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PURPOSE: The traditional treatment of a complex high fistula-in-ano by internal sphincterotomy and insertion of a cutting seton carries a risk of fecal incontinence. We have assessed the functional impact of treating patients with a complex fistula-in-ano by a cutting seton fistulotomy technique that preserves the internal sphincter. METHODS: The operative steps consisted of initial eradication of sepsis, identification of the internal and external openings of the fistula tract, excision of the fistula tract with anal canal mucosa, and insertion of a cutting silk seton around both the internal and external sphincters. In this way open drainage of the intersphincteric space was avoided, and integrity of the internal sphincter was maintained. Functional outcome following treatment with this technique, with regard to fistula eradication and effect on fecal continence was assessed in 27 patients (15 males) who were treated during a six-year period. Twenty-three patients (85 percent) had a history of previous fistula surgery. RESULTS: The fistula was cured in 26 patients (96 percent) with no reports of altered continence at the time of discharge from outpatient review. Recurrence developed in one patient (4 percent) in whom hidradenitis suppurativa was subsequently diagnosed. All four patients with Crohn's disease had their fistulas eradicated; three (75 percent) have subsequently undergone proctectomy for severe perianal and rectal Crohn's involvement. Long-term follow-up revealed three patients (19 percent, all rectovaginal fistulas) who experienced a deterioration in continence after discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Although this procedure may not be appropriate for rectovaginal fistulas, the data suggest that cutting setons are effective in treating complex fistula-in-ano, including those that have failed to respond to other forms of surgery. Avoidance of preliminary internal sphincterotomy may prevent deterioration in continence.Published in abstract form inGut 1992;33:156A and Int J Colorectal Dis 1992;7:232.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Long-term results of cutting seton in the treatment of anal fistulas were studied. METHODS: Of the 44 patients with anal fistulas, mainly of the high variety, managed with this method, 35 (25 men) attended a clinical and manometric follow-up examination on average 70 (range, 28–184) months after operation. Fistula distribution was high transsphincteric (25), low transsphincteric (5), extrasphincteric (3), and suprasphincteric (2). The seton was tightened at one-week to two-week intervals to achieve gradual sphincter division. RESULTS: Time required to achieve complete fistula healing ranged from 37 to 557 (mean, 151) days. Two (6 percent) of the 35 patients reexamined had recurrence of fistula and 22 (63 percent) reported symptoms of minor impairment in anal control, which in four patients had existed already before operation. Anal resting pressures were similar for defective and normal control, but other manometric variables were inferior in incontinence, although total squeeze pressure only showed statistically significant difference from normal continence ( P =0.0345). Incontinence was likely associated with hard and gutter-shaped operation scars in the anal canal, but the difference from normal continence was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Cutting seton yields fairly good results in regard to cure of fistula, but the risk of anal incontinence, despite its minor degree, seems to be too high to recommend its routine use for all high fistulas. The suprasphincteric fistulas and some extrasphincteric fistulas are difficult to treat otherwise, but especially for high transsphincteric fistulas, other methods of treatment (preferably those in which sphincter division can be avoided and the risk of anal canal deformity and incontinence are minimized) are advocated.No reprints are available.  相似文献   

Anorectal fistulas associated with Crohn's disease are difficult to manage, particularly when the rectum is diseased. Significant morbidity has been associated with both medical and surgical therapy. Although conventional therapy is acceptable in the management of simple fistulas in Crohn's disease, these approaches often exacerbate rather than ameliorate problems in patients with complex fistulas. The authors report ten cases of complex fistulas in patients with Crohn's disease managed with their technique of long-term, indwelling setons. These setons are placed through the fistula tract and tied loosely to maintain the patency of the fistula without cutting through the sphincters. At the time of insertion, although abscesses are incised and drained, no attempt is made to divide the superficial tissues or sphincter overlying the fistulous tract. The patients ranged in age from 23 to 81 years and had a history of Crohn's disease for 1 to 20 years. All cases resulted in excellent palliation. No patient required a proximal colostomy. These patients have been followed for four months to seven years. Despite severe proctitis in six of these patients at the initial operation, no patient has required a proctectomy. The authors believe this technique achieves adequate palliation and should be employed as the procedure of choice in patients with complex anal fistulas associated with Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Surgical treatment of ileosigmoid fistulas in Crohn's disease remains controversial and can be radical (resection of both segments) or conservative (ileal resection with suture or wedge resection of the sigmoid). At our institution, the sigmoid defect is sutured if the sigmoid is not affected by primary Crohn's disease or by important stricture; otherwise, the sigmoid is resected. We reviewed our experience to evaluate our results with this procedure. METHODS: Thirty patients with ileosigmoid fistulas underwent operation. Among them, 15 had a preoperative colonoscopy, whereas others had no Endoscopic work-up. In nine patients, the sigmoid was thought to be affected by Crohn's disease (n = 7) or stricture (n = 2) and was resected. In 21 patients, the sigmoid was thought to be affected by proximity, and a simple suture (n = 15) or wedge resection (n = 6) was performed. Eleven patients had a temporary stoma (37 percent). One had coloproctectomy. RESULTS: One patient died postoperatively. One patient had postoperative sigmoidocutaneous fistula after conservative treatment. Histology of the sigmoid specimen showed Crohn's disease in 8 patients (27 percent), including 5 of 9 resected specimens, and 3 of 21 conservative procedures. All patients with Crohn's misdiagnosis did not have preoperative colonoscopy. Nine of 11 stomas were closed in a median delay of four months. With a median delay of nine years, four patients have again undergone surgery for recurrent colonic Crohn's disease, all of whom underwent surgery initially without preoperative colonoscopy. CONCLUSION: Preoperative Endoscopic assessment of the colon is a reliable guide to use when choosing between sigmoid resection or a conservative approach and can result in reduced morbidity and improved long-term results.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Operative repair of low rectovaginal fistulas should be tailored to the specific anatomic defect. Endoanal flap repair frequently provides successful fistula closure; however, if substantial injury to the perineal body, anal sphincter, or rectovaginal septum exists, a more extensive repair is required. We present our experience with 95 consecutive patients, operated for rectovaginal fistulas via septal repair after conversion to a fourth degree perineal laceration, endoanal flap, or anoperineorrhaphy. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed. Data collected included etiology, location, size, repair type, and degree of anal continence. All patients received standard mechanical and antibiotic bowel preparation and parenteral antibiotics. No covering stomas were used. RESULTS: Fistula etiology included obstetric injury (N=77), perianal cryptoglandular infection (N=15), and other (N=3). Thirty-one patients had previous unsuccessful repairs. Types of repairs were fourth degree perineal laceration (38), endoanal flap (19), and anoperineorrhaphy (38). Excellent or good functional results occurred in 92 patients (97 percent). Similar success occurred in patients with previous failed repairs (90 percent excellent or good). The recurrence rate was 3 percent. There were no outcome differences between techniques. CONCLUSION: We believe that all three types of repair for rectovaginal fistulas result in a high cure rate, thereby allowing operative technique to be tailored to the anatomic defects present. This approach should allow for optimal functional outcome.Funded by a grant from the Ferguson-Blodgett Research Foundation, Grand Rapids, Michigan.Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Orlando, Florida, May 8 to 13, 1994.  相似文献   

Transanal rectal advancement flap (TRAF) is a surgical option in the management of rectovaginal and other complicated fistulas involving the anorectum. Most reported series have a short follow-up. PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to determine the long-term success, safely, applicability, and factors affecting recurrence in patients managed with TRAF, including patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS/MATERIALS: Retrospective analysis of all patients undergoing endorectal advancement flaps at a single institution between 1988 and 1993 was performed. One hundred one patients were identified (70 percent female; 30 percent male). Included were 52 patients with rectovaginal, 46 with anal perineal, and 3 with rectourethral fistulas. Causes were obstetric injury in 13 patients, Crohn's disease in 47, cryptoglandular in 19, mucosal ulcerative colitis in 7, and surgical trauma or undefined causes in 15 patients. RESULTS: No mortality occurred. Median follow-up was 31 (range, 1–79 months). Immediate failure (within one week of the repair) was seen in 6 percent of patients. Statistically (tP <0.001) higher recurrence rates were observed in patients who had undergone previous repairs. Mean hospital stay was four days. Overall recurrence was seen in 29 patients (29 percent). Seventy-five percent of all recurrences occurred within the first 15 months; however, recurrence was noted for up to 55 months after repair. Etiology of fistula, use of constipating medications, antibiotic use, and most importantly associated Crohn's disease did not statistically affect recurrence rates. Failure rate was only influenced by previous number of repairs. CONCLUSION: TRAF is a safe technique for managing complicated anorectal and rectovaginal fistulas, including patients with Crohn's disease. Long-term follow-up is essential to accurately report recurrence rates.Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 7 to 12, 1995.  相似文献   

The surgical management of rectovaginal fistulas complicating Crohn's disease has been associated with unacceptably high failure rates. We sought to modify the available surgical techniques to provide a solution to this challenging problem. Between December 1983 and January 1990, 14 patients with Crohn's disease underwent repair of a rectovaginal fistula. A modified transvaginal approach was employed by the authors. A diverting loop ileostomy was performed on all patients, either as the initial step in the staged management of intractable perianal disease or concurrent with the repair of the rectovaginal fistula. The fistula was completely eradicated in 13 of the 14 women and did not recur during the mean follow-up period of 55.0 months (range, 3–77 months). Intestinal continuity was reestablished in these 13 patients within 6 months after the initial fistula repair. One patient with a very low-lying fistula constituted our only failure. We have found the transvaginal method preferable to the transanal approach because of the relative ease in raising the vaginal flap as compared with a flap of fibrotic and inflamed anorectal mucosa. On the basis of this study, we conclude that a modified transvaginal approach is an effective method for repair of rectovaginal fistulas secondary to Crohn's disease.Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, St. Louis, Missouri, April 29 to May 4, 1990.  相似文献   

Ileosigmoid fistulas are found in Crohn's disease and may present a surgical dilemma. PURPOSE: This study was designed to examine surgical practice to determine types of intervention, enumerate complications, and elicit guidelines for surgical management. METHOD: The medical records of patients with ileosigmoid fistula and Crohn's disease from 1975 to 1995 were reviewed. RESULTS: Ninety patients (44 men) were studied. A preoperative diagnosis of ileosigmoid fistula was made in 77 percent of patients. Sigmoid repair was performed in 43 patients (47.8 percent), sigmoid resection in 32 patients (35.6 percent), 12 patients (13.3 percent) underwent more extensive procedures, and 3 patients (3.3 percent) either had surgery elsewhere or were observed. The fistula was never directly responsible for a stoma. The repair and resection groups were similar with respect to age, length of Crohn's disease, and preoperative symptoms. There was no significant difference between groups in the incidence of postoperative complications; there were no postoperative deaths. Average length of stay was 8.3 days following repair and 9.9 days after resection. Reasons for resection included significant purulence or inflammation, a large fistula defect, a defect on the mesenteric border of the sigmoid, and active sigmoid Crohn's disease. Surgeon's assessment of the presence of Crohn's disease in the sigmoid correlated with pathologic examination and was aided by knowledge of recent endoscopic appearance and biopsy results; intraoperative frozen section and colonoscopy were helpful in distinguishing serosal inflammation from active Crohn's disease. CONCLUSION: Contrast studies identified 77 percent of ileosigmoid fistulas preoperatively. Performing repair rather than resection does not increase the risk of complications, if standard surgical principles are followed. Preoperative or intraoperative endoscopy assists the surgical evaluation of the sigmoid.Poster presentation at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Seattle, Washington, June 9 to 14, 1996.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Individuals who are seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus are at high risk for opportunistic infection and anorectal disorders. Little prospective information is available regarding anorectal pathogens in these patients. METHODS: One hundred sixty-three HIV-seropositive patients presented to the colorectal clinic between 1989 and 1992. Forty-seven (29 percent) patients were thought to have an infectious process and were prospectively studied using a standardized multiculture protocol. RESULTS: Mean age was 33 (range, 19–59) years. All were male; high-risk behavior accounted for 87 percent of HIV transmissions. Presenting complaints included anorectal pain (79 percent), pus per anum (28 percent), and blood per anum (26 percent). Examination revealed perianal tenderness (60 percent), condyloma (38 percent), perianal ulcers (38 percent), and anal fissures (34 percent). Sixty-six sets of cultures were performed; 28 patients had one set, 15 had two sets, and 4 had three sets. Thirty-two of these 47 patients (68 percent) had positive cultures including herpes (50 percent), cytomegalovirus (25 percent),Neisseria gonorrhoeae (16 percent), chlamydia (16 percent), acidfast bacilli (2 percent), and others (9 percent). Six of 32 patients with positive cultures had more than one organism cultured. Sixteen (50 percent) patients with positive cultures were treated medically, 8 (25 percent) were treated surgically and 8 (25 percent) were treated with both modalities. Sixty-one procedures were performed on 17 patients for condylomata. Eighteen patients had 20 procedures for abscesses, 50 percent of whom had positive cultures for other than common bowel flora; all improved. Fourteen patients underwent 33 procedures for perianal fistulas.Mycobacterium fortuitum was cultured from one patient who required 13 procedures for abscesses and fistulas. Forty-five (96 percent) patients were followed for an average of 12.5 months ±2.9 SEM (range, 1–94 months). Symptoms were improved or resolved in 22 of 32 (69 percent) patients with positive cultures and in 11 of 13 (84 percent) with negative cultures. CONCLUSIONS: Specific pathogens may often be identified in human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive patients with anorectal disorders if aggressively sought. Although patients without specific pathogens identified may be expected to improve with planned empiric treatment, positive identification allows more directed therapy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To provide local control and palliation of pain, a multimodality approach, including external beam radiation therapy, surgical resection, and intraoperative electron irradiation (IOERT), has been used for patients with locally advanced anal or recurrent rectal cancers involving the sacrum. METHODS: Sixteen consecutive patients (11 males; 5 females; ages, 44–76) underwent surgical exploration, sacrectomy, and IOERT, between 1990 and 1994. RESULTS: Proximal extent of resection was S2–3 in four patients, S3–4 in five, and S4–5 in five. Two patients had resection of the anterior table of the sacrum. Margins were clear in 11, close in 3, and microscopically involved in 2 patients. Operative times ranged from 6 to 17 (median, 12.5) hours, and blood loss ranged from 300 to 12,600 (median, 3,350) ml. No operative deaths resulted. Major postoperative complications occurred in eight patients (50 percent): posterior wound infections and dehiscence, urinary leak, and ileal fistula. Five (31 percent) and 3 (19 percent) patients developed no or minor complications, respectively. Intensive Care Unit stay was one night for all patients, and overall hospital stay ranged from 11 to 30 (median, 16.5) days. Follow-up was available on all 16 patients. Kaplan-Meier survival was 68 percent at one year and 48 percent at two years. At the time of analysis, 9 of 16 patients were alive. Of the nine alive patients who responded to a questionnaire, eight reported a reduction in pain and improved quality of life postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Sacropelvic resection, in conjunction with IOERT, provides palliation and offers potential for cure in patients with locally advanced or recurrent anorectal cancer.Supported in part by a grant from the Centro Nazionale Ricerche, (National Institute of Scientific Research), Rome, Italy and American Cancer Society Career Development Award.Read at meeting of The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 7 to 12, 1995.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Anorectal surgery can lead to fecal soiling and incontinence. Whether surgery changes the anatomy and causes symptoms is unknown. Anatomic changes can be visualized by anal endosonography. METHODS: We studied 50 patients after hemorrhoidectomy (24), fistulectomy (18), and internal sphincterotomy (8). Symptoms were assessed, and anal endosonography, anal manometry, mucosal electrosensitivity, and neurophysiologic tests were performed. RESULTS: In 23 (46 percent) patients, a defect of the anal sphincter was found (13 patients had an internal sphincter defect, 1 had an external sphincter defect, and 9 had a combined sphincter defect), 3 after hemorrhoidectomy, 13 after fistulectomy, and 7 after internal sphincterotomy. Seven patients had symptoms, and they all had a sphincter defect. In the other 16 of 23 patients (70 percent), the sphincter defect did not produce symptoms. An internal sphincter defect lowered maximum basal pressure and shortened sphincter length. CONCLUSION: Anal endosonography can reveal sphincter defects after anorectal surgery. Seventy percent of the patients in this group had no complaints; therefore, defects were unsuspected. This has clinical implications in the evaluation of patients with fecal incontinence.Read in part at the meeting of The British Society for Gastroenterology, Warwick, United Kingdom, September 15 to 17, 1993.  相似文献   

Fistula-in-ano in Crohn's disease   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The outcome of aggressive surgical treatment of 64 symptomatic anal fistulas in 55 patients with Crohn's disease has been studied. Forty-one fistulas, in 33 patients, were treated by conventional fistulotomy (17 subcutaneous, 19 intersphincteric, 5 low transsphincteric fistulas). Thirty wounds (73 percent) healed within 3 months and eight more wounds (93 percent) healed within 6 months. Three wounds did not heal within 12–18 months. Two of these patients subsequently required proctocolectomy. Wound healing was not influenced by the presence of rectal Crohn's disease or granulomatous inflammation in the tract. No change in continence was experienced by 26 of the 33 patients who underwent fistulotomy. Three patients required proctocolectomy and the remaining four patients experienced minor degrees of incontinence postoperatively. Sixteen high transsphincteric, five suprasphincteric, and one extrasphincteric fistula in 22 patients were treated by laying open external tracts and placing a noncutting seton through the sphincter, which was left in place for prolonged periods to maintain drainage. During follow-up (6 months to 10 years, median 2.5 years), three fistulas healed and seven remained quiescent. Nine patients required further treatment by a new seton and three patients required proctocolectomy. Eight of the 22 patients who had a seton inserted had no change in continence, and six patients in this group developed minor changes in continence, mostly related to diarrhea associated with intestinal disease. Anal fistulas in Crohn's disease, which involve minimal sphincter muscle, can be successfully treated by fistulotomy. High fistulas should be treated with seton drainage to limit recurrent suppuration and preserve sphincter function.Read at the 89th meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, St Louis, Missouri April 29–May 4 1990.  相似文献   

The reproducibility of measuring the anorectal angle in defecography   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
Dynamic proctography is a radiographic procedure that has become widely used in the evaluation of pelvic floor function. The anorectal angle (ARA) is one parameter which is usually quantified during this examination. To determine the accuracy with which this measurement can be made, three physicians independently measured the resting and squeezing ARAs of 22 women. The coefficient of variation and the kappa statistic were used to describe the degree of agreement among the three examiners. These analyses revealed poor agreement among examiners for all 22 patients taken as individuals, (0.40; mean coefficient of variation at rest=18 percent; mean coefficient during squeezing=21 percent). These results suggest that measurements of ARAs will vary among examiners for any particular patient, even though individual examiners may demonstrate consistency in recording ARA data. There is wide interobserver variation in the measurement of the ARA from lateral radiographs, making quantification an exercise of only limited clinical value.  相似文献   

A study was performed to define the normal range of values for anorectal manometry. Normal volunteers were divided according to gender and parity. There were 20 males, 21 nulliparous females, and 18 multiparous females among the 59 subjects. Anorectal manometry using a radial eight-port catheter was performed during resting and squeezing maneuvers of the anal sphincter. Computerized data analysis and three-dimensional imaging were used to calculate sphincter length at rest and squeeze, mean maximum resting and squeeze pressures, and vector symmetry index. The sphincter length at rest and with squeezing in males was significantly greater compared with the two female groups (P <0.007). Mean maximum squeeze pressures were also significantly elevated in the male group compared with the female groups (P=0).Mean maximum resting pressures were significantly higher in nulliparous women than in multiparous women (P=0.04).However, no difference in resting pressures was found between males and nulliparous females. A comparison of the symmetry of the anal canal revealed no differences among the three groups. Ranges for normal anorectal manometry are definable. Normal ranges are distinct for subgroups of patients, particularly with regard to gender and parity. Patients must be compared with their normal subgroups to correctly identify manometric abnormalities.  相似文献   

Fibrin adhesive in the treatment of perineal fistulas   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
Fifteen patients who developed a persistent perineal sinus after excision of the rectum and eight patients with a perineal fistula appearing after treatment of perineal abscesses were treated with instillation of fibrin adhesive to close the sinus or fistula. In 12 patients, the sinus tracts or fistulas were completely and permanently closed (52 percent). In five patients (22 percent), the fistulas healed after two or three attempts, while, in six patients (26 percent), the method failed to provide lasting closure. The method seems to be a valuable alternative in the treatment of a persistent, long and narrow perineal sinus or fistula.  相似文献   

Defecography in patients with anorectal disorders   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
To evaluate the results and clinical impact of defecography in patients with anorectal disorders, 100 results of defecographic examinations from 92 patients were reviewed. The defecographic results were screened for the anorectal angle, defined both at rest and during straining, perineal descent, and abnormalities of the rectal configuration during straining. Anal manometry, saline infusion test, rectal capacity measurement, and anal electromyography (EMG) were also performed. There was a significant difference (P<0.001) both at rest (22°) and during straining (12°) between the two anorectal angle measurements. Incontinent patients had a larger anorectal angle, both at rest and during straining, than continent patients (P<0.04), but with a large overlap. The anorectal angle was not influenced by gender or age. An abnormal rectal configuration was found in 62 defecographic examinations. From the 8 patients with rectopexy performed for a large rectocele or intussusception, incontinent patients with an intussusception had the best results. In four patients, anal EMG showed an increased activity of the external sphincter during straining. Two of these four patients had abnormal defecograhic results. No correlations were found between anorectal angle and the other function tests. In conclusion, the anorectal angle lacks clinical relevance. In patients with defecation problems, defecography may be indicated whenever other investigations (physical examination, anal manometry, anal EMG) have excluded local pathology or a spastic pelvic floor syndrome. In these situations, defecography could detect an intussusception, which could easily be treated with rectopexy.Read in part at the meeting of the Dutch Society of Gastroenterology, Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands), March 25 to 26, 1988.  相似文献   

For the past 20 years, internal anal sphincterotomy has generally been considered to be the standard operation for an anal fissure. We sought an alternative form of treatment because of the wound complications inherent in this operation. Anal dilatation, precisely performed with a Parks' retractor opened to 4.8 cm or with a 40mm rectosigmoid balloon, has been found to cure successfully the fissure in 93 percent and 94 percent, respectively, of each group and to be associated with fewer complications.Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Boston, Massachusetts, May 12 to 17, 1991.  相似文献   

A stirrup system to facilitate anorectal operation in a pediatric patient is described.  相似文献   

This nonrandomized series reports the use of autologous fibrin glue to treat complex rectovaginal and anorectal fistulas. The use of an autologous source to prepare fibrin glue eliminates the risk of disease transmission. Ten patients, six women and four men, with complex fistulas were treated with autologous fibrin glue application. Five patients had rectovaginal fistulas; one of them had Crohn's disease. Five patients had complex anal fistulas; two of them had Crohn's disease, and one had a large postanal ulcer associated with HIV disease. All patients had outpatient preoperative mechanical bowel preparation and prophylactic parenteral antibiotics. Six of the ten patients (60 percent) reported complete healing of the fistulas. Follow-up ranged from three months to one year. Four of five rectovaginal fistulas healed. The two patients with Crohn's disease and complex anal fistulas and the patient with HIV disease did not heal, but all three reported significantly less drainage. Autologous fibrin glue is a viable alternative for the treatment of recurrent rectovaginal and complex abscess/fistulas.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Changes in anorectal function after low anterior resection of the rectum (LAR) often lead to symptoms of urgency and frequency of defecation, the anterior resection syndrome. It has been reported that preservation of part of the rectum improves clinical results, but why this should be remains unclear. METHODS: We have carried out continuous ambulatory manometric studies in two groups of patients: 11 patients, a median of 11 (range, 5–96) months after LAR, in whom the median anastomotic level above the anal high-pressure zone was 0 (range, 0–2) cm; 9 patients, a median of 6 (range, 3–12) months after sigmoid colectomy, in whom the rectum remainedin situ and who acted as controls. RESULTS: Comparing the LAR group with controls, resting anal pressures were lower, median 68 (range 27-102) cm H2Ovs. 95 (45–116) cm H2O (P<0.05), and neorectal pressures were higher, 25 (0–48) cm H2Ovs. 10 (0–10) cm H2O (P<0.01). Thus the anorectal pressure gradients were less, 34 (0–74) cm H2Ovs. 81 (35–113) cm H2O (P<0.01). Slow-wave activity in the anal sphincter was present in six patients (55 percent) after coloanal anastomosis and eight patients (89 percent) after sigmoid colectomy. Sampling episodes were seen in only two patients (18 percent) after coloanal anastomosis and five patients (56 percent) after sigmoid colectomy. When clinical endpoints were compared (LARvs. controls), bowel frequency in 24 hours was higher, 5 (3–8)vs. 2 (1–3) (P<0.01); fecal leakage was more common, affecting seven patients (64 percent)vs. one patient (11 percent) (P<0.05), and urgency of defecation was also more common. CONCLUSIONS: The inferior clinical results observed after LAR compared with the results after sigmoid colectomy are thus in part because of higher neorectal pressure acting on a weakened sphincter mechanism. These observations lend support to the idea that neorectal capacity should be increased in patients who undergo low anterior resection.Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois, May 2 to 7, 1993.  相似文献   

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