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Several important questions emerge from the study of gender differences in schizophrenia: Why does schizophrenia begin later in women? Why is outcome superior in women, at least in the first 15 years after onset? What causes sex differences in symptoms? What can gender differences teach us about the etiology of schizophrenia? Do men and women require substantially different treatments? What interventions during pregnancy and after childbirth ensure optimal health for the children of mothers with schizophrenia? Although complete answers may not yet be forthcoming, it is important to define the questions and keep them in mind when delivering services to women suffering from this severe, persistent mental illness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Health policy makers and program developers seek evidence-based guidance on how to organize and finance mental health services. The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) commissioned a conceptual framework for thinking about health care services as a medical technology. The following framework was developed, citing empirical research from mental health services research as the case example. FRAMEWORK: Historically, mental health services have focused on the organization and locus of care. Health care settings have been conceptualized as medical technologies, treatments in themselves. For example, the field speaks of an era of "asylum treatment" and "community care". Hospitals and community mental health centers are viewed as treatments with indications and "dosages", such as length of stay criteria. Assessment of mental health services often has focused on organizations and on administrative science. There are two principal perspectives for assessing the contribution of the organization of services on health. One perspective is derived from clinical services research, in which the focus is on the impact of organized treatments (and their most common settings) on health status of individuals. The other perspective is based in service systems research, in which the focus is on the impact of organizational strategies on intermediate service patterns, such as continuity of care or integration, as well as health status. METHODS: Examples of empirical investigations from clinical services research and service systems research are presented to demonstrate potential sources of evidence to support specific decisions for organizing mental health services. RESULTS: Evidence on organizing mental health services may be found in both types of services research. In clinical services research studies, service settings are viewed as treatments (e.g. "partial hospitalization"), some treatments are always embedded in a service matrix (e.g. assertive community treatment), and, where some treatments are organizationally combined (e.g. "integrated treatment" for co-occurring mental disorder and substance abuse), sometimes into a continuum of care. In service system research, integration of services and of the service system are the main focus of investigation. Studies focus on horizontal and vertical integration, primary care or specialty care and local mental health authorities - each of which may be conceptualized as a health care technology with a body of evidence assessing its effectiveness. IMPLICATIONS: A conceptual framework for assessing the organization of services as a health care technology focuses attention on evidence to guide program design and policy development. Mental health services research holds promise for such decision-making guidance.  相似文献   

This article describes the issues associated with the development of services for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) and mental disorders [including challenging behavior (CB)] and reviews the evidence for providing effective community mental health services.Despite the fact that deinstitutionalization has been on the forefront of policies to improve social care for individuals with ID in the community, there has not been an equivalent drive to offer appropriate and effective interventions for the treatment of mental illness in this population. Evidence-based practice is still in its infancy and mental health outcomes are just beginning to emerge. The mental health component of existing specialist services is not fully integrated in many localities and mental health input is even considered stigmatizing to people with ID. Yet, people with ID have a higher prevalence of mental disorders, including schizophrenia and CB, and are vulnerable to overmedication and abuse. Furthermore, there has been more research on service models for CB than for mental health services. However, there is a need for further investigations of outcomes and of the application of such well known examples of community care as assertive community treatment, intensive case management and crisis resolution. People with ID deserve robust services to manage mental illness in this population.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the relationship between poverty and increased risk for a broad spectrum of mental disorders has been documented for several decades, very little is known about providing mental health treatments to poor individuals. In this paper, we emphasize the importance of developing, and empirically evaluating, sensitive and appropriate interventions for poor young women who suffer from common mental disorders. WHO ARE THE US POOR?: In the US, nearly 14% of individuals live in poverty, and another 20% in near poverty. The poor are disproportionally women and children such that 63% of female-headed households are poor. Young women and ethnic minorities are over-represented among the poor also, with 55% of those living below the poverty level being minorities. NEEDS AND BARRIERS TO CARE AMONG POOR, YOUNG WOMEN: The poor have more mental disorders than those with more resources. Further, women are twice as likely as men to have a mood or anxiety disorder, including major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with younger women at higher risk than older women. Research alos indicates that poor women have high exposure to traumatic events and cumulative adversity that is directly related to their mental health. This history may serve, in part, as a barrier to seeking mental health care. Other barriers in this population include lack of insurance, lack of access to primary care where mental disorders might be detected, practical problems like lack of childcare or transportation, and the inflexibility of low-income service jobs. Religious beliefs and attitudes about mental health treatment may play a role as well. Recent policy changes in the US have contributed to the vulnerability of this group as eligibility for welfare programs has reduced, and time limits have decreasd. Services for immigrants are also severely limited, and managed care strategies for those in the public sector may be confusing. IMPORTANT, UNANSWERED QUESTION: More needs to be learned about the mental health status and needs of poor women, along with the impact of loss of public support on their physical and mental health. Access to mental health care within a managed care setting also needs to be addressed, and care taken to understand the particular needs of poor populations that will actually make these services accessible to them. Insufficient attention has thus far been paid to the cost implications of providing these services to the poor. While providing treatment is associated with significant costs, the costs of not providing care, especially the effects of depression on offspring, should not be overlooked. CHALLENGES TO EXAMINING MENTAL HEALTH IN POOR WOMEN: A number of suggestions were made for addressing practical and methodological challenges to providing mental health services. These include placing services for these individuals within their familiar medical settings, which requires close working relationships between psychiatric and medical personnel within these settings. Outreach is a necessary part of getting poor women into treatment, and should be a routine part of helping women become engaged with caregivers. Providing culturally sensitive treatments is an important focus too, through developing knowledge about the culturally based customs and expectations of target groups. Measurement issues need to be attended to, as most research instruments have been developed on middle class populations, and have not been examined for their psychometric properties and norms in less advantaged groups. Careful translation techniques are also required. Finally, working with institutions sponsoring research to educate them about special problems and challenges with these groups will help improve the quality and efficiency of the work accomplished.  相似文献   

Since the revolutionary mood of the 1960s, patient-centered mental health care and a research emphasis on service users as experts by experience have emerged hand in hand with a view of service users as consumers. What happens to knowledge derived from firsthand experience when mental health users become experts and actively choose care? What kind of perspective do service users pursue on psychological distress? These are important questions in a field where psychiatric expertise on mental illness is socially structured and constrained as an intra-personal disturbance of the mind. We argue that experience experts have lost a coherent perspective on care and health. We illustrate this by rationally reconstructing how the interpersonal view of mental health first gained and then lost coherence between the conception of mental health, the practice of mental health care, and the user experience. Harry Stack Sullivan’s interpersonal theory was a paradigm case for such coherence. The inclusion of mental health consumers as ‘experts by experience’ in the mental health field took place at the cost of Sullivan’s coherent interpersonal theory. Service users who interact side by side with medical experts as experience experts are constrained by the evidence-based imperative and consumerism. Service users are caught up in a race among experts to gain knowledge about mental problems from a third-person perspective instead of from first-person experience. To make a contribution service users have more to gain from a research approach that appreciates that they are persons among persons rather than experts among experts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The growing burden of mental disorders in Latin America and the Caribbean has become too large to ignore. There is a need to know more about the prevalence of mental disorders and the gap between the number of individuals with psychiatric disorders and the number of those persons who remain untreated even though effective treatments exist. Having that knowledge would make it possible to improve advocacy, adopt better policies, formulate innovative intervention programs, and apportion resources commensurate with needs. METHODS: Data were extracted from community-based psychiatric epidemiological studies published in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1980 through 2004 that used structured diagnostic instruments and provided prevalence rates. Estimates of the crude rates in Latin America and the Caribbean for the various disorders were determined by calculating the mean and median rates across the studies, by gender. In addition, data on service utilization were reviewed in order to calculate the treatment gap for specific disorders. RESULTS: Nonaffective psychosis (including schizophrenia) had an estimated mean one-year prevalence rate of 1.0%; major depression, 4.9%; and alcohol use abuse or dependence, 5.7%. Over one-third of individuals with nonaffective psychosis, over half of those with an anxiety disorder, and some three-fourths of those with alcohol use abuse or dependence did not receive mental health care from either specialized or general health services. CONCLUSIONS: The current treatment gap in mental health care in Latin America and the Caribbean remains wide. Further, current data likely greatly underestimate the number of untreated individuals. The epidemiological transition and changes in the population structure will further widen the treatment gap in Latin America and the Caribbean unless mental health policies are formulated or updated and programs and services are expanded.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study assessed whether mental health services for youths differ with respect to medical assistance aid category. METHODS: Computerized claims for 15,507 youths with Medicaid insurance in a populous county of a mid-Atlantic state were used to establish population-based prevalence estimates of mental disorders and psychotherapeutic treatments during 1996. RESULTS: An analysis of service claims revealed that the prevalence of mental disorders among youths enrolled in foster care (57%) was twice that of youths receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI; 26%) and nearly 15 times that of other youths receiving other types of aid (4%). Rates of mental health service use were pronounced among foster care youths aged 6 to 14 years. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, and developmental disorders were the most prevalent disorders. Stimulants, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants were the most prevalent medications. CONCLUSIONS: Youths enrolled in foster care and youths receiving SSI use far more mental health services than do youths in other aid categories. Additional research should evaluate the complexity and outcomes of mental health services for youths in foster care.  相似文献   

Community-based models of providing mental health services are widely considered effective ways of serving individuals diagnosed with mental illness, but more comprehensive literature on these models in low- and middle-income countries is needed. This study is a systematic review of the effects of community-based models on health outcomes of adults with depression, schizophrenia, panic disorder, or bipolar disorders in middle- and low-income countries. PubMed, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Reviews were searched, returning 500 articles. The seventeen interventions included in this review in 14 countries show us that community-based mental health services can provide improvements in mental health outcomes, and the limited cost analyses suggest cost savings associated with community models of care. These findings are in line with much of the research on higher income countries. In addition, the studies also point to the gaps in the literature on costs, rural areas, bipolar disorders, and panic disorders, and note the need for further reviews of interventions targeting additional diseases, children, and adolescents as well as studies published in languages other than English. This review of the literature serves as a stepping stone for further research in community-based mental health services in low- and middle-income countries. The works reviewed here provide a base of knowledge that will assist us in taking the important next steps in program implementation and evaluation.  相似文献   

Evidence is unequivocal: the premature death of people with severe mental health problems is attributable primarily to cardiovascular disease, and healthcare provided is often suboptimal. With the overarching aim of improving outcomes, policies and guidelines oblige mental health services and psychiatrists to monitor cardio‐metabolic health of patients and intervene as appropriate. Practice is highly variable; however, with ongoing debate about resourcing and responsibilities dominated by clinicians who have identified disinterest among patients as influencing practice. Seeking to balance discussion, we posed the question ‘what do patients experience and expect of mental health services in relation to their physical health?’ To answer it, we interviewed a convenience sample of 40 service users recruited from a mental health service in Australia, early in 2015. Data were analysed using the framework approach. With few regarding themselves as healthy, participants were commonly concerned about side effects of medication, weight and fitness but rarely mentioned tobacco smoking. Participants’ accounts reinforce extensive research demonstrating variability in attention to physical health in mental health services. Reports by some participants of comprehensive care are encouraging, but widespread uncertainty about reasons for various assessments and denial of requests for management of medication side effects, including weight gain, gives cause for concern. Although participants in this study wanted to improve their health and health‐related quality of life, they acknowledged that their motivation and ability to do so fluctuated with mental health. They expected clinicians to work proactively, especially when symptoms compromised capacity for self‐care, and mental health services to provide or enable access to health‐promoting interventions. Attention should be given, as a matter of priority, to creating conditions (culture and infrastructure) needed to support sustained attention to physical health within services and, importantly, to full engagement of service users in management of their physical health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The emergence of democracy in South Africa led to a need to transform all public structures, including the health care system. The aim has been to transform these structures in order to bring them in line with the new culture of human rights. Transformation of the whole health care system is motivated by a number of key objectives, which include achieving equity in resource allocation and health service delivery, developing primary health care infrastructure and decentralising services to promote community participation. AIMS OF THE STUDY: In the context of de-institutionalising mental health services in South Africa, this study aimed to investigate community mental health service needs of mental health service users and that of their families in the Moretele district, North-West province, South Africa. METHODS: The study was conducted in three clinics situated in three different communities in the Moretele district. Data collection consisted of : 147 clinical record reviews, 105 interviews with patients followed by a joint interview with a family member, 83 interviews with caregivers and eight interviews with community key informants (traditional healers, a civic leader, a councillor, a retired teacher, and a physician). RESULTS: The majority of service users were males (54%). The mean age was 41 years and 63% had completed primary schooling.Patients were recorded as having only one of two primary diagnoses, namely schizophrenia (57%) or epilepsy (41%). However, a review of prescribed drugs and caregiver interviews showed that there was a presence of mood disorders among service users. The local hospital was service users primary entry point into the mental health care system, followed by traditional healers (30%). Interviews with service users, service providers and caregivers reveal limited knowledge of patient illness. Nevertheless, service users who had epilepsy were more likely to provide details of their illness than those with mental illness. Above half of service users had basic social skills such as bathing, eating, washing and using public transportation independently. Feelings of loneliness and isolation were common among service users in the community; seventy nine percent (79%), for example spent their days entirely in their homes. Only 7% reported contact with friends. Experiences of community discrimination and exploitation of people with mental illness were reported in key informant interviews and by service users themselves. DISCUSSION: The main community mental health service needs identified in this study were: (i) Improved quality of mental health services at clinics. (ii) Better co-ordination of services (clinic, hospital, social work and traditional healers) and removal of barriers to health service utilisation. (iii) Alleviation of the social isolation of mental health service users by building on existing community structures and individuals willing to engage in partnerships with service providers. The authors indentify a need to train primary health care providers in mental health in order to promote the adequate diagnosis and detection of common psychiatric illnesses.They also point out the need for social support interventions to enable people with mental illness to deal with loneliness and isolation and a need for psycho-educational programmes to make patients and caregivers better informed about mental illness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is significant potential to increase the accessibility and effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health services through the involvement of primary care professionals and the delivery of interventions in the primary care setting. However, little is known about the actual clinical and cost-effectiveness of such service delivery. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to review systematically the evidence concerning the effectiveness of interventions for child and adolescent mental health problems in primary care, and interventions designed to improve the skills of primary care staff. METHODS: Searches were made of The Cochrane Clinical Trials Register, MEDLINE, PSYCINFO, EMBASE and CINAHL, together with correspondence with subject experts and authors of studies, and checking of references in identified papers. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: There was some preliminary evidence that treatments by specialist staff working in primary care were effective, although the quality of included studies was variable and no data were available on the cost-effectiveness of interventions. Equally, some educational interventions show potential for increasing the skills and confidence of primary care staff, but controlled evaluations were rare and few studies reported actual changes in professional behaviour or patient health outcomes. A significant programme of research is required if the potential for child and adolescent mental health services in primary care is to be realized in an effective and efficient way.  相似文献   

A key challenge facing the mental health field is connecting children and families to services when symptoms first appear. Multiple barriers inhibit timely access to treatment, and interventions to resolve barriers to care are not common among health and social care organisations. To address this research‐to‐practice gap this study undertook a scoping review of the empirical literature aimed at identifying key factors in the social ecology of families which influence family engagement with child and adolescent mental health services, then identifying and describing models of intervention designed to help facilitate access to care. Forty studies published between 1 January 2000 and 28 February 2019 were reviewed. Key factors associated with child and adolescent mental health service engagement included family attitudes towards mental illness and help seeking, the flexibility and availability of needed services, community attitudes and stigma surrounding mental illness and mental health treatment, and the degree of coordination and integration across systems of health and social care. Models of intervention to facilitate engagement with mental health services included family outreach, telephone and digital health strategies, and integrated care approaches. Empirical support is strongest for family outreach and integrated care, although telephone and digital health strategies are underexplored with children and families and a potentially promising avenue for future research. To support family engagement with child and adolescent mental health services health and social care organisations should be prepared to identify barriers in their local practice settings and integrate efficacious engagement approaches into their continuum of available services.  相似文献   

As outcomes research and clinical practice guidelines are more widely disseminated throughout the healthcare industry, what will happen to scientifically validated but less widely recognized psychosocial interventions? The authors critically review the issues involved in guideline development, primarily in terms of the criteria used for this development and the research available to determine which interventions should be included or excluded. Evidence is presented for the cost effectiveness of psychosocial treatments in areas ranging from schizophrenia, bulimia, borderline personality and panic disorder to the psychological aspects of such physical disorders as myocardial infarction and breast cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a primary care mental health service. DESIGN: The study used a naturalistic longitudinal design to follow groups of participants who received intervention from a rural mental health worker, or 'usual' mental health service, or no treatment, over a period of 12 months. SETTING: The service was evaluated in a rural primary care setting. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and forty-five primary care patients. OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes in symptomatology were assessed using the SCL-90R summary scales, and changes in quality of life were assessed using the EuroQOL. RESULTS: Those participants treated by the primary mental health worker showed significant improvements in symptoms and quality of life compared to both the usual and no-treatment groups. CONCLUSION: There are few studies evaluating mental health services in rural settings. This study demonstrated that a particular model of primary mental health care was more effective than usual mental health care and no treatment at resolving symptoms and improving quality of life.  相似文献   

Changes in patterns of delivery of mental health care over several decades are putting pressure on primary health and social care services to increase their involvement. Mental health policy in countries like the UK, Australia and New Zealand recognises the need for these services to make a greater contribution and calls for increased intersectoral collaboration. In Australia, most investment to date has focused on the development and integration of specialist mental health services and primary medical care, and evaluation research suggests some progress. Substantial inadequacies remain, however, in the comprehensiveness and continuity of care received by people affected by mental health problems, particularly in relation to social and psychosocial interventions. Very little research has examined the nature of the roles that non-medical primary health and social care services actually or potentially play in mental health care. Lack of information about these roles could have inhibited development of service improvement initiatives targeting these services. The present paper reports the results of an exploratory study that examined the mental health care roles of 41 diverse non-medical primary health and social care services in the state of Victoria, Australia. Data were collected in 2004 using a purposive sampling strategy. A novel method of surveying providers was employed whereby respondents within each agency worked as a group to complete a structured survey that collected quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously. This paper reports results of quantitative analyses including a tentative principal components analysis that examined the structure of roles. Non-medical primary health and social care services are currently performing a wide variety of mental health care roles and they aspire to increase their involvement in this work. However, these providers do not favour approaches involving selective targeting of clients with mental disorders.  相似文献   

Implementing services that controlcosts and improve client functioning for persons with both severe psychiatric and substance disorders is paramout in a managed care environment. In this clinical trial, standard mental health care augmented by the behavioral sills intervention was more effective than two other approaches (case management and modified 12-step recovery) in interventions with persons with dual diagnoses across indicators of psychosocial adjustment, psychiatric and substance abuse symptoms, and mental health service costs. These findings reinforce the need to address mental health and substance disorders concomitantly; to provide skill-building interventions as the primary ingredient of active treatment to address various instrumental, coping, and social skill deficits that clients with dual diagnoses have; and to monitor the effectiveness of the services and client progress every six months on multiple adjustment and symptomatology dimensions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the direct costs of schizophrenia for the public sector. METHODS: A study was carried out in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, during 1998. Data from the medical literature and governmental research bodies were gathered for estimating the total number of schizophrenia patients covered by the Brazilian Unified Health System. A decision tree was built based on an estimated distribution of patients under different types of psychiatric care. Medical charts from public hospitals and outpatient services were used to estimate the resources used over a one-year period. Direct costs were calculated by attributing monetary values for each resource used. RESULTS: Of all patients, 81.5% were covered by the public sector and distributed as follows: 6.0% in psychiatric hospital admissions, 23.0% in outpatient care, and 71.0% without regular treatment. The total direct cost of schizophrenia was US $191,781,327 (2.2% of the total health care expenditure in the state). Of this total, 11.0% was spent on outpatient care and 79.2% went for inpatient care. CONCLUSIONS: Most schizophrenia patients in the state of S?o Paulo receive no regular treatment. The study findings point out to the importance of investing in research aimed at improving the resource allocation for the treatment of mental disorders in Brazil.  相似文献   

Neuro-psychiatric disorders are associated with a considerable burden of disease, not only globally, but also in low- and middle-income countries. Epidemiological information about treatment of these disorders is required to help formulate treatment and prevention strategies. The aim of this study was to describe different types of mental health care providers, and examine patients' knowledge of the treatments and their views about its effectiveness in rural Punjab, Pakistan. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of attenders at a 1-day psychiatric consultation clinic in rural Punjab, Pakistan. Patients sought help from five different types of providers and were treated with physical, psychotherapeutic and spiritual treatments. Most recognised psychiatric problems as treatable. There was a discrepancy between belief and knowledge of the treatment of mental disorders; most had a very basic understanding of treatment. They reported general practitioner (GP) treatments as more effective (56%) compared to other practitioners (20%). We argue that treatments given by primary mental health care providers need to be standardised. A systematic appraisal of the theoretical rationale of the mental health treatments prescribed in primary care settings is required in low-income countries like Pakistan. This will help ensure standardisation of care especially regarding spiritual/psychological therapies so that in future valid inferences can be made about their effectiveness in populations. Further work should include improving mental health literacy with special reference to treatments available for mental health problems.  相似文献   

Approximately 5% of the UK population live with serious mental health problems. Data show that informal caregivers of people with mental illness provide care for the highest number of hours compared to other illness and the economic cost of this care is highest in the UK when compared internationally. People living with serious mental health problems make transitions between different intensities of service as their needs fluctuate, including referral, admission, transfer or discharge. Although caregiving is associated with both stress and positive reward, service transitions are particularly associated with increased stress. This review aimed to investigate what is known about the experiences of informal caregivers during mental health service transitions. An integrative qualitative synthesis was conducted following searches in six bibliographic databases and of the grey literature. Studies published in English between 2001 and 2017 were included if the study focus was on serious mental health problems, the experiences of caregivers and service transitions. Eleven studies were included, appraised using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool and synthesised, resulting in four themes: (a) Caregiver information, (b) Caregiver involvement in decisions about care and treatment, (c) Accessing services, (d) Being a caregiver. Caregivers’ experiences were similar during transitions to their usual caregiving role but they faced more challenges and their experiences were amplified. Concerns about confidentiality created barriers to information sharing. Continuity of professionals across transitions was helpful. Caregivers struggled to deal with their own conflicting emotions and with the behaviours of the person yet rarely received help. The review findings point to a need for continuity of professionals across service transitions, co‐designed and delivered training for professionals and caregivers about information sharing, greater understanding of barriers to implementation of family interventions and interventions that address emotional needs of caregivers.  相似文献   

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