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目的:探讨人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty, TKA)治疗严重畸形膝关节的手术方法和临床疗效。方法对人工全膝关节置换术916例(1031膝),严重畸形膝关节置换术80例,其中56例(70膝)成功随访。严重内翻畸形19例(23膝)、严重外翻畸形21例(27膝)、严重屈曲畸形16例(20膝)。术后平均随访时间60个月(6个月~10年)。对膝关节屈伸活动度、HSS、KSS膝关节评分系统对手术前后进行回顾性研究。结果膝关节屈伸活动度由术前平均80°(伸直0°~屈曲120°)提高到术后115°(伸直0°~屈曲130°),膝关节评分系统 HSS、KSS术前及随访时比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),KSS评分:临床评分由术前平均33分(10~68分)提高到术后平均81分(70~100分),HSS临床评分由术前平均43分(27~68分)提高到术后平均86分(72~100分)。膝内外翻、屈曲挛缩畸形得到较好矫正。结论严重畸形膝关节通过关节置换术同样能恢复正常的关节功能,提高了患者生活质量,获得满意的临床疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨人工膝关节置换术治疗膝关节重度骨性关节炎临床疗效。方法对58例重度膝骨性关节炎行人工膝关节置换术,观察患者术后HSS评分、膝关节屈曲挛缩度及关节活动度情况。结果对58例患者随访9~36(15±2)个月,2例膝切口局部脂肪液化,经换药愈合。其余患者均无切口及关节内感染或关节松动。疗效优49例,良5例,优良率为93.1%,膝关节HSS评分从术前(36.5±2.8)分增加到术后(90.6±6.3)分,关节活动度由术前(32.2±11.8)°增加到术后(98.5±13.6)°,膝关节屈曲挛缩度由术前(18.5±1.3)°降低到术后(0.4±0.1)°,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论人工膝关节置换术应用于严重骨性关节炎的治疗,能有效缓解疼痛,改善关节功能及生活质量。  相似文献   

软组织平衡对全膝关节置换时膝外翻畸形的矫正作用观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前认为,膝关节周围软组织不平衡是影响全膝关节置换术后远期效果的主要因素之一,可使金属假体与聚乙烯内衬之间应力集中,加速内衬磨损,也可由于膝关节不稳定而导致假体松动。因此,保证全膝关节置换术中软组织平衡极为重要。膝外翻畸形患者行人工全膝关节置换术难度较大,争议颇多,我科2006-2010年行膝关节置换矫正外翻畸形23例,术中应用软组织平衡技术,取得了较好疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨Legion假体在膝外翻畸形初次全膝关节置换手术中的临床应用疗效。方法回顾性分析沈阳军区总医院骨科2012年1月至2015年12月收治的膝外翻畸形患者32例(37膝)。记录患者术后髌股轨迹、切口愈合情况、膝外翻矫正角度、膝关节Harris评分(HSS)。结果所有患者术后均获得随访。32例患者膝关节髌股轨迹良好,切口愈合情况佳,无感染发生。34膝完全矫正了膝外翻畸形,仅余3膝存在3°~5°膝外翻遗留。患者HSS评分由术前34.5分提升至术后87.0分。结论在膝外翻畸形患者的初次膝关节置换手术中应用Legion假体可以达到满意的手术疗效,术后患者膝关节稳定,大部分患者的膝外翻畸形得到了纠正,患者在术后早期功能锻炼即可达到屈曲90°、伸直0°。  相似文献   

下肢骨折、感染和膝关节滑膜病变及术后长期石膏外固定常引起膝关节内外粘连,导致膝关节僵直,严重影响患者的工作和生活.我院骨科自1984年以来,应用伸膝装置粘连松解硅胶膜置入术治疗膝关节伸直位僵直31例,收到满意效果.临床资料31例患者,男25例,女6例.年龄20~58岁.职业:工人12例,农民9例,干部5例,战士3例,学生1例.病程:8个月~13年,平均2年10个月.病因;骨折25例、感染  相似文献   

目的 探讨旋转平台高屈曲型人工全膝关节置换术(total knee replacements,TKR)的特点及临床效果.方法 对61例患者(78膝)行旋转平台高屈曲型(Sigma RP-F)人工TKR,其中17例为双侧膝关节置换.男13例15膝,女48例63膝;年龄45~79岁,平均64.3岁.术前诊断:膝骨关节炎56例,类风湿关节炎5例.采用正中切口髌旁内侧入路,所有膝关节都未进行髌骨置换,但对髌骨进行去神经化和修复术.结果 本组随访3~16个月,平均10.5个月.影像学显示无松动,无髌骨翘起、半脱位或脱位.临床评定采用美国膝关节学会(KSS)评分,术前平均膝评分48分(33~72分),膝功能评分41分(28~63分),术后随访膝评分97分(88~100分),膝功能评分96分(84~99分),膝关节活动度平均为(130.)(110.~150.),未发现假体旋出、不稳定或感染的患者.结论 旋转平台高屈曲人工全膝关节可提供足够的关节接触面积、全程的髌骨轨迹、足够的胫骨关节轴向旋转自由度,使膝关节可安全达到高屈曲的目的,近期随访疗效满意,但是否达到实验室分析的减少磨损、增加假体使用寿命的目的仍需进一步随访.  相似文献   

目的探讨旋转平台人工全膝关节置换术的临床效果。方法对49例患者行70膝的Sigma旋转平台人工全膝关节置换术,其中21例为双侧膝关节置换。男7例,女42例;年龄38—78岁,平均63岁。术前诊断膝骨关节炎42例,类风湿关节炎7例。采用正中切口髌旁内侧入路、后稳定型假体,所有膝关节都未进行髌骨置换,但对髌骨进行去神经化和修复术。结果本组随访时间6—22个月,平均12.7个月,共70膝。影像学显示均无松动,无髌骨脱位。对膝关节临床评定采用美国膝关节学会评分(KSS评分),术前膝评分49分(35—70分),膝功能评分40分(30—60分),术后最后一次随访膝评分为96分(83—100分);功能评分为95分(65—100分),没有旋转平台的旋出,没有翻修或者感染的发生。结论旋转平台人工全膝关节置换术在运动学分析和实验室磨损试验的数据上有潜在的优势,尤其是在年轻的活动能力强的患者,近期随访获得了满意的疗效,远期的疗效还需进一步随访。  相似文献   

探究经皮穴位电刺激(TEAS)在人工全膝关节置换术(TKA)围手术期的应用及研究进展,TEAS在TKA围手术期具有镇痛、辅助麻醉、减少不良反应的作用,术后可提高股四头肌肌力,降低炎性反应,改善免疫反应,具有积极的疗效,且具有无创、安全、简单方便等优点,值得推广使用.  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童胫骨上段骨折后并发膝外翻畸形的形成原因及微创治疗方法。方法对我院2008年10月~2010年10月间收治的胫骨上端骨折并发膝外翻畸形患儿进行了回顾性分析。本组患儿共12例,男性8例,女性4例,均采用"8"字钢板于胫骨上段内侧骺板行骨骺阻滞术。结果 8例随访2年。1例(11岁)单侧肢体外伤后膝外翻畸形患儿矫正术后1年不满意,后行胫骨近端截骨矫形手术;1例(6岁)单膝外翻,因钢板安置不理想,矫正不满意,1.5年后重新调整钢板;其余6例术后2年测踝间距均减少至2cm以下,已拆除"8"字钢板,膝外翻完全纠正,效果满意。4例随访1年,均按预期矫正观察中。结论应用"8"字钢板进行暂时性骨骺阻滞纠正儿童胫骨上段骨折并发膝外翻畸形是一种微创、安全、效果确切的治疗方法。为保证矫形术后效果满意,应在术后行患肢石膏固定2~3周。此类手术操作简单易行,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的 比较全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)中保留髌骨下进行髌骨成形与髌骨置换的术后临床疗效,探讨膝关节置换中合适的髌骨处理方法.方法 回顾性分析2002年1月-2008年12月收治的共198例行TKA治疗的单纯骨关节炎患者,其中62例行髌骨置换术,136例行保留髌骨下髌骨成形术.术中对髌骨进行去除骨赘后进行成形,使之与原髌骨关节面比较相近.术后定期随访进行美国膝关节协会评分(KSS)、Bristol髌骨评分、患者满意度、膝关节活动度及分析术后膝前疼痛发生率,并复查X线片了解内置物情况.结果 共125例获得随访,其中置换组43例,成形组82例,随访时间36~80个月,平均51个月.两组患者术后较术前各项评分明显提高.术后1年随访时两组患者术后膝关节活动度、KSS总评分、髌骨评分、患者满意度差异无统计学意义,而KSS功能评分两组之间差异有统计学意义,成形组优于置换组.而术后膝前疼痛发生率两者有差异但无统计学意义.术后X线片示髌股匹配程度、术后膝前疼痛发生率及髌骨相关并发症发生率两组间差异无统计学意义.结论 髌骨成形术在TKA中髌骨不置换时能够使髌股关节达到良好匹配,术后膝前疼痛发生率低,中短期疗效与髌骨置换相当.  相似文献   



The lateral approach in the valgus knee asks for a lot of soft tissue releases during the arthrotomy. The hypothesis of this study was that the far medial subvastus approach could be used in valgus knees and would guarantee both functional and radiological good to excellent results.


This is a retrospective study on 78 patients (84 knees) undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for type I or II fixed valgus knees. The mean (SD) preoperative mechanical alignment was 187° (4°) HKA angle. Functional recovery, pain, tourniquet times, necessary soft tissue releases as well as radiological alignment were measured.


The Knee Score improved significantly from 45 (10) to 90 (10) (P < 0.05) and the function score improved as well from 35 (20) to 85 (10) (P < 0.05). Flexion improved from 110° (10°) to 137° (8°). Hospital stay was 4 (1.2) days. Alignment was corrected to 181° (1.5°) HKA angle with a postoperative joint line shift of +2.8 (3.2) mm. No clinical instability, as evaluated by the senior author, or osteolytic lines was observed at minimal one-year radiological follow-up.


The far medial subvastus approach is an excellent approach to perform Krackow type I and II TKA with primary PS implants.

Level of evidence

IV.  相似文献   



In a prospective, consecutive study, a navigation-based technique for calculating the sliding distance of the lateral epicondyle prior to osteotomy in TKA surgery of fixed valgus deformity has been developed, and early results have been evaluated.

Materials and methods

Twenty-seven knees with a fixed valgus deformity undergoing TKA received this new treatment. Clinical scores and radiograph evaluation were performed preoperatively and 1-year postoperatively. Static and dynamic kinematic data were obtained from navigation at the beginning and at the end of surgery.


The calculated amount of sliding distance varied between 5 and 16 mm. No complications regarding this technique occurred. All clinical scores showed a significant improvement, and radiological evaluation showed a correction of all parameters in 100 % of patients.


With this navigation-based technique, it is possible to calculate the amount of sliding distance prior to osteotomy and obtain excellent early results. All axes have been corrected completely, and flexion and extension gaps were balanced. No specific complications of this technique have occurred so far.

Level of evidence

II.  相似文献   



The objectives of the study were to examine knee kinematics in knees with severe valgus deformities and to compare pre- and post-operative knee kinematics for the same subjects implanted with medial-pivot total knee arthroplasty (TKA).


Seven subjects with severe valgus deformities due to osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were enrolled in the prospective study. Prior to TKA, three-dimensional (3D) kinematics were assessed by 3D to 2D registration technique using the image matching software ‘Knee Motion’, under in vivo, weight-bearing conditions. Postoperatively, each subject again performed the same motion under fluoroscopic surveillance.


Preoperative kinematics demonstrated external rotation of tibias from extension to flexion, and small posterior femoral translations dominated in the medial condyle associated with anterior slides during partial range of motion. Postoperatively, these non-physiological tibial rotations were restored, and most subjects exhibited small internal rotations of tibias. On average, preoperative tibial internal rotation was ?4.7° ± 7.6° from full extension to maximum flexion, and the angle was 4.8° ± 3.1° postoperatively (p = 0.01). In addition, small amounts of posterior translation of the lateral condyle and anterior translation of the medial condyle were confirmed in most subjects postoperatively.


The study showed that the preoperative kinematic pattern established in severe valgus deformity was different from the physiological knee pattern. In addition, post-operative results suggest that the non-physiological kinematics were partially restored after TKA by using the prosthesis design even in the absence of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the cam–post mechanism.

Level of evidence

II.  相似文献   



The optimal timing of pneumatic lower limb tourniquet application during primary elective total knee arthroplasty surgery (TKA) is a matter of debate. Most previous reports have failed to show significant differences between different tourniquet timings. The aim of the work was to determine how three strategies of lower limb pneumatic tourniquet application affect the outcome for TKA patients.


Forty-three patients who undergo TKA were randomized into one of the three groups, and 36 of these patients completed the study. The tourniquet was inflated just before incision and deflated after the hardening of the cement for twelve patients (Group 1), it was inflated just before cement application and deflated after its hardening for another twelve patients (Group 2), and it was inflated before incision and deflated after the last suture of the skin for a further twelve patients (Group 3). Fit-to-discharge criteria and six methods for calculating estimated blood loss were used.


The estimated blood loss in Group 1 was lower than in Group 2, as determined by six methods of calculation (p < 0.05). Estimated blood loss in Group 3 was lower than in Group 2, as determined by one method (p = 0.050). The mobilization performance in Group 1 was better than in Group 2 (p = 0.023) and in Group 3 (p = 0.033). Group 1 was better fit to discharge than Group 3 (p = 0.030).


Inflation of an automatic pneumatic lower limb tourniquet before skin incision and its deflation after hardening of cement tends to give better outcomes in TKA patients during six postoperative days. The estimated blood loss was highest when the tourniquet was inflated just before cement application and deflated after its hardening.

Level of evidence

II.  相似文献   

The position of the femoral sulcus relative to the midline of the distal femoral resection in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) was studied to determine if centralized placement of the femoral component on the distal femur was justified in terms of aligning the prosthetic sulcus with the native femoral sulcus. The location of the femoral sulcus was studied in 112 consecutive patients undergoing TKA. The mean sulcus position was 0.7 mm lateral to the midline of the distal femoral resection (SD 1.4, 95% CI, 0.5–1.0 mm). However, the variation in sulcus positions ranged from 4 mm medial to 4 mm lateral to the midline. The mean sulcus position in valgus knees was 1.0 mm lateral to the midline (SD 1.8), and that in varus knees was 0.7 mm lateral to the midline (SD 1.2) (P = 0.501). It appears prudent to centre the femoral component on the native sulcus rather than the midline of the distal femoral resection, so as to ensure accurate alignment of the prosthetic sulcus with the native sulcus and to encourage normal patella tracking.  相似文献   

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