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Wound nonhealing is a common and difficult problem in clinic. Stem cells are pluripotent cells, and their undifferentiated and self-replicating characteristics have attracted much attention in the regenerative medicine-related researches. New treatment approaches might result from an understanding of the function of stem cells in wound healing. Using bibliometric techniques, this study proposed to analyse the research status, hotspots, and research trends in stem cell and wound healing. By using the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), we conducted an in-depth review of publications on stem cells in wound healing from 1999 to 2023. We used scientometric analysis methods to examine annual trends, institutions, countries, journals, authors, keywords, co-occurrence references and their closed relationship, revealing present hotspots and potential future advancements in this field. We analysed 19 728 English studies and discovered a consistent rise in annual publications. The United States and China were the two countries with the most publications. The most three influential institutions in the field were Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sun Yat-sen University, and University of Pittsburgh. International Journal of Molecular Sciences and Biomaterials were considered the most influential journals in this field. International Journal of Molecular Sciences had the most publications, and the most quantity of citations and the highest H-index were found in Biomaterials. The dual-map overlay revealed that publications in Molecular/Biology/Genetics and Health/Nursing/Medicine co-cited journals received the majority of the citations for studies from Molecular/Biology/Immunology and Medicine/Medical/Clinical. In terms of publication production and influence, Fu X stood out among the authors, and Pittenger MF took the top spot in co-citations. According to the keywords from the analysis, future research should concentrate on the mechanisms through which stem cells promote wound healing. We conducted a thorough analysis of the general information, knowledge base and research hotspots in the field of stem cells and wound healing from 1999 to 2023 by using the VOSviewer, CiteSpace, and other bibliometric analysis tools. It not only provided valuable insights for scholars, but also served as a reliable reference that drives further development in the field and stimulates the interest of researchers.  相似文献   

Adequate blood supply, a prerequisite for flap survival after grafting, makes angiogenesis of the flap the biggest problem to be solved. Researches have been conducted around vascularisation in correlation with flap grafting. However, bibliometric analyses systematically examining this research field are lacking. As such, we herein sought to conduct comprehensive comparative analyses of the contributions of different researchers, institutions, and countries to this research space in an effort to identify trends and hotspots in angiogenesis and vascularisation in the context of flap grafting. Publications pertaining to angiogenesis and vascularisation in the context of flap grafting were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection. References were then analysed and plotted using Microsoft Excel 2019, VOSviewer, and CiteSpace V. In total, 2234 papers that were cited 40 048 times (17.63 citations/paper) were included in this analysis. The greatest number of studies were from the United States, with these studies exhibiting both the highest number of citations (13 577) and the greatest overall H-index (60). For The institutions that published the greatest number of studies were WENZHOU MEDICAL UNIVERSITY (681), while UNIVERSITY OF ERLANGEN NUREMBERG has the highest number of citations (1458), and SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY holds the greatest overall H-index (20). The greatest number of studies in this research space were published by Gao WY, while Horch RE was the most commonly cited researcher in the field. The VOS viewer software clustered relevant keywords into three clusters, with clusters 1, 2, 3, and 4 corresponding to studies in which the keywords ‘anatomy’, ‘survival’, ‘transplantation’, ‘therapy’ most frequently appeared. The most promising research hotspot-related terms in this field included ‘autophagy’, ‘oxidative stress’, ‘ischemia/reperfusion injury’, which exhibited a most recent average appearing year (AAY) of 2017 and after. Generally speaking, the results of this analysis indicate that the number of articles exploring angiogenesis and flap-related research has risen steadily, with the United States and China being the two countries publishing the greatest proportion of studies in this field. The overall focus of these studies has shifted away from ‘infratest and tissue engineering’ towards ‘mechanisms’. In the future, particular attention should be paid to emerging research hotspots, which include ‘ischemia/reperfusion injury’ and treatments for promoting vascularization, such as ‘platelet-rich plasma’. In light of these findings, funding agencies should continue increasing their investment in the exploration of the concrete mechanisms and interventional therapeutic relevance of angiogenesis during flap transplantation.  相似文献   

目的 通过对近20年肾脏病理类型的回顾性分析,为我国肾脏疾病谱的构成及其演变趋势提供信息.方法 回顾性分析近20年我科因肾脏疾病行肾活检患者4 105例的病理类型,并比较1994年~2003年与2004年~2013年前后10年间肾脏病理类型的变化.病理分型参考WHO1995年肾小球疾病组织学分型方案和2001年在全国肾活检病理诊断研讨会上拟定的肾活检病理诊断标准指导意见,结合临床资料、实验室检查结果、免疫病理及超微结构改变特点明确诊断.结果 本组4 105例肾脏疾病患者行肾活检时的平均年龄(34.5±12.3)岁,男女比例为0.85∶1.本组原发性肾小球疾病者3 410例(占83.0%),继发性肾小球疾病者516例(占12.6%),遗传性肾脏疾病者42例(占1.0%),肾小管间质疾病者76例(占1.9%),新发现罕见肾脏疾病者10例(占0.2%),未分类者51例(占1.3%).原发性肾小球疾病以IgA肾病最为常见1 450例(占42.5%),最常见的继发性肾脏病是狼疮肾炎254例(占49.2%).近10年肾活检患者人数明显增加,年龄增高,平均年龄从(31.9±11.2)岁增至(35.1±12.5)岁,40岁以上患者数量明显增多.分析前后10年间各种原发及继发性肾脏病的检出率,证实IgA肾病、膜性肾病、局灶节段性肾小球硬化症、微小病变均增多(均P<0.01),而系膜增生性病变、增生硬化性肾小球肾炎、膜增生性肾小球肾炎、硬化性肾小球肾炎则减少(均P<0.01).近10年还发现了一些少见的肾脏疾病(如:胶原Ⅲ肾病、纤维性肾小球病、免疫触须样肾小球病、肾小球囊肿病、脂蛋白肾病等).结论 原发性肾小球疾病仍为我国最常见的肾小球疾病,近10年来,肾脏疾病谱发生了变化,其变化可能与医疗水平的提高和实际发病率的改变有关.  相似文献   

Chronic wounds have been confirmed as a vital health problem facing people in the global population aging process. While significant progress has been achieved in the study of chronic wounds, the treatment effect should be further improved. The number of publications regarding chronic wounds has been rising rapidly. In this study, bibliometric analysis was conducted to explore the hotspots and trends in the research on chronic wounds. All relevant studies on chronic wounds between 2013 and 2022 were collected from the PubMed database of the Web of Science (WOS) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The data were processed and visualised using a series of software. On that basis, more insights can be gained into hotspots and trends of this research field. Wound Repair and Regeneration has the highest academic achievement in the field of chronic wound research. The United States has been confirmed as the most productive country, and the University of California System ranks high among other institutions. Augustin, M. is the author of the most published study, and Frykberg, RG et al. published the most cited study. Furthermore, the hotspots of wound research over the last decade were identified (e.g., bandages, infection and biofilms, pathophysiology and therapy). This study will help researchers gain insights into chronic wound research's hotspots and trends accurately and quickly. Moreover, the exploration of bacterial biofilm and the pathophysiological mechanism of the chronic wound will lay a solid foundation and clear direction for treating chronic wounds.  相似文献   

目的通过文献计量学方法对近二十年来胰瘘相关文献进行可视化分析,进而分析当前胰瘘的研究热点和发展趋势。方法利用Web of Science (WOS)数据库检索2001-01-01至2021-07-25有关"胰瘘"的SCI(科学引文索引)文献,通过CiteSpace(5.8.R1)软件及文献计量在线分析平台(Bibliometric.com)进行国家、机构、期刊发文量,国家、研究机构、作者合作网络,文献、作者、期刊共被引网络,以及关键词共现网络的分析,绘制相应可视化知识图谱。结果共有3507篇"Article(论著)"和483篇"Review(综述)"纳入分析,胰瘘相关SCI文献年发文量呈整体上升趋势,发文量前三位的国家分别是美国、日本、中国;海德堡大学(107篇)、四川大学(97篇)、阿姆斯特丹大学(96篇)占据研究机构发文量前三位;发文量最大的期刊为Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery(233篇)、HPB(185篇)、World Journal of Surgery(144篇)。合作网络显示美国对外合作最多、最广泛;维罗纳大学、海德堡大学、浙江大学是...  相似文献   


目的 系统评价和分析1990—2021年阿片类药物与肿瘤预后相关研究的发展趋势,探索该领域的发展方向和研究前沿,旨在为相关研究人员提供参考。

方法 2022年6月19日在Web of Science核心合集(WoSCC)数据库中检索并下载相关出版物及参数,并采用R语言、文献计量学在线分析平台和VOSviewer软件进行文献计量学及可视化分析。

结果 共纳入文献3 211篇,阿片类药物与肿瘤预后相关研究的发文量整体呈递增趋势,其中美国在该领域的发文量最多,中国和意大利分居第二、三位。该领域的主要出版期刊包括Journal of pain and symptom management、Supportive care in cancer和Pain medicine等。此外,阿片类药物对肿瘤发生发展影响的机制研究是该领域的热点方向。

结论 阿片类药物对肿瘤预后影响的相关研究处于持续稳定发展状态,机制研究及临床应用策略仍是该领域的热点方向。  相似文献   

目的了解近5年国际护理领域中有关创新的研究现状,为护理研究与应用提供参考。方法运用计量学方法检索国内外相关主题研究文献,以文献关键词为研究主题词,以高频主题词为研究对象,利用BICOMB2.0进行共现分析、gCLUTO进行聚类分析、SPSS21.0软件进行多维尺度分析。结果共得到2 345个英文主题词、1 890个中文主题词,提取27个英文高频主题词、24个中文高频主题词,聚类及多维尺度分析结果揭示近5年护理领域英文文献研究热点4个、中文文献研究热点3个。结论英文文献多体现创新方式指导临床实践,提高护理服务质量;中文文献多关注护理人员创新思维、能力的培养及其在临床、科研中的重要性。中英文文献均关注护理教育创新研究。护理教育创新、远程医护信息技术将成为国外护理领域中有关创新研究的进一步发展方向。  相似文献   

目的 探索国内关于输精管缺如研究的发展趋势及文献计量分析.方法 应用CiteSpace对CNKI和Web of Science(WoS)数据库中所有输精管缺如相关文献进行文献计量分析,绘制科学知识图谱并分析输精管缺如研究领域的发展概况.结果 检索到CNKI文献总数158篇,发文量最高的核心作者是周惠耕,共形成多个独立且...  相似文献   

目的 了解近10年情境意识在医疗卫生领域的应用情况.方法 在Cochrane Library、JBI、EMbase、Medline、Elsevier、Weily、中国生物医学文献数据库、中文期刊全文数据库和万方数据库等数据库,以中文关键词“情境意识、医疗、医学、医生”和英文关键词“situation awareness、situational awareness”,检索2003~2012年的研究性论著,采用内容分析法进行分析.结果 共纳入11篇英文文献,情境意识的研究在医疗卫生领域呈逐年上升的趋势,其概念和内涵以Endsley的三层次学说为主流,研究领域涉及内、外、儿科和手术室、急危重症等科室,研究对象既涵盖医生、护士、麻醉师等个体,也包括整个医疗团队.研究方法以质性研究为主,兼有量性研究和混合性研究;目前的研究主要侧重于对情境意识跨专业应用后的概念界定、对情境意识的测评、机制研究、应用及其效果的评定等;测评方式主要为间接测评.结论 情境意识在医疗卫生领域的研究逐年增加,研究定义以“三层次”学说为主,研究领域和对象呈现多元化趋势,研究方法以质性研究为主,其在医疗卫生领域的测评技术是研究难点与重点.  相似文献   

背景与目的:短肠综合征是一类因广泛小肠切除而引起的罕见疾病,近年来逐渐引起学者关注。然而目前却暂无该病文献计量学方面的相关研究。因此,本研究通过文献计量分析这一方法描述近30年来短肠综合征研究的热点和趋势。方法:通过Web of Science核心合集(WoSCC)数据库检索1991—2021年间与短肠综合征相关的出版文献,并以纯文本格式导入VOSviewer和CiteSpace软件。数据使用文献计量方法进行处理,对作者、国家、机构、高被引文献、共被引、关键词和参考文献进行文献可视化分析。结果:共检索到3 439篇文献,包括12 457位作者,2 557家机构,74个国家/地区和779种期刊,文献共引用了来自8 713种期刊合计43 194位作者的64 834篇文章。其中,美国的贡献最为卓越,Wales PW是产出最多的作者,多伦多大学是发文最多的机构,Journal of Pediatric Surgery是该领域的核心期刊。关键词分析显示,Short Bowel Syndrome、Intestinal Failure、Children、Parenteral Nutrition是高频...  相似文献   

张蓉  张军  王栋梅  朱玲  陈婧 《护理学杂志》2023,28(8):106-110
目的 分析近20年国内外出院准备度的研究热点及趋势,为相关研究及临床实践提供参考。方法 检索CNKI和Web of Science数据库中2002年1月至2021年12月收录的出院准备度相关文献,借助VOSviewer对其研究热点及趋势进行可视化分析。结果 纳入中文文献626篇,英文文献512篇。国内研究热点为加速康复外科、需求与自我管理、评估及影响因素分析、出院指导与健康教育;国外研究热点为出院标准、不良结局、影响因素、评估与出院宣教。结论 国内外出院准备度研究热点既有重叠又有区别,针对同一研究热点,国内相对滞后,但研究侧重点各有不同。未来需聚焦于创新出院服务的管理模式,以提高出院准备度。  相似文献   

Academic output is just one aspect of a successful career as a plastic surgeon. However, for those with a strong interest in academia, the academic output of a department will likely be a key factor when deciding how to rank jobs. The aim of this study was to quantify and rank the academic output of plastic surgery units across the UK and Ireland. The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science Bibliometric analysis tool was used to collate cumulative (1950–2016), 10 year (2006–2016) and 3 years (2013–2015) research output data for plastic surgery units in the UK and Ireland. Sixty-six plastic surgery units were identified. Departments were ranked for each time period according to the number of papers produced, number of citations (Nc) and h-index (a measure of the impact of scientific output). The top 3 departments for number of papers in the last 10 years were The Royal Free Hospital, London (226) Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford (218), and Morriston Hospital and Swansea (188). The top 3 for h-number were The Royal Free Hospital (21) Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester (18) and Morriston Hospital (17). Academic output varies across plastic surgery units in the UK and Ireland. A number of departments have consistently maintained high academic outputs across the years and will be of interest to surgeons hoping to pursue a career in academia.  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性前列腺炎(CP)患者尿道分泌物中微生物菌群结构差异,为CP的诊治提供可靠的病原学依据。方法:运用高通量二代测序技术检测33例CP患者尿道分泌物中的微生物,同时以30例健康男性作为对照组;采用秩和检验进行组间显著性差异分析,使用生物信息学软件进行数据处理,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果:在种分类水平CP组尿道分泌物与健康对照组有17种菌存在显著性差异;LEFSe分析显示CP患者尿道分泌物中丰度差异显著的微生物是微球菌科、红蝽菌科、红蝽菌目、Coriobacteriia、Weeksellaceae、丛毛单胞菌科、肠杆菌科、肠杆菌目、黄单胞菌科、黄单胞菌目和银耳纲;PCA分析显示两组菌群结构差异显著。结论:CP与尿道菌群结构改变存在一定的相关性;CP可能不是由单一的微生物引起的,而是多种微生物共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

梅花  周立 《护理学杂志》2011,26(21):85-87
目的了解我国护理继续教育的研究现状并进行分析,为进一步的研究提供参考。方法以中国知网《中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)》、维普资讯《中文科技期刊全文数据库(CSTJ)》为数据来源,运用文献计量学方法对检索结果进行分析。结果检索出文献共计381篇;文献年度变化基本呈稳定状态;文献广泛分布于183种期刊,排名前12位的期刊载文占文献总量的39.11%;发文量排名前10位的省份发文225篇,占文献总量的59.06%;以第一作者发文2篇以上的著者共发文14篇,占总发文量的3.67%;文献的合作度为2.04,合著率为57.74%;有基金资助的文献12篇,占所有文献的3.15%;文献的研究内容主要以临床实践的经验介绍和现状及问题分析为主,分别占文献总量的29.66%、28.61%。结论我国护理继续教育研究的文献年发文量稳定,期刊分布合理,地域分布广泛,核心作者未形成,文献合作度和合著率低,资金资助少,研究的内容局限,研究者需在研究的广度和深度上进一步加强。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe dissemination of research and evidence-based medicine is critical to advancing science and improving clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the timing and associated factors of the publication process for the most influential orthopaedic surgery research journals.MethodsAfter analyzing 25 orthopaedic surgery journals with the highest impact factors, 14 journals provided the necessary information for data analysis. A minimum of three consecutive issues per journal from 2021 were collected for review. Within each issue, all articles were included except for reviews, commentaries, replies, letters to the editor, and invited articles. The publication times for received to accepted (RA), received to published in press (RP1), and received to published in print (RP2) were retrieved and compared. Journal impact factor, specialty, and article level of evidence were recorded.ResultsA total of 1040 articles were included with a mean number of 74.3 ± 38 (range, 35–182) articles analyzed per journal. The mean impact factor for the 14 journals was 3.6 ± 1 (range, 2.5–5.8). The overall median duration of time for RA, RP1, and RP2 were 119 (IQR, 78–165) days, 157 (IQR, 102–216) days, and 291 (IQR, 243–378) days across all 14 journals, respectively. Journal of Arthroplasty demonstrated the shortest median duration of time for RA and RP1, while International Orthopaedics demonstrated the shortest median duration of time for RP2. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine demonstrated the longest median duration of time for RA and RP2, while the American Journal of Sports Medicine demonstrated the longest median duration of time for RP1. Level three studies, which included retrospective case-control and cohort study designs, demonstrated the shortest publication times, while sports medicine journals demonstrated the longest publication times for all periods.ConclusionThere was substantial variation in publication times across orthopaedic surgery journals which may impact accessibility to clinical insights.  相似文献   

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