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20世纪 8 0年代末 ,美国的一些艺术家用红丝带来默默悼念死于艾滋病的同伴们 ,在一次世界艾滋病大会上 ,艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病人齐声呼吁人们的理解 ,一条长长的红丝带被抛在会场的上空 ,支持者们将其剪成小段 ,并用别针将折叠好的红丝带标志别在胸前。后来 ,许多关注艾滋病的爱心组织、医疗机构纷纷以“红丝带”命名。红丝带逐渐成为呼唤全社会关注艾滋病的防治问题 ,理解、关爱艾滋病病毒感染者及艾滋病病人的国际性标志 ,象征着对生命的热爱和对平等的渴望。红丝带———艾滋病防治的象征  相似文献   

吴俊伟  任宜秋 《中国校医》2005,19(1):109-110,F003
目前,我国有2.1亿青少年学生,他们是艾滋病的易感人群,也是预防和控制艾滋病的生力军。因此,学校要树立健康第一的思想,通过各种形式向学生宣传艾滋病知识、传播途径、防范方法,帮助他们了解艾滋病的信息,解答心中的疑惑,倡导他们做红丝带精神的倡导者、传播者和实践者,用自己的爱心去感化艾滋病病毒感染者。  相似文献   

胡辅助  刘华实  陈曦 《实用预防医学》2002,9(3):288-288,F003
目的 了解不同人群对艾滋病知识的掌握程度 ,为今后艾滋病预防知识的宣传教育提供借鉴作用。 方法采用卫生部艾滋病预防控制中心健康干预室制定的 2 0 0 1年世界艾滋病宣传运动情况调查表 ,对 5 0 3名过往人群以问卷形式进行现场调查。 结果 能正确回答 HIV三种传播途径的分别为 :5 4.9%的人知道性传播途径 ,93.6 %的知道输血传播途径 ,80 .5 %的人知道血制品的传播途径 ,83.5 %的知道母婴传播途径 ,对使用安全套是否可以阻止 HIV的传播 ,仅有5 8.3%的人回答是肯定的 ,对是否允许 HIV感染者继续工作 ,有 45 .3%的人回答是否定的 ,对于以艾滋病为主题的“飘动的红丝带”大型文艺演出的关注程度 ,仅有 16 .1%的人观看过 ,对艾滋病知识的获得途径 ,看过展板 /墙板 /宣传栏的有47.5 % ,看过电视宣传 71.5 % ,听过广播 40 .4% ,看过报纸 6 3.9%。 结论 大部分人群对艾滋病知识的宣传教育关注不够 ,艾滋病的知识仍很匮乏 ,因此 ,加强对大众的艾滋病预防知识的宣传教育和培训仍为当务之急。  相似文献   

重庆市传染病医院 2 0 0 1年得到重庆市艾滋病防治专项资金资助 ,“建立重庆市艾滋病关爱之家”研究项目正式启动。“关爱之家”自建立以来 ,在探索中发展 ,为预防和控制艾滋病发挥了积极的作用。“关爱之家”活动的探索与成效项目开展以来 ,通过不同形式宣传“关爱之家”的理念 ,已与 3 0多位艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病患者建立联系 ,采取心理支持、生活指导、宣传教育等方法 ,以单独面谈、电话咨询、个别访问、节日活动、安排体检、共同参加艾滋病宣传日活动等方式开展工作。通过“关爱之家”与艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病患者进行多种形式接…  相似文献   

卫生部、中宣部、教育部等12个部门开展“预防艾滋病宣传海报进村入校活动”,为全国74万个村、5万个居委会、2100所大学和9万所中学发放了艾滋病防治知识和政策的宣传海报。卫生部、全国妇联、共青团中央在艾滋病综合防治示范区开展妇女、青少年“面对面”防治艾滋病宣教活动和“青春红丝带”行动。  相似文献   

目的快速评估大型健康传播活动"农村飘动红丝带"主题花会的实施效果。方法采用中心场所拦截式访查法在乡、县两级演出现场对257名观众进行抽样问卷调查;采用专题小组访谈法对农民群众演员、当地专业人员和主管干部各2组共19人进行结构式访谈。结果257名问卷调查对象中有250人(97.3%)观看了演出;在观看者中,218人(87.2%)表示喜欢演出的节目;239人(93.0%)理解演出目的;211人(84.4%)能够看懂节目内容;230人(92.0%)学到了新知识。专题小组访谈群众演员表示全部自愿参加排练和演出,愿意继续参加此类公益性文化活动;当地专业人员和主管干部对将预防艾滋病宣传教育纳入农村春节文化活动的可行性和有效性给以充分肯定。结论运用参与式方法,利用农村春节文化活动的时机,组织农村群众以自娱自乐形式编排文艺节目宣传艾滋病知识,是开展农村地区预防控制艾滋病健康教育的有效形式。  相似文献   

联合国艾滋病规划署将1998年世界艾滋病宣传教育运动的重点定为青少年。这是为什么呢?全球3000多万名艾滋病病毒感染者中,50%以上是10—24岁的青少年自七十年代末艾滋病在世界“问世”以来,以惊人的速度向全球各个国家和地区迅速蔓延,不仅严重威胁着人...  相似文献   

目的通过开展反歧视艾滋病活动,转变农村社区居民对艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和患者的歧视态度。方法对某市22个行政村的401名社区骨干进行形式多样(讲座、游戏、角色扮演、小组讨论等形式)的宣传教育活动,然后由社区骨干回到社区中对当地的村民进行宣传。结果开展宣传教育后,农村社区居民艾滋病相关知识知晓率均有不同程度的提高,尤其是蚊虫叮咬不会传播艾滋病、一个人被艾滋病病毒感染后,如果马上对他/她做HIV抗体检测就可以知道这个人是否真正感染了HIV,分别由宣传教育活动前的70.32%和42.39%上升到活动后的89.53%和57.36%。对艾滋病病毒感染者/患者所持友善态度上升,歧视态度下降,对艾滋病的恐惧下降,自愿到当地CDC咨询室来接受VCT服务明显上升。结论开展形式多样的健康教育活动,可以使农村社区居民艾滋病相关知识得到明显提高,对艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病病人的歧视现象有较大改变。  相似文献   

“传播艾滋病的途径主要有哪些?”,“海洛英成瘾的替代疗法是什么?”每当晚会主持人提问声刚落,现场许多市民纷纷举手喊道:“我知道!”这是“心系红丝带”大型宣传活动晚会现场的一幕。  相似文献   

根据“携手儿童青少年,携手抗击艾滋病”青少年爱心大使项目计划安排.上海市爱心大使管理办公室于2009年8月3—4日.在项目点嘉定区举办了“青少年爱心大使培训基地揭牌仪式暨参与式培训班”。中国健康教育中心、联合国儿童基金会驻中国办事处、嘉定区卫生局、嘉定区疾病预防控制中心等有关领导和专家为“上海市青少年爱心大使培训基地”揭牌。并为上海9名国家级爱心大使颁发了证书。嘉定区防治艾滋病工作委员会成员单位联络员、国家级爱心大使.嘉定区爱心大使及阳光青少年社工等50余人参加了活动仪式及培训班。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Guidelines exist for screening, diagnosing, and preventing tuberculosis (TB) among HIV-infected persons, but their application and utility are unknown. METHODS: We conducted a survey of knowledge and practices among 1,300 physicians in the San Francisco Bay area to assess their practices towards TB among HIV-infected persons. RESULTS: Of 630 respondents, 350 (56%) provided care for HIV-infected persons. Thirty-four percent of the respondents had seen the most recent guidelines for preventing tuberculosis among HIV-infected persons; 65% routinely provide information to HIV-infected patients about the risks of exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis; 39% provide annual tuberculin skin testing (TST) to HIV-infected patients without a history of a positive test; 86% knew that >/=5-mm induration is considered a positive TST result in HIV-infected persons; and 47% provide a 12-month regimen of chemoprophylaxis for HIV-infected persons who have a positive TST but not active tuberculosis. Physician specialty and experience with HIV-infected persons were not strongly correlated; experience was a better predictor of correct knowledge and practices. CONCLUSIONS: Many physicians were not aware of the standards of care for preventing tuberculosis among HIV-infected patients, even in a geographic area with a high prevalence of M. tuberculosis and HIV.  相似文献   

This study attempts to clarify the distribution patterns of delay between HIV transmission and the first hospital visit among HIV-infected persons and AIDS cases in Japan except those infected through blood products. Such hospital visit patterns were analyzed, and the rates of reporting for HIV/AIDS surveillance among diagnosed HIV-infected persons and AIDS cases in hospitals were shown. From 1991 to 1997, a survey and subsequent follow-up were conducted among HIV-infected persons and AIDS cases diagnosed at 74 hospitals in Tokyo. The numbers of HIV-infected persons and AIDS cases were 590 and 208, respectively. The percentage of patients whose estimated date of HIV transmission was obtained ranged 23-41% among Japanese and non-Japanese HIV-infected persons and AIDS cases. Among these patients, 28% to 86% showed a 3-year delay between HIV transmission and their first hospital visit. The rate of HIV-infected persons who continued to visit hospitals within 1 year after their first visit was 77% for Japanese and 45% for non-Japanese; among those after 1 year or more following their first hospital visit the rate was more than 80% among Japanese and over 70% among non-Japanese. The rate of reporting to HIV/AIDS surveillance among diagnosed HIV-infected persons and AIDS cases was 90% or more after 1994 in Japan. The delay between HIV transmission and the first hospital visit was suggested to be very long. Not a few patients stopped visiting hospitals after only a short time. Most diagnosed HIV-infected persons and AIDS cases were reported to the surveillance system of Japan.  相似文献   

To determine whether hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a cause of hepatitis among HIV-infected persons, we evaluated 1985-2009 data for US military beneficiaries. Evidence of acute or prior HEV infection was detected for 7 (4%) and 5 (3%) of 194 HIV-infected persons, respectively. HEV might be a cause of acute hepatitis among HIV-infected persons.  相似文献   

[目的]了解广州地区入境境外人员中HIV/AIDS的感染、罹患情况,流行病学特征,评估HIV/AIDS引发国内人群传播和流行的风险性。[方法]对1996-2005年发现的HIV/AIDS资料进行回溯性流行病学调查,分析其可能引发在国内人群传播和流行的各种危险因素。[结果]10年间共发现HIV/AIDS43例,检出率为0.10%。其中HIV-1感染41例,HIV-1+2感染2例;被诊断为艾滋病病人的4例,其中已死亡2例;HIV感染并发梅毒6例。通过性接触(同性屏性)和吸毒感染的28例(占65.12%);手术输血感染2例(占4.65%),否认感染史或未接受流行病学调查13例(占30.23%)。他们在中国(境内)平均居留290d,承认在我国(境内)有性伴侣/不洁性接触史的有15例(占性接触感染者的53.57%),性伴侣最多的达50多个,最少的也有2个。[结论]艾滋病正通过入境境外人群不断地从境外传入国内,造成国内人群传播和流行的风险性日益增大。  相似文献   

云南省德宏州新报告艾滋病病毒感染者溯源调查   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 对新报告HIV感染者的高危接触者进行逐级追踪调查和HIV检测(溯源调查),评价其作为一种艾滋病检测和防控策略的有效性和可行性.方法 对云南省德宏州2008年8-10月新报告的HIV感染者335例及其高危接触者(接触者)进行溯源调查.结果将335例中的309例以及从接触者中发现的148例HIV感染者纳入本次溯源调查.累计报告接触者3395人,其中有联系信息的接触者704人(20.7%);704人中成功追踪调查361人(51.3%);其中67.6%(244/361)为HIV感染情况不详;有83.2%(203/244)接受HIV检测,新检出HIV阳性56例,阳性检出率为27.6%(56/203).HIV感染者的配偶有联系信息的比例和追踪调查率分别为68.8%(280/407)、68.2%(191/280);远高于商业性伴1.2%(24/1978)、16.7%(4/24),非商业非配偶性伴37.3%(202/542)、22.3%(45/202),以及共用针具者34.1%(140/410)、56.4%(79/140).结论 溯源调查新检出的HIV阳性率高;但是对商业性伴和非商业非配偶性伴的追踪调查存在难度;开展溯源调查有助于发现更多的HIV感染者、掌握和控制艾滋病疫情.  相似文献   

As of December 2001, a cumulative total of 816,149 cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) had been reported to CDC (1). One of CDC's national human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)--prevention goals for 2005 (Goal 2) is to increase the proportion of HIV-infected persons in the United States who know they are infected from an estimated 70% to 95% (2). A goal of the new CDC initiative, Advancing HIV Prevention: New Strategies for a Changing Epidemic, is to ensure that every HIV-infected person has the opportunity to be tested and has access to state-of-the-art medical care and prevention services needed to prevent HIV transmission (3). To characterize the prevalence of HIV-antibody testing among U.S. adults, CDC analyzed data from the 2001 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The findings document variability in HIV testing prevalence by area and by sex within areas, underscoring the ongoing need to promote voluntary HIV counseling and testing that will provide persons with early knowledge of their HIV status and offer them access to appropriate counseling and treatment.  相似文献   

Worldwide, tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most common causes of death among persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The World Health Organization recommends screening HIV-infected persons for TB disease after HIV diagnosis, before initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), and during routine follow-up care. In 2003, health officials in Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia, in conjunction with CDC and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), began a pilot project to increase TB screening among persons with HIV infection. Subsequently, CDC analyzed and evaluated data from the first 14 months of the project. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which determined that, during January 2004--February 2005, among persons with HIV infection at voluntary counseling and confidential testing (VCCT) clinics, 37% were screened for TB disease, and 24% of those screened had TB disease diagnosed. On the basis of these findings, the Provincial Health Department (PHD) took action to increase awareness of the risk for TB among HIV-infected persons. During the 3 months after these measures were implemented, the TB screening rate among persons with HIV infection increased to 61%. Evaluation of projects like the one conducted in Banteay Meanchey Province can help develop an evidence-based approach for removing barriers to screening HIV-infected persons for TB.  相似文献   

目的了解高教园区大学生对环境的满意度及需要解决的问题,为高校建设的策划和构建提供必要的参考依据。方法采用多级抽样方法对杭州市高教园区880名大学生进行关于学习、生活、就医、安全保障、交通、人际交往和社会实践环境变化满意度的问卷调查。结果42.7%的大学生对于高教园区的学习环境表示满意。大多数大学生对高教园区的交通环境、社会实践环境和安全保障环境不满意。40.5%的大学生希望尽快改善班车路线少、车次少、价格贵的交通状况。结论高教园区的交通环境迫切需要改善,以满足大学生的学习和生活需求。  相似文献   

Data on influenza epidemiology in HIV-infected persons are limited, particularly for sub-Saharan Africa, where HIV infection is widespread. We tested respiratory and blood samples from patients with acute lower respiratory tract infections hospitalized in South Africa during 2009–2011 for viral and pneumococcal infections. Influenza was identified in 9% (1,056/11,925) of patients enrolled; among influenza case-patients, 358 (44%) of the 819 who were tested were infected with HIV. Influenza-associated acute lower respiratory tract infection incidence was 4–8 times greater for HIV-infected (186–228/100,000) than for HIV-uninfected persons (26–54/100,000). Furthermore, multivariable analysis showed HIV-infected patients were more likely to have pneumococcal co-infection; to be infected with influenza type B compared with type A; to be hospitalized for 2–7 days or >7 days; and to die from their illness. These findings indicate that HIV-infected persons are at greater risk for severe illnesses related to influenza and thus should be prioritized for influenza vaccination.  相似文献   

BackgroundAn overarching question in health policy concerns whether the current mix of public and private health coverage in the United States can be, in one way or another, expanded to include all persons as it does in Canada. As typically high-end consumers of health care services, people with disabilities are key stakeholders to consider in this debate. The risk is that ways to cover more persons may be found only by sacrificing the quantity or quality of care on which people with disabilities so frequently depend. Yet, despite the many comparisons made of Canadian and U.S. health care, few focus directly on the needs of people with disabilities or the uninsured among them in the United States. This research is intended to address these gaps. Given this background, we compare the health care experiences of working-age uninsured and insured Americans with Canadian individuals (all of whom, insured) with a special focus on disability. Two questions for research guide our inquiry: (1) On the basis of disability severity level and health insurance status, are there differences in self-reported measures of access, utilization, satisfaction with, or quality of health care services within or between the United States and Canada? (2) After controlling covariates, when examining each level of disability severity, are there any significant differences in these measures of access, utilization, satisfaction, or quality between U.S. insured and Canadian persons?MethodsCross-sectional data from the Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health (JCUSH) are analyzed with particular attention to disability severity level (none, nonsevere, or severe) among three analytic groups of working age residents (insured Americans, uninsured Americans, and Canadians). Differences in three measures of access, one measure of satisfaction with care, one quality of care measure, and two varieties of physician contacts are compared. Multivariate methods are then used to compare the healthcare experiences of insured U.S. and Canadian persons on the basis of disability level while controlling covariates.ResultsIn covariate-controlled comparisons of insured Americans and Canadians, we find that people with disabilities report higher levels of unmet need than do their counterparts without disabilities, with no difference in this result between the nations. Our findings on access to medications and satisfaction with care among people with disabilities are similar, suggesting worse outcomes for people with disabilities, but few differences between insured U.S. and Canadian individuals. Generally, we find higher percentages who report having a regular physician, and higher contact rates with physicians among people with disabilities than among people without them in both countries. We find no evidence that total physician contacts are restricted in Canada relative to insured Americans at any of the disability levels. Yet we do find that quality ratings are lower among Canadian respondents than among insured Americans. However, bivariate estimates on access, satisfaction, quality, and physician contacts reveal particularly poor outcomes for uninsured persons with severe disabilities in the United States. For example, almost 40% do not report having a regular physician, 65% report that they need at least one medication that they cannot afford, 45% are not satisfied with the way their care is provided, 40% rate the overall quality of their care as fair or poor, and significant reductions in contacts with two types of physicians are evident within this group as well.ConclusionBased on these results, we find evidence of disparities in health care on the basis of disability in both Canada and the United States. However, despite the fact that Canada makes health insurance coverage available to all residents, we find few significant reductions in access, satisfaction or physician contacts among Canadians with disabilities relative to their insured American counterparts. These results place a spotlight on the experiences of uninsured persons with disabilities in America and suggest further avenues for research.  相似文献   

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