates nociceptors to produce pain and inflammation. However, repeated exposures of capsaicin will cause desensitization to nociceptive stimuli. In cultured trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons, we investigated mechanisms underlying capsaicin-mediated inhibition of action potentials (APs) and modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs). Capsaicin (1 microM) inhibited APs and VGSCs only in capsaicin-sensitive neurons. Repeated applications of capsaicin produced depolarizing potentials but failed to evoke APs. The capsaicin-induced inhibition of VGSCs was prevented by preexposing the capsaicin receptor antagonist, capsazepine (CPZ). The magnitude of the capsaicin-induced inhibition of VGSCs was dose dependent, having a K(1/2) = 0.45 microM. The magnitude of the inhibition of VGSCs was proportional to the capsaicin induced current (for -I(CAP) < 0.2 nA). Capsaicin inhibited activation of VGSCs without changing the voltage dependence of activation or markedly changing channel inactivation and use-dependent block. To explore the changes leading to this inhibition, it was found that capsaicin increased cAMP with a K(1/2) = 0.18 microM. At 1 microM capsaicin, this cAMP generation was inhibited 64% by10 microM CPZ, suggesting that activation of capsaicin receptors increased cAMP. The addition of 100 microM CPT-cAMP increased the capsaicin-activated currents but inhibited the VGSCs in both capsaicin-sensitive and -insensitive neurons. In summary, the inhibitory effects of capsaicin on VGSCs and the generation of APs are mediated by activation of capsaicin receptors. The capsaicin-induced activation of second messengers, such as cAMP, play a part in this modulation. These data distinguish two pathways by which neuronal sensitivity can be diminished by capsaicin: by modulation of the capsaicin receptor sensitivity, since the block of VGSCs is proportional to the magnitude of the capsaicin-evoked currents, and by modulation of VGSCs through second messengers elevated by capsaicin receptor activation. These mechanisms are likely to be important in understanding the analgesic effects of capsaicin.  相似文献   

Modulation of IA currents by capsaicin in rat trigeminal ganglion neurons   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When capsaicin, the pungent compound in hot pepper, is applied to epithelia it produces pain, allodynia, and hyperalgesia. We investigated, using whole cell path clamp, whether some of these responses induced by capsaicin could be a consequence of capsaicin blocking I(A) currents, a reduction in which, such as occurs in injury, increases neuronal excitability. In capsaicin-sensitive (CS) rat trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons, capsaicin inhibited I(A) currents in a dose-dependent manner. I(A) currents were reduced 49% by 1 microM capsaicin. In capsaicin-insensitive (CIS) rat TG neurons, or small-diameter mouse VR1-/- neurons, 1 microM capsaicin inhibited I(A) currents 9 and 3%, respectively. These data suggest that in CS neurons the vast majority of the capsaicin-induced inhibition of I(A) currents occurs as a consequence of the activation of vanilloid receptors. Capsaicin (1 microM) did not alter the I(A) conductance-voltage relationship but shifted the inactivation-voltage curve about 15 mV to hyperpolarizing voltages, thereby increasing the number of inactivated I(A) channels at the resting potential. I(A) currents were relatively unaffected by 1 mM CTP-cAMP or 500 nM phorbol-12, 13-dibuterate (a protein kinase C agonist) but were inhibited by 20-30% with either 1 mM CTP-cGMP or 25 microM N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-napthalenesulfonamide HCl (a calcium-calmodulin kinase inhibitor). In the presence of 0.5 microM KT5823, an inhibitor of protein kinase G (PKG) pathways, 1 microM capsaicin inhibited I(A) by only 26%. In summary, in CS neurons, capsaicin decreases I(A) currents through the activation of vanilloid receptors. That activation, partially through the activation of cGMP-PKG and calmodulin-dependent pathways should result in increased excitability of capsaicin-sensitive nociceptors.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent K+ currents in rat cardiac dorsal root ganglion neurons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have assessed the expression and kinetics of voltage-gated K(+) currents in cardiac dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in rats. The neurons were labelled by prior injection of a fluorescent tracer into the pericardial sack. Ninety-nine neurons were labelled: 24% small (diameter<30 microm), 66% medium-sized (diameter 30 microm>.48 microm) and 10% large (>48 microm) neurons. Current recordings were performed in small and medium-sized neurons. The kinetic and pharmacological properties of K(+) currents recorded in these two groups of neurons were identical and the results obtained from these neurons were pooled. Three types of K(+) currents were identified:a) I(As), slowly activating and slowly time-dependently inactivating current, with V(1/2) of activation -18 mV and current density at +30 mV equal to 164 pA/pF, V(1/2) of inactivation at -84 mV. b) I(Af) current, fast activating and fast time-dependently inactivating current, with V(1/2) of activation at two mV and current density at +30 mV equal to 180 pA/pF, V(1/2) of inactivation at -26 mV. At resting membrane potential I(As) was inactivated, whilst I(Af), available for activation. The I(As) currents recovered faster from inactivation than I(Af) current. 4-Aminopiridyne (4-AP) (10 mM) and tetraethylammonium (TEA) (100 mM) produced 98% and 92% reductions of I(Af) current, respectively and 27% and 66% of I(As) current, respectively. c) The I(K) current that did not inactivate over time. Its V(1/2) of activation was -11 mV and its current density equaled 67 pA/pF. This current was inhibited by 95% (100 mM) TEA, whilst 4-AP (10 mM) produced its 23% reduction. All three K(+) current components (I(As), I(Af) and I(K)) were present in every small and medium-sized cardiac DRG neuron.We suggest that at hyperpolarized membrane potentials the fast reactivating I(As) current limits the action potential firing rate of cardiac DRG neurons. At depolarised membrane potentials the I(Af) K(+) current, the reactivation of which is very slow, does not oppose the firing rate of cardiac DRG neurons.  相似文献   

In humans, temperature influences taste intensity and quality perception, and thermal stimulation itself may elicit taste sensations. However, peripheral coding mechanisms of taste have generally been examined independently of the influence of temperature. In anesthetized rats, we characterized the single-cell responses of geniculate ganglion neurons to 0.5 M sucrose, 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M citric acid, and 0.02 M quinine hydrochloride at a steady, baseline temperature (adapted) of 10, 25, and 40 degrees C; gradual cooling and warming (1 degrees C/s change in water temperature >5 s) from an adapted tongue temperature of 25 degrees C; gradual cooling from an adapted temperature of 40 degrees C; and gradual warming from an adapted temperature of 10 degrees C. Hierarchical cluster analysis of the taste responses at 25 degrees C divided 50 neurons into two major categories of narrowly tuned (Sucrose-specialists, NaCl-specialists) and broadly tuned (NaCl-generalists(I), NaCl- generalists(II), Acid-generalists, and QHCl-generalists) groups. NaCl specialists were excited by cooling from 25 to 10 degrees C and inhibited by warming from 10 to 25 degrees C. Acid-generalists were excited by cooling from 40 to 25 degrees C but not from 25 to 10 degrees C. In general, the taste responses of broadly tuned neurons decreased systematically to all stimuli with decreasing adapted temperatures. The response selectivity of Sucrose-specialists for sucrose and NaCl-specialists for NaCl was unaffected by adapted temperature. However, Sucrose-specialists were unresponsive to sucrose at 10 degrees C, whereas NaCl-specialists responded equally to NaCl at all adapted temperatures. In conclusion, we have shown that temperature modulates taste responsiveness and is itself a stimulus for activation in specific types of peripheral gustatory neurons.  相似文献   

The dihydropyridines nifedipine, nimodipine and Bay K 8644 are widely used as pharmacological tools to assess the contribution of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to a variety of neuronal processes including synaptic transmission, excitability and second messenger signaling. These compounds are still used in neuronal preparations despite evidence from cardiac tissue and heterologous expression systems that they block several voltage-dependent K+ (Kv) channels. Both because these compounds have been used to assess the relative contribution of L-type Ca2+ channels to several different processes in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and because a relatively wide variety of Kv channels present in other neuronal populations is present in DRG neurons, we determined the extent to which dihydropyridines block Kv currents in these neurons. Standard whole cell patch clamp techniques were used to study acutely disassociated adult rat DRG neurons. All three dihydropyridines tested blocked Kv currents in DRG neurons; IC50 values (concentration resulting in an inhibition that is 50% of maximum) for nifedipine and nimodipine-induced block of sustained Kv currents were 14.5 and 6.6 μM, respectively. The magnitude of sustained current block was 44±1.6%, 60±2%, and 56±2.9% with 10 μM nifedipine, nimodipine and Bay K 8644, respectively. Current block was occluded by neither 4-aminopyridine (5 mM) nor tetraethylammonium (135 mM). Dihydropyridine-induced block of Kv currents was not associated with a shift in the voltage-dependence of current activation or inactivation, the recovery from inactivation, or voltage dependent block. However, there was a small use-dependence to the dihydropyridine-induced block. Our results suggest that several types of Kv channels in DRG neurons are blocked by mechanisms distinct from those underlying block of Kv channels in cardiac myocytes. Importantly, our results suggest that if investigators wish to explore the contribution of L-type Ca2+ channels to neuronal function, they should consider alternative strategies for the manipulation of these channels than the use of dihydropyridines.  相似文献   

We used extracellular single-cell recording procedures to characterize the chemical and thermal sensitivity of the rat geniculate ganglion to lingual stimulation, and to examine the effects of specific ion transport antagonists on salt transduction mechanisms. Hierarchical cluster analysis of the responses from 73 single neurons to 3 salts (0.075 and 0.3 M NaCl, KCl, and NH(4) Cl), 0.5 M sucrose, 0.01 M HCl, and 0.02 M quinine HCl (QHCl) indicated 3 main groups that responded best to either sucrose, HCl, or NaCl. Eight narrowly tuned neurons were deemed sucrose-specialists and 33 broadly tuned neurons as HCl-generalists. The NaCl group contained three identifiable subclusters: 18 NaCl-specialists, 11 NaCl-generalists, and 3 QHCl-generalists. Sucrose- and NaCl-specialists responded specifically to sucrose and NaCl, respectively. All generalist neurons responded to salt, acid, and alkaloid stimuli to varying degree and order depending on neuron type. Response order was NaCl > HCl = QHCl > sucrose in NaCl-generalists, HCl > NaCl > QHCl > sucrose in HCl-generalists, and QHCl = NaCl = HCl > sucrose in QHCl-generalists. NaCl-specialists responded robustly to low and high NaCl concentrations, but weakly, if at all, to high KCl and NH(4) Cl concentrations after prolonged stimulation. HCl-generalist neurons responded to all three salts, but at twice the rate to NH(4) Cl than to NaCl and KCl. NaCl- and QHCl-generalists responded equally to the three salts. Amiloride and 5-(N,N-dimethyl)-amiloride (DMA), antagonists of Na(+) channels and Na(+)/H(+) exchangers, respectively, inhibited the responses to 0.075 M NaCl only in NaCl-specialist neurons. The K(+) channel antagonist, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), was without a suppressive effect on salt responses, but, when applied alone in solution, it evoked a response in many HCl-generalists and one QHCl-generalist neuron so tested. Of the 39 neurons tested for their sensitivity to temperature, 23 responded to cooling and chemical stimulation, and 20 of these neurons were HCl-generalists. Moreover, the responses to the four standard stimuli were reduced progressively at lower temperatures in HCl- and QHCl-generalist neurons, but not in NaCl-specialists. Thus sodium channels and Na(+)/H(+) exchangers appear to be expressed exclusively on the membranes of receptor cells that synapse with NaCl-specialist neurons. In addition, cooling sensitivity and taste-temperature interactions appear to be prominent features of broadly tuned neuron groups, particularly HCl-generalists. Taken all together, it appears that lingual taste cells make specific connections with afferent fibers that allow gustatory stimuli to be parceled into different input pathways. In general, these neurons are organized physiologically into specialist and generalist types. The sucrose- and NaCl-specialists alone can provide sufficient information to distinguish sucrose and NaCl from other stimuli, respectively.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recording in the in vitro slice preparation and whole-cell, patch-clamp recording of acutely dissociated neurons from the rat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were combined to study the Ca currents underlying their electrical responses. In slices from young animals (postnatal days 13-16), we found that dorsal LGN neurons have responses similar to those of adult preparations, including the presence of a low-threshold Ca spike (LTS). After enzymatic isolation of LGN neurons from the same animals, the firing properties appeared well preserved, as indicated by whole-cell, current-clamp recordings from dissociated multipolar cells (presumably geniculocortical relay neurons). 2. Two types of Ca currents were identified in voltage-clamped, isolated LGN neurons on the basis of their voltage dependency, pharmacology, and selectivity properties. These two currents resemble the low-voltage-activated (LVA) and high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca channels found in rat sensory neurons (9). 3. The LVA current component required negative potentials (less than -80 mV) to deinactivate completely, started to activate around -60 mV and reached a plateau level around -25 mV. It peaked within 30-6 ms and decayed with a single time constant of approximately 24 ms at -20 mV. Its inactivation curve ranged from -100 to -40 mV, with a half-inactivation near -60 mV. The HVA current component could be isolated by holding the membrane potential positive to -60 mV, activated at potentials positive to -30 mV and peaked around +5 mV. The time-to-peak ranged from 30 to 6 ms in the voltage range from -30 to +35 mV and decayed very slowly with sustained depolarizing pulses (time constant ranged between 1,600 and 40 ms over the same voltage range). 4. The inactivation of LVA Ca current during depolarizing voltage steps was consistent with a voltage-dependent process. The recovery from inactivation after short (100 ms), inactivating prepulses displayed two exponential phases. The slower phase was predominant under conditions that induce large current flow through the membrane, suggesting a Ca-mediated mechanism. 5. The LVA current was preferentially blocked by 50 microM Ni2+, leaving the HVA currents almost unaltered. Fifty micromolars Cd2+, in contrast, seemed more effective in blocking the HVA component of the Ca current.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Potassium transmembrane currents induced by membrane depolarization have been studied on isolated dorsal root ganglion neruons of 5–10 day-old rats using the voltage-clamp technique. The neurons were intracellularly dialysed with solutions containing a fixed amount of K+ ions, and the correspondence between the reversal potentials of the measured currents and the theoretical potassium equilibrium potential was determined. Sodium and calcium transmembrane currents were eliminated by replacement of Na+ ions in the extracellular solution and by introduction of fluoride into the cell.In all cells studied, the total potassium current could be separated into two components—fast and slow (IKf and IKsby changing the holding potential level. IKfwas inactivated comparatively fast obeying first-order kinetics. The dependence h (V) for this current was S-shaped with meanV12 = ?75 mV. Therefore, this current could be almost completely switched off at holding potentials more positive than ?50 mV. On the contrary, the inactivation of IKs developed very slowly even at stronger depolarizing potential shifts. The mean activation time constants calculated on the basis of Hodgkin-Huxley model for potassium currents were 0.5 ms at zero testing potential for IKf and 40 ms at + 30 mV for IKs.The reversal potential for IKf determined from instantaneous current-voltage characteristics was close to the equilibrium potential for a potassium electrode. The reversal potential for IKs was shifted in the depolarizing direction by about 25 mV indicating lower selectivity of the corresponding channels.  相似文献   

Chronic compression (CCD) of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) is a model of human radicular pain produced by intraforaminal stenosis and other disorders affecting the DRG, spinal nerve, or root. Previously, we examined electrophysiological changes in small-diameter lumbar level 3 (L3) and L4 DRG neurons treated with CCD; the present study extends these observations to medium-sized DRG neurons, which mediate additional sensory modalities, both nociceptive and non-nociceptive. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from medium-sized somata in the intact DRG in vitro. Compared with neurons from unoperated control animals, CCD neurons exhibited a decrease in the current threshold for action potential generation. In the CCD group, current densities of TTX-resistant and TTX-sensitive Na(+) current were increased, whereas the density of delayed rectifier voltage-dependent K(+) current was decreased. No change was observed in the transient or "A" current after CCD. We conclude that CCD in the mouse produces hyperexcitability in medium-sized DRG neurons, and the hyperexcitability is associated with an increased density of Na(+) current and a decreased density of delayed rectifier voltage-dependent K(+) current.  相似文献   

Du Z  Meng Z 《Neuroscience letters》2006,405(1-2):147-152
This study addressed the effect of sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) derivatives on high-voltage-activated calcium currents (HVA-I(Ca)) in somatic membrane of freshly isolated rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons by using the whole-cell configuration of patch-clamp technique. High-threshold Ca(2+) channels are highly expressed in small dorsal root ganglion neurons. SO(2) derivatives increased the amplitudes of calcium currents in a concentration-dependent and voltage-dependent manner. The 50% enhancement concentrations (EC(50)) of SO(2) derivatives on HVA-I(Ca) was about 0.4 microM. In addition, SO(2) derivatives significantly shifted the activation and inactivation curve in the depolarizing direction. Parameters for the fit of a Boltzmann equation to mean values for the activation were V(1/2)=-17.9+/-1.3 mV before and -12.5+/-1.1 mV after application 0.5 microM SO(2) derivatives 2 min (P<0.05). The half inactivation of HVA-I(Ca) was shifted 9.7 mV to positive direction (P<0.05). Furthermore, SO(2) derivatives significantly prolonged the slow constant of inactivation, slowed the fast recovery but markedly accelerated the slow recovery of HVA-I(Ca) from inactivation. From HP of -60 mV 0.5 microM SO(2) derivatives increased the amplitude of HVA-I(Ca) with a depolarizing voltage step to -10 mV about 54.0% in small DRG neurons but 33.3% in large DRG neurons. These results indicated a possible correlation between the change of calcium channels and SO(2) inhalation toxicity, which might cause periphery neurons abnormal regulation of nociceptive transmission via calcium channels.  相似文献   

Geniculate ganglion neurons provide a major source of innervation to mammalian taste organs, including taste buds in the soft palate and in fungiform papillae on the anterior two thirds of the tongue. In and around the fungiform papillae, before taste buds form, neurotrophin mRNAs are expressed in selective spatial and temporal patterns. We hypothesized that neurotrophins would affect electrophysiological properties in embryonic geniculate neurons. Ganglia were explanted from rats at gestational day 16, when growing neurites have entered the papilla core, and maintained in culture with added brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 4 (NT4), nerve growth factor (NGF) or neurotrophin 3 (NT3). Neuron survival with BDNF or NT4 was about 80%, whereas with NGF or NT3 less than 15% of neurons survived over 6 days in culture. Whole cell recordings from neurons in ganglion explants with each neurotrophin condition demonstrated distinctive neurophysiological properties related to specific neurotrophins. Geniculate neurons cultured with either BDNF or NT4 had similar passive-membrane and action potential properties, but these characteristics were significantly different from those of neurons cultured with NGF or NT3. NGF-maintained neurons had features of increased excitability including a higher resting membrane potential and a lower current threshold for the action potential. About 70% of neurons produced repetitive action potentials at threshold. Furthermore, compared with neurons cultured with other neurotrophins, a decreased proportion had an inflection on the falling phase of the action potential. NT3-maintained neurons had action potentials that were of relatively large amplitude and short duration, with steep rising and falling slopes. In addition, about 20% responded with a repetitive train of action potentials at threshold. In contrast, with BDNF or NT4 repetitive action potential trains were not observed. The data demonstrate different neurophysiological properties in developing geniculate ganglion neurons maintained with specific neurotrophins. Therefore, we suggest that neurotrophins might influence acquisition of distinctive neurophysiological properties in embryonic geniculate neurons that are fundamental to the formation of peripheral taste circuits and a functioning taste system.  相似文献   

Neurons enzymatically isolated from the adult rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) were investigated using the whole-cell variant of the patch-clamp technique. Currentclamp studies revealed the following mean passive and active membrane properties: resting membrane potential, –54.9 mV; input resistance, 349 M; action potential (AP) threshold, –29.8 mV; AP overshoot, 53.3 mV; AP maximum rate of rise, 166.4 V/s; and AP duration, 3.2 ms. Chemosensitivity to acetylcholine remained intact following enzymatic dispersion. Voltage-clamp studies of a transient tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ current revealed activation and inactivation processes which could be fit to modified Boltzmann equations. Na+ current activation parameters for the half activation potential (Vh) and slope factor (K) were –23.3 mV and 5.3 mV, respectively. Inactivation parameters forVh andK were –59.3 mV and 7.6 mV, respectively. Voltage-clamp studies also revealed a high voltageactivated sustained inward current which was eliminated upon removal of external Ca2+, greatly reduced by 500 M Cd2+, and supported by Ba2+ or Sr2+. Tail current analysis of this Ca2+ current revealed a sigmoidal activation. A low voltage-activated transient Ca2+ current was not observed. We conclude that isolated SCG neurons retain the properties of neurons in intact ganglia and provide several advantages over conventional preparations for the study of voltagegated membrane currents.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory has indicated that TTX-sensitive sodium channels are involved in the hypoxia-induced inward current response of caudal hypothalamic neurons. Since this inward current underlies the depolarization and increased firing frequency observed in these cells during hypoxia, the present study utilized more detailed biophysical methods to specifically determine which sodium currents are responsible for this hypoxic activation. Caudal hypothalamic neurons from approximately 3-wk-old Sprague-Dawley rats were acutely dissociated and patch-clamped in the voltage-clamp mode to obtain recordings from fast-inactivating and persistent (noninactivating) whole cell sodium currents. Using computer-generated activation and inactivation voltage protocols, rapidly inactivating sodium currents were analyzed during normal conditions and during a brief (3-6 min) period of severe hypoxia. In addition, voltage-ramp and extended-voltage-activation protocols were used to analyze persistent sodium currents during normal conditions and during hypoxia. A polarographic oxygen electrode determined that the level of oxygen in this preparation quickly dropped to 10 Torr within 2 min of initiation of hypoxia and stabilized at <0.5 Torr within 4 min. During hypoxia, the peak fast-inactivating sodium current was significantly increased throughout the entire activation range, and both the activation and inactivation values (V(1/2)) were negatively shifted. Furthermore both the voltage-ramp and extended-activation protocols demonstrated a significant increase in the persistent sodium current during hypoxia when compared with normoxia. These results demonstrate that both rapidly inactivating and persistent sodium currents are significantly enhanced by a brief hypoxic stimulus. Furthermore the hypoxic-induced increase in these currents most likely is the primary mechanism for the depolarization and increased firing frequency observed in caudal hypothalamic neurons during hypoxia. Since these neurons are important in modulating cardiorespiratory activity, the oxygen responsiveness of these sodium currents may play a significant role in the centrally mediated cardiorespiratory response to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Wu FS  Lai CP  Liu BC 《Neuroscience letters》2000,278(1-2):37-40
The effect of progesterone on the serotonin type 3 (5-HT3) receptor-mediated response was studied in acutely dissociated rat nodose ganglion neurons by using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. Progesterone rapidly and reversibly inhibited 5-HT-induced currents in a dose-dependent manner, with an EC50 of 31 microM and a maximal inhibition of 75%. Neither the 5-HT response nor inhibition of the 5-HT response by extracellularly applied progesterone was significantly affected by inclusion of a saturating concentration of progesterone in the electrode buffer, arguing that progesterone acted at the extracellular surface of the membrane. Progesterone also inhibited the 5-HT response non-competitively by a voltage- and agonist-independent mechanism that was distinct from that of open-channel blockers.  相似文献   

Early onset cerebral hypoperfusion after birth is highly correlated with neurological injury in premature infants, but the relationship with the evolution of injury remains unclear. We studied changes in cerebral oxygenation, and cytochrome oxidase (CytOx) using near-infrared spectroscopy in preterm fetal sheep (103–104 days of gestation, term is 147 days) during recovery from a profound asphyxial insult ( n = 7) that we have shown produces severe subcortical injury, or sham asphyxia ( n = 7). From 1 h after asphyxia there was a significant secondary fall in carotid blood flow ( P < 0.001), and total cerebral blood volume, as reflected by total haemoglobin ( P < 0.005), which only partially recovered after 72 h. Intracerebral oxygenation (difference between oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin concentrations) fell transiently at 3 and 4 h after asphyxia ( P < 0.01), followed by a substantial increase to well over sham control levels ( P < 0.001). CytOx levels were normal in the first hour after occlusion, was greater than sham control values at 2–3 h ( P < 0.05), but then progressively fell, and became significantly suppressed from 10 h onward ( P < 0.01). In the early hours after reperfusion the fetal EEG was highly suppressed, with a superimposed mixture of fast and slow epileptiform transients; overt seizures developed from 8 ± 0.5 h. These data strongly indicate that severe asphyxia leads to delayed, evolving loss of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, accompanied by late seizures and relative luxury perfusion. In contrast, the combination of relative cerebral deoxygenation with evolving epileptiform transients in the early recovery phase raises the possibility that these early events accelerate or worsen the subsequent mitochondrial failure.  相似文献   

Following acute tissue injury action potentials may be initiated in afferent processes terminating in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord that are propagated back out to the periphery, a process referred to as a dorsal root reflex (DRR). The DRR is dependent on the activation of GABAA receptors. The prevailing hypothesis is that DRR is due to a depolarizing shift in the chloride equilibrium potential (ECl) following an injury-induced activation of the Na+–K+–Cl-cotransporter. Because inflammatory mediators (IM), such as prostaglandin E2 are also released in the spinal cord following tissue injury, as well as evidence that ECl is already depolarized in primary afferents, an alternative hypothesis is that an IM-induced increase in GABAA receptor mediated current (IGABA) could underlie the injury-induced increase in DRR. To test this hypothesis, we explored the impact of IM (prostaglandin E2 (1 μM), bradykinin (10 μM), and histamine (1 μM)) on IGABA in dissociated rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons with standard whole cell patch clamp techniques. IM potentiated IGABA in a subpopulation of medium to large diameter capsaicin insensitive DRG neurons. This effect was dependent on the concentration of GABA, manifest only at low concentrations (<10 μM). THIP evoked current were also potentiated by IM and GABA (1 μM) induced tonic currents enhanced by IM were resistant to gabazine (20 μM). The present data are consistent with the hypothesis that an acute increase in IGABA contributes to the emergence of injury-induced DRR.  相似文献   

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