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全麻诱导气管插管时大脑皮层电活动与血流动力学的变化 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
探讨数量化脑电图在反映麻醉诱导气管插管期间脑电的活动程度,以及EEG和心血管反应相关性研究。方法:70例ASAⅠ级病人,随机双盲分两组,组Ⅰ(n=35)硫喷妥钠,组Ⅱ(n=35)异丙酚。硫喷妥钠或异丙酚和琥珀胆碱行气管插管。分别于诱导前、诱导后,气导插管后1 ̄2分和3 ̄5分监测数量化脑电图,MAP、HR、SpO2的变化。结果:诱导前,两组病人的EEG及血流动力学参数无差异。诱导后,EEG抑制、SE 相似文献
异丙酚和硫喷妥钠用于全麻诱导及拔管时的比较 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
异丙酚和硫喷妥钠用于全麻诱导及拔管时的比较陈新民*彭志勇*刘俊杰*本文将异丙酚用于全麻诱导及拔管,观察其麻醉效果及对呼吸、循环功能的影响,并与硫喷妥钠进行比较,为临床应用提供依据。资料与方法30例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级的择期全麻手术病人,男女各半,年龄32~... 相似文献
本研究旨在了解老年人在硫喷妥钠诱导插管期间的心血管反应与中青年人有何区别。随机选择60岁以下和60岁以上的择期手术病人各10例,即中青年组(A组)和老年组(B组),两组均静注硫喷妥钠6~7mg/kg和琥珀酰胆碱1.5~2.0mg/kg后插管。应用BoMedNCCOM3-R7无创心功能监测仪分别在诱导前、诱导后、插管后即刻和插管后1、5min测定血流动力学参数。结果表明,应用一定剂量范围的硫喷妥钠诱导时,老年人的血压、CI、SI、LCWI、EF的下降程度并不比中青年人更显著。另外,老年人对插管刺激引起的高血压反应比中青年人剧烈,而其HR的上升幅度并不比中青年人显著,但如此也导致老年人的RPP增加。因此,在老年病人为预防诱导插管期间心血管并发症的发生,应采取适当的措施来减轻插管刺激引起的心血管反应。 相似文献
本文用无创性心阻抗血流图测量27例择期手术病人在硫喷妥钠快速诱导插管期间血流动力学的变化。结果显示静注硫喷妥钠8mg/kg后SBP、SI和CI分别下降10.6%(P<0.001)、38.5%(P<0.001)和16.3%(P<0.001);HR代偿性增快4O.5%(P<0.001);TPR和PCWP显著升高(P<0.05)。喉镜暴露声门及气管插管后血压、TPR、HR、PCWP进一步急剧增高,而SI和CI进一步减少。所以,对于高血压、冠心病、高颅内压、动脉瘤等病人应采取必要的预防措施,以免由于血流动力学的剧烈变化而发生意外。 相似文献
本研究旨在了解老年人在硫喷妥钠诱导插管期间的心血管反应与中青年人何区别。随机选择60岁以下和60岁以上的择期手术病人各10例,即中青年组和老年组,两组均静注硫喷妥钠6-7mg/kg和琥珀酰胆碱1.5-2.0mg/kg后插管。应用BoMedNCCOM3-R7无创心功能监测仪分别在诱导前,诱导后,插管后即刻和插管后1,5min测定血流动力学参数。 相似文献
Vohra等报道用双异丙酚诱导时动脉压和周身血管阻力的下降比用硫喷妥钠更明显,但两药都使心脏指数下降,因此怀疑插管反应是由于儿茶酚胺释放所 相似文献
不同剂量异丙酚和硫喷妥钠静脉注对血流动力学的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的:研究异丙酚对血流动力学影响。方法:30例病人随机分为三组,第1组硫喷妥钠用量为5mg/kg,第2、3划丙酚剂量分别为1.5mg/kg和2.5mg/kg,用阻抗法观察MAPHR、CO、CI、SV、SI、TFI、VET、SVR的变化。结果:注药后10minCo、Ci、SV、Si等在第1组下降20%-30%,第2组下降少于10%,而第3组下降10-20%。结论:异丙酚对循环系统影响轻于硫喷妥钠。 相似文献
目的:评估和比较异丙酚,硫喷妥钠和依托咪酯用于腹腔镜胆囊切除术麻醉中的诱导,麻醉稳定性,苏醒和麻醉并发症。方法:选择60例行腹腔镜胆囊切除术的病人,随机分为三组,一组硫喷妥钠用于麻醉诱导,30%N_2O—七氟醚用于麻醉维持。二组异丙酚用于麻醉诱导和维持。三组依托咪酯用于麻醉诱导和维持。结果:各组诱导意识消失时间依次为37.7±1.0秒,49.9±1.8秒,57.3±2.0秒,麻醉后睁眼时间依次为13.9±0.8分。9.4±0.4分,12.3±0.7分。各组间比较差异均有显著性P均<0.01。异丙酚组苏醒后无一例复睡。结论:异丙酚诱导迅速,可以提供一个稳定的腹腔镜麻醉,而不需要大量的其它静脉麻醉药,苏醒最快,且苏醒质量好,术后并发症少。 相似文献
目的研究丙泊酚及咪唑安定静脉全麻诱导过程中对病人血流动力学变化的影响。方法年龄18~65岁、ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级的择期手术病人50例,随机分成丙泊酚组(A组)和咪唑安定组(B组),每组25例,分别以丙泊酚1.5mg/kg或咪唑安定0.2mg/kg进行诱导,用胸阻抗法监测麻醉诱导前(T0)、插管前(T1)、插管即刻(T2)、插管后1min(T3)、3min(T4)、5min(T5)时的体循环阻力(SVR)、左心作功(LCW)、心排血量(CO)、心脏指数(CI)、SBP、DBP和HR的变化。结果两组病人在全麻诱导过程中SBP、SVR、CO、LCW差异无统计学意义,B组HR在T1、T2、T4及T5时明显快于A组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论0.2mg/kg咪唑安定与1.5mg/kg丙泊酚进行全麻诱导对血流动力学的影响基本一致。 相似文献
Intubating conditions and haemodynamic changes were studied 30 sec after a fixed induction dose of thiopentone or propofol in patients scheduled for elective surgery. The hypnotic agent was preceded by the administration of papaveretum 10 mg three minutes before induction and alcuronium 0.2 mg·kg?1 at induction. Ease of intubation was graded and the study conducted in a randomised double-blind fashion. In the thiopentone group (n=30) intubation was very easy in 73% compared with 79% in the propofol group (n=29). In two patients in the propofol group the tracheas were moderately difficult to intubate but there were no failed intubations in either group. No patients recalled the intubation period on subsequent postoperative questioning. The immediate post-induction average systolic pressure in the thiopentone group decreased by 0.7% (range 15.9% increase to 25.3% decrease) whilst the post-intubation systolic pressure increased by 6.3% (range ?31.5% increase to 24.2% decrease). In the propofol group there was a decrease in systolic pressure after induction (average 14.4%; range 15.5% increase to 41.4% decrease, P < 0.05) but the subsequent pressor response to intubation was markedly attenuated compared with baseline (average systolic pressure decreased 15.5% (range 22.4% increase to 42.7% decrease)). Following intubation and maintenance, ventilation with nitrous oxide 70% and halothane 1% the systolic pressure decreased markedly in both groups with a greater reduction in the propofol group (P < 0.05). Compared with baseline there were increases (P < 0.0001) in heart rate in both groups from induction of anaesthesia to the end of study. The results show that early tracheal intubation can be undertaken following thiopentone and is accompanied by haemodynamic stability. Comparable intubating conditions are associated with propofol but the dose used resulted in a considerable decrease in systolic blood pressure after induction. 相似文献
异丙酚麻醉诱导期间不同剂量瑞芬太尼对病人气管插管心血管反应的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的比较异丙酚麻醉诱导期间不同剂量瑞芬太尼对病人气管插管心血管反应的影响,寻找瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚气管插管的合适剂量。方法择期行腹腔镜胆囊切除术病人36例,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,年龄20~65岁,随机分为3组(n=12):瑞芬太尼1、1.5、2μg/kg分别为复合异丙酚1.5μg/kg组(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组)。依次静脉注射咪唑安定0.03mg/kg、异丙酚1.5mg/kg、维库溴铵0.1mg/kg以及瑞芬太尼麻醉诱导,2min后气管插管,进行机械通气,呼吸频率12次/min,潮气量8~10ml/kg,维持呼气末二氧化碳分压35~45mmHg。持续监测血压(平均动脉压、舒张压、收缩压)、心率(HR)以及听觉诱发电位指数(AAI),并记录病人有无气管插管时呛咳和肌肉强直、术中知晓等反应。结果与基础值比较,三组气管插管前即刻血压及Ⅲ组气管插管后即刻舒张压均降低,Ⅲ组气管插管后即刻血压低于Ⅰ组(P〈0.05);HR组间及组内比较差异无统计学意义;三组间AAI差异无统计学意义。结论异丙酚1.5mg/kg麻醉诱导期间瑞芬太尼1或1.5μg/kg是病人气管插管时的合适剂量。 相似文献
B Brunetti R Arienta M Favaro A Trivellato B Allaria S Feller C Tonini S Sbrascini 《Minerva anestesiologica》1990,56(4):117-120
The electroencephalographic changes of 12 patients submitted to anaesthesia with low dosages of propofol (4-2 mg/kg/h + fentanyl) for peripheral vascular surgery have been studied. The standard induction dose of propofol was 2 mg/kg for all the patients. The EEG recording was carried out during the whole length of anaesthesia and the EEG changes were analysed during induction and maintenance phases. During surgical anaesthesia it was always easy to read EEG and also to detect eventual cerebral suffering. On the basis of our results we can suggest this anesthesiologic technique for surgery (for example: carotid surgery) requiring a continuous monitoring of the cerebral function during intra and postoperative phases. 相似文献
Hemodynamic stability during induction of anesthesia and tracheal intubation with propofol plus fentanyl, ketamine, and fentanyl-ketamine 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Purpose. This study was conducted to investigate hemodynamic and cardiac stability during anesthesia induction and intubation, using
propofol plus fentanyl, propofol plus ketamine, and propofol plus fentanyl and ketamine.
Methods. Forty-five adult patients were randomly allocated to one of three groups according to the agents used for induction: propofol
(2 mg/kg) plus fentanyl (3 μg/kg) (PF), propofol (2 mg/kg) plus ketamine (0.1 mg/kg) (PK), and propofol (2 mg/kg) plus fentanyl
(3 μg/kg) plus ketamine (0.1 mg/kg) (PFK). Hemodynamic responses were assessed by measuring changes in blood pressure (BP),
heart rate (HR), and cardiac output (CO; using dye dilution combined with pulse dye densitometry [PDD]).
Results. BP and HR changes during the induction of anesthesia tended to be greater in the PK group than in the PF and PFK groups.
After the injection of propofol, the cardiac index (CI) fell significantly below baseline values in the PF and PFK groups,
but remained unchanged in the PK group. After tracheal intubation, BP and HR increased significantly only in the PF and PK
groups, and reached a level significantly above baseline values only in the PK group. The CO responses to tracheal intubation
were: PK group > PF group > PFK group.
Conclusion. A combination of propofol plus fentanyl plus ketamine would provide greater reduction of fluctuations in hemodynamic variables
associated with induction of anesthesia and tracheal intubation than combinations of propofol plus fentanyl or propofol plus
Received: January 22, 2001 / Accepted: June 19, 2001 相似文献