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目前,我国公民逝世后器官捐献与获取存在器官捐献宣传工作不力,器官移植伦理审查不完善,器官捐献与获取缺乏统一的协调机制等问题。提出公民逝世后器官捐献与获取应坚持自主自愿、知情同意、尊重生命、无偿捐献的基本原则,并提出加大公民逝世后器官捐献的宣传力度、建立符合伦理的公民逝世后捐献与获取流程、切实加强伦理监管、建立健全器官获取组织(OPO)的组织架构及管理规范、创建供体补偿机制等措施。  相似文献   

为了探讨公民逝世后器官捐献与移植的伦理审查经验,为医疗机构开展相应伦理审查提供参考性价值。通过运用描述性研究,采用目的抽样法,根据数据饱和原则,最终选取10名器官移植技术临床应用伦理委员会委员及秘书作为受访者进行半结构式访谈,并采取Colaizzi 7步分析法进行资料分析、归纳和提炼主题。结果发现,公民逝世后器官捐献与移植的伦理审查经验包括伦理委员会职责、伦理审查要点、伦理审查会议形式及其优缺点、器官移植伦理委员会建设四个主题。因此,目前医疗机构开展器官捐献与移植伦理审查存在缺陷,可通过遵循医学伦理四大原则落实伦理审查要素、完善公民逝世后器官捐赠相关法律、构建合理高效的伦理审查会议模式、建立健全适宜的器官移植伦理委员会运行方式等予以完善。  相似文献   

2010年3月我国全面推行人体器官捐献试点工作以来,符合中国国情的公民逝世后器官捐献(CDCD)工作成为了推动器官移植事业的关键举措。CDCD协调员的角色贯穿于器官捐献到移植完成的整个过程,起着极其重要的沟通作用。我国CDCD协调工作尚处于起步阶段,明确CDCD协调员的角色和意义,充分发挥协调员的作用,有助于提高CDCD捐献成功率,从而更有效地促进和推动CDCD工作。本文结合作者单位CDCD实际工作经验,重点分析和总结协调员队伍建设的重要性,并探讨和分享CDCD工作具体流程。  相似文献   

屠振华  黄大为 《浙江医学》2023,45(23):2465-2467
2023年是我国器官移植历程中承上启下的关键之年。目前我国公民逝世后器官捐献与获取已得到社会的初步认可,工作模式已基本成型,被国际社会誉为“中国模式”。在国家卫生健康委员会的领导和社会各界的关心下,各移植医院在前期工作的基础上为实现器官捐献与获取工作的发展而共同努力,促进各省市自治区的器官移植事业在新的起点上量质同升。笔者对新时代器官捐献与获取的工作框架、发展关键和努力方向作一述评。  相似文献   

<正>第1章总则第1条为贯彻落实《人体器官移植条例》和国家卫生计生委2013年8月颁布的《人体捐献器官获取与分配的有关规定》(简称规定),积极推进中国公民逝世后器官捐献(China Donation after Citizen’s Death,下称CDCD),实现我国移植事业伦理、科学的健康发展。国家人体器官捐献与移植委员会(National  相似文献   

自2015年1月1日起,中国公民逝世后器官捐献(CDCD)全面取代司法途径供体来源,成为器官移植使用的唯一来源,自此,中国器官移植事业开始为国际社会所瞩目。本文对近年来中国器官捐献与移植事业的发展进行介绍,以期鼓励同道开创事业、发展新局面。  相似文献   

1 中国心脏死亡器官捐献与心脏死亡诊断标准 1.1 中国心脏死亡器官捐献 中国心脏死亡器官捐献,属于中国公民逝世后器官捐献(China donation after citizen's death,CDCD)三大类中的“中国二类(C-Ⅱ)”,即国际标准化心脏死亡器官捐献(donation after cardiac death,DCD注)或称无心跳器官捐献(non-heart beating donation,NHBD)[1]. 近年来,DCD在我国已发展成为移植器官来源的重要组成部分.中华医学会器官移植学分会、中华医学会外科学分会移植学组和中国医师协会器官移植医师分会,联合制定本专家共识,以规范DCD器官的评估与应用,保障移植疗效.  相似文献   

<正>从2015年1月1日起,我国全面停止使用死囚器官作为移植供体来源,公民逝世后自愿器官捐献已成为器官移植使用的唯一渠道,公民脑死亡和心脏死亡供体成为肺移植供肺主要来源,但由于中国器官捐献相对于欧美国家,仍处于初级阶段,许多潜在供肺缺乏足够的维护,导致捐献失败,或供肺质量一般,获取后无法达到理想供肺标准,作为边缘性供肺应用于临床,给临床移植带来了巨大的压力。2015年全国有2 700多个病人进行了器官捐献,全  相似文献   

随着公民逝世后器官捐献供体来源标准扩大之后,移植病理学在器官质量评估中的地位越来越重要.本文参照器官移植病理学临床技术操作规范(2019版)——肝移植/肾移植和相应器官移植的指南,综述了供者器官病理学评估的基本原则、活检时机、活检方法和目前国际上采用的组织病理学评估标准,为供者器官质量评估提供准确的病理学参考依据.  相似文献   

国际规范性器官移植的供体主要来源于公民逝世后器官捐献(donation after citizen's death)。近年国际国内有关公民逝世后器官捐献肝脏质量的研究取得了长足的进展,大量降低术后早期原发性无功能、肝功能延迟性恢复等相关并发症的新疗法涌现。脑死亡捐献(donation after brain death,DBD)及心死亡器官捐献(donation after cardiac death,DCD)成为公民逝世后器官捐献肝脏的基础,DBD与DCD供体肝移植并发症及其预后成为新的关注点。  相似文献   

Prevalence of organ failure is high through out the world. Organ transplantation, the definitive treatment option of organ failure keeps very low due to scarcity of organ. Most of the people are not aware about organ donation. Adolescent girls will be the mother of future nation and they can motivate family members for organ donation. This study was carried out to see attitudes towards organ donation and determine the negative factors of organ donation prevailing among school girls. One hundred sixty eight girls from class VIII to class X of a higher secondary school were participated. A structured questionnaire was filled up by the girls. The data were processed from questionnaire and analyzed. Among study population, most of them (64%) had no idea about on going organ donation and transplantation. The positive attitude of the girls towards organ donation was low when they are live (16%) and their attitudes also kept low even after their death (14%). The girls who did not agree to donate organ were further asked to mention the reasons. The reasons of negative attitude were religious belief, fear of illness and social and familial reservation. The result of this study suggests that among girls, awareness and attitudes about organ donation is poor. There were several reasons identified for low consent rates. Multidisciplinary actions should be taken to improve the awareness of the people about organ donation and motivate them for donation.  相似文献   

Background  Organ transplantation represents an important advance in modern medical science, and it has benefited many patients with organ failure; however, the severe deficiency of organ sources has been a bottleneck that has limited the benefits this technology can bring. The aim of this study was to show the results of a survey on Chinese people’s awareness and attitudes toward organ donation.
Methods  We designed a questionnaire regarding organ donation consisting of 20 short questions, which were distributed to 10 groups. Most of the questions were multiple-choice; the core question related to people’s attitudes to organ donation and the development of organ donation. The survey was held in the outpatient hall of Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, a commercial district, and four professional colleges. Participants were randomly selected, and answered questions about gender, age, educational background, profession, and study major.
Results  In all, 2930 valid responses were received. Male:female ratio was nearly 1:1.2 (mean age 38 years). Over 90.0% of participants knew about organ transplantation and which organs could be transplanted; more than 95.0% knew about organ donation, but the time they had been aware of it varied. Nearly 90.0% of the participants approved of deceased organ donation; 73.0% indicated they would like to donate their organs post mortem. Participants who knew more about organ failure and organ transplantation were more likely to support organ donation. College students were very positive about organ donation, though as they gain professional knowledge their attitudes may change. Altogether, 65.3% of participants approved of living organ donation, which was obviously lower than the figure for deceased organ donation (P <0.05). In all, 85.7% of participants approved of compensation to the deceased donor’s family. To promote organ donation in China, 62.9% of participants indicated that the public’s knowledge about organ donation should be increased via the media and various kinds of education. Only 20.0% of the participants believed that legislation was required.
Conclusions  We conclude that at present the Chinese public has a basic understanding about organ transplantation and donation. The majority respondents were in favor of deceased organ donation and were willing to donate their own organs after death.

A country, state or hospital may have the latest medical technology and infrastructure as well as qualified professionals for organ transplantation, but unless there is an adequate donor population the waiting lists for transplants will continue to be long and for some patients, hopeless. Public and professional awareness programmes are key factor in the donation process. Social education that explains the life-saving benefits of organ transplantation, the enormous need for organ donation, the concept of brain death and religious teachings related to these issues is vital for creating a conducive environment for the organ transplant co-ordinator or physician soliciting the donation. The education of hospital medical, nursing and administrative personnel is also essential to both miximise opportunities for donation, as well as to prevent loss of potential organs after donor consent. Other target populations are medical examiners or coroners, and police personnel under whose jurisdiction the donations occur, as their co-operation and guidance is necessary for meeting statutory requirements. The involvement of government officials and politicians is also valuable, as their active intervention is essential for the introduction and amendment of rules and laws to promote the donation and transplantation of organs. The present paper describes communication strategies for the development of an efficient education plan that will provide information about organ transplantation, explain the desired outcome, address potential queries, misconceptions or obstacles, and identify potential sources of support.  相似文献   

目的 总结心脏死亡供体器官捐献具体流程和经验.方法 对1例潜在器官捐献者经脑死亡评估和供体器官功能评估后,纳入心脏死亡器官捐献(Donation after Cardiac Death,DCD)程序,并严格按照心脏死亡器官捐献程序进行工作.结果 本例供体成功完成了肝脏捐献及获取流程,所获取供肝成功植入受体.结论 成功获取心脏死亡供体捐献的器官,为推广心脏死亡供体器官的捐献积累了经验.  相似文献   

Organ transplantation was enacted by a law "Transplantation of Human Organ Act" in 1994 but still, getting the consent from the relatives of brain dead person is a very difficult task and hence cadaveric transplant accounts for a minimum number. In India, most of the transplantations carried out are related to living donor and very few are cadaveric. The poor status of cadaver transplantation may be attributed to the moral, emotional and religious beliefs and taboos that inhibit the relatives of the deceased to come forward to donate organ(s) of a brain dead person.Non-existence of a trained transplant co-ordinator who is the backbone of any successful transplant programme is another reason for poor response in cadaver transplantation. The great task is to motivate and prepare the relatives for organ donation of their near and dear ones. Transplant co-ordinators are being prepared for motivating individuals or relatives for donation. To promote human organ transplantation government's initiative is very important. Mass media supported by the government can develop better awareness among the people. Non-government organisations (NGOs) can help in the similar ways. All hospitals are not authorised for the procedure of human organ transplantation. Other hospitals can help the process by informing the authorised hospitals about recent admission of potential donor (brainstem death). Role of transplant coordinator is crucial. He/she is the real inspiration to make agree the relatives for organ donation. Overall success of transplant programme is based on co-ordinated activity. Involvement of all agencies to motivate the person to pledge for organ donation during his/her life time is the first and the foremost requirement for successful planning and programme of organ transplantation.  相似文献   

Life or death. The issue of payment in cadaveric organ donation   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
T G Peters 《JAMA》1991,265(10):1302-1305
In view of the increasing need for transplantable organs and the failure of awareness education and legislation to increase organ donation, Peters proposes as a policy a death benefit payment to motivate families of potential cadaveric donors. The program, which would be administered through existing organ procurement agancies, would pay $1000 to the consenting next-of-kin in any case where solid organ recovery for transplantation is completed. Peters discusses the issues of altruism and coercion, organ brokerage, benefits to the socially and economically deprived, legal aspects, and the payment process. He proposes establishing pilot programs to determine the impact of death benefit payments on organ recovery, with a national program to follow if the supply of donor organs increases.  相似文献   

目的总结并探讨脑死亡无偿器官捐献肝脏移植在我国临床实施的可行性.方法昆明市第一人民医院于2011年12月至2012年1月期间共完成2例脑死亡无偿器官捐献工作.2例供体确诊为脑死亡,应用机械通气、血管活性药物等治疗维持供体器官灌注.受体1男性,术前诊断乙肝后性肝硬化,肝功能失代偿,child-pugh C级,MELD评分29分;受体2男性,术前诊断乙肝后性肝硬化,原发性肝癌,child-pugh C级,MELD评分26分.结果 2例脑死亡供体均顺利无偿捐献肝脏,2例受体均顺利接受肝脏移植手术并康复出院,目前随访移植肝功能良好.结论脑死亡无偿器官捐献肝脏移植的临床实施顺利,可以在我国逐渐推广实行,对缓解我国目前器官短缺状况起到相当重要的作用.  相似文献   

尸体解剖是医学科学研究发展的基础,器官移植是拯救生命、恢复健康的重要方法。在我国,因相关体制不健全和民众捐献意识淡薄,遗体和器官来源匮乏,长期制约着相关学科的发展。如何加强遗体、器官捐献工作成为亟待解决的重要问题。遗体、器官捐献理论系统科学地阐述民众在该项工作中的思想理论、意识形态所存在的问题,通过对古今、中外相关理论的总结研究,建立一套适合国情、深入浅出的理论体系,利用科学理论逐步改变传统观念对人们思想的束缚。该理论主要包括开展死亡教育,建立科学生死观、生命价值观。  相似文献   

In patients with schizophrenia, consent postmortem for organ donation for transplantation and research is usually obtained from relatives. By means of a questionnaire, the authors investigate whether patients with schizophrenia would agree to family members making such decisions for them as well as compare decisions regarding postmortem organ transplantation and brain donation between patients and significant family members. Study results indicate while most patients would not agree to transplantation or brain donation for research, a proportion would agree. Among patients who declined organ donation for transplantation or brain research, almost half of family members would have agreed to brain donation for research and over 40% to organ transplantation. Male relatives are more likely to agree to organ donation from their deceased relatives for both transplantation and research. The authors argue that it is important to respect autonomy and interests of research subjects even if mentally ill and even if no longer living. Consent may be assisted by appropriate educational interventions prior to patient death.  相似文献   

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