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Treatment of Dysphagia Improves Nutritional Conditions in Stroke Patients   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Dysphagia is a common symptom in stroke patients, and malnutrition is prevalent among these patients. Thus far, nutritional effects of dysphagic treatment have not been evaluated. The aim of the present report was to study the effects of swallowing techniques on nutritional and anthropometric variables. A survey with follow-up was performed at the Departments of Geriatric Medicine and Neurology, Malm? University Hospital, Sweden. Thirty-eight stroke patients, 53-89 years of age, with subjective complaints of dysphagia and oral/pharyngeal dysfunction according to videofluoroscopic barium swallowing examination (VSBE), were given swallowing treatment. The treatment included oral motor exercise, different swallowing techniques, positioning, and diet modification. Plasma protein levels, body composition, VSBE, and a viso-analogical scale for subjective complaints were repeated before and after treatment. At baseline, 94% of cases had signs of penetration and 50-72% had plasma protein levels below recommended levels. Treatment reduced the degree of oral dysfunction, (dissociation) and pharyngeal dysfunction (penetration and constrictor paresis). Sixty percent of cases showed an improved overall VSBE score, and improved levels of albumin and total iron-binding capacity were restricted to this group. In cases with unchanged or decreased VSBE score, body weight was reduced and a negative correlation to total iron-binding capacity was noted (r = -0.60, p < 0.05). Changes of subjective complaints did not correlate with swallowing function or nutritional improvements. Swallowing treatment improves swallowing function, and improved swallowing function is associated with improvements in nutritional parameters. Subjective complaints is not sufficient to evaluate the clinical course, and nutritional parameters should be monitored in patients with oral or pharyngeal dysfunction.  相似文献   

The Natural History of Dysphagia following a Stroke   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
To assess the frequency and natural history of swallowing problems following an acute stroke, 121 consecutive patients admitted within 24 hours of the onset of their stroke were studied prospectively. The ability to swallow was assessed repeatedly by a physician, a speech and language therapist, and by videofluoroscopy. Clinically 51% (61/121) of patients were assessed as being at risk of aspiration on admission. Many swallowing problems resolved over the first 7 days, through 28/110 (27%) were still considered at risk by the physician. Over a 6-month period, most problems had resolved, but some patients had persistent difficulties (6, 8%), and a few (2, 3% at 6 months) had developed swallowing problems. Ninety-five patients underwent videofluoroscopic examination within a median time of 2 days; 21 (22%) were aspirating. At 1 month a repeat examination showed that 12 (15%) were aspirating. Only 4 of these were persistent; the remaining 8 had not been previously identified. This study has confirmed that swallowing problems following acute stroke are common, and it has been documented that the dysphagia may persist, recur in some patients, or develop in others later in the history of their stroke.  相似文献   

The mechanism and neural substrates that mediate lingual coordination during swallowing have not been well characterized. Although lingual discoordination during swallowing has been difficult to quantify, it has been defined as the random disorganization of anterior–posterior tongue movements evident in bolus propulsion. In a sample of consecutive acute stroke patients (n= 59), videofluoroscopic evaluation showed a 19% incidence of lingual discoordination during swallowing. Lingual discoordination during swallowing was not commonly associated with buccofacial apraxia, apraxia of speech, nor limb apraxia. Hemisphere and anterior–posterior localization did not predict occurrence of lingual discoordination. Lingual discoordination during swallowing occurred commonly in patients with subcortical lesions with the periventricular white matter (PVWM), the most common site of involvement. PVWM lesions may disconnect anterior and posterior cortical regions that are critical to oral control and coordination in swallowing, thereby producing lingual discoordination during swallowing. These data also suggest that the neural mechanisms that mediate lingual coordination may at least in part be independent of the neural systems that mediate buccofacial, limb, and speech praxis functions.  相似文献   

This is a prospective study of 100 consecutive stroke patients. Within 24 h after stroke onset they were asked specifically about swallowing complaints and subjected to a clinical examination including neurologic examination, Mini-Mental test, and Barthel score. Dysphagic patients were examined with the repetitive oral suction swallow test (the ROSS test) for quantitative evaluation of oral and pharyngeal function at 24 h, after 1 week, and after 1 month. At 6 months, the patients were interviewed about persistent dysphagia. Seventy-two patients could respond reliably at 24 h after the stroke onset and 14 of these complained of dysphagia. Non-evaluable patients were either unconscious, aphasic, or demented. The presence of dysphagia was not influenced by age or other risk factors for stroke. Facial paresis, but no other clinical findings, were associated with dysphagia. Dysphagia 24 h after stroke increased the risk of pneumonia but did not influence the length of hospital stay, the manner of discharge from hospital, or the mortality. The initial ROSS test, during which the seated patient ingests water through a straw, was abnormal in all dysphagic stroke patients. One-third of the patients were unable to perform the test completely. Above all, dysfunction was disclosed during forced, repetitive swallow. All phases of the ingestion cycle were prolonged whereas the suction pressures, bolus volumes, and swallowing capacities were low. Abnormalities of quantitative swallowing variables decreased with time whereas the prevalences of swallowing incoordination and abnormal feeding-respiratory pattern became more frequent. After 6 months, 7 patients had persistent dysphagia. Five of these were initially non-evaluable because of unconsciousness, aphasia, or dementia.  相似文献   

The Role of the Insular Cortex in Dysphagia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent data indicate that dysphagia may occur following unilateral cortical stroke; however, the elucidation of specific cytoarchitectonic sites that produce deglutition disorders remains unclear. In a previous study of unilateral cortical stroke patients with dysphagia, Daniels et al. [8] proposed that the insula may be important in swallowing as it was the most common lesion site in the patients studied. Therefore, 4 unilateral stroke patients with discrete lesions of the insular cortex were studied to further facilitate understanding of the role of the insula in swallowing. Dysphagia, as confirmed by videofluoroscopy, was evident in 3 of the 4 patients; all had lesions that involved the anterior insula, whereas the only patient without dysphagia had a lesion restricted to the posterior insula. These data suggest that the anterior insula may be an important cortical substrate in swallowing. The anterior insula has connections to the primary and supplementary motor cortices, the ventroposterior medial nucleus of the thalamus, and to the nucleus tractus solitarius, all of which are important regions in the mediation of oropharyngeal swallowing. Therefore, discrete lesions of the anterior insula may disrupt these connections and, thereby, produce dysphagia.  相似文献   

Martino R  Pron G  Diamant N 《Dysphagia》2000,15(1):19-30
There is no evaluation of the evidence for the screening of oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke. We reviewed the literature on clinical screening for oropharyngeal dysphagia in adults with stroke to determine (a) the accuracy of different screening tests used to detect dysphagia defined by abnormal oropharyngeal physiology on videofluoroscopy and (b) the health outcomes reported and whether screening alters those outcomes. Peer-reviewed English-language and human studies were sought through Medline (from 1966 to July 1997) by using the key words cerebrovascular disorders and deglutition disorders, relevant Internet addresses, and extensive hand searching of bibliographies of identified articles. Of the 154 sources identified, 89 articles were original, peer-reviewed, and focused on oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke patients. To evaluate the evidence, the next selection identified 10 articles on the comparison of screening and videofluoroscopic findings and three articles on screening and health outcomes. Evidence was rated according to the level of study design by using the values of the Canadian Task Force on Periodic Health Examination. From the identified screening tests, most of the screenings were related to laryngeal signs (63%) and most of the outcomes were related to physiology (74%). Evidence for screening accuracy was limited because of poor study design and the predominant use of aspiration as the diagnostic reference. Only two screening tests were identified as accurate: failure on the 50-ml water test (likelihood ratio = 5.7, 95% confidence interval = 2.5–12.9) and impaired pharyngeal sensation (likelihood ratio = 2.5, 95% confidence interval = 1.7–3.7). Limited evidence for screening benefit suggested a reduction in pneumonia, length of hospital stay, personnel costs, and patient charges. In conclusion, screening accuracy needs to be assessed by using both abnormal physiology and aspiration as diagnostic markers for dysphagia. Large well-designed trials are needed for more conclusive evidence of screening benefit.  相似文献   

Some patients with Chagas' disease and apparent normal esophageal function complain of dysphagia. With the objective of investigating the esophageal motility of these patients we studied the esophageal contraction amplitude, duration, velocity, and lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure of 34 patients with a positive serologic test for Chagas' disease, normal radiologic esophageal examination, peristaltic contractions in the esophageal body, and complete LES relaxation. Fourteen patients complained of dysphagia and 20 had no symptoms. The results were compared with those of 22 healthy controls. We used the manometric method with continuous perfusion. In patients without dysphagia, the LES pressure (17.8 ± 1.2 mmHg, mean ± SEM) and distal esophageal amplitude (71.8 ± 7.9 mmHg) were lower than those of control subjects (24.3 ± 1.8 mmHg and 100.4 ± 10.6 mmHg, respectively). The velocity of peristaltic contractions was higher in patients than in controls, but there was no difference between patients with or without dysphagia. The duration of contraction in the distal esophagus was longer in patients with dysphagia (3.9 ± 0.2 sec) than in patients without dysphagia (3.1 ± 0.2 sec) and controls (3.2 ± 0.2 sec). We conclude that dysphagia in patients with Chagas' disease and a nondilated esophagus with peristaltic contractions and complete LES relaxation is related to a longer duration of contractions in the middle and distal esophageal body.  相似文献   

Pneumonia in Stroke Patients: A Retrospective Study   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
Ding R  Logemann JA 《Dysphagia》2000,15(2):51-57
This is a retrospective study of 378 consecutive stroke patients who were referred between June 1994 and June 1997 for videofluorographic study of oropharyngeal swallow. Patients who had radiation therapy, brain tumor, brain surgery, head and/or spinal cord trauma, oral–pharyngeal disease or surgery, or other neurologic diseases in addition to the stroke were excluded from the study. Patients were assigned to two groups: one with pneumonia and one without pneumonia. One hundred one patients were included in the pneumonia group, and 277 patients were included in the nonpneumonia group. Within the pneumonia group, patients were assigned to an acute pneumonia group (pneumonia within 6 months poststroke) and a chronic pneumonia group (pneumonia more than 6 months poststroke). Variables examined in the study included patients' medical history and the findings from the videofluorographic studies. Pearson chi-square analysis was used to identify those variables that were significantly different between the pneumonia and nonpneumonia patient groups and between the acute and chronic pneumonia groups. Results showed that stroke patients who developed pneumonia had a significantly higher incidence of multiple-location and unspecified lesion strokes, chronic airway disease in their medical history, and aspiration during the videofluorographic studies when compared with patients who did not develop pneumonia. Within the pneumonia group, the acute pneumonia group was found to have a significantly higher incidence of hypertension and diabetes in their medical history and a significantly higher incidence of aspiration and reduced laryngeal elevation during the videofluorographic studies. Between 48% and 55% of all stroke patients in the study aspirated. Patients who suffered multiple strokes, brainstem stroke, or subcortical stroke had the greatest frequency of aspiration.  相似文献   

Feeding difficulty necessitating tube feeding after the infantile period was seen in 3 children with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum. Videofluorographic imaging showed impaired pharyngeal function, which was thought to result from dysplasia of the pharyngeal muscles. Note should be made of feeding difficulty in patients with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum.  相似文献   

Neuroleptic medications may result in extrapyramidal symptoms that can affect swallowing. Both oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing may be affected. Unlike the more common causes of dysphagia, especially in the elderly, drug-induced dysphagia may be reversible. This report describes a case of neuroleptic-induced dysphagia in an elderly male with Alzheimer's disease. When the loxapine was discontinued, the dysphagia improved significantly.  相似文献   

The current classifications of dysphagia are based on local structural or central nervous system pathology causing dysfunction of the aerodigestive tract. The result is a clinical science grounded in the analysis of the swallow with its lingual, pharyngeal, and esophageal stages. Adding bolus preparation to the swallowing paradigm improves but still constrains the study of dysphagia and treatment of the dysphagic patient. Those pre-oral facets of mealtime behavior that may evoke or exacerbate dysphagia remain beyond the existing classification boundaries imposed by the conceptual swallow and anatomic aerodigestive tract. We offer a more inclusive strategy for investigating dysphagia based on a five-stage process of ingestion: pre-oral (anticipatory), preparatory, lingual, pharyngeal, and esophageal. The first stage considers the interaction of pre-oral motor, cognitive, psychosocial, and somataesthetic elements engendered by the meal. The limited literature regarding the interaction of the pre-oral stage with other ingestion stages, in both normal subjects and patients with cortical, basal ganglia, and psychogenic diseases, is reviewed. The neurophysiologic and clinical justifications for embracing a pre-oral stage, and thus for the paradigm shift from deglutition to ingestion, are presented.  相似文献   

Patients who report dysphagia, but have no detectable physical defect, have often been diagnosed as having an eating disorder. This diagnosis was evaluated by administering the Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (EDI-2) and a measure of distress, the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90R), to a sample of 21 adult psychogenic dysphagia patients (PDPs). Their EDI-2 responses were then compared with samples of anorexics, college men, and college women, and their SCL-90R responses were compared with published data of patients with dysphagia due to a motility disorder, an obstruction, or neither. Relative to the anorexics, the PDPs scored significantly lower on all EDI-2 dimensions except maturity fears. For the SCL-90R, PDPs scored significantly higher on the interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, and general severity index than did the dysphagia comparison groups. Moreover, PDP scores on the anxiety and interpersonal sensitivity dimensions were indicative of clinically significant distress. These findings suggest that PDPs do not appear to have an eating disorder, but that they report clinically significant levels of psychological distress, particularly anxiety.  相似文献   

Twenty-three speech-language pathologists (SLPs) experienced with thickening liquids for dysphagia evaluations were asked to mix solutions comparable to their perceptions of nectar, honey, and pudding consistencies. The purpose of the study was to determine if these professionals were able to reliably repeat their relative perceptions of nectar, honey, and pudding over multiple mixings. Each mixed solution was analyzed using a viscometer to determine its actual viscosity. A replication reliability analysis indicated that the professionals were not consistent in their attempts to thicken liquids. Intrasubject results were somewhat better or more consistent than intersubject results. Results of this study indicate the need for a standard protocol during dysphagia management to ensure consistent viscosities across evaluation and treatment.  相似文献   

The radiologic characteristics of pharyngo-esophageal (PE) dysfunction in Parkinson's disease (PD) are not well established, partly because most previous studies have examined only small numbers of patients. We administered a dynamic videofluoroscopic swallowing function study to 71 patients with idiopathic PD. Using the Hoehn and Yahr disease severity scale, patients were subdivided into those with mild/moderate disease, subgroup I (n = 38), and advanced PD disease, subgroup II (n = 33). From pharyngeal ingestion to gastric emptying, bolus transport was normal in only 2 patients. The most common abnormalities occurring during pharyngeal ingestion included impaired motility, vallecular and pyriform sinus stasis, supraglottic and glottic aspiration, and deficient epiglottic positioning and range of motion. Esophageal abnormalities were multiple but most commonly included delayed transport, stasis, bolus redirection, and tertiary contractions. Typical aberrations of lower esophageal sphincter (LES) function included an open or delayed opening of the LES and gastro-esophageal reflux. A pathogenesis linking PE with the pathology of PD is proposed.  相似文献   

This study describes five patients with slowly developing dysphagia secondary to oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), a progressive neurological disorder characterized by gradual onset of dysphagia, ptosis, and facial and trunk limb weakness. OPMD is a genetic disorder that affects formerly healthy adults who typically begin to experience symptoms in the fourth or fifth decade of life. Despite the debilitating nature of the disease, it is common for affected individuals to live to old age. Because of the gradual progression of dysphagia, as well as the deterioration of articulation, resonance, and breath support, patients with OPMD may come to the attention of physicians, nurses, and speech pathologists before a diagnosis is made. We hope to heighten awareness of how these subjects developed strategies to cope with their swallowing problems without medical intevention until the disease was producing marked symptoms. Patients with suspected dysphagia should be questioned about overt problems with eating and swallowing, but also about their adaptations and compensatory strategies. A Clinical Interview Questionnaire is included that may yield additional information about hidden dysphagia.  相似文献   

Swallowing Abnormalities after Acute Stroke: A Case Control Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dysphagia is a common and potentially fatal complication of acute stroke. However, the underlying pathophysiology, especially the relative importance of motor and sensory dysfunction, remains controversial. We conducted a case control study of 23 acute stroke patients (mean age = 72 yr) at a median of 6 days poststroke and 15 healthy controls (mean age = 76 yr). We used novel methods to assess swallowing in detail, including a timed videoendoscopic swallow study and oral sensory threshold testing using electrical stimulation. Vocal cord mobility and voluntary pharyngeal motor activity were impaired in the stroke group compared with the controls (p= 0.01 and 0.03). There was a delay during swallowing in the time to onset of epliglottic tilt in the stroke group, particularly for semisolids (p= 0.02) and solids (p= 0.01), consistent with a delay in initiation of the swallow. Sensory thresholds were not increased in the stroke group compared with controls. We conclude that pharyngeal motor dysfunction and a delay in swallow initiation are common after acute stroke. Vocal cord mobility is reduced, and this may result in reduced airway protection. We found no evidence to support the hypothesis that oropharyngeal sensory dysfunction is common after acute stroke.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the sensitivity and specificity of a 28-item screening test in identifying patients who aspirate, have an oral stage disorder, a pharyngeal delay, or a pharyngeal stage disorder. The screening test includes 28 items divided into 5 categories: (1) 4 medical history variables; (2) 6 behavioral variables; (3) 2 gross motor variables; (4) 9 observations from oromotor testing; and (5) 7 observations during trial swallows. Results identified variables that were able to classify patients correctly as having or not having aspiration 71% of the time, an oral stage disorder 69% of the time, a pharyngeal delay 72% of the time, and a pharyngeal stage swallowing problem 70% of the time. Sensitivity and specificity for each of these judgments and all 28 items on the test are also provided. Results are discussed relative to statistical, clinical, and third-party perspectives on the goals of screening, data from other screening tests, and the role of screening versus diagnostic testing in care of dysphagic patients.  相似文献   

Although previous reports have identified dysphagia as a potential complication of anterior cervical spine surgery (ACSS), current understanding of the nature and etiologies of ACSS-related dysphagia remains limited. The present study was undertaken to describe the patterns of dysphagia that may occur following ACSS. Thirteen patients who exhibited new-onset dysphagia following ACSS were studied retrospectively by means of chart review and videofluoroscopic swallow study analysis. Results indicated that a variety of swallowing impairments occurred following ACSS. In 2 patients, prevertebral soft tissue swelling near the surgical site, deficient posterior pharyngeal wall movement, and impaired upper esophageal sphincter opening were the most salient videofluoroscopic findings. In another 5 patients, the pharyngeal phase of swallowing was absent or very weak, with resulting aspiration in 3 cases. In contrast, an additional 4 patients exhibited deficits primarily of the oral preparatory and oral stages of swallowing including deficient bolus formation and reduced tongue propulsive action. Finally, 2 patients exhibited impaired oral preparatory and oral phases, a weak pharyngeal swallow, as well as prevertebral swelling. Thus, a variety of swallowing deficits, due possibly to neurological and/or soft tissue injuries, may occur following ACSS.  相似文献   

Huckabee ML  Cannito MP 《Dysphagia》1999,14(2):93-109
This study examines the functional and physiologic outcomes of treatment in a group of 10 patients with chronic dysphagia subsequent to a single brainstem injury. All patients participated in a structured swallowing treatment program at a metropolitan teaching hospital. This program differs from more traditional swallowing treatment by the inclusion of surface electromyography biofeedback as a treatment modality and the completion of 10 hr of direct treatment in the first week of intervention. A retrospective analysis of medical records and patient questionnaires was used to gain information regarding medical history, site of lesion, prior interventions, and patient perception of swallowing recovery. Physiologic change in swallowing treatment, as measured by severity ratings of videofluoroscopic swallowing studies, was demonstrated in nine of 10 patients after 1 week or 10 sessions of treatment. Functional change was measured by diet level tolerance after 1 week of treatment, at 6 months, and again at 1 year posttreatment. Eight of the 10 patients were able to return to full oral intake with termination of gastrostomy tube feedings, whereas two demonstrated no long-term change in functional swallowing. Of the eight who returned to full oral intake, the average duration of tube feedings following treatment until discontinuation was 5.3 months, with a range of 1–12 months. Six patients who returned to oral intake maintained gains in swallowing function, and two patients returned to nonoral nutrition as the result of a new unrelated medical condition.  相似文献   

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