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The potential involvement of mu-opioid receptors in mediating the changes of toxic signs and muscarinic receptor bindings after acute administration of irreversible antiacetylcholinesterase diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) was investigated. DFP-induced chewing movement and tremors were monitored for a period of 180 min in mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild-type mice. The autoradiographic studies of total, M1, and M2 muscarinic receptors were conducted using [(3)H]quinuclidinyl benzilate, [(3)H]pirenzepine, and [(3)H]AF-DX384 as ligands, respectively. Saline-treated mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild-type mice did not show chewing movement or tremors. Although DFP (1, 2, or 3 mg/kg, subcutaneous injection, s.c.)-induced chewing movement and tremors were shown in a dose-dependent manner, there were no significant differences in tremors induced by 1 or 2 mg/kg of DFP between mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild-type mice. There were also no significant differences in chewing movement induced by all doses of DFP between mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild-type mice. However, DFP (3 mg/kg)-induced tremors in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice were significantly increased over those in wild-type controls. Acetylcholinesterase activity in the striatum of saline-treated mu-opioid receptor knockout mice was significantly higher than that of the wild-type controls. After administration of DFP, acetylcholinesterase activity in the striatum of both mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild-type mice was significantly decreased (more than 36%, 58%, and 94% reduced at the doses of 1, 2, and 3 mg/kg, respectively) than that of their respective saline controls. M2 muscarinic receptor binding in saline-treated mu-opioid receptor knockout mice was significantly lower than that of the wild-type controls in the striatum. However, there were no significant differences in total, M1, or M2 muscarinic receptor binding in the cortex, striatum, or hippocampus of mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild-type mice after DFP administration. Our data show increased DFP-induced tremors, compensatory up-regulation of acetylcholinesterase activity, and compensatory down-regulation of M2 muscarinic receptors in the striatum of mice lacking mu-opioid receptor gene. These results suggest that the enhancement of DFP-induced tremors may be associated with the compensatory up-regulation of acetylcholinesterase activity and compensatory down-regulation of M2 muscarinic receptors in the striatum of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice.  相似文献   

An autoradiographic study was carried out to study the opioid binding sites in a mu-opioid receptor knock-out mouse line whose exon 2 and 3 were deleted. Mu-opioid binding sites were undetectable in this knock-out mouse line while the binding of the other two types of receptors were unaltered. Our results suggest destroying functional mu-opioid receptor does not affect the expression of the other two opioid receptors.  相似文献   

Exogenous glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) exhibits potent survival-promoting effects on dopaminergic neurons of the nigrostriatal pathway that is implicated in Parkinson's disease and also protects neurons in forebrain ischemia of animal models. However, a role for endogenous GDNF in brain function has not been established. Although mice homozygous for a targeted deletion of the GDNF gene have been generated, these mice die within hours of birth because of deficits in kidney morphogenesis, and, thus, the effect of the absence of GDNF on brain function could not be studied. Herein, we sought to determine whether adult mice, heterozygous for a GDNF mutation on two different genetic backgrounds, demonstrate alterations in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system or in cognitive function. While both neurochemical and behavioural measures suggested that reduction of GDNF gene expression in the mutant mice does not alter the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, it led to a significant and selective impairment of performance in the spatial version of the Morris water maze. A standard panel of blood chemistry tests and basic pathological analyses did not reveal alterations in the mutants that could account for the observed performance deficit. These results suggest that endogenous GDNF may not be critical for the development and functioning of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system but it plays an important role in cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Dynorphins, endogenous kappa-opioid agonists widely expressed in the central nervous system, have been reported to increase following diverse pathophysiological processes, including excitotoxicity, chronic inflammation, and traumatic injury. These peptides have been implicated in cognitive impairment, especially that associated with aging. To determine whether absence of dynorphin confers any beneficial effect on spatial learning and memory, knockout mice lacking the coding exons of the gene encoding its precursor prodynorphin (Pdyn) were tested in a water maze task. Learning and memory assessment using a 3-day water maze protocol demonstrated that aged Pdyn knockout mice (13-17 months) perform comparatively better than similarly aged wild-type (WT) mice, based on acquisition and retention probe trial indices. There was no genotype effect on performance in the cued version of the swim task nor on average swim speed, suggesting the observed genotype effects are likely attributable to differences in cognitive rather than motor function. Young (3-6 months) mice performed significantly better than aged mice, but in young mice, no genotype difference was observed. To investigate the relationship between aging and brain dynorphin expression in mice, we examined dynorphin peptide levels at varying ages in hippocampus and frontal cortex of WT 129SvEv mice. Quantitative radioimmunoassay demonstrated that dynorphin A levels in frontal cortex, but not hippocampus, of 12- and 24-month mice were significantly elevated compared to 3-month mice. Although the underlying mechanisms have yet to be elucidated, the results suggest that chronic increases in endogenous dynorphin expression with age, especially in frontal cortex, may adversely affect learning and memory.  相似文献   

Recently, we published a method for examining working and reference memory in mice using a spatial version of the water radial-arm maze. Here we describe a non-spatial version of the same maze. BXSB mice were able to learn the maze as shown by the decrease in the number of working and reference memory errors over sessions. This maze was used to examine learning differences between males and females and between mice with misplaced clusters of neurons in layer I of cortex (ectopias) and those without. In a prior study using the spatial version of the water radial-arm maze, male BXSB mice had poorer working memory than females during the acquisition phase. Similarly, in this study male BXSB mice demonstrated impaired working memory during the asymptotic phase of non-spatial radial-arm maze learning. Two prior studies showed that mice with neocortical ectopias demonstrated working memory impairments compared to non-ectopic littermates in the spatial version of the water radial-arm maze. Contrary to this, in the non-spatial radial-arm maze used here, ectopic mice were not impaired in working memory and showed better memory when the working memory 'load' was the highest. Overall, both versions of the maze can be useful tools to assess spatial and non-spatial working and reference memory in mice.  相似文献   

Anatomical evidence indicates that cholinergic and opioidergic systems are co-localized and acting on the same neurons. However, the regulatory mechanisms between cholinergic and opioidergic system have not been well characterized. In the present study, we investigated whether there are compensatory changes of acetylcholinesterase activity and cholinergic receptors in mice lacking mu-opioid receptor gene. The acetylcholinesterase activity was determined by histochemistry assay. The cholinergic receptor binding was carried out by quantitative autoradiography using [3H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate (nonselective muscarinic receptors), N-[3H]-methylscopolamine (nonselective muscarinic receptors), [3H]-pirenzepine (M1 subtype muscarinic receptors) and [3H]-AF-DX384 (M2 subtype muscarinic receptors) in brain slices of wild-type and mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. The acetylcholinesterase activity of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice was higher than that of the wild-type in the striatal caudate putamen and nucleus accumbens, but not in the cortex and hippocampus areas. In addition, the bindings in N-[3H]-methylscopolamine and [3H]-AF-DX384 of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice were significantly lower when compared with that of the wild-type controls in the striatal caudate putamen and nucleus accumbens. However, there were no significant differences in bindings of [3H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate and [3H]-pirenzepine between mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild-type mice in the cortex, striatum and hippocampus. These data indicate that there are up-regulation of acetylcholinesterase activity and compensatory down-regulation of M2 muscarinic receptors in the striatal caudate putamen and nucleus accumbens of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice.  相似文献   

Effects of morphine on the potentiation of pentobarbital-induced responses were investigated using mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. The duration of loss of righting reflex, hypothermia, and loss of motor coordination induced by pentobarbital were measured after pretreatment with either morphine or saline. Morphine pretreatment failed to show potentiation of both pentobarbital-induced loss of righting reflex and hypothermia in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice, while it significantly potentiated these responses in the wild-type controls. For motor incoordination test, morphine potentiated pentobarbital-induced motor incoordination in the wild-type mice. However, morphine may have opposite effects in the mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. These results demonstrate that synergism between morphine and pentobarbital is not detected in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice and that potentiation of pentobarbital-induced loss of righting reflex and hypothermia by morphine is mediated through mu-opioid receptor. It was interesting to note that pentobarbital-induced decrease in body temperature was less severe in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice than in wild-type mice.  相似文献   

Impaired performance of skeletal muscle in alpha-glucosidase knockout mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glycogen storage disease type II (GSD II) is an inherited progressive muscle disease in which lack of functional acid alpha-glucosidase (AGLU) results in lysosomal accumulation of glycogen. We report on the impact of a null mutation of the acid alpha-glucosidase gene (AGLU(-/-)) in mice on the force production capabilities, contractile mass, oxidative capacity, energy status, morphology, and desmin content of skeletal muscle. Muscle function was assessed in halothane-anesthetized animals, using a recently designed murine isometric dynamometer. Maximal torque production during single tetanic contraction was 50% lower in the knockout mice than in wild type. Loss of developed torque was found to be disproportionate to the 20% loss in muscle mass. During a series of supramaximal contraction, fatigue, expressed as percentile decline of developed torque, did not differ between AGLU(-/-) mice and age-matched controls. Muscle oxidative capacity, energy status, and protein content (normalized to either dry or wet weight) were not changed in knockout mice compared to control. Alterations in muscle cell morphology were clearly visible. Desmin content was increased, whereas alpha-actinin was not. As the decline in muscle mass is insufficient to explain the degree in decline of mechanical performance, we hypothesize that the large clusters of noncontractile material present in the cytoplasm hamper longitudinal force transmission, and hence muscle contractile function. The increase in muscular desmin content is most likely reflecting adaptations to altered intracellular force transmission.  相似文献   

Stress impairs performance in spatial water maze learning tasks   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The water maze task has been developed to test spatial learning abilities in rats or mice, and is widely used. Though it has been reported before that numerous cognitive abilities are of importance for learning this task, poor performance is usually interpreted as an impairment of spatial memory formation. Previous investigations that tried to correlate long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic transmission with spatial learning abilities in rats reported that injection of drugs or specific gene deletions which blocked the expression of LTP correlated with learning impairments of spatial tasks in a water maze. Recent studies, however, have shown that pretraining enables these animals to learn such spatial tasks even though LTP was still found to be blocked. I investigated to what degree altered fear condition and stress perception could account for the impaired spatial learning when no pretraining is given. In a fear habituation task, unhandled rats preferred a dark over a well lit chamber more than handled animals did, but unhandled rats favoured the lit chamber more in an active avoidance task. They also performed poorly in a spatial water maze task compared with handled rats. Rats pretrained in a radial arm maze performed better in a water maze than non-pretrained rats. No difference between groups was found in a non-spatial water maze task. On the other hand, when pretrained in a water maze, rats performed only marginally better in a radial arm maze compared to non-pretrained animals. Since animals have to be handled to learn a radial arm maze, the difference in this task was not due to stress but most probably due to getting accustomed to the room dimensions prior to learning the spatial task. The results suggest that impaired learning of spatial tasks in the water maze can be due to increased stress and decreased fear conditioning without actually affecting spatial learning abilities. These results question the interpretations of the results of some previously published results of spatial water maze tasks.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory have indicated possible interactions between opioidergic and dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system. In this study, apomorphine-induced locomotor activity and the D1 and D2 subtype dopamine receptor binding were examined in mice lacking the mu-opioid receptor genes. The ambulatory time, vertical time and total motor distance of locomotor activity were measured after administration of apomorphine (2mg/kg, i.p.) for a period of 90min. The autoradiographic studies of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors were conducted using [3H] SCH23390 and [3H] raclopride as ligand, respectively. In wild type mice that received apomorphine, 2mg/kg, i.p., the locomotor activity such as ambulatory time, vertical time and total motor distance were not significantly altered as compared with that of the saline control group. However, the locomotor activity measured was significantly increased in the same dose of apomorphine treated mu-opioid receptor knockout mice between 5 and 40min after administration. The results obtained also show that the binding of D2 dopamine receptor in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice was significantly higher than that of the wild type in the caudate putamen. However, the binding of the D1 dopamine receptor in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice was not significantly different from that of the wild type. It appears that the apomorphine treated mu-opioid receptor knockout mice showed enhancement in locomotor activity. The enhanced locomotor activity may be related to the compensatory up-regulation of D2 dopamine receptors in mice lacking mu-opioid receptor genes.  相似文献   

The present study examined the hypothesis that mu-opioid receptors contribute to a behavioral stimulation produced by stimulation of dopamine receptors by comparing responses in mu-opioid receptor knockout and wild type mice. Apomorphine-induced climbing behavior was augmented by 65%, in wild type mice, but not in mu-knockout, following subcutaneous administration of morphine (15 mg/kg). Moreover, pretreatment with either naloxone (an opioid receptor antagonist) or haloperidol (a mixed D(1)/D(2) receptor antagonist) eliminated the enhancement by morphine of climbing behavior in wild type mice. These results indicate that expression of mu-opioid receptors plays an important role in the enhancement of climbing behavior induced by the dopamine receptor agonist, apomorphine. Furthermore, this augmentation is mediated by interaction between dopamine and mu-opioid receptors.  相似文献   

Glia maturation factor (GMF) is a unique brain protein localized in astrocytes and some neuronal populations. Studies with overexpression of GMF using adenovirus vector have uncovered its regulatory role in intracellular signal transduction and downstream induction of biologically active molecules, including the neurotrophins and cytokines. The current paper deals with the behavior of mice devoid of GMF protein (knockout). GMF-null mice developed normally without gross abnormality. When tested for simple position discrimination using a T-maze and for spatial memory using a Morris water maze, the knockout mice performed as well as the wild-type, showing no defect in maze learning. However, with beam walking, GMF-knockout mice performed poorly and failed to learn. Knockout mice were also defective in learning the eyeblink classical conditioning. Histologically, the knockout mice showed a loss of neurons in the inferior olive, which is a component of the circuitry of eyeblink conditioning, and is also essential for motor performance. The structural abnormality in GMF-null mice explained their impaired ability for both motor performance and motor learning.  相似文献   

Previous researchers demonstrate an opioidergic involvement in the anxiolytic and rewarding actions of ethanol and diazepam. Therefore, to further characterize the role of the opioid system in the anxiolytic action of ethanol and diazepam, normal (C57BL/6J), hybrid (B6129F1) and mu-opioid receptor knockout mice were given i.p. ethanol (0, 1.0 or 1.6 g/kg) or diazepam (1.5 mg/kg). The anxiolytic properties of these agents were then tested in the elevated plus-maze. Additional ethanol-treated mu-opioid receptor knockout mice (1 g/kg) were pretreated with the kappa-opioid receptor antagonist nor-BNI (0 or 3 mg/kg) to assess the involvement of kappa-opioid activity in ethanol's anxiolytic actions. The anxiolytic action of ethanol and diazepam in the mu-opioid receptor knockout mouse did not differ from the effects obtained in normal mice and pretreatment with nor-BNI did not significantly attenuate ethanol's actions in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. Thus, the anxiolytic actions of ethanol and diazepam appear to be independent of opioid system activity in the mu-opioid receptor knockout mouse.  相似文献   

Classically, it has been thought that high-affinity nicotinic receptors-containing beta2 subunits are the most important receptor subtypes for nicotinic involvement in cognitive function and nicotine self-administration, while low affinity alpha7-containing nicotinic receptors have not been thought to be important. In the current study, we found that knockout of either beta2 or alpha7 subunits caused significant deficits in spatial discrimination in mice. The character of the impairment in the two knockouts was different. The beta2 knockout preferentially impaired cognition in males while the alpha7 caused impairment regardless of sex. Both beta2- and alpha7-containing nicotinic receptors also are important for nicotine self-administration, also in different ways. Most animal model studies of nicotine self-administration are relatively short-term whereas the problem of tobacco addiction is considerably longer-term. To better model the impact of nicotinic receptor subtypes on nicotine self-administration over the long-term, we studied the impact of genetic knockout of low affinity alpha7 receptors vs. high-affinity beta2-containing nicotinic receptors. Mice with knockouts of either of these receptors and their wildtype counter parts were given free access to a choice of nicotine-containing and nicotine-free solution in their home cages on a continuous basis over a period of 5 months. During the first few weeks, the beta2-containing nicotinic receptor knockout mice showed a significant decrease in nicotine consumption relative to wildtype mice, whereas the alpha7 knockout mice did not significantly differ from wildtype controls at the beginning of their access to nicotine. Interestingly, in the longer-term after the first few weeks of nicotine access, the beta2 knockout mice returned to wildtype mouse levels of nicotine consumption, whereas the alpha7 knockout mice developed an emergent decrease in nicotine consumption. The alpha7 receptor knockout-induced decrease in nicotine consumption persisted for the 5-month period of the study. Both alpha7- and beta2-containing nicotinic receptors play critical roles in cognitive function and nicotine self-administration. Regarding cognitive function, beta2-containing receptors are important for maintaining normal sex differences in spatial learning and memory, whereas alpha7 receptors are important for cognitive function regardless of sex. Regarding nicotine self-administration high-affinity beta2-containing nicotinic receptors are important for consumption during the initial phase of nicotine access, but it is the alpha7 nicotinic receptors that are important for the longer-term regulation of nicotine consumption.  相似文献   

Mu-opioid receptor knockout mice (MORKO), were used to address two questions: (1) if morphine induced decrease in thymic weight and cell distribution is mediated by the mu-opioid receptor and (2) the role of corticosteroids in morphine mediated alteration in thymic cell distribution. Our result show that morphine mediated increase in plasma corticosterone is mediated by the mu-opioid receptor since morphine at doses as high as 25 mg/kg-body weight does not increase plasma corticosterone levels in the MORKO. In addition, we have also shown that morphine treatment results in the differentiation of CD4+CD8+ (double positive cells) to single positive CD4+ cells while dexamethasone treatment results in the deletion of CD4+CD8+ (double positive) cells.  相似文献   

Sinchak K  Shahedi K  Dewing P  Micevych P 《Neuroreport》2005,16(15):1697-1700
Activation of mu-opioid receptors is critical to steroid regulation of female sexual behavior, lordosis, in rodents. Estrogen treatment activates mu-opioid receptors in the medial preoptic area inhibiting lordosis, but ultimately appears important for progesterone facilitation of lordosis. We investigated the role of mu-opioid receptors in the expression of sexual receptivity in mice lacking mu-opioid receptors. Although estrogen and progesterone facilitated lordosis in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice, they exhibited deficits in lordosis quotient and score compared with wild-type females, indicating reduced sexual receptivity. In contrast, wild-type and mu-opioid receptor knockout female mice did not differ in either active or passive avoidance of the male. These data are most consistent with the hypothesis that mu-opioid receptor activation is necessary for estrogen and progesterone to maximally facilitate lordosis.  相似文献   

We quantified swim postures of mice in relation to their cognitive performance. After training in a water maze, young (5-6 months) and aged (14-16 months) female apolipoprotein E-knockout (apoE0/0) mice and wild type controls were video taped while swimming. Subsequently, angles of body points with the water surface were calculated. Mice with a more horizontal swim posture (young and aged apoE0/0, aged wild type mice) also showed an increased body weight. However, swim posture was not related to cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Mice lacking the mu-opioid receptor gene have been developed by a gene knockout procedure. In this study, the activity of opioid receptor coupled G-proteins was examined to investigate whether there is a change in the extent of coupling for mu, delta-, and kappa-opioid receptors in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. Selective agonists of mu- (DAMGO), delta- (DPDPE), and kappa- (U-69,593) opioid receptors stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding in the caudate putamen and cortex of wild-type mice. In contrast, only U-69,593 stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding in these regions of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. These results confirmed the absence of G-protein activation by a mu-opioid receptor agonist in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice, and demonstrated that coupling of the kappa-opioid receptor to G-proteins is preserved in these mice. However, G-protein activation by the delta-opioid receptor agonist, DPDPE, was reduced in the mu-opioid receptor knockout mice, at least in the brain regions studied using autoradiography.  相似文献   

The arginine vasopressin (AVP) system plays an important role in social behavior. Autism, with its hallmark disturbances in social behavior, has been associated with the V1a receptor (V1aR) gene. Furthermore, impairments of social function are often observed in symptoms of schizophrenia. Subchronic phencyclidine (PCP) produces behaviors relating to certain aspects of schizophrenic symptoms such as impairing social interaction in animals and it reduces the density of V1aR binding sites in several brain regions. Here, we report that V1aR knockout (KO) mice exhibited impairment of social behavior in a social interaction test, and showed reduced anxiety-related behavior in elevated plus-maze and marble-burying behavior tests. Given the current findings, the V1aR may be involved in the regulation of social interaction, and V1aR KO mice could be used as an animal model of psychiatric disorders associated with social behavior deficits, such as autism and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Park Y  Ho IK  Fan LW  Loh HH  Ko KH 《Brain research》2001,894(2):311-315
Previous pharmacological studies have indicated the possible existence of functional interactions between opioidergic and dopaminergic neurons in the CNS. In this study, the expression of mRNAs encoding dopamine receptor D1/D2 was examined to investigate whether there is a change in the dopamine pathway of mice lacking the mu-opioid receptor by in situ hybridization technique. In the mu-opioid receptor knockout mice, the expression of dopamine receptor D1 mRNA was increased in the olfactory tubercle, nucleus accumbens, caudate putamen, and the layer VI of the neocortex compared with that of wild-type mice. The expression of dopamine receptor D2 mRNA was also increased in the olfactory tubercle, caudate putamen, and the nucleus accumbens of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice. These results indicate that there are compensational changes in the dopaminergic systems of mu-opioid receptor knockout mice.  相似文献   

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