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Cognitive Computation - Digital watermarking is a significant issue in the field of information security and avoiding the misuse of images in the world of Internet and communication. This paper...  相似文献   

The term reversible dementia is often a misnomer for other syndromes which globally impair cognitive function such as acute and subacute confusional state and subcortical dementia. Evidence from studies on the investigation of dementia and case reports of conditions traditionally held to cause reversible dementia (normal pressure hydrocephalus, vitamin B12 deficiency, subdural haematoma) suggest that cortical dementia is not often a treatable syndrome. Acute or subacute confusional states and subcortical dementia are more typically associated with treatable or reversible causes of brain dysfunction. Diagnosis of these syndromes may identify those patients (especially those of advanced years) who should be extensively investigated.  相似文献   

The cases of four infants (five lesions) are reported, where porencephalic cysts, located along the ventricular catheter after shunt malfunction and ommaya reservoir insertion, disappeared after ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt revision and combined cyst peritoneal (CP) shunt, or after VP shunt alone. This pathological state is thought to be a rare postoperative complication. Its pathogenesis and therapy are discussed. Shunt malfunction or Ommaya reservoir insertion may result in a hypertensive hydrocephalic state. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flows out through a catheter penetrating the site of the ventricular wall and expands in the surrounding white matter to form a porencephalic cavity. Once this porencephalic state occurs, it will not disappear spontaneously because the CSF flows in one direction. As treatment for closed porencephaly, CP shunt following a VP shunt revision was markedly effective; for communicating porencephaly, a VP shunt revision alone was effective.  相似文献   

The accuracy and reliability of automated neurite tracing systems is ultimately limited by image quality as reflected in the signal-to-noise ratio, contrast, and image variability. This paper describes a novel combination of image processing methods that operate on images of neurites captured by confocal and widefield microscopy, and produce synthetic images that are better suited to automated tracing. The algorithms are based on the curvelet transform (for denoising curvilinear structures and local orientation estimation), perceptual grouping by scalar voting (for elimination of non-tubular structures and improvement of neurite continuity while preserving branch points), adaptive focus detection, and depth estimation (for handling widefield images without deconvolution). The proposed methods are fast, and capable of handling large images. Their ability to handle images of unlimited size derives from automated tiling of large images along the lateral dimension, and processing of 3-D images one optical slice at a time. Their speed derives in part from the fact that the core computations are formulated in terms of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and in part from parallel computation on multi-core computers. The methods are simple to apply to new images since they require very few adjustable parameters, all of which are intuitive. Examples of pre-processing DIADEM Challenge images are used to illustrate improved automated tracing resulting from our pre-processing methods.  相似文献   

Reversible central pain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report two cases of central pain which receded completely after treatment of the inciting lesion. These cases highlight the intrinsic reversibility of central pain and the focal nature of central pain mechanisms. Received: 16 January 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 16 April 2001  相似文献   

We present two children with acute lymphocytic leukemia who developed leukoencephalopathy following administration of a combination of intravenous ara = C and methotrexate during the consolidation phase of chemotherapy. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging showed widespread, abnormally high signal intensity in the deep white matter in both patients, though one patient had normal cranial computed tomographic scan. Treatment was modified, symptoms resolved in 1 to 2 weeks, and the white-matter changes resolved over 6 to 12 months. Intravenous cytarabine and methotrexate appear to act synergistically to enhance the potential for central nervous system toxicity. Awareness of this potentially serious complication of chemotherapy can facilitate timely recognition of leukoencephalopathy with the use of magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

We report the neuroimaging findings of a case of reversible metronidazole-induced encephalopathy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated lesions in highly suggestive locations. Follow-up imaging performed 1 month after cessation of metronidazole therapy demonstrated resolution of imaging findings.  相似文献   

Reversible cerebral angiopathy (RCA) is responsible for disabling headache and potential stroke complications. Most patients respond poorly to analgesics. We describe four patients with typical RCA whose headache rapidly disappeared after IV nimodipine treatment was initiated. Received in revised form: 10 April 2006  相似文献   

Reversible ipecac myopathy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The abuse of ipecac syrup for three years resulted in painless, nonfatigable, chiefly proximal weakness in a 27-year-old woman. Electromyography (EMG) and a muscle biopsy revealed features of a myopathy similar to those previously reported in experimental emetine myopathy. Clinical weakness and EMG abnormalities improved after discontinuation of ipecac administration. A direct toxic action of ipecac (acting through its active alkaloid, emetine hydrochloride) on muscle fibers seemed to be responsible for the weakness in this patient.  相似文献   

Ataxic hemiparesis (AH) is a clinical entity in which minimal pyramidal weakness is associated with same-sided motor ataxia. It may be caused by a lesion of the pons or of cerebrocerebellar and corticospinal fibers in other areas. Associated symptoms help in the clinical localization of a syndrome that has to be differentiated from lobar ataxias (frontal, parietal lobe), sensory ataxia accompanying spinal cord, corticospinal weakness and ataxic neuropathy. We report 3 cases of AH caused by a lesion in the contralateral cerebral cortex: 2 were cases of postictal seizure while the third patient had left ataxic hemiparesis, left focal motor seizures and cortical memory loss. All 3 patients recovered within 7 days. AH as a postictal phenomenon has not previously been reported.
Sommario L'emiparesi atassica è una entità clinica nella quale un ridotto deficit piramidale risulta associato ad atassia motoria dello stesso lato. Può essere causata da una lesione del ponte o delle fibre cerebro-cerebellari e cortico-spinali in altre aree del nevrasse. I sintomi associati aiutano alla localizzazione clinica e a differenziare questa forma dalle atassie lobari, sensitive e periferiche. Vengono riportati qui tre casi di emiparesi atassica da lesione della corteccia cerebrale controlaterale: due erano conseguenza di crisi convulsive postittali, mentre il terzo paziente aveva presentato fenomeni convulsivi limitati all'emisoma sinistro e presentava disturbi della memoria di tipo corticale. Tutti e tre i pazienti si sono ripresi in una settimana. Segnaliamo questi casi in quanto non sono mai stati riportati casi di emiparesi atassica in conseguenza di manifestazioni convulsive.

Reversible Valproate-Induced Extrapyramidal Disorders   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary: We observed transient parkinsonism in 2 young epileptic patients with valproate (VPA) therapy. Complete recovery from extrapyramidal disorder occurred spontaneously in a few weeks. The lack of apparent susceptibility related to age and to VPA dosage, the rapid recovery from the extrapyramidal reaction, and the prevalence of negative signs such as bradykinesia and bradyphrenia can be considered the main clinical findings of this disease process. Pathophysiologic mechanisms of this rare "toxic" reaction remain unknown, although a transient imbalance between functionally reciprocal subgroups of GABA pathways leading to remediable dopa-mine inhibition might be hypothesized.  相似文献   

Die Hypothyreose geh?rt zu den wichtigsten Ursachen reversibler Demenzen. Der vorliegende Fallbericht demonstriert die relativ rasche, innerhalb von wenigen Monaten erfolgte Remission der Demenz bei einer über 80-j?hrigen Patientin. Zur Zeit erlaubt weniger das psychopathologische Querschnittsbild als vielmehr der Therapieverlauf der Erkrankung die Differenzierung zwischen einer prim?r degenerativen Demenz bei gleichzeitig vorliegender Hypothyreose und einer sekund?r durch Hypothyreose verursachten Demenz. Die Laborbestimmung der Schilddrüsenwerte im Rahmen der Demenzdiagnostik ist nach wie vor unentbehrlich, um die behandelbare Demenz bei Hypothyreose nachweisen zu k?nnen.  相似文献   

可逆性后部白质脑病综合征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可逆性后部白质脑病综合征(RPLS)是一组由多种原因引起的以神经系统异常为主要表现的综合征,临床表现以迅速进展的颅高压症状、癫发作、视觉障碍、意识障碍、精神异常为特征,神经影像学上显示以双侧大脑后部白质为主的水肿区,经及时有效治疗后临床表现和神经影像学改变可以完全恢复,一般不遗留有神经系统后遗症。核磁共振新技术的发展,突出显示了血管源性水肿的特点,有助于RPLS的正确诊断。  相似文献   

A 36-year-old man with a remote history of Hodgkin lymphoma and a recent history of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) developed tonic pupils and absent deep tendon reflexes in the lower extremities. One year later, pupils were normal except for slight iris segmental contraction to light. Over the next 2 years, the patient remained asymptomatic, and pupils remained unchanged. The NHL went into remission, and no other neurologic manifestations appeared. This is the first report of reversible tonic pupils. They may have a pathogenesis different from that typically seen in irreversible tonic pupils.  相似文献   

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