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Bair WN Kiemel T Jeka JJ Clark JE 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2007,183(4):435-446
Reweighting to multisensory inputs adaptively contributes to stable and flexible upright stance control. However, few studies
have examined how early a child develops multisensory reweighting ability, or how this ability develops through childhood.
The purpose of the study was to characterize a developmental landscape of multisensory reweighting for upright postural control
in children 4–10 years of age. Children were presented with simultaneous small-amplitude somatosensory and visual environmental
movement at 0.28 and 0.2 Hz, respectively, within five conditions that independently varied the amplitude of the stimuli.
The primary measure was body sway amplitude relative to each stimulus: touch gain and vision gain. We found that children
can reweight to multisensory inputs from 4 years on. Specifically, intra-modal reweighting was exhibited by children as young
as 4 years of age; however, inter-modal reweighting was only observed in the older children. The amount of reweighting increased
with age indicating development of a better adaptive ability. Our results rigorously demonstrate the development of simultaneous
reweighting to two sensory inputs for postural control in children. The present results provide further evidence that the
development of multisensory reweighting contributes to more stable and flexible control of upright stance, which ultimately
serves as the foundation for functional behaviors such as locomotion and reaching. 相似文献
Schmid M Conforto S Lopez L D'Alessio T 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2007,179(3):375-385
Inferring relations between cognitive processes and postural control is a relatively topical challenge in developmental neurology.
This study investigated the effect of a concurrent cognitive task on postural control in a sample of 50 nine-year-old children.
Each subject completed two balance trials of 60 s, one with a concurrent cognitive task (cognitive load) and another with
no cognitive load. The concurrent cognitive task consisted of mentally counting backwards in steps of 2. Twelve posturographic
parameters (PPs) were extracted from the centre of pressure (CoP) trajectory obtained through a load cell force plate. Analysis
of variance revealed significant differences in the majority of the extracted PPs. CoP was found to travel faster, farther,
and with substantially different features demonstrating an overall broadening of the spectrum in the frequency domain. Nonlinear
stability factors revealed significant differences when exposed to a concurrent cognitive task, showing an increase of instability
in the intervention rate of the postural control system. By grouping children through selected items from Teachers Ratings
and PANESS assessment, specific significant differences were also found both in time and frequency domain PPs, thus confirming
the hypothesis of an interaction between cognitive processes (and their development), and postural control. 相似文献
Baumberger B Isableu B Flückiger M 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2004,159(1):33-46
The aim of this research was to analyse the development of postural reactions to approaching (AOF) and receding (ROF) ground rectilinear optical flows. Optical flows were shaped by a pattern of circular spots of light projected on the ground surface by a texture flow generator. The geometrical structure of the projected scenes corresponded to the spatial organisation of visual flows encountered in open outdoor settings. Postural readjustments of 56 children, ranging from 7 to 11 years old, and 12 adults were recorded by the changes of the centre of foot pressure (CoP) on a force platform during 44-s exposures to the moving texture. Before and after the optical flows exposure, a 24-s motionless texture served as a reference condition. Effect of ground rectilinear optical flows on postural control development was assessed by analysing sway latencies (SL), stability performances and postural orientation. The main results that emerge from this experiment show that postural responses are directionally specific to optical flow pattern and that they vary as a function of the motion onset and offset. Results showed that greater developmental changes in postural control occurred in an AOF (both at the onset and offset of the optical flow) than in an ROF. Onset of an approaching flow induced postural instability, canonical shifts in postural orientation and long latencies in children which were stronger than in the receding flow. This pattern of responses evolved with age towards an improvement in stability performances and shorter SL. The backward decreasing shift of the CoP in children evolved in adults towards forward postural tilt, i.e. in the opposite direction of the textures motion. Offset of an AOF motion induced very short SL in children (which became longer in adult subjects), strong postural instability, but weaker shift of orientation compared to the receding one. Postural stability improved and orientation shift evolved to forward inclinations with age. SL remained almost constant across age at both onset and offset of the receding flow. Critical developmental periods seem to occur by the age of 8 and 10 years, as suggested by the transient neglect of the children to optical flows. Linear vection was felt by 90% of the 7 year olds and decreased with age to reach 55% in adult subjects. The mature sensorimotor coordination subserving the postural organisation shown in adult subjects is an example aiming at reducing the postural effects induced by optical flows. The data are discussed in relation to the perceptual importance of mobile visual references on a ground support. 相似文献
We investigated finger strength and the ability to control digit force/torque production in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) using manipulative tasks with different kinetic redundancies (KNR). Age-related changes in finger strength and finger force/torque control in typically developing (TD) children were also examined to provide a developmental landscape that allows a comparison with children with DCD. Forty-eight TD children (7-, 9-, and 11- year-olds) and sixteen 9-year-old children with DCD participated in the study. Three isometric tasks with different KNR were tested: constant index finger pressing force production (KNR=0), constant thumb-index finger pinching force production (KNR=1), and constant thumb-index finger torque production (KNR=5). Each subject performed two conditions for each isometric task: maximum voluntary force/torque production and constant force/torque control (40% of maximum force/torque). The results showed that the maximum force/torque production increased and the variability of constant force/torque control decreased with age in all tasks in TD children. Children with DCD showed larger variability than TD children in the constant thumb-index finger pinching torque production. These results suggest that children with DCD, as compared to TD children, are capable of producing the same level of maximum finger force, but have poor control in manipulation tasks with a large number of kinetic redundancies. 相似文献
John J. Jeka James R. Lackner 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1995,103(2):267-276
Haptic information is critically important in complex sensory-motor tasks such as manipulating objects. Its comparable importance in spatial orientation is only beginning to be recognized. We have shown that postural sway in humans is significantly reduced by lightly touching a stable surface with a fingertip at contact force levels far below those physically necessary to stabilize the body. To investigate further the functional relationship between contact forces at the hand and postural equilibrium, we had subjects stand in the tandem Romberg stance while being allowed physically supportive (force contact) and non-physically supportive (touch contact) amounts of index fingertip force on surfaces with different frictional characteristics. Mean sway amplitude (MSA) was reduced by over 50% with both touch and force contact of the fingertip, compared to standing without fingertip contact. No differences in MSA were observed when touching rough or slippery surfaces. The amplitude of EMG activity in the peroneal muscles and the timing relationships between fingertip forces, body sway and EMG activity suggested that with touch contact of the finger or with force contact on a slippery surface, long-loop reflexes involving postural muscles were stabilizing sway. With force contact of the fingertip on a rough surface, MSA reduction was achieved primarily through physical support of the body. This pattern of results indicates that light touch contact cues from the fingertip in conjunction with proprioceptive signals about arm configuration are providing information about body sway that can be used to reduce MSA through postural muscle activation. 相似文献
Kelly JW Loomis JM Beall AC 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2005,161(3):285-292
Two experiments investigated the role of optic flow in controlling posture. Both experiments measured postural sway in two virtual environments with different 3-D structure but the same optic flow. Observers attempted to maintain balance on one foot while viewing an object that appeared either rigid with respect to the environment or that appeared to move concomitantly with head movements. The apparent object motion concomitant with head motion was achieved by changing the perceived, but not physical, depth of the object. For both objects, the optic flow information was the same and only depth information was varied. Observers showed a decrease in stability (as measured by head sway) when viewing the object that appeared to move, suggesting that perceived relative motion, not optic flow, signals self-motion to the postural control system. 相似文献
Stefano Corna Massimo Galante Margherita Grasso Antonio Nardone Marco Schieppati 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1996,109(1):83-91
During upright stance, foot dorsiflexion induced by the movement of a supporting platform elicits a short-(SLR) and a medium-latency response (MLR) in both the soleus and the flexor digitorum brevis muscles; foot plantarflexion elicits a MLR in the tibialis anterior. The SLR is the counterpart of the stretch reflex, but no general agreement exists about the origin of the MLR, though recent results suggest that it is transmitted through group II afferent fibres. Animal studies have shown that group II fibres impinge on interneurones projecting contralaterally as well as ipsilaterally, whereas group I fibres impinge on interneurones which project mainly ipsilaterally. Therefore, we compared the changes in amplitude and latency of the SLRs and MLRs in the right and left limb during postural perturbations induced while subjects maintained both feet on the platform (both-on condition) or while they maintained only one foot on the platform and the other on firm ground (one-on condition). Under the both-on condition, the pattern of EMG responses described above occurred bilaterally. Under the one-on condition, both SLRs and MLRs occurred in the displaced leg. However, whereas the SLRs did not change in amplitude compared with the both-on condition, the MLRs decreased in amplitude to about 50%. MLRs were also present in the non-displaced leg. They were not preceded by any SLR but showed a further decrease in size with respect to the corresponding responses in the perturbed leg. Latency of the MLRs of the perturbed leg increased by about 5 ms passing from the both-on to the one-on condition. In the latter condition, a further increase of 5 ms was observed in the nonperturbed leg with respect to the displaced one. The occurrence of the MLRs but not of the SLRs in the contralateral non-displaced leg is in keeping with the notion that crossed neural pathways fed by spindle group II afferent fibres subserve the MLRs. The changes in latency of the MLRs under the one-on condition compared with both-on give a cue about the synaptic delays along the neural circuit and the time taken by the afferent impulses to cross the spinal cord. 相似文献
Schneiberg S Sveistrup H McFadyen B McKinley P Levin MF 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2002,146(2):142-154
When adults reach to grasp stationary targets, movement kinematics (endpoint trajectories, interjoint coordination) are highly stereotyped and stable. The emergence of an optimal coordination for reaching involves mastering the redundant number of degrees of freedom while the body grows. Reaching has been well studied in healthy children under the age of 3 years. We characterised the development of coordination during reaching in children over the age of 3 years and identified age ranges in which stable patterns emerge. A random sample of 38 healthy children aged 4-11 years and nine adults participated in the study. They reached from the seated position with the dominant arm and grasped a cone placed at three distances in the forward sagittal plane in front of the body. Kinematic data from markers placed on the arm, head and trunk were recorded at 100 Hz (Optotrak Motion Analysis System). Immature patterns of reaching were characterised by increased variability in younger compared to older children. Hand trajectories became smoother and less variable with age. Interjoint coordination became more consistent, while trunk displacement and variability decreased with age. Only children between 8 and 10 years old had variability similar to adults. Our data suggest that different aspects of movement kinematics mature at different rates. However, our data do not support the idea of a sequential maturation of different biomechanical variables. 相似文献
D. B. Thomson J. T. Inglis R. H. Schor J. M. Macpherson 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1991,85(2):364-372
Summary The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of bilateral labyrinthectomy on quiet stance in the freely-standing cat. Since loss of the vestibular end organs produces marked deficits in motor behaviour, including ataxia and problems with balance, we hypothesized that labyrinthectomized animals would show impairment in quantitative measures of stance. Stance was quantified in terms of the ground reaction forces under each limb and the tonic electromyographic (EMG) activity of selected muscles. Animals were labyrinthectomized by drilling into the vestibule and removing the vestibular epithelium. Following lesion, animals were able to stand unsupported on the force platform within 2 days. To our surprise, the lesioned animals showed little change in stance parameters from the control, pre-lesion state. Thus, our hypothesis of changes in stance parameters was not supported. There was no change in the distribution of vertical forces under the limbs and no increase in sway, as measured by the area of excursion of the centre of pressure over time. The horizontal plane forces, which were diagonally directed prior to lesion, became more laterally directed and larger in amplitude. The change in direction persisted even after the animals had fully compensated for the lesion, but the force amplitudes returned to control values within 10–12 days. The change in horizontal force direction was similar to that observed in normal animals that were required to stand with their paws closer than preferred in the sagittal plane (unpublished observations). EMG activity changed in some muscles but not others, and usually transiently. One limb extensor showed decreases in tonic activity (gluteus medius), but other extensors showed increases (vastus medialis, soleus). It is likely that the changes in EMG levels were due to the biomechanics of the stance configuration related to the changes in direction of the horizontal plane forces. Kinematic recordings are needed to address this issue further. 相似文献
Austad H van der Meer AL 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2007,181(2):289-295
Balance control during gait initiation was studied using center of pressure (CoP) data from force plate measurements. Twenty-four
participants were divided into four age groups: (1) 2–3 years, (2) 4–5 years, (3) 7–8 years, and (4) adults. Movement in the
antero-posterior (CoPy) direction during the initial step was tau-G analyzed, investigating the hypothesis that tau of the
CoPy motion-gap (τCoPy), i.e., the time it will take to close the gap at its current closure rate, is tau-coupled onto an intrinsic tau-G guide
(τG), by maintaining the relation τCoPy = KτG, for a constant K. Mean percentage of tau-guidance for all groups was ≥99%, resulting in all r2 exceeding 0.95, justifying an investigation of the regression slope as an estimate of the coupling constant K in the tau-coupling equation. Mean K values decreased significantly with age and were for 2- to 3-year-olds 0.56, for 4- to 5-year-olds 0.50, for 7- to 8-year-olds
0.47, and for adults 0.41. Therefore, the control of dynamic balance develops from the youngest children colliding with the
boundaries of the base of support (K > 0.5) to the older children and adults making touch contact (K ≤ 0.5). The findings may provide us with a measure for testing prospective balance control, a helpful tool in assessing whether
a child is following a normal developmental pattern. 相似文献
Olivier I Palluel E Nougier V 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2008,185(2):341-345
The present study examined, in children aged 4–11 and in adults, the postural control modifications when attention was oriented
voluntary on postural sway. Since (1) there are less attentional resources in children than in adults, (2) the selective attention
processing improves with age, i.e., children use a different strategy to focus their attention than adults, and (3) adults’
postural stability decreases when attention is focused on postural sway, we hypothesized that postural stability was less
affected in children than in adults when attention was focused on postural sway. Fourty four children aged 4- to 11-year-old
and 11 adults participated in the experiments. The postural control task was executed in a Romberg position. Two experimental
conditions were presented to the subjects, (1) to look at a video on a TV screen without instruction about the posture, and
(2) to fixate a cross placed at the center of the TV screen with the instruction to remain as stable as possible. Postural
performance was measured by means of a force platform. Results from this study (1) confirmed a non-monotonic improvement of
postural stability during the ontogenetic period without reaching the adults’ level at the age of 11, (2) suggested that children,
aged 4–11, are able to focus their attention on the control of posture, and (3) showed that the automatic control of posture
increases postural stability since the age of 4. 相似文献
J. Timothy Inglis Fay B. Horak Charlotte L. Shupert Christine Jones-Rycewicz 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1994,101(1):159-164
To clarify the role of somatosensory information from the lower limbs of humans in triggering and scaling the magnitude of automatic postural responses, patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and agematched normal controls were exposed to posterior horizontal translations of their support surface. Translation velocity and amplitude were varied to test the patients' ability to scale their postural responses to the magnitude of the translation. Postural response timing was quantified by measuring the onset latencies of three shank, thigh, and trunk muscles and response magnitude was quantified by measuring torque at the support surface. Neuropathy patients showed the same distalto-proximal muscle activation pattern as normal subjects, but the electromyogram (EMG) onsets in patients were delayed by 20–30 ms at all segments, suggesting an important role for somatosensory information from the lower limb in triggering centrally organized postural synergies. Patients showed an impaired ability to scale torque magnitude to both the velocity and amplitude of surface translations, suggesting that somatosensory information from the legs may be utilized for both direct sensory feedback and use of prior experience in scaling the magnitude of automatic postural responses. 相似文献
Hay L Redon C 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1999,125(2):153-162
Any action performed by standing subjects is generally accompanied by compensatory postural activities, which reduce or abolish
the postural disturbance generated by the movements and keep the subjects’ center of gravity within the supporting base. These
postural activities are triggered by either anticipatory and/or feedback-based control processes, depending on the information
available and on the behavioral context. To investigate the respective involvement of these two components in postural control
during development, we studied the extent to which the postural equilibrium of children (3- to 10-year-olds) and adults was
disturbed by the same physical event, an unloading, depending on whether it was initiated by the subject or externally imposed.
The subjects were standing on a force platform with their eyes closed, holding a load (5% of their own body weight) in their
hands, with arms vertical and forearms horizontal. Two conditions were applied: (1) the subjects voluntarily released the
load and (2) the load was unpredictably removed. The unloading resulted in a backward movement of the center of pressure,
which was smaller with self-initiated than imposed disturbances in all age groups. This difference varied depending mainly
on the age-related changes in the relative amplitude of the self-initiated disturbance, which decreased between 3- to 5-,
and 6- to 8-year-olds (who showed no marked postural instability after self-initiated unloading), and increased again in the
two older groups (9- to 10-year-olds and adults), in which it also became more consistent . It was concluded that feedforward
control becomes more efficient as children grow up, but that its relative contribution to postural control does not show a
monotonic pattern of development.
Received: 20 December 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1998 相似文献
J. J. Collins C. J. De Luca A. E. Pavlik S. H. Roy M. S. Emley 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1995,107(1):145-150
Stabilogram-diffusion analysis was used to examine how prolonged periods in microgravity affect the open-loop and closed-loop postural control mechanisms. It was hypothesized that following spaceflight: (1) the effective stochastic activity of the open-loop postural control schemes in astronauts is increased; (2) the effective stochastic activity and uncorrelated behavior, respectively, of the closed-loop postural control mechanisms in astronauts are increased; and (3) astronauts utilize open-loop postural control schemes for shorter time intervals and smaller displacements. Four crew members and two alternates from the 14-day Spacelab Life Sciences 2 Mission were included in the study. Each subject was tested under eyes-open, quiet-standing conditions on multiple preflight and postflight days. The subjects' center-of-pressure trajectories were measured with a force platform and analyzed according to stabilogram-diffusion analysis. It was found that the effective stochastic activity of the open-loop postural control schemes in three of the four crew members was increased following space-flight. This result is interpreted as an indication that there may be in-flight adaptations to higher-level descending postural control pathways, e.g., a postflight increase in the tonic activation of postural muscles. This change may also be the consequence of a compensatory (e.g., stiffening) postural control strategy that is adopted by astronauts to account for general feelings of post-flight unsteadiness. The crew members, as a group, did not exhibit any consistent preflight/postflight differences in the steady-state behavior of their closed-loop postural control mechanisms or in the functional interaction of their open-loop and closed-loop postural control mechanisms. These results are interpreted as indications that although there may be in-flight adaptations to the vestibular system and/or proprioceptive system, input from the visual system can compensate for such changes during undisturbed stance. 相似文献
N. Kirshenbaum C. Riach J. Starkes 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2001,140(4):420-431
This longitudinal analysis confirmed a non-monotonic pattern of postural control development in children from age 5 to 8 years suggested by previous cross-sectional studies. Postural control was considered in terms of control strategy and its variability operationalized by mean and standard deviation of center of pressure (COP) velocity; and of effectiveness and its variability operationalized by mean and standard deviation of COP anteroposterior (a-p) excursion. Periods of significant variability were used to indicate behavioral transitions. Seventeen healthy children (nine males, eight females) aged 5-6 years (61.5-75 months) were tested at 3- to 4-month intervals up to age 8 years (83-97 months) in eyes-open quiet stance on a force platform for 30 s in each of ten trials. Data were reorganized into six developmental categories based on adjacent test dates prior to (-1) and after (+1, +2, +3, +4) a subject's trial with the lowest COP velocity (0). Developmental category is proposed to represent level of sensorimotor integrative skill. Within-subject ANCOVAs revealed a significant effect (P<0.0001) for developmental category with covariance due to height, weight and actual age removed. Post hoc tests showed a significant effect (P<0.0001) on measures of strategy. However, differences in COP velocity (type of strategy used) and differences in its variability (denoting a transition between strategies) were not always coincident. Performance outcome (COP a-p excursion) changed near linearly across categories. It was concluded that a non-monotonic change in control strategy as indicated by COP velocity describes the development of quiet stance equilibrium. A transition occurs from a primarily open-loop to incorporation of open- and closed-loop components of control. Honing of strategy used precedes and follows transitions. Constriction of velocity and excursion may typify the early stages of bimodal strategy. Developmental categories describe affiliation with the strategy employed and may represent differentiable levels of sensorimotor integrative skill. They may be more useful in assessing progression of equilibrium control than consecutive age in years. 相似文献
Shim JK Oliveira MA Hsu J Huang J Park J Clark JE 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2007,176(2):374-386
We studied the finger interactions during maximum voluntary force (MVF) production in flexion and extension in children and adults. The goal of this study was to investigate the age-related changes and flexion–extension differences of MVF and finger interaction indices, such as finger inter-dependency (force enslaving (FE): unintended finger forces produced by non-instructed fingers during force production of an instructed finger), force sharing (FS; percent contributions of individual finger forces to the total force at four-finger MVF), and force deficit (FD; force difference between single-finger MVF and the force of the same finger at four-finger MVF). Twenty-five right-handed children of 6–10 years of age and 25 adults of 20–24 years of age participated as subjects in this study (five subjects at each age). During the experiments, the subjects had their forearms secured in armrests. The subjects inserted the distal phalanges of the right hand into C-shaped aluminum thimbles affixed to small force sensors with 20° of flexion about the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint. The subjects were instructed to produce their maximum isometric force with a single finger or all four fingers in flexion or extension. In order to examine the effects of muscle–force relationship on MVF and other digit interaction indices, six subjects were randomly selected from the group of 25 adult subjects and asked to perform the same experimental protocol described above. However, the MCP joint was at 80° of flexion. The results from the 20° of MCP joint flexion showed that (1) MVF increased and finger inter-dependency decreased with children’s age, (2) the increasing and decreasing absolute slopes (N/year) from regression analysis were steeper in flexion than extension while the relative slopes (%/year) with respect to adults’ maximum finger forces were higher in extension than flexion, (3) the larger MVF, FE, and FD were found in flexion than in extension, (4) the finger FS was very similar in children and adults, (5) the FS pattern of individual fingers was different for flexion and extension, and (6) the differences between flexion and extension found at 20° MCP joint conditions were also valid at 80° MCP joint conditions. We conclude that (a) the finger strength and independency increase from 6 to 10 years of age, and the increasing trends are more evident in flexion than in extension as indexed by the absolute slopes, (b) the finger strength and finger independency is greater in flexion than in extension, and (c) the sharing pattern in children appears to develop before 6 years of age or it is an inherent property of the hand neuromusculoskletal system. One noteworthy observation, which requires further investigation, was that FE was slightly smaller in the 80° condition than in the 20° condition for flexion, but larger for extension for all subjects. This may be interpreted as a greater FE when flexor or extensor muscles are stretched. 相似文献
Schmitz C Martin N Assaiante C 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2002,142(3):354-364
The present study addressed the question of how do anticipatory postural adjustments (APA) develop during childhood, in the range from 4 to 8 years, during a bimanual load-lifting task. This task required maintaining the stabilisation of the forearm position despite imposed or voluntary unloading of the forearm. Elbow angle and multiple surface EMG were recorded on the child postural forearm supporting a load. During voluntary unloading, the elbow flexion of the postural forearm was calculated as a percentage of the elbow flexion measured during the imposed situation. Improvement of the forearm stabilisation was observed mainly between 4--6 and 7--8 years of age, but the oldest children did not reach the adult level of stabilisation of the postural forearm. Moreover, a clear developmental sequence in the acquisition of APA was reported: first the selection of an efficient EMG pattern underlying the forearm stabilisation, and second the mastering of timing adjustments. In fact, regression of the co-contraction pattern was observed with age, together with selection of the adult-like reciprocal pattern. Mastering of the timing adjustments of the reciprocal pattern, characterised in adults by a well-synchronised co-ordination between onset of the flexor muscle contraction of the manual arm and onset of the flexor muscle inhibition of the postural forearm, progressively improves during development. Moreover, these results suggest that the internal representation of the consequences of unloading on the forearm stabilisation, underlying anticipatory function during a bimanual co-ordination task, slowly build up during childhood. 相似文献
de Ruiter CJ Elzinga MJ Verdijk PW van Mechelen W de Haan A 《European journal of applied physiology》2005,94(5-6):659-669
We investigated the effects of low frequency fatigue (LFF) on post-exercise changes in rectified surface EMG (rsEMG) and single motor unit EMG (smuEMG) in vastus lateralis muscle (n=9). On two experimental days the knee extensors were fatigued with a 60-s-isometric contraction (exercise) at 50% maximal force capacity (MFC). On the first day post-exercise (15 s, 3, 9, 15, 21 and 27 min) rsEMG and electrically-induced (surface stimulation) forces were investigated. SmuEMG was obtained on day two. During short ramp and hold (5 s) contractions at 50% MFC, motor unit discharges of the same units were followed over time. Post-exercise MFC and tetanic force (100 Hz stimulation) recovered to about 90% of the pre-exercise values, but recovery with 20 Hz stimulation was less complete: the 20–100 Hz force ratio (mean ± SD) decreased from 0.65±0.06 (pre-exercise) to 0.56±0.04 at 27 min post-exercise (P<0.05), indicative of LFF. At 50% MFC, pre-exercise rsEMG (% pre-exercise maximum) and motor unit discharge rate were 51.1±12.7% and 14.1±3.7 (pulses per second; pps) respectively, 15 s post-exercise the respective values were 61.4±15.4% (P<0.05) and 13.2±5.6 pps (P>0.05). Thereafter, rsEMG (at 50% MFC) remained stable but motor unit discharge rate significantly increased to 17.7±3.9 pps 27 min post-exercise. The recruitment threshold decreased (P<0.05) from 27.7±6.6% MFC before exercise to 25.2±6.7% 27 min post-exercise. The increase in discharge rate was significantly greater than could be expected from the decrease in recruitment threshold. Thus, post-exercise LFF was compensated by increased motor unit discharge rates which could only partly be accounted for by the small decrease in motor unit recruitment threshold. 相似文献
Christopher M. Davis Paul Brickett Robert M. Stern William H. Kimball 《Psychophysiology》1978,15(6):591-593
The conventional placement of electrodes for recording forehead, or “frontalis” EMG attenuates forehead potentials by placing one electrode over each frontalis muscle. The placement also precludes exploration of differences in the activity of the two muscles, and is influenced by potentials arising in nearby muscles. An alternative unilateral bipolar lead placement is suggested and demonstrated. 相似文献
This study examined whether 7-9-year-old children preattentively build memories of constancy for individual stimulus features, and if these representations are affected by variability of other stimulus features. This was achieved by looking at the mismatch negativity (MMN) event-related potential to a duration deviant occurring in a stimulus environment in which one or two other features constantly changed. Performance data were also collected, to look at the correspondence between the effects of this manipulation on preattentive and intentional deviance detection. MMN data indicated that the children built a preattentive feature-based memory of constancy that was not affected by the number of varying features. In contrast, intentional deviance detection was considerably impaired by the introduction of feature variability. This dissociation is at variance with previous studies that usually report close association between MMN and behavior. 相似文献