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Home- and community-based services (HCBS) are underused by minority seniors and their caregivers, despite greater rates of disability. We examined racial/ethnic variation among 1,749 Hispanics, African Americans, and Whites receiving Older Americans Act Title III caregiver services in 2009. In addition, we identified the volume of services used by caregivers, their unmet hours of respite care, and the relationship between service use and seniors' ability to live independently. Minority caregivers cared for seniors in urban areas who had higher rates of disability, poverty, and Medicaid coverage. Hispanics had the highest rate of unmet hours of care, while caregiver services were less likely to help African Americans remain at home. Minorities sought services through community agencies and were more educated than demographically similar national cohorts. Greater efforts to reach minority caregivers of less educated, disabled seniors in urban areas and through community agencies may reduce unmet needs and support independent living.  相似文献   

Despite the presumed health benefits, Latinas are less likely than women from other ethnic groups to receive adequate prenatal care during their pregnancy. However, it is unclear whether this trend is the result of political economic conditions that limit access of many Latinos in the United States to adequate health services in general, or of sociocultural conditions that restrict the use of such services even when they are made available. Furthermore, it is unclear whether these barriers pose a risk for adverse birth outcomes in this population. To address these issues, we conducted a two-phase study of the political economic and sociocultural barriers to use of prenatal care services among Mexican and Mexican American women living in San Diego, California, and their association with adverse birth outcomes in this population. A quantitative assessment of information abstracted from the medical records of 173 Latinas who had given birth at a university medical center found that absence of Medi-Cal benefits or other forms of health insurance was the only significant predictor of inadequate prenatal care during pregnancy. However, neither lack of insurance nor adequate prenatal care was associated with any adverse birth outcomes. A qualitative analysis of information obtained from interviews of 30 Latinas receiving prenatal care services at a medical clinic for the homeless and medically underserved residents of San Diego identified three major themes underlying the lack of adequate prenatal care: lack of trust in formal versus informal institutions, wanted versus unwanted pregnancies, and the importance of the social network.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Injecting drug use (IDU) remains an actual risk variable in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in most ethnic populations, and the association between actual risk and individual perception of HIV risk varies across studies and samples. This study aimed to examine the relationship between IDU and HIV risk perception among Mexican Americans residing in Rio Grande Valley, South Texas. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional study of IDU as a predictor of HIV risk perception. METHODS: Two hundred and seventy-five participants [IDUs 11.9%, non-IDUs 88.1%] were assessed for an association between IDU and individual risk perception for HIV infection, as well as history of drug use and HIV risk perception, using Chi-squared statistic for independence and a logistic regression model for the prevalence odds ratio (POR). RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference between IDUs and non-IDUs with respect to the sociodemographic variables, except for income and gender (P<0.05). The results indicated a statistically significant decrease in HIV risk perception among IDUs compared with non-IDUs, after adjustment for age, gender, sexual preference, history of drug use and marital status [POR 0.26, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0.11-0.65]. Likewise, history of drug use was associated with decreased HIV risk perception (POR 0.44, 95% CI 0.22-0.98). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest an inverse correlation between actual risk of HIV infection, such as IDU, and HIV risk perception. Therefore, assessment of HIV risk perception, which is a significant determinant of behaviour change, is essential to reduce the prevalence of HIV infection in the targeted population.  相似文献   

Our aim was to examine the effects of food acculturation on Mexican Americans' (MA) diets, taking the Mexican diet as reference. We used nationally representative samples of children (2-11 y) and female adolescents and adults (12-49 y) from the Mexican National Nutrition Survey 1999 and NHANES 1999-2006 to compare the diets of Mexicans (n = 5678), MA born in Mexico (MAMX) (n = 1488), MA born in the United States (MAUS) (n = 3654), and non-Hispanic white Americans (NH-White) (n = 5473). One 24-h diet recall was used to examine the percentage consuming and percentage energy consumed from selected food groups. Most of the food groups analyzed displayed a fairly linear increase or decrease in percent energy/capita intake in this order: Mexican, MAMX, MAUS, NH-White. However, few significant differences were observed among the US subpopulations, especially among MAUS and NH-Whites. Overall, compared to Mexicans, the US subpopulations had greater intakes of saturated fat, sugar, dessert and salty snacks, pizza and French fries, low-fat meat and fish, high-fiber bread, and low-fat milk, as well as decreased intakes of corn tortillas, low-fiber bread, high-fat milk, and Mexican fast food. Furthermore, the patterns were similar in all age groups. Although we found a mix of positive and negative aspects of food acculturation, the overall proportion of energy obtained from unhealthy foods was higher among the US subpopulations. Our findings indicate that within one generation in the US, the influence of the Mexican diet is almost lost. In addition, our results reinforce the need to discourage critical unhealthful components of the American diet among MA.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the discordance between women's assessment of the adequacy of the timing of their prenatal care entry and the standard of first trimester initiation was associated with maternal race or ethnicity. Methods: A population-based surveillance system, the California Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, provided data on a stratified random sample of 4,987 women. The women delivered live-born infants from 1994–95 in three perinatal regions. Respondents completed an in-hospital, self-administered questionnaire. Weighted data were analyzed with multiple logistic regression. Results: Twenty-two percent of the women in the sample initiated prenatal care after the first trimester of pregnancy (n = 1,097). Among the women with untimely care, 57% (n = 591) were satisfied with the time of care initiation. Discordance between the women's perception of the adequacy of the time of care initiation and the public health standard of first trimester initiation was associated with maternal ethnicity. After controlling for potential confounders, Mexican-born women with untimely care were more likely to report being satisfied with the time of initiation than were white non-Latina women with untimely care (OR = 4.03, CI = 2.46, 6.59). Conclusions: The design of public health interventions to increase the timeliness of prenatal care initiation will require a greater understanding of pregnant women's own perceptions of their needs for prenatal care, and the differences in perceptions across ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Context: Disparities in cancer care for rural residents and for African Americans have been documented, but the interaction of these factors is not well understood.
Purpose: The authors examined the simultaneous influence of race and place of residence on access to and utilization of specialized cancer care in the United States.
Methods: Access to specialized cancer care was measured using: (1) travel time to National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Centers, academic medical centers, and any oncologist for the entire continental US population, and (2) per capita availability of oncologists for the entire United States. Utilization was measured as attendance at NCI Cancer Centers, specialized hospitals, and other hospitals in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program Medicare population from 1998-2004.
Findings: In urban settings, travel times were shorter for African Americans compared with Caucasians for all three cancer care settings, but they were longer for rural African Americans traveling to NCI Cancer Centers. Per capita oncologist availability was not significantly different by race or place of residence. Urban African American patients were almost 70% more likely to attend an NCI Cancer Center than urban Caucasian patients (OR = 1.66; 95% CI 1.51-1.83), whereas rural African American patients were 58% less likely to attend an NCI Cancer Center than rural Caucasian patients (OR = 0.42; 95% CI 0.26-0.66).
Conclusions: Urban African Americans have similar or better access to specialized cancer care than urban Caucasians, but rural African Americans have relatively poor access and lower utilization compared with all other groups.  相似文献   

Jay Fagan 《Family relations》2009,58(3):259-274
Bivariate analyses showed that continuously married urban African American, non‐Hispanic White, and Hispanic fathers and mothers reporting greater marital support and less relational control experienced a decrease in depressive symptoms. Multiple regression showed a stronger association between concurrent marital support and decreased depressive symptoms for mothers than fathers. African American and Hispanic fathers reporting higher levels of spousal relationship support when children were infants reported a larger decrease in depressive symptoms when children were age 3 compared to non‐Hispanic Whites. Relationship control at age 3 was positively related to increased depressive symptoms among all groups except African American fathers and White mothers. African American and Hispanic fathers with marital problems may need additional support services.  相似文献   

Admixture is a potential source of confounding in genetic association studies, so it becomes important to detect and estimate admixture in a sample of unrelated individuals. Populations of African descent in the US and the Caribbean share similar historical backgrounds but the distributions of African admixture may differ. We selected 416 ancestry informative markers (AIMs) to estimate and compare admixture proportions using STRUCTURE in 906 unrelated African Americans (AAs) and 294 Barbadians (ACs) from a study of asthma. This analysis showed AAs on average were 72.5% African, 19.6% European and 8% Asian, while ACs were 77.4% African, 15.9% European, and 6.7% Asian which were significantly different. A principal components analysis based on these AIMs yielded one primary eigenvector that explained 54.04% of the variation and captured a gradient from West African to European admixture. This principal component was highly correlated with African vs. European ancestry as estimated by STRUCTURE (r2=0.992, r2=0.912, respectively). To investigate other African contributions to African American and Barbadian admixture, we performed PCA on ∼14,000 (14k) genome‐wide SNPs in AAs, ACs, Yorubans, Luhya and Maasai African groups, and estimated genetic distances (FST). We found AAs and ACs were closest genetically (FST=0.008), and both were closer to the Yorubans than the other East African populations. In our sample of individuals of African descent, ∼400 well‐defined AIMs were just as good for detecting substructure as ∼14,000 random SNPs drawn from a genome‐wide panel of markers. Genet. Epidemiol. 34:561–568, 2010.© 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify the determinants of late prenatal care (PNC) initiation among minority women in Washington, DC. Methods: DC-resident, African American women (n = 303) were recruited at 14 PNC facilities, representing the various types of PNC facilities located in DC: 4 hospital-based clinics, 5 community-based clinics, and 5 private practices. The women were interviewed at their first prenatal care visits to determine their perceptions of 63 barriers, motivators and facilitators influencing PNC initiation; substance use; and sociodemographic background. PNC initiation was classified as early (prior to the 20th week of gestation) or late (after the 20th week of gestation). The responses of women who initiated PNC early versus late were compared using bivariate and multivariate statistical procedures. Classification and Regression Trees analysis was used to identify groups at risk of late initiation. Results: Variables contributing to late PNC initiation included maternal age not between 20 and 29 years, unemployment, no history of previous abortions, consideration of abortion, lack of money to pay for PNC, and no motivation to learn how to protect ones health. Three risk groups for late PNC initiation included 1) women considering abortion and not employed outside their homes; 2) women not considering abortion who had no previous abortion experience; and 3) teenagers not considering abortion and with no previous abortions. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that psychosocial barriers are more important than structural barriers. Of the psychosocial barriers, the major determinants of late PNC initiation were consideration of abortion and previous abortion experience.  相似文献   

Joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is heritable, but knowledge on specific genetic determinants of joint damage in RA is limited. We have used the Immunochip array to examine whether genetic variants influence variation in joint damage in a cohort of Mexican Americans (MA) and European Americans (EA) with RA. We studied 720 MA and 424 EA patients with RA. Joint damage was quantified using a radiograph of both hands and wrists, scored using Sharp's technique. We conducted association analyses with the transformed Sharp score and the Immunochip single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data using PLINK. In MAs, 15 SNPs from chromosomes 1, 5, 9, 17 and 22 associated with joint damage yielded strong p‐values (p < 1 × 10?4). The strongest association with joint damage was observed with rs7216796, an intronic SNP located in the MAP3K14 gene, on chromosome 17 (β ± SE = ?0.25 ± 0.05, p = 6.23 × 10?6). In EAs, 28 SNPs from chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 9, and 21 showed associations with joint damage (p‐value < 1 × 10?4). The best association was observed on chromosome 9 with rs59902911 (β ± SE = 0.86 ± 0.17, p = 1.01 × 10?6), a synonymous SNP within the CARD9 gene. We also observed suggestive evidence for some loci influencing joint damage in MAs and EAs. We identified two novel independent loci (MAP3K14 and CARD9) strongly associated with joint damage in MAs and EAs and a few shared loci showing suggestive evidence for association.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study proposed and tested a model of informal church support networks among African Americans. Consistent with research in family relations, age and gender were significantly associated with the frequency of interaction with church members. In addition, the degree of subjective closeness and the frequency of interaction were both significantly associated with the frequency of receiving support from church members, suggesting that conceptualizations of family solidarity may extend to church networks. Practice implications emphasize the importance of recognizing church members as integral members of the informal networks of African Americans.  相似文献   

Mexican Americans are at particular risk of contracting tuberculosis. Yet too little is known about perceptions influencing their health. This study investigated gender and acculturation differences in TB-specific Health Belief Model (HBM) constructs, and the applicability of the HBM's traditional configuration to Mexican Americans. Acculturation and gender substantially influenced the findings. Traditional Mexican Americans reported higher perceived susceptibility and seriousness, more barriers, and greater attention to cues regarding TB prevention than Highly Integrated Biculturals. Women reported greater benefits, attention to cues, and intent to engage in TB prevention behaviors than men. Highly Integrated Bicultural men reported less attention to cues and less intent to engage in health behaviors than other groups. The traditional HBM configuration did not fit this sample. Reconfiguration did, however, result in adequate fit. Overall, higher perceived susceptibility, action benefits, attention to media cues, and female gender predicted greater intent to engage in TB health behaviors.  相似文献   

This study examined colorectal cancer (CRC) knowledge and the relationship between knowledge, risk factors and screening behaviors among African Americans and Whites in the Deep South. One hundred and twenty three African Americans and Whites age-eligible for CRC screening were interviewed by telephone survey as part of a church-based CRC educational intervention. CRC knowledge was lower among those with less education, unemployed, Medicaid, Medicare, and less family income. Generally, participants who had more CRC knowledge were more likely to have engaged in screening behaviors. Participants who had a family history of CRC were more likely to have had a fecal occult blood test (OR = 2.55, 0.99–6.60) or barium enema (OR = 3.84, 1.44–10.24) than those without. Whites were more likely to have had a flexible sigmoidoscopy (OR = 4.17, 1.09–16.67), colonoscopy (OR = 7.14, 1.72–25) or barium enema (OR = 6.25, 1.67–25) than African Americans. Church-based CRC screening intervention programs should target African Americans, those with no family history of CRC, and those with less education.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the reliability and construct validity of a prenatal care satisfaction scale. Method: A prenatal care satisfaction scale that included six dimensions of care based on the literature was tested during a telephone interview with 101 first-time African-American and Mexican-American mothers 18 and over who receive Medicaid. Results: The scale exhibited high reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.95), as well as good construct validity. The correlation between the scale and rating of the quality of care overall was 0.74 (p < 0.001); the correlation between the scale and whether the women would recommend this provider to a friend was 0.67 (p < 0.001). Results from correlation and factor analysis suggested a different set of dimensions than those described in the literature. Conclusion: The 22-question satisfaction with prenatal care scale has excellent reliability and construct validity and taps six established dimensions of satisfaction, including the art of care, technical quality, access, physical environment, availability, and efficacy. The multidimensional scale allows for alternative groupings of the domains of satisfaction as our understanding of prenatal care satisfaction increases.  相似文献   


Inadequate protein intake contributes to poor nutritional status, reduced muscle mass, strength and function, and increased mortality. Evaluating differences in protein intake and related health indicators among racial/ethnic groups enables the development of targeted interventions. This study’s purpose was to determine differences in protein intake, nutritional status, and muscle strength/function among 273 older African, European, and Hispanic Americans. Protein intake, nutritional status, grip strength, timed-up-and-go (TUG), and chair stand assessments were conducted. Protein intake was significantly greater among Hispanic Americans (0.96?g/kg body weight) followed by European Americans (0.83?g/kg body weight), and African Americans (0.64?g/kg body weight). Intakes by all groups were below recommendations. Low nutritional status, grip strength, chair rise, and TUG scores were observed in African Americans and European American females and were consistent with lower protein intakes. Results show significant differences among the groups and the need for interventions to improve diet and physical health.  相似文献   

This event history analysis of the Perinatal Substance Exposure Study investigates individual and community level correlates of the timing of first prenatal care among pregnant women in California. Data were collected anonymously at the time of delivery and include demographic information from hospital records and urine samples which were tested for a battery of substances. Zip-code level data from the 1990 census were appended to each record to assess absolute community effects. A discrete-time hazard rate was estimated for each trimester in six nested models using logistic regression. Results suggest that: poor, non-White, younger, native born, Spanish-speaking, substance-using women in poorer neighborhoods were least likely to receive prenatal care. While a positive urine test for alcohol was not associated with prenatal care initiation; overall drug positives and tobacco positives (self-report) were. The optimal model, with interactions, estimates that women in poorer communities were less likely to receive prenatal care in the first trimester, but more likely to receive care in the third trimester. This pattern is similar for most of the time-varying covariates in that non-Whites, English speakers and younger women were less likely to receive first trimester care, but more likely to receive second and third trimester care.  相似文献   

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