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Despite renewed interest in postpartum family planning programs, the question of the time at which women should be expected to start contraception after a birth remains unanswered. Three indicators of postpartum unmet need consider women to be fully exposed to the risk of pregnancy at different times: right after delivery (prospective indicator), after six months of amenorrhea (intermediate indicator), and at the end of amenorrhea (classic indicator). DHS data from 57 countries in 2005–13 indicate that 62 percent (prospective), 43 percent (intermediate), and 32 percent (classic) of women in the first year after a birth have an unmet need for contraception (40 percent when including abstinence). While the protection afforded by postpartum abstinence and lactational amenorrhea lowers unmet need, further analysis shows that women also often rely on these methods without being actually protected. Programs should acknowledge these methods’ widespread use and inform women about their limits. Also, the respective advantages of targeting the postnatal period, the end of six months of amenorrhea/exclusive breastfeeding, or the resumption of sexual intercourse to offer contraceptive services should be tested.  相似文献   

The West African Ebola outbreak of 2013–2016 had the potential to devastate family planning programs in affected countries, which had made great progress in years prior. We examine monthly provision of family planning service statistics from government sources for Liberia and Sierra Leone from 6 months before the first Ebola case to 24 months after the last Ebola case to measure the impact during and after the epidemic. By calculating the couple-years of protection from service statistics, we find that family planning distribution declined by 65 percent in Liberia and 23 percent in Sierra Leone at the peak of the epidemic. Two years after Ebola, Liberia's average monthly contraception distribution is 39 percent above precrisis levels, while distribution in Sierra Leone increased by 27 percent, findings echoed in data from the Demographic and Health Survey and Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. Increased contraceptive use comes from implants in both countries, and injectables in Liberia. This study indicates that the family planning sector can recover, and continue to improve, following a significant disruption and is a lesson in resilience.  相似文献   

IntroductionFertility intentions often can predict contraceptive demand and fertility outcomes. Little is known about women reporting ambivalent fertility intentions, who are usually classified as having an unmet need for contraception. This study’s objectives were to determine 1) which fertility intention group ambivalent women more closely resemble and 2) whether ambivalent women seem to have an unmet contraceptive need.MethodsWe analyzed longitudinal data from 1,018 married Balinese women aged 15 to 45, of whom 33% desired more children, 52% wanted no more, and 14% were ambivalent. Ambivalent women were compared with those with definitive intentions using bivariate analyses. Regression analysis was used to determine the predictors of birth avoidance.ResultsAlthough ambivalent women were significantly older, and had less education and more children than women who wanted more children, ambivalent women were more similar in their contraceptive use to those who wanted more children than those who wanted no more. However, in terms of birth outcomes, ambivalent women resembled more the women who intended to avoid childbearing: After 4 years, 33% of ambivalent women had another birth compared with 29% of women who wanted no more and 57% of women who desired more children. Contraceptive use at baseline did not predict ambivalent women’s fertility outcomes, unlike the other groups.ConclusionDespite their relatively low rates of contraceptive use at baseline, ambivalent women generally avoided giving birth during the study period. This suggests that ambivalent women may not have a high unmet need for family planning.  相似文献   


Research question:

Is there agreement between husbands and wives regarding unmet need of family planning?


The unmet need of family planning is perceived more by women then their husbands.


1) To ascertain the unmet needs of family planning for husbands and wives. 2) To ascertain the level of agreement between husbands and wives regarding unmet needs of family planning.


A cross-sectional survey


Dayalpur village in Intensive field practice area of Comprehensive Rural Health Services project (CRHSP), Ballabgarh, Haryana.

Study Period:

July 2003- June 2005.


included 200 married couples selected by simple random sampling.

Statistical Analysis:

Level of agreement between husbands and wives was analyzed using Kappa statistics.


Unmet need for family planning was 11% (22 out of 200) for husbands and 17.5% (35 out of 200) for wives. The difference was seen both in unmet need for spacing (M-3.5% vs. F-6%) as well as limiting family size (M-7.5% vs. F-11.5%). Overall, 93.5% concordance was observed amongst husbands and wives. In all the cases where disagreement was seen (6.5%), wives reported having unmet need for contraception whereas their husbands perceived none. The unadjusted Kappa statistic was 0.73 and prevalence adjusted Kappa was 0.88.


Unmet need for family planning was significantly higher for wives compared to husbands. Despite high degrees of agreement amongst the couples, the nature of disconcordance reinforces the need for policy makers to take into account the perspective of men.  相似文献   

计划生育药具管理亟待立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 本文探讨的计划生育药具,主要指避孕药具和终止妊娠、诊断妊娠等药物和器具。1956年,我国的第一个避孕套在广州生产。50年代后期,我国开始研制宫内节育器;1963年开始研制口服避孕药;80年代开始研制含高效杀精剂的避孕膜、避孕栓和避孕片。计划生育药具从无到有,逐步形成多样化、系列化。 20世纪70年代,我国开始实行避孕药具免费供给,所需经费主要由中央财政承担,一直沿袭至今。  相似文献   

Research suggests that spousal communication and male involvement in decision making can positively influence family-planning use and continuation. However, few existing studies explore the dynamics of this communication and how they factor into family-planning decision making. Building upon a recent evaluation of a theory-based male-involvement intervention in Malawi, this study aimed to fill this gap by examining the role of communication in the intervention's success, through semi-structured in-depth interviews with male participants and female partners of study participants. Results support the idea that communication is an integral component of successful interventions to increase male involvement in family planning. Participants reported improvements in spousal communication, increased frequency of communication, and an increase in shared decision making as a result of the study, which directly contributed to their family-planning use. This effect was often mediated through increased knowledge or reduced male opposition to family planning. Further analysis of communication and decision-making dynamics revealed shifts in gendered communication norms, leading to improvements in spousal relationships in addition to contraceptive uptake. This study shows that interventions can and should encourage spousal communication and shared decision making, and it provides an effective model for involving men in family-planning use.  相似文献   

While there is a large literature on the prevalence of unmet need for family planning, there is no matching quantitative evidence on the prevalence of unwanted family planning; all contraceptive use is assumed to represent a “met need.” This lack of evidence raises concerns that some observed contraceptive use may be undesired and coercive. We provide estimates of unwanted family planning using Demographic and Health Survey data collected from 1,546,987 women in 56 low- and middle-income countries between 2011 and 2019. We estimate the prevalence of unwanted family planning, defined as the proportion of women who report wanting a child in the next nine months but who are using contraception. We find that 12.2 percent of women have an unmet need for family planning, while 2.1 percent have unwanted family planning, with estimated prevalence rates ranging from 0.4 percent in Gambia to 7.1 percent in Jordan. About half of unwanted family planning use can be attributed to condoms, withdrawal, and abstinence. Estimating the prevalence of unwanted family planning is difficult given current data collection efforts, which are not designed for this purpose. We recommend that future surveys probe the reasons for the use of family planning.  相似文献   

Background: Exposure to toxic metals (TMs) such as lead can cause lifelong neurodevelopmental impairment and other adverse outcomes. TMs enter drinking water from human activity, geogenic contamination, and corrosion of water system components. Several studies report TM contamination in piped systems and private wells in high-income countries (HICs). However, few robust studies report on TM contamination in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).Objectives: We characterized the occurrence and investigated sources of TM contamination in 261 rural water systems in three West African LMICs to inform prevention and management.Methods: Water samples were collected from 261 community water systems (handpumps and public taps) across rural Ghana, Mali, and Niger. Scrapings were collected from accessible components of a subset of these systems using a drill with acid-washed diamond-tipped bits. Samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry or ICP optical emission spectroscopy.Results: Of the TMs studied, lead most frequently occurred at levels of concern in sampled water system components and water samples. Lead mass fractions exceeded International Plumbing Code (IPC) recommended limits (0.25% wt/wt) for components in 82% (107/130) of systems tested; brass components proved most problematic, with 72% (26/36) exceeding IPC limits. Presence of a brass component in a water system increased expected lead concentrations in drinking-water samples by 3.8 times. Overall, lead exceeded World Health Organization (WHO) guideline values in 9% (24/261) of drinking-water samples across countries; these results are broadly comparable to results observed in many HICs. Results did not vary significantly by geography or system type.Discussion: Ensuring use of lead-free (<0.25%) components in new water systems and progressively remediating existing systems could reduce drinking-water lead exposures and improve health outcomes for millions. However, reflexive decommissioning of existing systems may deprive users of sufficient water for health or drive them to riskier sources. Because supply chains for many water system components are global, TM monitoring, prevention, and management may be warranted in other LMICs beyond the study area as well. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP7804  相似文献   

With limited international resources for family planning, donors must decide how to allocate their funds to different countries. How can a donor for family planning decide whether countries are adequately prioritized for funding? This article proposes an ordinal ranking framework to identify under‐prioritized countries by rank‐ordering countries by their need for family planning and separately rank‐ordering them by their development assistance for family planning. Countries for which the rank of the need for family planning is lower than the rank of its funding are deemed under‐prioritized. We implement this diagnostic methodology to identify under‐prioritized countries that have a higher need but lower development assistance for family planning. This approach indicates whether a country is receiving less compared to other countries with similar levels of need.  相似文献   

The current definition of unmet need for contraception assumes that all women who are using a method have a met need. We argue that without taking into account the level of satisfaction with a method, many women are classified as having a met need, when in fact they have an unmet need. They are using a method that does not meet their preferences, either because it causes side effects they find untenable or has other characteristics they do not like. Given the large number of contraceptive episodes that end in discontinuation, reportedly often due to the experience of side effects, we argue that the current definition of unmet need undercounts the number of women with a true unmet need for contraception as it misses the many women who are using a method that does not meet their preferences. We suggest the addition of satisfaction questions in national surveys such as the Demographic and Health Surveys to more fully assess the level of true met need for contraception.  相似文献   

Given the vulnerabilities of rural residents and the health care issues faced by the Medicaid population generally, the combined effects of being on Medicaid and living in a rural area raise important questions about access to health care services. This study looks at a key dimension of health care access: unmet needfor health care services. The study relies on data from a 1998 survey of rural Minnesota Medicaid beneficiaries. An overall response rate of 70% was obtained. For this study, the sample is limited to women who were on Medicaid for the full 12 months prior to the survey, resulting in 900 respondents. The study finds that the rural Medicaid beneficiaries face high levels of unmet need: more than 1 in 3 reported either delaying or not getting doctor, hospital, or specialist care that theyfelt they needed. Although the study lacks direct measures of the consequences of the high levels of unmet need, there is evidence that greater emergency room use is associated with unmet need. The survey data cannot necessarily be generalized to other rural areas, and like all surveys, this one is subject to nonresponse bias as well as potential biases because of respondent recall and self-assessment of medical needs. Nevertheless, thesefindings are suggestive of negative consequences of unmet need for both Medicaid beneficiaries and program costs.  相似文献   

中西部地区计划生育优质服务项目活动的构思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 项目活动是实现项目目标的具体途径,科学地选择项目活动领域和确定具体的活动,对于项目的成功至关重要。在中西部计划生育优质服务示范工程项目中,我们首先认真分析中西部地区的“区情”,包括对经济、社会、文化、地理背景的考察和分析;然后在优质服务理论的指导下,借鉴我国东部和国际的成功经验,确立了项目的总体思路、技术路线和目标体系。其中几个至关重要的步骤是系统地分析国内外生殖健康和优质服务的经验,以及中西部计划生育优质服务的特点,在此基础上提出了本项目的基本思路。接下来就是选择和确定项目活动,这是项目最具有实质性的内容,关系着能否实现项目的思路和目标,也关系着项目是否能顺  相似文献   

Maternal and Child Health Journal - Objective To determine if Medicaid eligibility is associated with unmet preventive dental care need for Medicaid-enrolled CSHCN. Methods We analyzed the...  相似文献   

为了解当地在生殖健康服务过程中需优先解决的问题,本次研究采用了选题小组讨论的手法,于1999年1月15日 ̄18日,分别在河南省信阳市平桥区政府及其所属的王岗,洋河,平吕三个乡,组织了8个选题小组讨论会,对区、乡两级干部及服务提供者进行了调查,其结果共提出80条需要优先解决的问题,经处理分析,归纳出10条。  相似文献   

Objectives We partnered with a Massachusetts family workgroup to analyze state level data that would be most useful to consumers and advocates in Massachusetts. Methods Massachusetts’ and US data from the 2001 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NSCSHCN) were analyzed. We examined types of need and prevalence of unmet need for all CSHCN and for more severely affected CSHCN. We also correlated unmet need to child and family characteristics using multivariate logistic regression. Results In Massachusetts, 17% of CSHCN and 37% of children more severely affected did not receive needed care. CSHCN who were uninsured anytime during the previous year were nearly 5 times more likely to experience an unmet need (OR = 4.95, CI: 1.69–14.51). Children with more functional limitations (OR = 3.15; CI: 1.59–6.24) and unstable health care needs (OR = 3.26; CI: 1.33–8.00) were also more likely to experience an unmet need. Receiving coordinated care in a medical home (OR = 0.46; CI: 0.23–0.90) was associated with reduced reports of unmet need. Conclusions With input from families of CSHCN, researchers can direct their analyses to answering the questions and concerns most meaningful to families. We estimate that 1 in 6 CSHCN in Massachusetts did not receive needed care, with more than 1 in 3 CSHCN with a more severe condition experiencing an unmet need. Enabling factors were predictors of unmet need suggesting solutions such as expanding insurance coverage and improving services systems for CSHCN.  相似文献   

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