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We describe an extremely rare type of isolated cleft of the hard palate, which extends the published classification of the Type III cleft.  相似文献   

腭黏膜下裂伴先天性硬腭瘘1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腭黏膜下裂伴先天性硬腭瘘临床罕见,迄今国内外文献报道仅10余例。作者报告1例病例,并结合相关文献,对该病的临床特点、诊断、发生率、发病机制及手术治疗进行讨论。本病发病机制不清,临床症状与腭黏膜下裂相似。手术除完整封闭瘘孔外,还应后退异常附丽的软腭肌,重建提肌吊带。术后随访1a,无复裂,腭咽功能改善良好。  相似文献   

软腭全层五瓣旋转推进修复腭裂的初步报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨腭裂功能性修复的新方法。方法 在先天性腭裂37例的裂隙两侧软腭区设计1个矩形瓣和4个三角形瓣。切开后将各瓣旋转并向对侧推进,交错插入后逐层缝合。结果 采用该法治疗腭裂达到了关闭裂隙并延长软腭长度、形成软腭动力性肌环的兼备要求,31例经0.5~2年随访证实手术效果稳定。结论 本术式在修复裂隙的同时,增加了软腭长度,恢复了腭咽闭合所需的软腭后退及上提功能,可视为腭裂功能性修复的较好方法之一。  相似文献   

目的:观察应用牵张成骨技术治疗腭裂术后继发的严重上颌骨后缩畸形的效果。方法:对10例腭裂术后继发严重上颌骨后缩畸形的患者,术前常规行头影测量和模型外科设计;手术采用上颌骨Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术,4例使用颅骨支抗外置式牵张器,其余患者采用内置式牵张器进行骨牵张术;术后延迟期为7d,牵张节律为0.8—1mm/d,2—4次/d,牵张结束后固定8-12周。结果:术后伤口一期愈合,牵张过程顺利,最大牵张距离为22mm,最小距离为15mm;患者的面形得到明显改善,未出现畸形愈合或骨不连接等并发症。结论:牵张成骨技术应用于腭裂术后继发的严重上颌骨后缩畸形,不需要植骨,可有效地达到上颌骨前徙、明显改善面形的目的。  相似文献   

In complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CLP), a vomerplasty is assumed to improve midfacial growth because of the reduction in scarring in the growth-sensitive areas of the palate. Our aim, therefore, was to evaluate maxillofacial morphology after a modified Langenbeck technique or a vomerplasty in children with complete unilateral CLP who were operated on by a single surgeon. As part of a one-stage closure of complete unilateral CLP done during the first year of life, the technique for repair of the hard palate repair differed between the two groups. In the modified group (n = 37, mean age 11 years) a modified von Langenbeck technique was used that resulted in denudation of the bony surface on the non-cleft side only. In the vomerplasty group (n = 37, mean age 11 years) a vomerplasty was used to cover the palatal bone. Lateral cephalograms from both groups were compared using the Eurocleft protocol. Fourteen angular variables were measured and 2 ratios calculated. Skeletal morphology in the groups was comparable. Maxillary incisor inclination (ILs/NL angle) and interincisal angle (ILs/ILi) were better after vomerplasty (p = 0.001 and 0.04, respectively) but soft tissue facial convexity (gs-prn-pgs) was less good after vomerplasty (p = 0.009). However, there was no difference between the groups in the other variable that reflected facial convexity (gs-sn-pgs) (p = 0.22). Modification of the palatoplasty had a limited effect on skeletal morphology in preadolescent children, but it resulted in better inclination of the maxillary incisors.  相似文献   

目的:分析腭裂术后复裂的原因,探讨预防复裂的方法。方法:通过105例腭裂术后复裂的临床资料进行回顾性分析,找出导致复裂的原因。结果:腭裂术后复裂的原因是多方面的,有病人自身因素,有手术医师的技术操作,还有术前、术后的护理等因素。充分认识这些因素并加以预防,腭裂术后复裂是可以避免或减少的。结论:腭裂术后复裂的因素是多方面的,只要加以重视,复裂是可以避免或减少的。  相似文献   

腭裂术后腭裂隙内自发骨组织形成现象的初步观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 观察腭裂修复术后腭裂隙骨性愈合状况,并讨论影响骨性愈合的因素。方法 对20例完全性腭裂术后患者行头颅冠状CT扫描,观察腭裂骨性裂隙的愈合情况并测量腭裂隙内骨桥形成的位置、形态及质量。结果 20例腭裂术后患者中有13例(65%)的腭裂隙内不同程度地有骨桥形成。在形成骨桥的患者中,男女比例接近;单侧与双侧腭裂者骨桥形成情况相似;在不同手术年龄的患者中,4~6岁接受腭裂修复术者骨桥形成最为明显;所形成的腭裂隙内骨桥相对集中于双尖牙区及磨牙区前份。结论 在一定条件下腭裂术后骨性腭裂隙内有新生骨桥形成。  相似文献   

目的 分析 8岁以上双侧完全性腭裂患者同期行腭裂修复与齿槽嵴裂植骨的可行性及植骨效果。方法 对 15例同期行腭裂修复与齿槽嵴裂植骨的双侧完全性唇腭裂患者作回顾性研究。分析手术时间、术中出血、术后恢复和创口愈合情况。对术后随访的X线片进行植骨效果的客观评价。结果 所有手术均顺利完成 ,平均手术时间延长 5 2分钟 ,没有明显增加术中出血量 ,患者术后恢复好 ,无创口感染和植入骨暴露 ,植骨的临床成功率为 83.3% ,其中以 8~ 11岁组的成功率最高 (93.8% )。结论 双侧完全性腭裂患者的同期腭裂修复和齿槽嵴裂植骨是安全和可行的 ;对于 8岁以上的腭裂未修复的双侧完全性唇腭裂患者 ,均应同期完成腭裂修复与齿槽嵴裂植骨 ;双侧齿槽嵴裂同期植骨的最佳手术时间与二期植骨相同 ,为尖牙萌出前 ,年龄在 8~ 11岁之间。  相似文献   

目的对比在双侧腭裂修复术中凿断翼钩与否,术后患者的上颌骨发育情况.方法选择在3岁以内做双侧腭裂修复手术,术中不凿断翼钩的患者16例,编入试验组.另再选择3岁以内做双侧腭裂修复手术,术中凿断翼钩的患者10例,编入对照组.两组的年龄范围9~12岁,术后追踪9~10年.拍摄每例患者的头颅侧位片,并作头影测量分析,对比两组患者的上颌骨发育情况.结果两组的上颌骨都有明显的矢状向发育不足,下颌骨发育基本正常.测量上颌骨发育的各项目(SNA、A-NP、PP-SN、ANS-FHp、Ptm-A等)的组间差别不明显,说明手术中有无凿断翼钩,对患者的上颌骨发育并无影响.结论在双侧腭裂修复手术中,有无凿断翼钩,对患者的上颌骨发育并无明显影响,但不凿断翼钩有利于保护腭帆张肌,同时也能减少手术创伤,简化手术过程.  相似文献   

Additional congenital anomalies have often been found in patients with orofacial clefts. We wanted to find out the incidence and type of congenital malformations that may accompany cleft palate (CP) and cleft lip and palate (CLP) in babies born in the Konya region. A total of 121 newborn babies with CP or CLP were prospectively included in the study, and all were assessed in detail for congenital anomalies. Of 121 babies, 86 (71%) had CLP and 35 (29%) had CP. There was at least one congenital malformation in 80 (66%) of the cases. Additional congenital malformations were seen in 26 (74%) of the 35 with isolated CP, and 54 (63%) in the 86 patients with CLP (p<0.05). The most common congenital malformation was congenital heart disease, followed by head and neck anomalies. The most common congenital heart disease was atrial septal defect. A serious chromosomal anomaly was found in 18/121 patients with CP or CLP (15%). Of the 80 babies in whom congenital malformations were found, 31 (39%) had dysmorphic features. While 21 (68%) of dysmorphic cases had isolated CP, 10 (32%) had CLP (p<0.05). The rates of premature delivery, intrauterine growth retardation, and consanguinity between parents were higher in patients with CP or CLP. The neonatal mortality was 20% (n=24). Our results indicate that at least one congenital anomaly is also present in about two-thirds of newborn babies with CP and CLP, and these anomalies significantly increase their morbidity and mortality. All newborn babies with CP and CLP should be screened for additional congenital anomalies, particularly of the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

为探讨愕裂修复术与腭裂患者听力之间的关系,应用听觉脑干反应测听检查15例患者手术前后的听力,术前、术后听觉恼干反应的反应阈分别是42.33±13.57 dBnHL和38.00;±9.97dBnHL,手术前后应阈的差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01),术后反应阈下降,说明腭裂修复术能改善患者的听力。本文对腭裂术后听力改善的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of this study was to determine what influence that extent of cleft may have on craniofacial morphology in children with a cleft palate by retrospectively comparing craniofacial morphologies in age-matched prepubertal children.Materials and methodsUsing a retrospective study design, we compared the craniofacial morphology cephalometrically, of 14 Japanese girls at age 9 years with a cleft soft palate (Group_CSP), with 13 age-matched Japanese girls with cleft soft and hard palate, not extending as far as the incisive foramen (Group_CPNIF), and 12 age-matched Japanese girls with cleft soft and hard palate, extending as far as the incisive foramen (Group_CPIF), living in the same region (Hokkaido, Japan). None of them had received dentofacial orthopaedic treatment. P < .05 was considered statistically significant.ResultsIn Group_CPNIF, the maxilla was significantly short (P < .05), the anterior parts of the maxilla being retruded (P < .05), compared with Group_CSP and, compared with Group_CPNIF, in Group_CPIF, anterior part of the maxilla was positioned posteriorly (P < .05), the maxillary body was significantly smaller (P < .01).ConclusionsThis study suggests that in prepubertal children, as the congenital defect in the tissue of the palate extended, the shortness in the anteroposterior maxillary length, accompanying anterior part of the maxilla in posterior position, was more marked.  相似文献   

腭瘘是腭裂术后最常见的并发症,影响患者的口腔卫生、语言功能及心理健康。目前腭瘘的定义及分类不尽相同,故腭瘘发生率的报道差异较大,发生率为0.8%~60%。本文对腭瘘的定义、分类及其修复方法进行综述。文献复习结果表明,目前缺少对腭瘘一致的定义及能全面反映腭瘘特点的分类法。腭瘘的修复方法有以下几种:邻近瓣主要用于穿孔<1 cm,且周围组织量足够的腭瘘修复;蒂在前的薄层舌背黏膜瓣是较大腭瘘的最常用方法;游离瓣主要适用于邻近瓣和带蒂都难以修复的顽固性及复杂的腭瘘;术中植入生物膜,形成3层封闭有助于减少创口复裂。离子体功能化电纺复合聚合物膜具有促血管形成作用,弹性及生物相容性良好,在动物模型上取得了良好的效果,但在人体上的安全性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

早期腭裂修复术的临床评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨早期婴幼儿腭裂手术的临床疗效。方法:对232例腭裂患儿采用气管插管全身麻醉下进行腭裂修复术,按年龄大小分为早期组,延迟组及晚期组,对比观察术中、术后情况,并对157例患儿定期随访3~4年。评价各组临床疗效。结果:全部患儿均能耐受麻醉及手术,无严重并发症发生。早期组术中出血少,术后反应小,瘘孔率低,语音恢复好,对上颌骨发育无明显影响。结论:在麻醉、术后护理及手术技术条件具备下,早期手术具有明显优势。  相似文献   

对不同手术方法整复 齿槽裂与鼻畸形的比较分析 ,为完善唇腭裂的序列治疗提供参考。方法 将2 2例单侧完全性唇腭裂按分期整复组与同期整复组进行观察。通过对口鼻瘘封闭、尖牙萌出、鼻唇部美观等三种临床指标测定 ,进行统计学分析。结果 分期整复组的综合分析指标数高于同期整复组 ,有显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 完全性唇腭裂鼻畸形的整复在完善的齿槽裂手术后进行 ,能够取得更好的临床治疗效果。  相似文献   



This study served to evaluate a two-stage concept in cleft palate repair, including key use of a triangular hinge (“flip-over”) flap, in order to prevent palatal fistulae. It uses data from a prospective registry established in 1991.

Materials and methods

The concept entails Furlow soft palate repair (at 1 year of age) and hard palate closure (at 4 years) by a three-pronged approach [paring of the edges with or without postero-lateral relaxing incisions, peninsula (Veau) flap(s)], plus a triangular hinge flap. The latter is elevated from the oral layer of the already-repaired soft palate, stays based anteriorly, and is flipped over to close the posterior nasal layer defect. The case series is compared with data from the literature.


The palatal fistula rate for Veau II to IV types (two-stage surgeries) was 4.3%. The overall fistula rate in the cleft population (Veau I–IV) was 2.9%. Meta-analyses describe 4.9 and 8.6% on average. There was no difference between sample A in which the flip-over flaps were used only when modified Veau flaps were indicated (until 2006) and sample B in which it was used regardless of the technique of hard palate closure applied (2006–2018). The fistula rate decreased to zero after 2010, which may reflect also an influence of other factors such as the interpositioning of a collagen membrane and also of improved surgical judgment.


Using a flip-over flap in two-stage cleft palate repair may contribute to prevent fistula formation at the hard/soft palate junction.

Level of evidence

III.  相似文献   

目的 研究腭裂术后腭裂隙内骨桥形成现象对牙横向生长发育的影响。方法 随机选取 13~ 2 8岁单侧完全性唇腭裂术后患者 31例。行冠状位CT检查确定腭裂隙内骨桥形成长度后 ,在牙石膏模型上分别定点测量牙弓宽度、骨基宽度和牙弓协调度 ,计算各项测量指标的均值 ,分析骨桥形成长度与牙生长发育的关系 ,并行统计学检验。结果 在腭裂术后骨桥形成长度 8mm以上组 ,其骨基宽度 ,尤其是牙弓后份的骨基宽度发育明显优于骨桥形成量小于 8mm组。在双尖牙区 ,有效长度的骨桥形成组的牙弓宽度明显大于对照组 ,而在磨牙区 ,两组均值间差异无显著性。在双尖牙区 ,骨桥形成不良者出现较为明显的反倾向 ;在磨牙区 ,骨桥形成不良者并不因此而发生咬合关系紊乱。结论 腭裂术后腭裂隙内骨桥形成的现象明显影响牙生长发育 ,对骨基宽度、牙弓宽度和牙弓协调度的发育均有支持作用。骨桥形成影响牙生长发育的临界长度为 4mm ,有效长度为 8mm。  相似文献   



The incidence of canine impaction in unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) is increasing and in most cases is a part of a syndrome. The provision of different treatment modalities in these patients is a challenging and daunting task.


The objective of the present review was to scrutinize the available evidence on canine impaction in UCLP patients.

Materials and methods

Using PRISMA guidelines, a review was conducted via the PubMed (MEDLINE), ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, and Embase databases using different keywords. Studies were shortlisted and inspected according to the following inclusion criteria: (1) papers published in English over the past 40?years, (2) study participants with maxillary canine impaction in unilateral cleft lip and palate, (3) studies reporting on canine impaction and cleft lip and palate, and (4) no age limit was applied so studies published on both children and adults with unilateral cleft lip and palate and canine impaction were included. Studies which justified inclusion criteria were included whereas the rest of the studies were removed.


A total of 279 studies were retrieved using the search strategy. After removing duplicate reports and scrutinizing those based on title and abstract, 54 studies were shortlisted for full text review. Following the review, 22 studies were included in the final list. The presentation of data was based on the year of study, type of cleft, gender, age of bone graft, spontaneous eruption, and surgical exposure.


Every UCLP patient is different and treatment modalities should vary according to the characteristics, subjective response, and variability of the malformation.  相似文献   

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