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Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty. As a result of SS’ own experiences as a medical student with dyslexia, we have been researching and teaching on this topic for the past two years. Here, we present twelve tips for teaching medical students with dyslexia. These are gathered from our personal experiences and research, discussions with other educators, and wider literature on the topic. This article aims to shed some light on dyslexia, and also to make practical suggestions. Teaching students with dyslexia should not be a daunting experience. Small changes to existing methods, at minor effort, can make a difference – for example, adding pastel colors to slide backgrounds or avoiding Serif fonts. These tips can help educators gain more insight into dyslexia and incorporate small, beneficial adaptations into their teaching.  相似文献   

Background: Shifting from paternalistic to patient-centred doctor-patient relationships has seen a growing number of medical programs incorporate brief motivational interviewing training in their curriculum. Some medical educators, however, are unsure of precisely what, when, and how to incorporate such training.

Aims: This article provides educators with 12 tips for teaching brief motivational interviewing to medical students, premised on evidence-based pedagogy.

Methods: Tips were drawn from the literature and authors’ own experiences.

Results: The 12 tips are: (1) Set clear learning objectives, (2) Select experienced educators, (3) Provide theoretical perspectives, (4) Share the evidence base, (5) Outline the “spirit”, principles, and sequence, (6) Show students what it looks like, (7) Give students a scaffold to follow, (8) Provide opportunities for skill practice, (9) Involve clinical students in teaching, (10) Use varied formative and summative assessments, (11) Integrate and maintain, and (12) Reflect and evaluate.

Conclusions: We describe what to include and why, and outline when and how to teach the essential components of brief motivational interviewing knowledge and skills in a medical curriculum.  相似文献   

Undergraduate medical education has expanded substantially in recent years, through both establishing new programs and increasing student numbers in existing programs. This expansion has placed pressure on the capacity for training students in clinical placements, raising concerns about the risk of dilution of experience, and reducing work readiness. The concerns have been greatest in more traditional environments, where clinical placements in large academic medical centers are often the “gold standard”. However, there are ways of exposing medical students to patient interactions and clinical supervisors in many other contexts. In this paper, we share our experiences and observations of expanding clinical placements for both existing and new medical programs in several international locations. While this is not necessarily an easy task, a wide range of opportunities can be accessed by asking the right questions of the right people, often with only relatively modest changes in resource allocation.  相似文献   

Child development is a marker of well-being in childhood and recognition of developmental delay allows timely investigation and intervention for children with developmental disabilities. Despite this, child development and disabilities are not given emphasis in the medical curriculum. This under representation of teaching combined with the stigma associated with disabilities contributes to the sub-optimal health care of people with disabilities. As well as, addressing the stigma of disability a medical undergraduate curriculum should include: the key concepts of child development; the clinical presentation of the most common developmental disabilities; developmental history taking and the infant neurodevelopmental examination. The following twelve tips provide practical advice about how to teach this knowledge and these skills during medical training.  相似文献   

The facilitation of reflection and development of reflective abilities are increasingly considered to be an important component of professional development (Eraut, 1994). It is known that students find the process of reflection difficult and that it does not come naturally to all, requiring a safe trusting environment in which students can develop with staff support (Woodward, 1998). The structured and deliberate review of significant events has been advocated as a useful way to encourage reflection (Brookfield, 1990). These tips are based on recent research, which revealed that students' difficulties with significant event analysis arise from a range of unforeseen emotional reactions or conflicts. We pass on our tips for minimizing these conflicts and enhancing the reflective and creative aspects of significant event analysis.  相似文献   


Crossborder curriculum partnerships are a relatively new and fast-growing form of internationalization in which the curriculum that has been developed by one institution (the home institution) crosses borders and is implemented in another institution (the host institution). These partnerships aim to provide comparable learning experiences to the students in both institutions and are driven by a variety of motives, such as strengthening international networks, increasing financial gains, and stimulating research spinoffs. Although popular, crossborder curriculum partnerships are also criticized for their potentially low educational quality, failing to address fundamental differences in teaching and learning between the home and host institutions, and not addressing the educational needs of the host country’s health care system. Our aim is to provide guidance to those considering or engaged in designing, developing, managing, and reviewing a crossborder curriculum partnership or other forms of international educational partnerships in medical education. Drawing from research, personal, and institutional experiences in this area, we listed twelve tips categorized into four themes, which contribute to the establishment of sustainable partnerships that can withstand the aforementioned criticism.  相似文献   

Patient safety is a major priority for health services. It is a multi-disciplinary problem and requires a multi-disciplinary solution; any education should therefore be a multi-disciplinary endeavour, from conception to implementation. The starting point should be at undergraduate level and medical education should not be an exception. It is apparent that current educational provision in patient safety lacks a systematic approach, is not linked to formal assessment and is detached from the reality of practice. If patient safety education is to be fit for purpose, it should link theory and the reality of practice; a human factors approach offers a framework to create this linkage. Learning outcomes should be competency based and generic content explicitly linked to specific patient safety content. Students should ultimately be able to demonstrate the impact of what they learn in improving their clinical performance. It is essential that the patient safety curriculum spans the entire undergraduate programme; we argue here for a spiral model incorporating innovative, multi-method assessment which examines knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Students are increasingly learning from patient experiences, we advocate learning directly from patients wherever possible. Undergraduate provision should provide a platform for continuing education in patient safety, all of which should be subject to periodic evaluation with a particular emphasis on practice impact.  相似文献   

Teaching in a low-resource setting comes with its own challenges and pitfalls. Many concepts, ideas and strategies can be transferred but need to be adapted to the different environment. This article highlights some of the challenges and obstacles that healthcare professionals working in this setting might encounter when setting up an educational intervention. The following twelve specific tips are aimed toward individual healthcare workers, independent charities, and smaller non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who wish to initiate small-scale teaching projects or larger educational ventures. The article covers general matters to consider prior to embarking on this journey and includes cultural, educational, linguistic, and social aspects.  相似文献   

Couser G 《Medical teacher》2007,29(5):427-430
BACKGROUND: International Medical Graduates (IMGs) are a diverse group of doctors who provide essential health services in many western countries, and hospitals are increasingly relying upon IMGs to fill vacancies in all staff grades. Clinical skills and experience vary greatly between doctors, and orientation and clinical skills training is a way of addressing any identified deficiencies. WORK DONE: This paper relates the experiences of establishing a training program and support services for IMGs working in the public hospital system in Tasmania, Australia, and offers advice for other agencies contemplating establishing similar programs. CONCLUSIONS: A 'hub and spoke' model is a useful model to adopt: a central coordinating office designs and implements programs informed by best available evidence, and clinical educators on site at healthcare facilities implement programs and provide direct assistance and orientation. Broad-based programs attending to orientation, doctor's families' needs, communication skills and clinical skills training are required. Support from health administrators is essential.  相似文献   

For medical teachers around the world, teaching duties have expanded beyond the classroom and include teaching small groups, assessment, providing instructional materials beyond the syllabus, problem-based learning, learner-centred teaching, clinical teaching on-the-fly--and the list goes on. Faculty development is essential to train medical faculty in essential educational theory and specific teaching skills as well as to encourage a flexible and learner-centred approach to teaching. Finally, self-reflection and critique of teaching techniques are vital to propel medical schools towards promoting and aiming for uncompromising excellence in medical education. The twelve tips described in this article relating to educating teachers, evaluating teaching and eradicating institutional apathy are simple measures that educational leaders can apply to promote excellence in teaching at their parent institutions. The tips introduce a multi-dimensional approach to improving the overall quality of medical education consisting of measures aimed at individual teachers and those aimed at overhauling the teaching climate at medical institutions.  相似文献   

An academic teaching portfolio is not only a requirement at many academic teaching institutions, but it is also important in a medical educator’s growth and development through documentation, reflection, evaluation, and change. Creating an academic portfolio may appear daunting at first but with careful advanced preparation, organized evidence collection of your educational work, proof of scholarship, and thorough documentation of self-reflection and change, you can produce a successful product that accurately represents your educational beliefs, accomplishments, and growth throughout your career. This article provides medical educators with twelve steps for creating a successful academic teaching portfolio.  相似文献   


Background: Medical students engaged in research develop general skills that are instrumental to clinical practice. The systematic review, a cornerstone of evidence-based medicine, represents an ideal starting point for student researchers.

Aim and methods: To outline twelve tips on conducting a systematic review for medical students with limited research experience.

Results: The tips in this article are practical, comprehensive, and informed by the authors experience as medical students.

Conclusion: The twelve tips can help medical students contribute to the literature and build a valuable skillset for future research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Participatory action projects, such as Photovoice, can provide medical trainees with a unique opportunity for community engagement. Through Photovoice, participants with lived experience engage in dialog and capture photographs of community issues. Participants subsequently develop narratives that accompany photos to raise awareness about community needs. In this paper, we describe twelve tips to develop a Photovoice project and discuss how medical students can engage communities through a participatory action lens. Such an approach not only serves as a method for medical students to learn about social determinants of health through the perspective of lived experience, but also has the capacity of building advocacy and community collaboration skills. Through providing a voice to marginalized individuals using Photovoice, medical students can partner with communities to work toward social change. Photovoice participants also benefit from the project as it provides them with a platform to highlight strengths and weaknesses in their community.  相似文献   


Many health professional schools may be investing time and resources on dedicated educational spaces intended to promote collaborative learning. Alone, innovative physical space or technologies are not sufficient to ensure success in this. Lesson plans informed by collaborative praxis, individual motivation, faculty development, learner feedback, and team interactions also play a necessary and substantial role. We have used faculty observations, quantitative and qualitative student evaluation data, and the existing educational literature to provide twelve tips on leveraging curricular content, activity setup, physical space, learner behavior, and faculty facilitation to make the most of collaborative learning spaces.  相似文献   

The ambulatory care setting is becoming an increasingly important environment for clinical teaching. This reflects the changing focus of healthcare delivery with more procedures and patient treatment being delivered in this setting. Maximizing learning opportunities for students without compromising patient care has never provided a greater challenge. This paper shares 12 educational tips for developing an ambulatory care teaching centre where both students and patients benefit from a protected yet realistic clinical setting.  相似文献   

Mentoring is often identified as a crucial step in achieving career success. However, not all medical trainees or educators recognize the value of a mentoring relationship. Since medical educators rarely receive training on the mentoring process, they are often ill equipped to face challenges when taking on major mentoring responsibilities. This article is based on half-day workshops presented at the 11th Ottawa International Conference on Medical Education in Barcelona on 5 July 2004 and the annual meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges in Boston on 10 November 2004 as well as a review of literature. Thirteen medical faculty participated in the former and 30 in the latter. Most participants held leadership positions at their institutions and mentored trainees as well as supervised mentoring programs. The workshops reviewed skills of mentoring and strategies for designing effective mentoring programs. Participants engaged in brainstorming and interactive discussions to: (a) review different types of mentoring programs; (b) discuss measures of success and failure of mentoring relationships and programs; and (c) examine the influence of gender and cultural differences on mentoring. Participants were also asked to develop an implementation plan for a mentoring program for medical students and faculty. They had to identify student and faculty mentoring needs, and describe methods to recruit mentors as well as institutional reward systems to encourage and support mentoring.  相似文献   

During their course, medical students have to become proficient in a variety of competencies. For each of these competencies, educational design can use cognitive load theory to consider three dimensions: task fidelity: from literature (lowest) through simulated patients (medium) to real patients (highest); task complexity: the number of information elements in a learning task; and instructional support: from worked examples (highest) through completion tasks (medium) to autonomous task performance (lowest). One should integrate any competency into a medical curriculum such that training in that competency facilitates the students’ journey that starts from high instructional support on low-complexity low-fidelity learning tasks all the way to high-complexity tasks in high-fidelity environments carried out autonomously. This article presents twelve tips on using cognitive load theory or, more specifically, a set of four tips for each of task fidelity, task complexity, and instructional support, to achieve that aim.  相似文献   

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