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Basophils are relatively rare leukocytes that potentially play a role in both systemic anaphylaxis and, owing to their ability to migrate from the blood into various other tissues, in more localized aspects of allergic inflammation. Given their greater sensitivities to allergen provocation compared with their tissue-fixed mast cell counterparts, and by virtue of their capacity to more readily generate Th2-type cytokines, basophils have been considered to play more than a bystander role in initiating and maintaining allergic disorders. However, only very recently has clearer evidence shed light on the abilities of this cell type to orchestrate chronic allergic inflammation and promote Th2 immunity in the early induction stages of allergy. This review summarizes these recent advances in understanding the role of basophils in orchestrating and maintaining allergic responses.  相似文献   

After approximately 130 years since their discovery as rare granulocytes that circulate in blood, basophils are just now gaining respect as significant contributors in the pathogenesis underlying allergic inflammation and disease. While long known for secreting preformed and newly synthesized mediators and for selectively infiltrating tissue during immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated inflammation, their role has largely been viewed as redundant to that of tissue mast cells in functioning as effector cells. This line of thought has persisted even though it has been known in humans for approximately 20 years that basophils additionally produce relatively large quantities of cytokines, e.g. interleukin-4 (IL-4)/IL-13, that are central for the manifestations of allergic disease. Studies using novel IL-4 reporter mice have significantly added to the in vivo importance of basophils as IL-4 producing cells, with recent findings indicating that these cells also function as antigen-presenting cells essential in initiating T-helper 2 responses. If confirmed and translated to humans, these provocative findings will give new meaning to the role basophils have in allergic disease, and in immunology overall.  相似文献   

过敏性哮喘患者血浆IL-4与IgE及嗜碱性细胞关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

IgE antibodies play a crucial role in allergic type I reactions. Only IL-4 and IL-13 are able to induce an immunoglobulin isotype switch to IgE in B cells. A major question is to what extent these cytokines contribute to the production of IgE in allergic patients. To address this question we used an in vitro culture system in which the production of IgE is dependent on endogenously produced IL-4 and IL-13. In cultures of purified T and B cells from allergic asthma patients and non-atopic controls, T cells were polyclonally stimulated to obtain IL-4, IL-13 and subsequently IgE secretion. The absolute amount of IgE produced was not significantly different between patients and controls. When neutralizing IL-4 antibodies were included during culture, the production of IgE was dramatically inhibited in both patients and controls (production of IgE was reduced to 12%). However, neutralization of IL-13 led to a significantly stronger inhibition of IgE production in the patient group: production of IgE was reduced to 23 ± 3% versus 50 ± 10% in the control group. Corresponding with these results, we also observed a higher production of IL-13 by the patients, while the production of IL-4 was not significantly different. A more detailed analysis of the production of IL-13 revealed that patients' T cells were less sensitive to a negative signal controlling IL-13 production. Our results indicate that, at least in vitro, IgE production in allergic asthma patients is more dependent on IL-13 than in non-atopics, due to enhanced IL-13 production and to enhanced IgE production in response to IL-13.  相似文献   

Background and Objective A subset of IL-4 producing CD8+ T cells was recently identified in HIV patients. Based on these findings we examined whether IL-4 producing CD8+ T cells would also be present in allergic patients and what would be the functional relevance of this T-cell population. Methods We investigated the role of CD8+ T cells in IgE production of allergic diseases by analysing the cytokine profile of individual CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Results In allergic patients about twice as many CD4+ T cells and six times as many CD8+ T cells produced IL-4 as in non-allergic controls. In contrast the frequency of IFNγ+ T-cell subsets did not significantly differ between the allergic and non-allergic individuals. The frequency of 1L4+CD8+ T cells correlated with the level of serum IgE. Coculture experiments with T cells or purified CD8+ T cells together with autologous B cells indicated that CD8+ T cells enhanced IgE in vitro, but not IgM production, even when they were physically separated from B cells. This effect could be partially blocked by addition of an IL-4 binding protein, a soluble IL-4 receptor indicating that lL-4 is involved in CD8+ T-cell mediated IgE production. Conclusions These data indicate a positive role of IL-4 secreting CD8+ T cells in IgE regulation in allergic patients.  相似文献   

IL-4 production is increased in cigarette smokers.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Cigarette smoking has been associated with both increases in serum levels of total IgE and an increased risk of developing allergic-like symptoms. IL-4 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) have reciprocal roles in the regulation of IgE synthesis, and as such prompted us to evaluate, in smokers, the production of these two cytokines. We demonstrate that phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-induced IL-4 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of smokers (n = 19) is significantly higher than that of non-smokers (n = 10, P < 0.005). In addition, PBMC from heavy smokers, defined by the number of cigarettes smoked per day, produced significantly higher levels of IL-4 than those of light smokers. No difference between the groups was found for IFN-gamma production. Our data suggest an imbalance in cytokine production occurring in individuals who smoke. This imbalance, favouring IL-4 production, may be part of the mechanism responsible for the observed increases in serum IgE and allergic-like symptoms associated with cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

The basophil activation test (BAT) has become a pervasive test for allergic response through the development of flow cytometry, discovery of activation markers such as CD63 and unique markers identifying basophil granulocytes. Basophil activation test measures basophil response to allergen cross‐linking IgE on between 150 and 2000 basophil granulocytes in <0.1 ml fresh blood. Dichotomous activation is assessed as the fraction of reacting basophils. In addition to clinical history, skin prick test, and specific IgE determination, BAT can be a part of the diagnostic evaluation of patients with food‐, insect venom‐, and drug allergy and chronic urticaria. It may be helpful in determining the clinically relevant allergen. Basophil sensitivity may be used to monitor patients on allergen immunotherapy, anti‐IgE treatment or in the natural resolution of allergy. Basophil activation test may use fewer resources and be more reproducible than challenge testing. As it is less stressful for the patient and avoids severe allergic reactions, BAT ought to precede challenge testing. An important next step is to standardize BAT and make it available in diagnostic laboratories. The nature of basophil activation as an ex vivo challenge makes it a multifaceted and promising tool for the allergist. In this EAACI task force position paper, we provide an overview of the practical and technical details as well as the clinical utility of BAT in diagnosis and management of allergic diseases.  相似文献   

The IL-4RA locus encodes for the alpha chain of the IL-4 receptor, and is both a functional and positional candidate gene for atopy and allergic disease. Recently Ober et al. have shown that the study of haplotypes at multiple loci in the IL-4RA gene could be more informative than the separate study of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). One hundred and fifty subjects affected by atopic asthma and 150 healthy control subjects were studied in the English population (Oxford district). Subjects and controls were genotyped for the Ile50Val, Ser478Pro and Gln551Arg polymorphism of the IL-4 receptor alpha chain. The distribution of haplotypes 50-478 shows a highly significant association with IgE levels. In particular, the haplotype Val50/Pro478 is much less frequent in subjects with IgE levels > 100 U mL-1 than in those with IgE levels < 100 U mL-1. Furthermore, the distribution of haplotype 50-551 shows a weak association with IgE levels that is lacking for 478-551 haplotypes. A lower frequency of the Val50/Pro478 haplotype is also observed among asthmatic subjects as compared to healthy controls. With regard to individual SNPs (50 478 and 551), no significant association has been observed with IgE levels or with asthma, thus confirming the higher informative value of the haplotype analysis as compared to separate study on SNPs.  相似文献   

Allergens are recognized as the proteins that induce immunoglobulin E (IgE) responses in humans. The proteins come from a range of sources and, not surprisingly, have many different biological functions. However, the delivery of allergens to the nose is exclusively on particles, which carry a range of molecules in addition to the protein allergens. These molecules include pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) that can alter the response. Although the response to allergens is characterized by IgE antibodies, it also includes other isotypes (IgG, IgA, and IgG4), as well as T cells. The challenge is to identify the characteristics of these exposures that favor the production of this form of response. The primary features of the exposure appear to be the delivery in particles, such as pollen grains or mite feces, containing both proteins and PAMPs, but with overall low dose. Within this model, there is a simple direct relationship between the dose of exposure to mite or grass pollen and the prevalence of IgE responses. By contrast, the highest levels of exposure to cat allergen are associated with a lower prevalence of IgE responses. Although the detailed mechanisms for this phenomenon are not clear, it appears that enhanced production of interleukin-10 in response to specific Fel d 1 peptides could influence the response. However, it is striking that the animal sources that are most clearly associated with decreased responses at high allergen dose are derived from animals from which humans evolved more recently (~65 million years ago). Although the nose is still recognized as the primary route for sensitization to inhalant allergens, there is increasing evidence that the skin is also an important site for the generation of IgE antibody responses. By contrast, it is now evident that delivery of foreign proteins by the oral route or sublingually will favor the generation of tolerance.  相似文献   

Basophils have been implicated in promoting the early development of TH2 cell responses in some murine models of TH2 cytokine‐associated inflammation. However, the specific role of basophils in allergic asthma remains an active area of research. Recent studies in animal models and human subjects suggest that IgE may regulate the homeostasis of human basophil populations. Here, we examine basophil populations in children with severe asthma before and during therapy with the IgE‐directed monoclonal antibody omalizumab. Omalizumab therapy was associated with a significant reduction in circulating basophil numbers, a finding that was concurrent with improved clinical outcomes. The observation that circulating basophils are reduced following omalizumab therapy supports a mechanistic link between IgE levels and circulating basophil populations, and may provide new insights into one mechanism by which omalizumab improves asthma symptoms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is well established that early diagnosis of allergic disease is warranted. METHODS: In a prospective birth cohort study (BAMSE) 3743 children at 4 years of age were included. Children were classified as having any allergic disease, e.g. asthma, suspected allergic rhinitis (suspAR), eczema or oro-gastro-intestinal symptoms with questionnaire. Blood was obtained from 2612 of these children and analysed for IgE antibodies (ab) towards 14 common food and airborne allergens. RESULTS: Positive IgE ab results were found in 38% of the children with any allergic disease, whereas such IgE ab results were found in 17% among those without any allergic disease. Furthermore, among children with any allergic disease the median summated IgE ab levels were 10.7 kU(A)/l compared with 1.5 kU(A)/l among those without such symptoms. The highest IgE ab levels were found to birch, peanut, cat and horse. When the sum of the IgE-ab levels towards the selected allergens was at least 34 kU(A)/l, or, alternatively, more than four allergen tests were positive, there was a 75% likelihood of identifying the individual with any allergic disease. To identify those with asthma, as well as those with suspAR, a significant interaction was found for the combination of the sum of IgE-ab levels and number of allergens positive at test. For eczema only, the number of positive allergens at test was associated to the likelihood of such disease. CONCLUSIONS: In children, 4 years of age, allergic disease was frequently not associated with the presence of single positive IgE antibody results, whereas increased IgE ab levels were significantly more prevalent among those with allergic disease. Thus, testing a certain profile of airborne and food allergens, and utilizing the sum of the IgE-ab levels in combination with the number of allergens positive at tests, may represent a more efficient diagnostic tool then to use just single positive IgE-ab results.  相似文献   

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