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子宫输卵管造影术对输卵管结核的诊断能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价子宫输卵管造影术对输卵管结核的诊断能力,并分析其特征性X线征象。方法84例经临床与病理组织学证实的输卵管结核患者均经子宫输卵管造影检查,该项操作是采用70%的复方泛影葡胺作为造影剂进行的。对全部患者的影像表现结合文献复习进行了回顾性分析。结果子宫输卵管造影证实,在84例输卵管结核患者中,表现为僵直型9例,壶腹部呈囊状积水型7例,锈铁丝型11例,串珠状型9例,管旁结节阴影型6例,峡部梗塞型17例,宫角阻塞变形型14例,伞端呈烟斗嘴型8例,以及输卵管阻塞合并管旁静脉返流型3例。同时,子宫腔粘连见于35例(41%),静脉及淋巴管造影剂逆流见于13例(15%)。结论子宫输卵管造影可显示输卵管结核的特征性X线征象,并能对输卵管与子宫的损伤程度做出明确诊断。  相似文献   

李某,32岁,“因自然流产2次”就诊本院。既往月经规律,量色质正常,无经行不适等症状。G2A2妇科检查及B超等辅助检查未见异常,男方精液常规检查未见异常;造影前探查宫腔狭小似呈单角状。行子宫输卵管造影结果如下:平片阴性,推注2ml造影剂后,子宫显影呈单角形,两侧输卵管显影,继续推注5ml后显影,经调整导管位置将球囊置于颈管内,  相似文献   

目的:探讨碘海醇子宫输卵管造影联合腹腔镜检查在诊断输卵管性不孕中的应用价值。方法选择60例输卵管性不孕患者进行该项研究,先后进行碘海醇子宫输卵管造影和腹腔镜检查。结果60例输卵管不孕患者,114条输卵管子宫输卵管造影(HSG)诊断输卵管阻塞85条,腹腔镜检查诊断出93条输卵管阻塞,两种检查手段在诊断输卵管阻塞方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。慢性盆腔炎、子宫内膜异位症及盆腔结核是引起输卵管阻塞的主要原因。HSG诊断输卵管性不孕的灵敏度为81.7%,(76/93),特异性为57.1%,(12/21),漏诊率为18.3%,误诊率为42.9%。HSG诊断盆腔病变的灵敏度为41.4%,特异度为46.4%,误诊率为53.6%,漏诊率为58.6%。结论碘海醇子宫输卵管造影联合腹腔镜检查可明显提高输卵管性不孕的诊断率,明确具体病变部位,HSG对输卵管阻塞可作为首选检查,但对盆腔病变诊断价值有限,其灵敏度远不及腹腔镜,二者联合可提高对不孕患者病因的准确判断。  相似文献   

目的探讨高压恒速子宫输卵管造影(hysterosalpingography,HSG)与宫腹腔镜联合检查在诊断输卵管通畅性中的意义。资料与方法回顾性分析36例不孕症患者的HSG资料。均先后行HSG和宫腹腔镜联合探查,间隔时间<1个月。依据诊断标准评价输卵管的通畅性及宫腔、盆腔异常表现。结果 36例共计71支输卵管,HSG通畅30支,阻塞41支,腹腔镜通畅35支,阻塞36支,两者结果一致56支。HSG敏感性为86.1%,特异性为71.4%,阳性似然比3.01,阴性似然比0.19,准确性为78.9%;两组诊断结果比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.71,P=0.302),吻合强度差异有统计学意义(k=0.577,P=0.000)。结论 HSG可有效、廉价、快速检查输卵管通畅性,可作为输卵管性不孕检查的首选筛查方法 。  相似文献   

目的探讨输卵管通液治疗仪子宫输卵管造影(HSG)对女性不孕症的诊断价值。方法 116例经临床与病理证实的女性不孕症患者均经HSG和子宫-腹腔镜(H-LSC)检查。对获自上述两种技术的资料,进行了对比性分析。结果在116例中,H-LSC发现导致不孕的各种病变111例(95.7%),其中检出率较高的几种病变是盆腔炎性粘连(n=87),输卵管炎性阻塞(n=85),子宫肌瘤(n=14),多数患者有两种或以上病变并存;HSG发现导致不孕的各种病变107例(92.2%),HSG对输卵管炎性阻塞的检出(n=106)高于H-LSC,而对盆腔炎性粘连(n=51)和子宫肌瘤(n=2)的检出低于H-LSC。本组HSG诊断女性不孕症的敏感性、特异性、准确性、阳性预测值以及阴性预测值分别为96.4%,80%,56.9%,93.9%以及69.2%。结论 H-LSC和HSG在诊断女性不孕症中各有所长,总体来说,H-LSC优于HSG,但二者不能相互取代而是应优势互补。HSG联合H-LSC检查是目前诊断女性不孕症的最佳方案。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨不育伴输卵管周围粘连的子宫输卵管造影征象 ,提高对本病的X线诊断水平。方法 :收集 3 3例腹腔镜检查证实的输卵管周围粘连的子宫输卵管造影及临床资料 ,并进行回顾性分析。结果 :主要子宫输卵管造影表现 :①片状、结节状阴影 ,2 1例 ;②串珠状、滴状阴影 ,6例 ;③输卵管积水及伞端闭锁 ,14例 ;④输卵管上举 ,伞部固定 ,15例。腹腔镜所见 :均有不同程度的输卵管周围粘连。结论 :子宫输卵管造影是诊断不育伴输卵管周围粘连的安全、简便而可靠的方法。  相似文献   

120例子宫输卵管造影检查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
子宫输卵管病变是不孕症患者常见的致病原因 ,子宫输卵管造影仍为临床检查不孕病患者的重要手段 ,作者将 12 0例子宫输卵管造影影像进行分析总结。1 材料与方法  本组 12 0例病人均采用 5 0 0mAX线摇控床监视观察 ,术前准备 ,(包括碘过敏试验 ) ,采用 6 0 %或 76 %的泛影葡胺做造影剂 ,经阴道插管 ,注药剂量为 8~ 10ml。透视下边注药边观察子宫腔及双侧输卵管的充盈过程 ,待充盈满意后用手轻揉腹部 ,进一步观察造影剂在盆腔内的弥散情况。同时在观察过程中适时摄片 ,以记录早、中、晚各期的影像特征。图 1 鞍型子宫、宫底凹陷、宫…  相似文献   

子宫输卵管造影已近百年历史,仍然是诊断和治疗输卵管疾患的有效方法;总结我科2004年5月-2006年5月两年间造影212例,随访腹腔镜表现,对造影方法加以改进。  相似文献   

子宫输卵管造影为妇产科疾病诊断和治疗提供可靠依据。此方法是妇产科常用的检查方法,应用广泛。  相似文献   

张兰芳  沈文荣  郭震  康铮  王美芹   《放射学实践》2011,26(12):1266-1269
目的:探讨输卵管结核伴结核性腹膜炎的CT特征,提高诊断准确性.方法:回顾性分析15例经病理或抗结核治疗确诊的输卵管结核伴结核性腹膜炎患者的CT表现.结果:双侧附件区病变14例,单侧1例,共29侧病灶.典型的输卵管异常12侧,增粗强化5侧,管壁增厚伴管腔扩张7侧(腊肠状).附件区肿块14侧;附件区片絮状强化灶3侧.13侧...  相似文献   

病例报告:女,27岁,因“未避孕未孕5年,欲行腹腔镜检查”收入院。患者婚后夫妇同居,性生活正常,未避孕未孕5年,2009年1月行子宫输卵管造影,结果示(见图1):宫腔大小正常,偏右侧,右侧输卵管显影,迂曲,弥散欠佳,左侧输卵管显影至壶腹部远端,无弥散。妇科检查:外阴为未产式;阴道通畅;宫颈轻度糜烂;宫体前位,偏右侧,常大;左侧附件区增厚,轻压痛,右侧附件区无明显异常。  相似文献   

Transcervical fallopian tube catheterization (TFTC) was performed in 22 infertile patients with bilateral fallopian tube obstruction and a mean duration of infertility of 3.3 years. A high prevalence of previous ectopic pregnancy (n = 8, 36%), tubal ligation and/or reconstruction (n = 5, 23%), spontaneous or therapeutic abortion (n = 6, 27%), and previous intrauterine device use (n = 14, 64%) was noted. The authors successfully catheterized 40 (98%) of 41 tubes without serious complication and visualized the distal tube in 36 (88%) of 41 tubes. Free spill in at least one tube was seen in 17 (77%) of 22 patients. Nineteen patients had a history of previous laparoscopy or laparotomy for tubal disease, in 16 of whom laparoscopic results were available for review. Retrospectively, in 15 (94%) of 16 patients all clinically relevant abnormalities would have been detected by means of TFTC alone. Five patients conceived, three with intrauterine and two with ectopic pregnancies. Patients with intrauterine pregnancies had normal-appearing tubes after TFTC, while those with ectopic pregnancies had residual tubal abnormalities after recanalization. TFTC is a safe, accurate diagnostic procedure that provides more information than hysterosalpingography and, in most cases, as much or more information about the fallopian tubes than laparoscopy.  相似文献   

M F Meyerovitz 《Radiology》1991,181(3):901-902
A double-balloon introducing catheter for cervical cannulation is described. The catheter can be used for hysterosalpingography and allows coaxial passage of a 5-F curved catheter to selectively catheterize the fallopian tubes. The device has been used successfully in eight patients and may offer several advantages over other currently available equipment.  相似文献   

We report a case of fallopian tube carcinoma, successfully diagnosed preoperatively. The patient was a 64-year-old woman. Transvaginal sonography and computed tomography showed a cystic and solid tumor on the left side of the uterus, suggesting ovarian cancer. The tumor was, however, suspected to be a fallopian tube carcinoma on MR imaging. MR images showed a solid mass surrounded by a tube-shaped cystic part. At surgery, a solid and cystic tumor was found in the left fallopian tube. MR imaging may be useful to assist in the diagnosis of fallopian tube carcinoma.  相似文献   

李银珍  郭凡  张红志  陈威   《放射学实践》2011,26(11):1228-1230
目的:探讨输卵管脓肿的经阴道超声声像图特征及其诊断价值.方法:回顾性分析53例输卵管脓肿患者的经阴道超声图像,其中48例经手术病理证实为输卵管脓肿.结果:48例患者超声诊断正确,其中一侧输卵管积脓19例,双侧积脓29例.77个输卵管积脓包块呈纡曲管状、腊肠状或曲颈瓶状无回声区,其中71个输卵管管壁有不完全分隔回声,68...  相似文献   

Effectiveness of terbutaline, a potent uterine muscle relaxant, for differentiation of temporary and anatomic interstitial fallopian tube obstruction (IFTO) at hysterosalpingography (HSG) was explored. In 43 IFTO evaluated, HSG after terbutaline showed patency in only one of 16 tubes in which IFTO was caused by spasm or other temporary cause. We conclude that terbutaline is not helpful in differentiating temporary from anatomic tubal obstruction during HSG.  相似文献   

目的:探讨输卵管积液的 MRI 影像学表现。方法回顾性分析20例(双侧发病11例,共31个病灶)术前行 MRI 检查并经手术病理证实的输卵管积液患者的 MRI 表现,包括输卵管脓肿12例、输卵管积水10例、输卵管卵巢脓肿9例。结果输卵管积液呈弯曲管状、多房状或串珠状形态,尖端指向子宫底。输卵管积脓 MRI 呈等或稍长 T1、长 T2信号、DWI 呈高信号,5例显示液-液平面;输卵管积水以水样信号为主,3例 T1 WI 呈等信号、DWI 呈高信号。输卵管或输卵管卵巢脓肿管壁较厚、强化较明显、周围改变较明显。结论输卵管积液在 MRI 上有一定特征,容易和盆腔其他囊性病变鉴别。  相似文献   

Fallopian tube catheterization with selective ostial [correction of osteal] salpingography is a new technique for the diagnosis of tubal factors of infertility and also for the treatment of proximal tubal occlusion (PTO). In this study, 246 women were considered, 20-42 years old, with primary or secondary infertility, who presented a unilateral or bilateral PTO at hysterosalpingography (HSG). Catheterization and selective salpingography have been successful in 93.9% of the cases. Failures (5.6%) have been ascribed to obstructive organic diseases, where it was impossible to overcome the stenosis with the catheter or the guide-wire. Twenty-six spontaneous pregnancies were obtained (15 full-term deliveries) and 17 patients became pregnant after GIFT (13 full-term deliveries). At follow-up, after 12 months 4 of 10 patients had normal tubes, while 6 patients presented a new unilateral or bilateral PTO. No major complications occurred; nevertheless, ectopic pregnancy is a possible event, because of the mechanically re-established patency in a nonfunctioning tube.  相似文献   

Primary adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tube is a rare neoplasm that constitutes less than 1% of gynecologic malignancies. Although the triad of menorrhagia, leukorrhea, and pain is said to be pathognomonic, preoperative diagnosis of this lesion is most unusual. The radiographic appearance at hysterosalpingography has only rarely been described in the English literature previously [1–3]. This therefore is an unusual documentation of the preoperative appearance of fallopian adenocarcinoma by hysterosalpingography and sonography.  相似文献   

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