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OBJECTIVE: Psychosocial stress is a risk factor for musculoskeletal pain, but how stress affects musculoskeletal pain is poorly understood. We wanted to examine the relationship between low-grade autonomic activation and stress-related pain in patients with fibromyalgia and localised chronic shoulder/neck pain. METHODS: Twenty-three female patients with fibromyalgia, 29 female patients with chronic shoulder-neck pain, and 35 healthy women performed a stressful task lasting 60min. With a blinded study design, we recorded continuous blood pressure, heart rate, finger skin blood flow and respiration frequency before (10min), during (60min) and after (30min) the stressful task. The physiological responses were compared with subjective reports of pain. RESULTS: The increase in diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in response to the stressful task were smaller in fibromyalgia patients compared with the healthy controls. Furthermore, fibromyalgia patients had reduced finger skin blood flow at the end of the stressful task compared to healthy controls. We also found an inverse relationship between the heart rate response and development and recovery of the stress-related pain in fibromyalgia patients. CONCLUSION: We found abnormal cardiovascular responses to a 60min long stressful task in fibromyalgia patients. Furthermore, we found a negative association between the heart rate response and the pain which developed during the stressful task in the fibromyalgia group, possibly a result of reduced stress-induced analgesia for fibromyalgia patients.  相似文献   

背景:颈肩痛是由颈肩部软组织(主要是肌肉)的慢性劳损所引起的常见临床症状.表面肌电图是一种新型、无创的肌肉活动检查手段,能测量肌肉的活动和功能.目的:评价颈肩疼痛患者颈肩部肌肉功能,为表面肌电图的应用和颈肩疼痛患者合理防治与康复提供理论依据.方法:应用表面肌电图对32例单侧颈肩疼痛的办公室工作人员在站立下,进行低头、头后伸、双手上举时颈竖脊肌、斜方肌上支的表面肌电测试.在测试前,对患者的颈肩疼痛进行目测类比评分.然后根据收集的数据,比较受试者颈肩部疼痛侧与非疼痛侧测试肌肉的肌电活动.结果与结论:测试前,受试者颈肩疼痛目测类比评分(平均分)为5.03分;受试者在低头、头后伸、双手上举过程中,其疼痛侧的颈竖脊肌、斜方肌上支的肌电原始信号较非疼痛侧的颈竖脊肌、斜方肌上支的肌电原始信号弱;疼痛侧颈竖脊肌、斜方肌上支肌电的平均振幅值与非疼痛侧相比差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);疼痛侧颈竖脊肌、斜方肌上支肌电的平均频率斜率值与非疼痛侧相比差异无显著性意义(P>0.05).提示颈肩疼痛患者疼痛侧的颈肩肌肉的活动能力下降,长期坐位作业的办公室人员要定时进行颈肩部肌肉锻炼.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported lower neck muscle strength in patients with chronic neck pain compared to healthy controls. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between the severity of neck pain and disability with neck strength and range of movement in women suffering from chronic neck pain. One hundred and seventy-nine female office workers with chronic neck pain were selected to the study. The outcome was assessed by the self-rating questionnaires on neck pain (visual analogue scale, Vernon's disability index, Neck pain and disability index) and by measures of the passive range of movement (ROM) and maximal isometric neck muscle strength. No statistically significant correlation was found between perceived neck pain and the disability indices and the maximal isometric neck strength and ROM measures. However, the pain values reported during the strength tests were inversely correlated with the results of strength tests (r=-0.24 to -0.46), showing that pain was associated with decreased force production. About two-thirds of the patients felt pain during test efforts. Pain may prevent full effort during strength tests and hence the production of maximal force. Thus in patients with chronic neck pain the results do not always describe true maximal strength, but rather the patients' ability to bear strain, which may be considerably influenced by their painful condition. The results of the present study suggest that rehabilitation in cases of chronic neck pain should aim at raising tolerance to mechanical strain.  相似文献   

Myofascial trigger points are present in dysfunctioning muscles and are associated with several diseases. However, the scientific literature has not established whether myofascial trigger points of differing etiologies have the same clinical characteristics. Thus, the objective of the present study was to compare the intensity of myofascial pain, catastrophizing, and the pressure pain threshold at myofascial trigger points among breast cancer survivors and women with neck pain. This was a cross-sectional study that included women over 18 years old complaining of myofascial pain in the upper trapezius muscle region for more than 90 days, equally divided into breast cancer survivors (n = 30) and those with neck pain (n = 30). For inclusion, the presence of a bilateral, active, and centrally located trigger point with mean distance from C7 to acromion in the upper trapezius was mandatory. The measures of assessment were: pain intensity, catastrophizing, and the pressure pain threshold at the myofascial trigger points. A significant difference was observed only when comparing pain intensity (p < 0.001) between the breast cancer survivors (median score: 8.00 points, first quartile: 7.00 points, third quartile: 8.75 points) and women with neck pain (median score: 2.50 points, first quartile: 2.00 points, third quartile: 4.00 points). No significant difference was found between groups in catastrophizing and pressure pain threshold. The conclusion of this study was that breast cancer survivors have a higher intensity of myofascial pain in the upper trapezius muscle when compared to patients with neck pain, which indicates the need for evaluation and a specific intervention for the myofascial dysfunction of these women.  相似文献   

Purpose.?Activity-related pain may be a barrier to rehabilitation in patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. This study investigated patients' reports of increased pain during activity, and the association between such pain and psychological factors and pain variables.

Method.?Questionnaires from 232 adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain measured pain intensity, spread of pain and pain duration. Pain during activity was assessed both on a 11-point Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), and operationalised as a dichotomous measure, where responders defined if they experienced pain during general activity and exercise. Psychological factors were measured by the Hopkins symptom check list 25, the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia and a subscale of the Arthritis Self-efficacy Scale. Multiple and logistic regression were used to analyse associations between increased pain during activity and associated variables.

Results.?Increased pain during activity was reported by 69% of participants. Fear of movement was a significant factor for reporting increased pain during activity, both general activity and exercise also in a subsample with low psychological distress. Other significant factors were spread of pain and a low sense of self-efficacy.

Conclusion.?Patients with high fear of movement, large spread of pain and low self-efficacy were more likely to report increased pain during activity even in the absence of psychological distress.  相似文献   

This paper explores the perceived barriers to return to work presented by unemployed patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. The findings are based on one to one in depth semi-structured interviews conducted with patients from four sites in the UK. Interview data were recorded from 38 patients (15 male, 23 female) aged between 29 and 62 years the sample included patients who had participated in a vocational rehabilitation scheme, those who had refused to participate and a naı¨ve group. Patients were in receipt of long-term social welfare benefits (incapacity benefits) and recruited via local Job Centres. The mean duration of work absence was over 5 years. The data was transcribed and analysed by means of thematic analysis. Several themes were identified as barriers to return to work from the data including pain related issues, uncertainty (both financial and physical), the healthcare system, interaction with benefits providers, perceptions of employers and personal limitations. The uncertainty and the pain condition itself were the overarching barriers from which other obstacles stemmed. This is the first qualitative study of long term unemployed benefit recipients with chronic pain. Others authors have reported psychosocial factors as barriers to work among disabled populations however, this qualitative study has identified barriers specific to unemployed chronic pain patients. The themes identified will help with the planning and development of future initiatives for returning chronic pain patients to employment.  相似文献   

Reduced cervical range of motion (ROM) is a common finding in people with neck pain. With few exceptions, only the angle between head and thorax has been measured. Our aim was to use an extended model to compare active cervical flexion and extension, separate for upper and lower cervical levels, between people with chronic non-traumatic neck pain and controls. We also investigated associations between ROM measures, symptoms and self-rated functioning.In this cross-sectional study, 102 subjects with neck pain and 33 healthy controls participated. An electromagnetic tracker system was used to measure the kinematics to construct a three-segment model including the thorax, cervical spine and head. Neutral flexion/extension were defined at subjects’ self-selected seated posture.We found that in the neck pain group, extension in the upper cervical levels and predominately flexion for the lower levels were reduced. The ratio between ROM for the upper and lower levels was altered in the neck pain group so that the lower levels contributed to a lesser extent to the total sagittal ROM compared to controls. These findings could not be explained by a greater forward head posture but must have other origins. For the neck pain group, ROM measures were weakly associated to pain and self-rated functioning. Altogether, this implies that using a three-segment model for assessment of ROM can be a valuable improvement for characterisation of patients and treatment evaluation.  相似文献   

Chronic pain is often associated with comorbidities such as anxiety and depression, resulting in a low health-related quality of life. The mechanisms underlying this association are not clear, but a disturbance in the pain control systems from the brain stem has been suggested. Thirty neuropathic pain (NP) patients, 28 patients with fibromyalgia (FM), and 26 pain-free age- and gender-matched controls were included and examined with respect to mental distress (self-rated Symptom Checklist-92), depression (doctor-rated Hamilton Depression Scale and self-rated Major Depression Inventory), and anxiety (doctor-rated Hamilton Anxiety Scale and self-rated Anxiety Inventory). In addition, patients assessed their health-related quality of life (SF-36). Chronic pain patients with FM and NP had significantly more mental distress including depression and anxiety than healthy controls both by self-rating and by a professional rating. However, these scores are low compared to other studies on mental distress in chronic pain patients. Only few chronic pain patients meet the diagnostic criteria for depression (NP 3.3%, FM 7.1%), and associations between pain and mental symptoms were only found in the FM group despite similar pain intensities. The findings suggest that different mechanisms are responsible for the development of mood disorders in the two patient groups.  相似文献   

There are several therapies designed to increase body awareness. They are commonly known as body awareness therapies (BAT) and include Basic BAT, Mensendieck and Feldenkrais therapy. A focus on emotions is important in all these therapies. In this article the aim and development of Basic BAT is described together with evaluations of treatments including Basic BAT. Multidisciplinary studies have shown that Basic BAT can increase health-related quality of life and cost-effectiveness. However Basic BAT needs to be further studied in relation to patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic pain. Studies so far indicate that Basic BAT has positive effects.  相似文献   

目的:分析慢性腰痛住院患者治疗前的表面肌电图临床特征及数据,进一步阐明表面肌电生物反馈在慢性腰痛诊疗过程中的临床意义。方法:本研究回顾性分析401例慢性腰痛患者的表面肌电图相关信息,比较了腰痛发病部位与相关肌肉肌电的关系,以及腰背后伸、下肢后伸、足部背屈过程中肌肉肌电变化情况。结果:401例慢性腰痛患者接受了表面肌电图检查,年龄16—85岁,平均(51.78±13.69)岁,主要集中在51—60岁阶段。男性160例(39.90%),女性241例(60.10%),男女性别比为0.66∶1。双侧发病162例(40.40%),单侧发病239例(59.60%),其中右侧发病120例(29.93%),左侧发病119例(29.68%)。单侧发病慢性腰痛患者疼痛侧臀中肌与臀大肌的肌电平均振幅值均低于非疼痛侧,差异有显著性意义(P0.05或P0.01)。而慢性腰痛患者腰背后伸、下肢后伸、足部背屈过程中,非疼痛侧和疼痛侧竖脊肌腰段、多裂肌、股二头肌、胫骨前肌与腓骨肌的肌电平均振幅值无显著差异(P0.05)。结论:51—60岁是慢性腰痛的高发年龄,此后随着年龄增加,腰痛发病有趋缓现象;在慢性腰痛的诊疗过程中患者的主观感觉只是指导临床工作的一部分,表面肌电水平更能客观地反映患者的肌肉功能,慢性腰痛患者存在特有的表面肌电图特征。  相似文献   

There are several therapies designed to increase body awareness. They are commonly known as body awareness therapies (BAT) and include Basic BAT, Mensendieck and Feldenkrais therapy. A focus on emotions is important in all these therapies. In this article the aim and development of Basic BAT is described together with evaluations of treatments including Basic BAT. Multidisciplinary studies have shown that Basic BAT can increase health-related quality of life and cost-effectiveness. However Basic BAT needs to be further studied in relation to patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic pain. Studies so far indicate that Basic BAT has positive effects.  相似文献   



To determine the effect of mobilization and routine physiotherapy on pain, disability, neck range of motion (ROM) and neck muscle endurance (NME) in patients having chronic mechanical neck pain (NP).


Sixty eight patients with chronic mechanical NP were randomly allocated into two groups by using a computer generated random sequence table with 34 patients in the multi-modal mobilization group and 34 patients in the routine physiotherapy group. Baseline values for pain, disability, NME, and neck ROM were recorded using visual analogue scale (VAS), neck disability index (NDI), neck flexor muscle endurance test and universal goniometer respectively, before the treatment. Each patient received 10 treatment sessions over a period of four weeks and at the end of four weeks all the outcome measures were recorded again.


A paired t-test revealed significant pre to post treatment differences for all outcome measures in both groups (p ≤ 0.001 in all instances). An independent t-test revealed statistically significant differences for pain, disability, NME, and neck ROM in favor of the multi-modal mobilization group with a between group difference of 1.57 cm for VAS (p < 0.001), 11.74 points for NDI (p = 0.001), 18.45 s for NME (p < 0.001) and 6.06–8.24° for neck ROM (p < 0.05).


The results suggest that a combination of cervical mobilization with routine physiotherapy is more effective for reducing pain and disability and improving NME and neck ROM in patients with chronic mechanical NP compared to routine physiotherapy alone.  相似文献   

In the field of neuromuscular diseases, pain and its management remain imperfectly understood and described. We study 68 unselected, consecutive adult patients attending a multidisciplinary consultation for hereditary myopathy. Forty-six (67%) were suffering from chronic pain. Pain was assessed with self report questionnaire and a standardized clinical evaluation. Mean duration of the pain was 7.2+/-8.9 years, and multiple body sites were involved in 91% of cases. Usual pain intensity (Visual Analogue Scale 0-100) was moderate (39.5+/-26.2). For 42 patients (91%) the principal cause of the pain was of muscular origin, with frequent features of myofascial pain syndromes (MPS, 50%) and fibromyalgia (FMS, 26%). Pain was the major complaint for 6.3% of the patients. Pain management was essentially based on physiotherapy. Only a minority of patients (38%) has an appropriate drug treatment. Common analgesics appeared to be very effective in these patients.  相似文献   

[Purpose] Surface electromyography (SEMG) topography is used to objectively assess patients with low back pain (LBP). This study aimed to investigate the correlation between SEMG topographic variables, pain, and disability in patients with chronic LBP (CLBP) after interferential current (IFC) treatment, and to evaluate IFC treatment efficacy using SEMG topography. [Participants and Methods] Twenty nine patients with CLBP were recruited for a 6-week IFC treatment. Pain and disability scores, and the root-mean-square difference (RMSD) of SEMG topographic variables (relative areas [RAs] at flexion and extension) were compared before and after the intervention by repeated measures ANOVA; the correlation between variables was also explored and p-value was set at 0.001. [Results] Significant positive correlations between changes in pain score and the RMSD of RA at flexion (r(29)=0.593), and between changes in pain and disability scores (r(29)=0.426) were observed. All participants showed statistically significant improvements in the RMSD of RA at flexion, pain score, and disability score after IFC treatment. [Conclusion] SEMG topographic variables are closely associated with changes in pain score in patients with CLBP after IFC treatment. The RMSD of RA at flexion can be used as an objective marker in IFC treatment efficacy evaluation.  相似文献   

Lisa Lannersten  Eva Kosek 《Pain》2010,151(1):77-86
The aim of this study was to investigate how exercise influenced endogenous pain modulation in healthy controls, shoulder myalgia patients and fibromyalgia (FM) patients. Twenty-one healthy subjects, 20 shoulder myalgia patients and 20 FM patients, all females, participated. They performed standardized static contractions, that is, outward shoulder rotation (m. infraspinatus) and knee extension (m. quadriceps). Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were determined bilaterally at m. infraspinatus and m. quadriceps. During contractions PPTs were assessed at the contracting muscle, the resting homologous contralateral muscle and contralaterally at a distant site (m. infraspinatus during contraction of m. quadriceps and vice versa). Myalgia patients had lower PPTs compared to healthy controls at m. infraspinatus bilaterally (p < 0.01), but not at m. quadriceps. FM patients had lower PPTs at all sites compared to healthy controls (p < 0.001) and myalgia patients (p < 0.001). During contraction of m. infraspinatus PPTs increased compared to baseline at the end of contraction in healthy controls (all sites: p < 0.003), but not in myalgia or FM patients. During contraction of m. quadriceps PPTs increased compared to baseline at the end of contraction in healthy controls (all sites: p < 0.001) and myalgia patients (all sites: p < 0.02), but not in FM patients. In conclusion, we found a normal activation of endogenous pain regulatory mechanisms in myalgia patients during contraction of the non-afflicted m. quadriceps, but a lack of pain inhibition during contraction of the painful m. infraspinatus. FM patients failed to activate their pain inhibitory mechanisms during all contractions.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose. The present study evaluated whether patients with chronic neck pain demonstrate characteristic angular movement deviations during repeated cervical spine movements. Method. Sixteen patients with chronic neck pain and a group of 18 aged‐matched healthy control subjects performed 10 repetitive maximal cervical movement cycles (flexion/extension, rotation, lateral flexion) at a self‐determined velocity. To collect the kinematic data of the cervical spine, a three‐dimensional ultrasonic movement analysis system (Zebris CMS70©, Germany) was used. To describe the movement variability in the maximum oscillation amplitudies the intra‐subject coefficients of variation (CV %) was calculated. The maximum difference was characterized by the absolute differences between the minimum and maximum oscillation amplitudes of iterated movement cycles. Pain intensity was obtained by visual analogue scales (VAS). Results. The average pain rating of the patients with chronic neck pain indicated moderate neck pain intensity (3.7 (±0.8)). Independent Student's t‐tests revealed a significantly decreased range of movement (ROM) in the chronic neck pain group for all anatomic values (p < 0.05), except for the lateral flexion to the right. The maximum differences and variability parameters showed significantly increased values in the chronic neck pain group in all directions (p < 0.001). Conclusion. Maximal cervical ROM was significantly lower, and movement variability was significantly higher, in patients compared with healthy control subjects. The differences of cervical motion variability point towards increased movement irregularities in patients with chronic neck pain. The present study shows evidence to support the hypothesis that additional information may be gained from the analysis of movement variability. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Purpose. Patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic widespread pain (CWP) find physical activity troublesome. The purpose was to develop a questionnaire to investigate the experience of physical activity in FM and CWP populations.

Method. A questionnaire was developed from a qualitative study. After that, a total of 204 patients with FM or CWP completed the questionnaire. A factor analysis was conducted and the internal consistency was investigated. The relationship between the factors and pain, health status (the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, FIQ), distress (the Hospital Anxiety and Distress scale, HAD) and leisure time physical activity (the Leisure Time Physical Activity Instrument, LTPAI) was investigated.

Results. Five factors were identified: Physical Relaxation (PR), Well-being (WB), Activity Beliefs (AB), Activity-related Symptoms (AS) and Activity Habits (AH). Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.57 to 0.86. The PR showed a correlation (rho 0.28, p < 0.01) with the FIQ Pain. The AS showed a correlation (rho 0.25, p < 0.01) with the FIQ total score, while the AH showed a correlation with the HAD Depression (0.26, p < 0.01) and with strenuous physical activity (LTPAI) (?0.32, p < 0.01).

Conclusion. A new instrument was developed to study the experience of physical activity in persons with long-lasting pain. Five factors were identified using factor analysis, and three of them showed fair associations with FM symptoms, distress or physical activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this longitudinal study was to assess changes with age regarding prevalence of pain and perceived health in a student population, as well as change over time at grade level. Pain included frequency of headache, abdominal, and musculoskeletal pain and perceived health included problems sleeping and/or if they often felt tired, lonely, and sad. If gender, age (grade level), stress, physically activity were related to pain and health complaints were tested with multivariate logistic regression analysis. The students (n=1908) came from randomly selected schools throughout Sweden and attended grades 3, 6 and 9 (ages 9, 12 and 15 at the onset of the year) in 2001. Three years later, 67% (n=1276) of the same students answered a questionnaire that was constructed for the purpose of the studies. The responses given by the same students showed that girls' complaints of pain and perceived health increased with age and boys decreased. Over half (56%) of the girls and two-thirds (67%) of the boys reported no frequent complaints either year. At grade level most variables were rated the same as three years earlier by the same age group. Stress was significantly related to pain and health complaints for girls and the risk of complaints, as calculated with odds ratio, was most evident for students who were characterized as being physically inactive in 2001 and remained inactive three years later. Jointly, significant predictors, such as stress, being physically inactive, gender and grade level, explained 8-20% of the frequent complaints.  相似文献   

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