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肖静  李华才 《医学信息》2004,17(11):709-710
网络及信息安全是网络世界中很重要的话题。文章就“医院信息系统的网络安全”从治理基础、管理策略和规章制度、安全产品的应用等方面谈论了我们医院网络信息安全的建设情况。  相似文献   

医院信息安全系统建设的关键环节及策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医院信息系统的不断发展,医院信息安全系统显得越来越重要.在医院信息化发展不平衡,资金投入有限的情况下,怎样抓住关键环节,做好医院信息安全系统建设是一个具有现实意义的问题.本文主要从医院中心机房、网络设备、网络线路、终端机器、应用软件以及管理等几个方面论述了医院信息安全系统的关键环节以及各个环节所采取的相应策略.文章最后根据现实情况阐述了医院信息安全系统建设的发展趋势.  相似文献   

医院信息化建设和管理的几点体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着信息技术在医疗行业的广泛应用,医院的现代化管理迎来了新的契机和挑战。本文结合西京医院实际,设计一个适应医院实际发展需要的信息化建设规划;更好更有效率的进行信息化医院的管理进行了探讨,发表自己的一些看法和体会。  相似文献   

张荣霞 《医学信息》2005,18(9):1084-1085
中国加入WTO之后,各个行业都不可避免地受到了国际化的冲击。医疗行业是中国最后开放的市场之一,虽然目前人们还不能感受到明显的变化,但医院院长们心里应该明白:阵痛不久就会到来。如何提高医疗服务质量,一切以为病人服务为中心,是医疗行业面对外资医院竞争的必然要涉及的问题。而医院信息化水平的高低更是评测一家医院综合实力的一项重要指标。在发达国家,是否拥有功能完整的医院信息系统(HospitalInformationSyetem,简称HIS)已经成为衡量一个医院是否具有良好形象和先进水平的重要标志。应该指出的是,一套完善的医院信息系统的功能是…  相似文献   

医院信息化建设管理的几点经验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵欢  王幼丽 《医学信息》2004,17(1):33-34
医院信息化建设是一个漫长的探索过程 ,HIS系统没有成品 ,它必须在应用过程中不断完善、不断更新、不断充实。与其他行业的信息化相比 ,医院信息化有其鲜明的特点。医院的信息管理必须以病人为中心 ,病人的信息贯穿整个信息系统 ,一切临床业务均要以方便病人为主 ;医院业务类型繁多 ,管理复杂 ,各业务项目之间数据交换频繁 ;医院信息化还未有一套通用的规范、标准及法律依据 ,这增加了与院外数据交换的困难 ,且使得一些应用项目因缺少法律依据而难以开展。本院的医院信息管理系统自 1996年以来 ,经过了多次升级及更新 ,现已超过 35个子系…  相似文献   

医院信息管理系统使用中的几点体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医疗卫生改革的不断深入,医院使用计算机网络管理已经成为医院发展的必由之路,医院信息系统的管理内容很丰富,对管理人员也提出了较高的要求,它不仅需要很高的技术水平,而且也需要较高的管理水平,是典型的技术与管理相结合的工作。  相似文献   

沈韬 《医学信息》2001,14(8):468-469
在医院信息网络建设中,利用光缆中的冗余光纤组建相互独立的双网架构,使经济管理和Internet两类应用分割开来,为解决管理应用封闭性与Internet应用开放性之间的矛盾提供了一种新的方案。  相似文献   

王晓娟 《医学信息》2001,14(10):687-687
1 发展医院图书馆事业势在必行2 1世纪 ,人们普遍意识到 ,信息在社会财富中占有愈来愈重要的地位 ,信息产业是一个现代化国家综合国力的重要组成部分。医院图书馆是信息产业的重要组成部分 ,加快医院图书馆的信息化、网络化、产业化建设 ,提供全方位的医学信息服务 ,实现医学信息资源共建共享 ,促进医院图书馆的全面发展。2 医院图书馆信息化发展主要标志未来医院图书馆发展方向主要有三个方面 :一是医学信息储存数字化。在医院图书馆通过联机访问 ,可以查询和互访网上图书 ,为读者提供更快捷、更方便、更及时的服务。二是医学信息传递高…  相似文献   

加强医院计算机网络管理的几种方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝媛 《医学信息》2006,19(9):1524-1525
我院自1997年开始实行计算机网络管理,对所有住院病人的有关资料录入并储存于服务器内。病人从门诊挂号、办理住院手续、医嘱处理及出院结帐的全过程逐渐应用计算机管理,不仅使医院员工逐渐摆脱了繁重的手工劳动。而且提高工作效率,也提高了医院管理水平。在计算机应用过程中,经常出现硬件或软件方面的问题,我们采取了一些管理方法和技术手段,这些方法和手段对保障整个网络正常运行起了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

李梦华  解亚楼 《医学信息》2001,14(10):675-676
本文根据医院信息化建设过程中的各个环节,详细地介绍了医院在信息化的道路上应注意的各种问题及相应的对策。  相似文献   

医院信息系统的安全及防治措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏玉成 《医学信息》2008,21(11):1974-1975
随着数字化医院的发展,越来越多的医疗信息联系在医院信息系统上,医院信息系统就与医院的生存紧密地联系在一起.任何形式的故障都会时医院的正常业务造成严重的冲击,给医院带来重大的经济损失和恶劣的社会影响.为了保证医院信息系统的安全,必须全方位的落实医院信息系统安全防治措施.  相似文献   

杨瑾 《医学信息》2005,18(2):96-97
医院信息系统是利用计算机技术、网络技术、数据库技术对医院进行现代化、数据化管理,为各级领导、部门提供可靠的参考数据与决策支持。在医院管理、临床医疗、护理、财务、后勤物资、医保等多层次多部门之间发挥着重要的作用,并可促使医院的管理模式发生重大变革。医院信息的特点是信息量大,增长快速且复杂,同时各部门之间(包括院外,如医保)的数据需要实现共享及交换。  相似文献   

The topic of electrical safety in the hospital has been of considerable interest since it covered that certain catheterized patients can be accidentally electrocuted by currents well below the perceivable level. Prompted by a safety scare that began in 1969, hospitals and manufacturers of medical equipment have since become safety conscious and have taken steps to effectively reduce the safety hazard to both patients and hospital staff. This paper is intended to provide the reader with a basic understanding of electrical safety problems in the hospital. The phisiological effects of electricity in the body, electrical safety hazards in the hospital and methods of protecting patients from both macroshock and microshock hazards are described and discussed. The paper concludes with recommendations for a relatively inexpensive, but effective and up-to-date electrical safety program for the hospital.  相似文献   

医院信息数据转换与HIS资源共享   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晓菁  姚登福 《医学信息》2005,18(10):1239-1241
信息资源共建共享是知识经济社会发展的必然产物,本文介绍了大型医院信息系统(HIS)中的信息资源进行数据转换,使其为其它管理系统所利用,达到资源共享的目的。  相似文献   

Meta-analytic research has confirmed that skin conductance response (SCR) measures have high validity for the detection of concealed information. Furthermore, cumulating research has provided evidence for the validity of two other autonomic measures: Heart rate (HR) and Respiration Line Length (RLL). In the present report, we compared SCR detection efficiency with HR and RLL, and investigated whether HR and RLL provide incremental validity to electrodermal responses. Analyses were based on data from 7 different samples covering 275 guilty and 53 innocent examinees. Results revealed that the area under the ROC curve was significantly higher for SCR than for HR and RLL. A weighted combination of these measures using a logistic regression model yielded slightly larger validity coefficients than the best single measure. These results proved to be stable across different protocols and various samples.  相似文献   

张航  张蕾 《医学信息》2005,18(10):1258-1259
医疗领域现代化过程中面临的问题很多,如果能够将计算机技术应用在医疗领域,同时结合国内与国际先进的医院管理经验,将医院的管理思想、医院各部门的业务经验以及当今计算机科学技术完美统一起来,将极大的提高医院的现代化管理能力。  相似文献   

Mobile information and communication tools in the hospital   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mobile information and communication systems in clinical routine have the potential to greatly improve communication, facilitate information access, eliminate double documentation, and increase quality of patient care in the long run. Projects to date have focused, for the most part, on highly specialized applications of the mobile computer. In our research project, 'Cooperative Problem Solving in Health Care', we have, among other things, designed a multifunctional mobile information and communication assistant. A prototype version of this system was implemented. This article outlines the close-to-reality evaluation of our prototype in a 1-week simulation study in a Heidelberg University hospital. We describe methods, aims, design and results of the simulation study, as well as discuss our methodology and the results we have obtained. We argue that the diverse requirements of different professional groups cannot be fulfilled by a single multifunctional device and propose, therefore, a 'multi-device mobile computer architecture'. Finally, we present consequences for the future computing infrastructure.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo review our experience of development and implementation of an electronic hospital information system, its costs and return on investment as well as incorporation of some key quality standards.MethodsCost and saving trends of the project were calculated using different tools including project expense, cost saving through cessation of printing radiology films and paper. Net present value with payback period was utilized to evaluate the efficiency of the health information systems. Qualitative improvements in different healthcare functions were also analyzed.ResultsThe total saving of the project was approximately US$ 5.1 million with net saving of US$ 3.5 million for the period from 2001 to 2011. The net present value of the project is US$3.2 million with a payback period of 3.4 years.ConclusionsElectronic hospital information systems and health records hold the potential to be useful tools for quality improvement and error reduction. Adoption of such systems, however, has been slow and erratic, worldwide. Utilizing the concept of net present value, development of such a system may be financially viable for some institutions. Instead of simply replacing paper, these systems may also be used to improve information management and improve quality of patient care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Most healthcare providers provide mobile service for their medical staff; however, few healthcare providers provide mobile service as part of their outpatient service. The mobile outpatient service system (MOSS) focuses on illness treatment, illness prevention and patient relation management for outpatient service users. Initiated in a local hospital in Taiwan, the MOSS pilot project was developed to improve outpatient service quality and pursue higher patient safety. METHOD: This study focuses on the development of the MOSS. The workflow, architecture and target users of the MOSS are delineated. In addition, there were two surveys conducted as part of this study. After a focus group of medical staff identified areas in which outpatient services might be improved by the MOSS, the first survey was administered to outpatients to confirm the focus group's intuitions. The second administration of the survey explored outpatient satisfaction after they used the MOSS service. RESULTS: With regard to outpatient attitudes, about 93% of participants agreed that the mobile outpatient service improved outpatient service quality. In the area of outpatient satisfaction, about 89% of participants indicated they were satisfied with the mobile outpatient service. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Supported by our study finding, we propose that more diverse mobile outpatient services can be provided in the future.  相似文献   

Some bacteraemias encountered in hospital practice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This is a retrospective study of the results of 4,642 blood cultures taken from 2,190 patients from 1960 to 1967 in one London hospital. The results suggested that an increased incidence of bacteraemias at this particular hospital was mainly due to the increase in the number of patients having blood cultures. Some of the bacteraemias were terminal or transient and probably of doubtful clinical significance.  相似文献   

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