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In order to assess and plan for changing healthcare needs, the lack of available information regarding temporal changes in the health-related quality of life of a population must be addressed.


This paper aims to describe such changes over 5 years in a general population.

Design of study

Longitudinal postal questionnaire study.


UK general practice.


This was a longitudinal postal questionnaire study in two general practice populations, using the generic instrument EQ-5D to measure health-related quality of life. Individuals were included if they responded to three postal surveys in 1999, 2001, and 2004 and there were three consecutive values of EQ-5Dindex available between 1999 and 2004.


A total of 2498 subjects were included in the study. After adjustment for potential confounders (including ageing), health-related quality of life declined significantly over the observation period. The change in EQ-5Dindex was from 0.79 to 0.74 and for EQ-5Dvas 76.8 to 73.3 (P for both trends <0.001).


Health-related quality of life deteriorated in these populations over 5 years. In an era of improvements in mortality, this has important implications for the use of health-related quality of life data in healthcare planning and resource allocation.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a waxing and waning disease characterized by diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. Recently, there has been an increased interest in the roles that sleep, circadian rhythms and melatonin could have as regulators of inflammation in the Gl tract. Advances in our understanding of the molecular machinery of the circadian clock, and the discovery of clock genes in the GI tract are opening up new avenues of research for a role of sleep in IBD. Altering circadian rhythm significantly worsens the development of colitis in animal models, and preliminary human studies have shown that patients with IBD are at increased risk for altered sleep patterns. Further research is needed to clarify the role of disturbances in IBD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of menopausal transition and menopausal symptoms in relation to quality of life in a cohort of middle-aged women in Kinmen. DESIGN: A total of 734 premenopausal women participated in the baseline study, and 579 women (78.9%) completed a follow-up 2 years later. Quality of life was assessed by the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36. Participating women were asked for demographic data, about vasomotor symptoms, and to complete the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. RESULTS: There was no demographic difference between women who remained premenopausal and those who entered perimenopause except for age. Vitality deteriorated no matter whether the women stayed in premenopause or entered perimenopause. In multivariate analysis, only vasomotor symptoms had an adverse influence on role limitation of emotion after adjusting for age, education, menopausal status, baseline cognitive score, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale score. The menopausal transition did not influence the eight domains of the Short Form-36 in the multivariate regression model. CONCLUSION: This longitudinal study found no significant effect of menopausal transition on quality of life among Taiwanese women. The decline in the role limitations due to emotional problems was related to vasomotor symptoms.  相似文献   



To systematically review literature investigating sleep quality in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).


Electronic databases were searched (BASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, DIMDI, PsychArticles, PsychInfo, Psychjournals, Psychline, PSYNDEX, Pubmed, Science Direct, Web of Science, Wiley Online Library) by two researchers. Eligible studies were all that studied sleep disorders in the context of IBD in children and adolescents (6–17 years of age).


Out of 40 references identified, five studies (all cross-sectional, three of them controlled) were eligible and included in this study. The publications showed that children and adolescents with IBD have significant sleep problems, adding to their impaired quality of life.


The published data provide evidence suggesting an impact of IBD and its severity on sleep in children and adolescents. However, with regard to the low methodological quality, the incongruity of the studies concerning outcome measure, and their focus of exploration, further studies are warranted to highlight the interrelationship.



To evaluate the prevalence of sleep disturbances and the contributing factors in middle-aged women.


In a cross-sectional design of the long-term, prospective follow-up study project of 1278 families from a random population sample, the mothers of 15 year-olds were asked to fill in a questionnaire about sleep, health, health related quality of life, and health behavior.


Quality of sleep was reported by 32% of women as good, 43% quite good, 12% average, 10% quite poor and 3% as poor. The most frequent sleep disturbance was awakenings in the night, which 60% of the women experienced at least once a week. Difficulty falling asleep and waking too early in the morning were reported as a weekly occurrence by 16% and 20%, respectively. Morning sleepiness was experienced by 42% and daytime sleepiness by 32%. Chronic diseases and use of medications was associated with various sleep disturbances. Both somatic and mental symptoms increased the risk for sleep disturbances.


Almost one-quarter of middle-aged women is dissatisfied with their quality of sleep. Women who have chronic disease or use of medications for basic diseases often suffer from sleep disturbance, which is also associated with the health related quality of life. Further analysis of the risk factors is needed to improve the sleep health of middle-aged women.  相似文献   

BackgroundApathy is frequent and persistent in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), associated with poor prognosis and carer distress; yet our knowledge of risk factors remains limited.AimsTo identify risk factors associated with apathy incidence and progression in AD over time.MethodsWe systematically reviewed evidence based on longitudinal studies assessing risk factors for apathy in AD up to June 2021. Two authors independently assessed article eligibility and rated quality.Results13,280 articles were screened, of which 13 met inclusion criteria. Studies had a mean follow-up of 2.7 years reporting on a total of 2012 participants. Most findings were based on single studies of moderate quality evidence. Risk factors increasing apathy onset were: being a carrier of the T allele of the PRND gene polymorphism, and having high levels of the IL-6 and TNFα cytokines at baseline. Risk factors for apathy worsening were: reduced inferior-temporal cortical thickness, taking antidepressants, being an ApoE ε4 carrier, living longer with AD, lower cognitive test scores, higher baseline apathy, premorbid personality traits (lower agreeableness, higher neuroticism), and higher midlife motivational abilities.ConclusionsAlthough results are limited by the small number of studies, this review identified specific genetic, neurobiological, AD specific, and dispositional factors that may increase risk of apathy onset and worsening in AD.  相似文献   

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a leading cause of global disease burden. Hence, examining the role of risk and protective factors for MDD is an important target in psychological research. Various studies showed that obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption are related to depressive symptoms. In contrast, physical activity has been found to be a protective factor. The present population‐based study tested whether these health‐related factors are prospectively associated with incidence of MDD. Data were taken from the Dresden Predictor Study, which was designed to investigate risk and protective factors of mental health in young women. It included two assessments approximately 17 months apart. Results of single logistic regression analyses showed that being overweight, being a smoker, and being in a high‐risk drinking group at baseline were predictive of developing MDD at follow‐up. Engaging in regular physical activity and having good physical health were found to be protective factors of MDD. However, being in a medium‐risk drinking group was not predictive of incidence of MDD, and irregular physical activity was not a protective factor. This is the first prospective, longitudinal study to show that obesity, smoking, and high‐risk drinking are predictive of new onsets of MDD and that physical health is a protective factor. These data provide promising avenues for future research.  相似文献   

There is growing concern in the medical community about potential genetic determinism in the patient population. Limited information about the public understanding of genetic factors in disease formation is available. To access public perceptions of potentially deterministic phrasing of genetic risk factors, we sought to establish interpretations of the phrase, "a gene for heart disease." Focus groups in urban, suburban, and rural communities were conducted from July through October, 2001 in Georgia. A total of 108 participants were recruited. Participants were recruited to balance sex and racial representation. We used three outcome measures for participants understandings of the phrase: (1) participants' statements of the meaning of the phrase; (2) the level of determinism assigned to genetic factors by participants; and (3) participant reports of the health consequences of having "a gene for heart disease." Participants did not report a single interpretation of the phrase. There were dominant participant interpretations under each outcome measure: (1) "a gene for heart disease" was interpreted as meaning genetic and environmental factors both played roles in disease formation; (2) genetic predisposition was perceived as heightened, not absolute, risk; (3) the perceived health impact was a greater risk of becoming sick. Minority interpretations were found under each measure. Overall, naming "a gene for heart disease" does not appear to have a deterministic impact on a plurality of participants' perceptions of risks associated with genetic factors. Genetic fatalism in patient populations may be confined to a sizable minority. Important considerations for provider intervention and patient education are indicated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the influence of mother's age at menopause, early life and adult behavioral factors on the timing of menopause until age 57 years, and whether these effects vary according to the women's age at menopause. DESIGN: A nationally representative cohort of 1,583 British women born in March 1946 with prospective data across the life course. For factors that vary with age at menopause, analyses were stratified by age at menopause younger than 50 years or 50 years or older. RESULTS: Cox regression models indicated that for women with earlier menopause, those who were heaviest at 2 years had a 59% lower hazard ratio for menopause than those who were the lightest (hazard ratio [HR]=0.41, 95% CI: 0.16-1.01), whereas this figure was 35% lower (HR=0.65; 95% CI: 0.42-1.00) for the later menopause group. For women in the earlier group with parental divorce during childhood, the HR was 6.5 (95% CI: 2.021.3) times higher than that of other women. This rate decreased to 2.5 (95% CI: 1.5-4.2) for those with later menopause. In both groups, increasing mother's age at menopause was associated with decreasing HR (P<0.0001). For all women, being breast-fed (P=0.05), increasing cognitive ability (P=0.009), and increasing parity (P=0.001) delayed menopause. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that the impact of weight at 2 years, parental divorce during childhood, and mother's age at menopause varied according to the women's age at menopause. There was further evidence that being breast-fed, higher childhood cognitive ability, and increasing parity delayed menopause. These results suggest the interaction of genetic and environmental factors in determining age at menopause.  相似文献   

Adding to a traditional stress perspective, behavioral medicine has been focusing increasingly on investigating the potential impact of positive psychosocial factors on disease course in HIV. Dispositional optimism, active coping, and spirituality show the most evidence for predicting slower disease progression, although the data are not entirely consistent. Findings for the role of social support are mixed, although indications are that it may be particularly helpful at later stages of illness. Many of the other constructs (positive affect, finding meaning, emotional expression/processing, openness, extraversion, conscientiousness, altruism, and self-efficacy) have only been examined in one or two studies; results are preliminary but suggestive of protective effects. Plausible behavioral and biological mechanisms are discussed (including health behaviors, neurohormones, and immune measures) as well as suggestions for clinicians, limitations, future directions, and a discussion of whether these constructs can be changed. In conclusion, investigating the importance and usefulness of positive psychosocial factors in predicting disease progression in HIV is in its beginning scientific stages and shows good initial evidence and future promise.  相似文献   

The complement system not only plays a critical role in efficient detection and clearance of bacteria, but also in intestinal immune homeostasis as mice deficient for key complement components display enhanced intestinal inflammation upon experimental colitis. Because underlying molecular mechanisms for this observation are unclear, we investigated the crosstalk between intestinal epithelial cells (IEC), bacteria and the complement system in the course of chronic colitis.Surprisingly, mouse intestinal epithelial cell lines constitutively express high mRNA levels of complement component 3 (C3), Toll-like receptor 2 (Tlr2) and Tlr4. Stimulation of these cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), but not with flagellin, LD-muramyldipeptide or peptidoglycan, triggered increased C3 expression, secretion and activation. Stimulation of the C3aR on these cell lines with C3a resulted in an increase of LPS-triggered pro-inflammatory response. Tissue biopsies from C57BL/6J mice revealed higher expression of C3, Tlr1, Tlr2 and Tlr4 in colonic primary IECs (pIECs) compared to ileal pIECs, while in germ-free mice no differences in C3 protein expression was observed. In DSS-induced chronic colitis mouse models, C3 mRNA expression was upregulated in colonic biopsies and ileal pIECs with elevated C3 protein in the lamina propria, IECs and the mucus. Notably, increased C3b opsonization of mucosa-attached bacteria and decreased fecal full-length C3 protein was observed in DSS-treated compared to untreated mice. Of significant interest, non-inflamed and inflamed colonic biopsy samples from CD but not UC patients displayed exacerbated C3 expression compared to controls.These findings suggest that a novel TLR4-C3 axis could control the intestinal immune response during chronic colitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infertility is a condition associated with impairment in several areas of life. Questionnaires about quality of life (QoL) allow the examination of the impact of health conditions in a broader way, comprehending outcomes beyond symptomatology, morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with various aspects of QoL. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using the following: a socio-demographic and clinical data form, the Health Survey Short Form (SF-36) which examines health-related QoL and the WHOQOL-BREF which examines general QoL. RESULTS: 177 women seeking fertility assistance were interviewed. The sample was predominantly composed of women between 30 and 40 years old (64%), who had known about their infertility for <5 years (57%) and who had had no previous attempts at assisted reproduction (79%). Logistic regression indicated the following predictor variables: age (for better general health and physical functioning), previous in vitro fertilization (for lower vitality and poor psychological health scores), previous reproductive tract surgery (for worse general health but higher environment scores), advanced education (for higher vitality, mental health and environment scores, but for worse social relationships) and perception of worse sexual life (for lower overall scores). CONCLUSIONS: The identification of factors associated with better or worse QoL, in its different domains, is vital in order to propose and test scientifically based interventions on infertile women.  相似文献   



This study aims to characterize the relationships between the quality of the information given by the physician, the involvement of the patient in shared decision making (SDM), and outcomes in terms of satisfaction and anxiety pertaining to the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).


A Web survey was conducted among 200 Canadian patients affected with IBD. The theoretical model of SDM was adjusted using path analysis. SAS software was used for all statistical analyses.


The quality of the knowledge transfer between the physician and the patient is significantly associated with the components of SDM: information comprehension, patient involvement and decision certainty about the chosen treatment. In return, patient involvement in SDM is significantly associated with higher satisfaction and, as a result, lower anxiety as regards treatment selection.


This study demonstrates the importance of involving patients in shared treatment decision making in the context of IBD.

Practice implications

Understanding shared decision making may motivate patients to be more active in understanding the relevant information for treatment selection, as it is related to their level of satisfaction, anxiety and adherence to treatment. This relationship should encourage physicians to promote shared decision making.  相似文献   



The association between adequate treatment for a Major Depressive Episode (MDE) and improvements in depressive symptoms is not well established in naturalistic practice conditions. The main objective of this study was to examine the association between receiving at least one minimally adequate treatment for MDE (i.e. according to clinical guidelines) in the previous 12 months and evolution of depressive symptoms at 6- and 12-months. Associations with receiving pharmacotherapy and/or psychotherapy and the role of severity of depression were examined.


This cohort study included 908 adults meeting criteria for previous-year MDE and consulting at one of 65 primary care clinics in Quebec, Canada. Multilevel analyses were performed.


Results show that (i) receiving at least one minimally adequate treatment for depression was associated with greater improvements in depression symptoms at 6 and at 12 months; (ii) adequate pharmacotherapy and adequate psychotherapy were both associated with greater improvements in depression symptoms, and (iii) the association between adequate treatment and improvement in depression symptoms varied as a function of severity of symptoms at the time of inclusion in the cohort with worse symptoms at the time of inclusion being associated with greater reductions at 6 and 12 months.


Measures are self-reported. Participants were recruited at different stages over the course of their MDE.


This study shows that adequate treatment for depression is associated with improvements in depressive symptoms in naturalistic primary care practice conditions, but that those with more severe depressive symptoms are more likely to receive adequate treatment and improve across time.  相似文献   

Asthmatic patients with nasal polyposis (NP) have been reported to have a high prevalence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and a worsening of quality of life (QoL). The aim of this case-control study was to evaluate if NP is a determinant of BHR and is responsible for modifying the QoL in asthmatic subjects. Eighty-nine asthmatic subjects, including 24 patients with NP and 65 patients without NP (controls), underwent spirometry, methacholine challenge test (MCHt), skin prick tests, and were evaluated with the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ). Results of the MCHt test are expressed as the provocative concentration of methacholine that causes 20% (PC20) fall of forced expiratory volume at 1 sec (FEV1). The PC20 (mean +/- SD) in NP cases was 1149 +/- 668 microg/ml vs 894 +/- 691 microg/ml in controls (p <0.001). This demonstrates that BHR was not enhanced by the presence of NP in asthmatic subjects. No significant differences were found between the NP cases and controls for overall QoL or for single QoL domains. This study shows that the presence of NP did not impair the QoL of asthmatic patients, as indicated by the items included in the AQLQ questionnaire.  相似文献   

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