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Primary objective. There are about 6% of children who are either intolerant to or lose their ability to tolerate food allergens, resulting in the development of food hypersensitivity. The hypothesis that increase in food allergen-specific IgE antibody level is associated with the decrease in the levels of food allergen-specific IgG4 and IgA antibodies was used as a biomarker of food tolerance. Methods & Procedures. The Modified International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire (added gastrointestinal allergy questions) and Phadiatop infant test were used to screen one hundred 6–8-year-old allergic school children. Food allergen-specific IgE, IgG and IgA antibodies were measured by using the Phadia ImmunoCAP system radioabsorbent test (RAST). Immunoglobin E antibodies to common aeroallergens, were also detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Main outcome. The level of analysed food specific-IgE antibody was obviously higher in the study population. Sensitivity to dust mites among the children was nearly 90%, and that to cockroach was 47%. Egg white-, cow's milk-, α-lactoalbumin-, β-lactoglobulin- and casein-specific IgG4/IgE and IgA/IgE ratios were lower in the atopic school children but not in the tropomysin-, mango- and kiwi-sensitive participants. Conclusion. The level of cow's milk- and egg white-specific IgE antibody still remained high along with a decrease in the specific IgG4/IgE and IgA/IgE ratios in our study population. Therefore, allergen-specific IgG4 and IgA antibodies are important biomarkers of tolerance establishment, and failure to establish tolerance to food allergens may be related to the regulation of the inhalant allergens encountered in late childhood stages.  相似文献   

Introduction: Allergen immunotherapy represents the only disease-modifying therapy available for immunoglobulin E-mediated diseases such as allergic rhinitis and asthma. Allergen immunotherapy induces allergen tolerance by interfering with the immune-pathogenic mechanisms of the allergic response and is potentially able to provide long-term relief of symptoms of allergic rhinitis and asthma and alter the natural course of allergic diseases.

Areas covered: Since allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is actually considered an individualized treatment on patient’s clinical and immunological profile, the identification of specific biomarkers, which may guide diagnosis, management, and predict response to AIT treatment in allergic rhinitis (AR) patients, is essential and is currently an active field of research.

Expert commentary: The identification and validation of biomarkers of successful AIT for AR is an urgent need to definitively establish the role of AIT as a therapeutic tool of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

Sera from 27 birch pollen-allergic patients who had undergone hyposensitization treatment for 22-41 months were studied by immunoblotting before and after therapy, whereby the levels of IgE, IgG and IgG1-4 antibodies directed against the major allergen Bet v I and minor allergens of birch pollen were monitored. The clinical benefit of immunotherapy (IT) was evaluated using a symptom specific questionnaire. In patients with good clinical response (responders, n = 18), as defined by improvement of symptoms, anti-Bet v I IgE antibodies were found to decrease in 10/18 patients (55.5%), whereas in 6/18 (33.3%) no change and in two cases (11.2%) an increase of specific IgE was observed. In the group of patients with unsatisfactory clinical outcome (non-responders, n = 9), 3/9 patients (33.3%) showed a decrease, 3/9 (33.3%) no change and 3/9 (33.3%) an increase in levels of IgE antibodies directed against Bet v I. In the case of minor allergens, 5/18 responders (27.7%) and 8/9 non-responders (88.8%) showed specific IgE before IT. In the responder group, no increase of specific IgE could be observed after IT. In non-responders, however, an increase of IgE directed against minor allergens was seen in 3/9 patients (33.3%). In all patients, regardless of therapeutical success, IT-induced elevated levels of specific IgG, IgG1 and in particular IgG4 directed against Bet v I were found. Regarding minor allergens, a heterogeneous pattern of IgG responses without significant correlation to clinical benefit was observed. Our results indicate that changes in IgG reactivity patterns against Bet v I and minor allergens, as shown by the immunoblot technique, did not correlate with good or bad clinical outcome.  相似文献   

The role of specific IgA (sIgA) in oral immunotherapy (OIT) and natural tolerance to foods is poorly understood. We aimed to study serum sIgA in induced and natural tolerance to egg. Children aged 5–16 years diagnosed with IgE‐mediated egg allergy were recruited. After egg challenge, patients were classified as transient (TEA) or persistent (PEA) egg‐allergic. PEA children were further divided into oral immunotherapy (PEA‐OIT) or egg avoidance (PEA‐EA). Allergy/tolerance was reassessed 9–12 months later (T1) in PEA‐EA. Serum sIgA to ovalbumin and ovomucoid were determined at inclusion in all patients and repeated in PEA at T1. 21 TEA and 52 PEA children were recruited (28 PEA‐OIT, 24 PEA‐EA). Serum sIgA remained unchanged after OIT. TEA and PEA had similar serum sIgA. No specific trend on serum sIgA was observed in five PEA‐EA who developed natural tolerance over follow‐up. Thus, serum sIgA seems not to be associated with induced or natural egg tolerance.  相似文献   

The achievement of long‐lasting, safe treatments for food allergy is dependent on the understanding of the immunological basis of food allergy. Accurate diagnosis is essential for management. In recent years, data from oral food challenges have revealed that routine allergy testing is poor at predicting clinical allergy for tree nuts, almonds in particular. More advanced antigen‐based tests including component‐resolved diagnostics and epitope reactivity may lead to more accurate diagnosis and selection of therapeutic intervention. Additional diagnostic accuracy may come from cellular tests such as the basophil activation test or mast cell approaches. In the context of clinical trials, cellular tests have revealed specific T‐cell and B‐cell populations that are more abundant in food‐allergic individuals with distinct mechanistic features. Awareness of clinical markers, such as the ability to eat baked forms of milk and egg, continues to inform the understanding of natural tolerance development. Mouse models have allowed for investigation into multiple mechanisms of food allergy including modification of epithelial metabolism, and the induction of regulatory cell subsets and the microbiome. Increasing numbers of children who underwent food immunotherapy enlarged the body of evidence on mechanisms and predictors of treatment success. Experimental immunological markers in conjunction with clinical determinants such as lower age and lower initial specific IgE appear to be of benefit. More research on the optimal dose, preparation, and route of application integrating a high‐level safety and efficacy is demanded. Alternatively, biologics blocking TSLP, IL‐33, IL‐4 and IL‐13, or IgE may help to achieve that.  相似文献   

IgE antibodies play a crucial role in allergic type I reactions. Only IL-4 and IL-13 are able to induce an immunoglobulin isotype switch to IgE in B cells. A major question is to what extent these cytokines contribute to the production of IgE in allergic patients. To address this question we used an in vitro culture system in which the production of IgE is dependent on endogenously produced IL-4 and IL-13. In cultures of purified T and B cells from allergic asthma patients and non-atopic controls, T cells were polyclonally stimulated to obtain IL-4, IL-13 and subsequently IgE secretion. The absolute amount of IgE produced was not significantly different between patients and controls. When neutralizing IL-4 antibodies were included during culture, the production of IgE was dramatically inhibited in both patients and controls (production of IgE was reduced to 12%). However, neutralization of IL-13 led to a significantly stronger inhibition of IgE production in the patient group: production of IgE was reduced to 23 ± 3% versus 50 ± 10% in the control group. Corresponding with these results, we also observed a higher production of IL-13 by the patients, while the production of IL-4 was not significantly different. A more detailed analysis of the production of IL-13 revealed that patients' T cells were less sensitive to a negative signal controlling IL-13 production. Our results indicate that, at least in vitro, IgE production in allergic asthma patients is more dependent on IL-13 than in non-atopics, due to enhanced IL-13 production and to enhanced IgE production in response to IL-13.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although allergen immunotherapy has been established as a treatment of type I allergy back in 1911, until now the underlying mechanisms have not been fully understood, nor are there any parameters which would allow one to monitor an ongoing treatment or to assess therapeutic success in the meantime. OBJECTIVE: We wanted to define allergen-specific parameters that change due to treatment in correlation with the clinical outcome. METHODS: We conducted a controlled study with grass pollen-allergic children and compared allergen-specific antibody titres before and 1 year after the onset of immunotherapy in contrast with untreated allergic and healthy children. Two recombinant forms of the major allergen group V of Phleum pratense (Phl p 5) served as model allergens. RESULTS: No change in IgE levels and no significant reduction of skin prick test (SPT) reactivity were seen. On the other hand, a significant reduction of symptom scores in the treated group and a significant rise in allergen-specific IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 due to the treatment could be observed, but in neither case could we establish a correlation between the increasing amounts of the single antibody classes and the reduction of symptom scores. But most interestingly, when comparing the ratio of IgG4 to IgG1 with the symptom scores, we found significant correlations. Nevertheless, treated allergic patients still differ considerably from healthy controls as nonatopics have hardly any measurable allergen-specific IgG antibodies and no IgE antibodies at all. CONCLUSION: The ratio of IgG4 to IgG1 can serve as a valuable parameter that allows us to assess the success of immunotherapy already 1 year after the onset. The increase of specific IgG1 in relation to IgG4 during treatment reflects a possible influence of this subclass on the induction of tolerance towards allergens.  相似文献   

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