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报告1例侵袭性天然杀伤细胞白血病.患者男,37岁.全身散在暗红色丘疹5个月,乏力并加重1个月.浅表淋巴结未触及,脾脏肋下6 cm,肝脏肋下未触及.根据患者骨髓组织病理、免疫组化、免疫分型和电镜检查结果诊断为侵袭性天然杀伤(NK)细胞白血病(aggressive natural killer cell leukaemia),皮肤免疫组化及电镜检查提示侵袭性NK细胞白血病皮肤侵犯.该例资料提示皮损组织病理检查对揭示皮肤淋巴瘤侵犯是不够的,免疫组化及电镜检查在确立诊断中起重要作用.  相似文献   

报告ALK阴性系统型间变性大细胞淋巴瘤累及皮肤1例。患者男,38岁。因全身丘疹、结节4个月,加重伴发热7天就诊。皮肤专科检查:面颈部、躯干及四肢见散在分布数个紫红色丘疹、结节,大小不等,最大直径3 cm,边界清,部分丘疹破溃后溢脓,愈后遗留色素减退性疤痕。右颏下、锁骨上、双侧腹股沟可触及多发性皮下包块,最大直径3 cm,界尚清,无压痛,活动度可。全身PET-CT示:全身多处局部皮肤增厚代谢活跃,多发淋巴结代谢活跃,广泛骨病灶代谢活跃,考虑恶性病变。左颈部皮损病理检查:真皮血管,汗腺小皮神经周围淋巴组织细胞、嗜中性白细胞和嗜酸性白细胞浸润,少许细胞有异型性,抗酸染色(-),PAS(-)。免疫组化:CD30、CD3、CD4均(+),TIA-1、CD8、CD20均(+-),CD79a、CD56、ALK均(-)。左颈部淋巴结病理检查:镜下见多形大细胞与大量炎症细胞混杂浸润,细胞体积较大,具有明显异型性。免疫组化:CD30、CD2、CD43均(+),CD20、CD3、CD15、CK、ALK均(-),Ki-67(+约30%~40%)。病理诊断:ALK阴性间变性大细胞淋巴瘤。诊断:ALK阴性系统型间变性大细胞淋巴瘤Ⅲ期B型(累及皮肤)。  相似文献   

患者男,27岁.左侧腹股沟包块2个月,间断发热伴疼痛3周.皮损初起于左腹股沟内侧皮肤,为暗红色丘疹,后增大破溃,伴左腹股沟淋巴结肿大、发热.体检:左腹股沟内侧可触及直径约4 cm浸润性肿块,中央约1 cm溃疡,少许血性浆液渗出,明显触痛,皮损外侧可触及数个蚕豆大小肿大淋巴结,质硬,粘连呈条索状,活动度差.皮损组织病理检查:真皮深层至皮下脂肪层致密片状异形淋巴样细胞浸润,淋巴结穿刺部分区域见团片状异形淋巴样细胞.浸润细胞免疫组化标志示:CD30、CD43、CD45阳性,ALK表达为核浆型,诊断为ALK+ CD30+原发性皮肤间变性大细胞淋巴瘤.治疗:患者接受3次环磷酰胺+表阿霉素+长春新碱+醋酸泼尼松化疗(CEOP)后,皮疹完全消退,破溃处愈合.  相似文献   

患者男,58岁。右颈肩部肿物7个月,加重3周。皮肤科情况:右颈肩部见20cm×20cm大小肿块,质地中等度硬,未触及疼痛。皮损组织病理示:真皮中部至皮下脂肪组织内见密集淋巴样细胞浸润,细胞体积较大,胞浆丰富,核圆形、卵圆形或不规则形,核膜厚,染色质粗颗粒状,核仁明显,核分裂可见。免疫组化显示:大淋巴样细胞CD20弥漫(+),CD79a,BCL6,MUM1(+),CD3,CD4,CD8散在(+),CD56,CD30,CD10,BCL-2(-),Ki67(+)约80%。诊断原发性皮肤弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤。经8个疗程CHOPE方案化疗及1个月放疗,皮肤肿块完全消退。随访5年未见复发。  相似文献   

【摘要】 患儿女,13岁。臀部、四肢反复起斑块6个月,加重伴间断发热5个月。体检:各系统检查未见明显异常。皮肤科情况:臀部及双下肢散在分布直径3 ~ 11 cm质硬、浸润性、紫红色皮下斑块,界不清,表面少许脱屑,无明显压痛及溃疡形成。实验室检查:白细胞(0.03 ~ 3.7) × 109/L,红细胞(2.8 ~ 4.4) × 1012/L,血小板计数正常;纤维蛋白原1.79 g/L,NK细胞比例4.6%;骨髓涂片示骨髓增生活跃,粒系比例降低,网织细胞易见,并见少量分类不明细胞及噬血现象。皮损组织病理学检查:表皮、真皮未见明显异常,皮下脂肪组织内可见大量淋巴样细胞浸润,以脂肪小叶为主,部分小叶间隔受累;浸润细胞体积中等偏大,胞质少,核多形,部分核扭曲;可见坏死及吞噬核碎片、淋巴细胞现象;免疫组化:CD3、颗粒酶B、T细胞细胞内抗原-1(TIA-1)、TCRγδ阳性,CD5、CD7部分阳性,CD4、CD8、TCRαβ、CD56阴性,Epstein-Barr病毒编码RNA原位杂交检测阴性。诊断:原发性皮肤γδ-T细胞淋巴瘤合并噬血细胞综合征。 【关键词】 淋巴瘤,T细胞,皮肤; 淋巴组织细胞增多症,嗜血细胞性  相似文献   

患者,女,82岁。大腿、腹部皮疹2月余,伴间歇性发热。体检:浅表淋巴结未扪及肿大,肝脾肋下未触及。神经系统检查未见异常。双股及下腹部可见大小不一的暗红色斑块,质地坚实,有触痛,伴有明显的非凹陷性水肿,皮肤表面高低不平,局部呈橘皮样外观。血常规示三系减低。乳酸脱氢酶显著升高。第1次大腿部肿块穿刺和病理活检均未明确诊断。在不同医院诊断过慢性淋巴管炎、皮肤变应性血管炎和发热待查,经抗生素治疗无效,皮疹从大腿渐扩展至下腹部。第2次皮肤组织病理:皮下脂肪组织间隔血管腔内可见异形淋巴样细胞。免疫组化:异形淋巴样细胞抗淋巴细胞毒抗体(LCA)、CD20、CD79α、bcl-2阳性,bcl-6、CD10、CD3、CD45RO、CD30、EMA、AE1/3、CK均阴性,血管内皮细胞示CD34阳性。基于其组织形态学表现,结合免疫组化标记结果,符合血管内大B细胞淋巴瘤的诊断。患者2个月后死亡。  相似文献   

目的:确定阿维A对尖锐湿疣复发及外周血T细胞亚群水平及Ang-2表达的影响.方法:将60例尖锐湿疣患者随机分为两组,均使用冷冻疗法去除皮损.治疗组加口服阿维A胶囊(0.5 mg/kg·d)1个月.比较治疗前及治疗1个月后两组外周血T细胞亚群和Ang-2含量的变化,3个月后比较两组的复发率.结果:治疗组复发率为23.3%,对照组53.3%,差异有显著性(P<0.05).与治疗前相比,治疗后外周血中CD3+、CD4+ T细胞升高,CD8+ T细胞下降,CD4+/CD8+比值升高,Ang-2含量降低.结论:阿维A能降低尖锐湿疣的复发率,其机制可能与调节外周血T细胞亚群水平和降低血管生成素含量有关.  相似文献   

31岁男性患者,全身反复出现红斑、结节伴肢端麻木感8年。体格检查:全身皮肤散在直径1~5 cm淡红至紫红色斑片和结节。双侧颈部及腹股沟可触及数个直径1 cm的淋巴结。双手尺侧及双足深浅感觉减退,双下肢腱反射减弱。四肢肌电图检查示:获得性多灶性感觉运动神经病。PET-CT提示淋巴瘤。右肘尺神经组织病理示:弥漫增生的淋巴样细胞;免疫组化染色示:肿瘤细胞CD3、CD5、TIA-1均阳性,Ki-67约40%~70%阳性。TCR克隆性基因重排阳性。左小腿皮肤结节组织病理:表皮和真皮浅层、皮肤附属器及部分血管周围较多异形淋巴样细胞浸润;免疫组化染色示:CD3、CD5、GrB、TIA-1均阳性,Ki-67约40%阳性。诊断为:(1)非霍奇金淋巴瘤IVB期;(2)外周T细胞淋巴瘤,非特指型;(3)神经淋巴瘤病。治疗:先后采取吉西他滨+培门冬酶、DICE、CHOP、EPOCH+来那度胺、BECOP+西达苯胺等化疗方案,目前口服西达苯胺治疗,原皮损逐渐消退,但双小腿仍有新发结节,总体病程缓慢进展。  相似文献   

报告1例可触及游走性弧形红斑.患者男,73岁.约1年前无明显诱因躯干出现弧形或多弧形可触及性红斑,无自觉症状,1周内自行消退.皮损反复出现.皮肤科检查:胸部见2个弧形红斑,长约10 cm,宽约1 cm,略高出皮面.皮损组织病理检查:真皮网状层血管、毛囊等附属器周围见致密单一核细胞呈袖口样浸润,胶原纤维之间间隙未增宽且无炎性细胞浸润.免疫组化检查示浸润的细胞为多克隆性,主要是CD4+T淋巴细胞.  相似文献   

报告1例继发性皮肤弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤。患者男,76岁,因左小腿结节1月余就诊。皮肤专科检查:左小腿可见多个2~5cm大小淡褐色结节,压痛明显,左侧腹股沟可扪及一大小约2cm×2cm大小淋巴结,质软,活动度一般,无压痛,余全身浅表淋巴结未扪及肿大。皮损组织病理示:真皮中下层弥漫较大淋巴细胞样细胞浸润,肿瘤细胞形态不规则,异形明显,核大深染,胞浆丰富,病理核分裂象易见。免疫组化:CD20弥漫阳性(+++);Bcl-6(+++);MUM-1部分阳性(++);Ki-6780%~90%(+)。FISH基因检测:BCL6基因发生断裂。诊断:弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤ⅣB期。予R(利妥昔单抗)+miniCHOP方案(美罗华+环磷酰胺+长春地辛+表柔比星+地塞米松)化疗1次,后患者家属放弃治疗,患者2个月后死亡。  相似文献   

患者男,46岁,全身渗出性红斑、头皮脓肿9月。入院检查发现累及肺、肝脏,皮肤组织病理示:表皮海绵水肿,真皮弥漫淋巴细胞,异型细胞具亲表皮性,免疫组化示:LCA(+),CD8(+),TIA(+),TCR基因重排阳性,诊断:亲表皮CD8+皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤。予以2次CHOP化疗,无效死亡。本病在国内首次报道,具有独特临床病理特点,早期累及皮外,侵袭性高,无有效治疗方法,预后差。  相似文献   

患者女,45岁,2年前无明显原因躯干出现色素减退斑,无自觉症状,2年内色素减退斑逐渐增多且累及颈部、四肢。皮肤科情况:全身泛发形状不规则、大小不一的色素减退性浸润性斑片,边界较模糊。皮损组织病理示:表皮内可见多个核大、深染、周围有空晕的异型淋巴样细胞,亲表皮现象比较明显。免疫组织化学提示表皮内CD8+T淋巴细胞浸润。诊断:色素减退型蕈样肉芽肿。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intravascular lymphoma is a rare disease characterized by the proliferation of neoplastic monuclear cells within the lumens of small blood vessels. The neoplastic cells are usually of B-cell origin, and rarely of T-cell or histiocytic origin. Although this clinicopathological entity of lymphoma has not been listed in general pathological classifications such as REAL classification or the Working Formulation, it is recently in the WHO classification scheme, which is essentially an updated REAL scheme, and the EORTC classification scheme. METHODS: In this report, a 62-year-old woman with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma was observed by clinical, histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular methods. RESULTS: A 62-year-old woman presented with large erythematous macules on the bilateral thighs and lower legs. The lesions were accompanied with hard, tender, intradermal or subcutaneous nodules mimicking erythema nodosum. Histopathological examination in the first biopsy revealed non-specific panniculitis compatible with erythema nodosum. The second biopsy revealed emboli of atypical lymphocytes within many of the dilated and proliferated vessels in the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue. These cells were positive for L-26 and kappa light chain, and negative for lambda light chain, factor VIII-related antigen, CD30, CD34, CD68 and UCHL-1. These findings confirmed the diagnosis of intravascular large B-cell lymphoma. A laboratory examination showed a high level of LDH and abnormal cells in the bone marrow. An MRI of the brain and computed tomographic (CT) scans of the chest and abdomen revealed no evidence of malignancy. Before the treatment, the size of the nodules decreased spontaneously by about 50% in one month and significantly in two months. Although combination chemotherapy, which consisted of CHOP, brought her partial remission, she experienced neurological symptoms 6 months after the initial treatment and died of brain metastasis 9 months after the treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This is a unique case for two following reasons: 1) the first biopsy revealed non-specific findings compatible with erythema nodosum; and 2) before the treatment, the nodules regressed spontaneously. Dermatologists should take multiple skin biopsies for EN lesions with the non-specific histopathological findings not to refute the existence of this disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the course of immunodeficiency diseases, severe candidiasis can occur with extensive cutaneous and mucous membrane lesions. However, blood dyscrasias are very rarely revealed by diffuse candidiasis. We report two case of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma revealed by extensive and atypical cutaneous candidiasis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Case No. 1:A 72-year-old woman presented a pruritic rash of circinate, serpiginous patches on glabrous skin and skinfolds with multiple intertrigo and rapidly worsening palmoplantar keratoderma. All mycological skin specimens tested positive for Candida albicans. Histological examination of a biopsy sample from a serpiginous patch revealed the presence of fungal elements while palmoplantar keratoderma biopsy showed an epidermotropic lymphocytic infiltrate in the superficial dermis evocative of mycosis fungoides. Blood tests showed a white cell count of 28 600/mm3 with 14% circulating Sezary cells and a T-cell clone. The T-cell lymphoma was treated with methotrexate, but the disease worsened a few months later, progressing to CD30- large T-cell pleomorphic lymphoma. The patient died of severe sepsis. Case No 2:A 60-year-old man presented a macular rash over the face, trunk and skinfolds as well as erythematous scaly annular plaques of the glabrous skin with lymphadenopathy. Cultures of skin scrapings were all positive for Candida albicans. Blood tests showed a white cell count of 15 000/mm3 with 30% circulating Sezary cells. A trunk patch biopsy revealed the histological appearance of mycosis fungoides. There was a T-cell clone in the peripheral blood and skin. DISCUSSION: In both cases, the patients presented with widespread annular and erythematous scaly lesions of the glabrous skin and skinfolds with evidence of Candida albicans on fungal tests of all skin scrapings. The discovery of circulating Sezary cells on a systematic smear for hyperleukocytosis led us to suspect underlying cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, which was confirmed by biopsy of the skin lesions accompanying the mycoses. Widespread cutaneous candidiasis can occur in patients with cell-mediated immunodepression. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma can enhance such candidiasis through interference with skin integrity and impairment of cell-mediated immunity, with large amounts of IL10 and TGF-B, increased secretion of soluble interleukin-2 receptors (CD25) and impaired CD8 suppressor cell function.  相似文献   

患者,女,55岁.右耳后结节半年.皮损组织病理示:真皮组织内、皮肤附属器周围见大量中等大小淋巴细胞浸润,细胞轻度异型,背景可见小淋巴细胞和组织细胞.免疫组化提示:CD4(+)、CD8(+,少数细胞)、CD20(+)、CD3(+)、CD2(+)、CD79a散在(+)、CD5(+)、CD7(+)、Ki-67(+,<5%)....  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL) -8 is a neutrophil chemoattractant cytokine with proinflammatory and growth-promoting activities, which is involved in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory diseases. It is found in high amounts in lesional biopsies of pustular diseases such as psoriasis and palmoplantar pustulosis. We report a 50-year-old woman with a 10-year history of erythroderma with disseminated pustulosis. Skin biopsies showed an epidermotropic infiltrate composed of atypical CD4+ CD8+ lymphocytes with numerous admixed neutrophils. Peripheral blood flow cytometric analysis revealed a major clonal subset of CD3+ CD4+ CD8+ T-cell receptor Vbeta22+ atypical lymphocytes. Bone marrow biopsy, lymph node biopsy and computed thoracoabdominal tomography were normal. Serologies for human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I and human immunodeficiency virus were negative. Our patient's status deteriorated despite topical (nitrogen mustard, psoralen plus ultraviolet A) and systemic (interferon, methotrexate, multiagent chemotherapy) treatments, and she finally died. We showed that our patient's peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) spontaneously produced high amounts of IL-8. In contrast, PBL of patients with classical Sézary syndrome produced lower amounts of IL-8. The production of IL-8 by tumour T cells could explain this unusual clinical and histopathological presentation of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma as disseminated pustulosis.  相似文献   

Kikuchi disease associated with Still disease   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A 32-year-old white man with no previous medical past was admitted to our department with an 8-month intermittent history of acute spiking fever with axillary, inguinal, and neck lymphadenopathy, arthritis, and cutaneous eruption. Cutaneous examination showed nonpruriginous, indurated erythematous papules affecting the face, ears, and trunk, suggestive of subacute lupus erythematosus ( Fig. 1a,b ). On general physical examination, no abnormalities were observed except for arthritis of the right ankle and, a few months later, arthritis of the left knee. Biological investigations revealed a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate with a serum ferritin level at 800 ng/mL (normal < 200 ng/mL), a white blood cell count of 12,500/mm3 (with 80% neutrophils, 16% lymphocytes, and 4% monocytes), a hematocrit of 40%, and a hemoglobin level of 13.1 g/dL. Electrolytes and liver function tests were normal. Antinuclear antibodies and antibodies to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) were negative. Rheumatoid factor was absent. No evidence of the following infections/organisms was found on serologic screening: syphilis, Streptococcus, Toxoplasma, Mycoplasma, Brucella, Borrelia burgdorgferi, spotted fever, leptospirosis, hepatitis B and C virus, parvovirus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 and 2, human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) 6. Immunoglobulin M (IgM) HSV(1+2) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis with 1 year follow-up was still detected. The articular synovial fluid of the involved ankle and knee was inflammatory but sterile. A bone marrow biopsy specimen revealed no lymphomatous involvement. Abdominal and chest scans were normal. Skin biopsy of a facial nodule showed, in the dermis and in the subcutaneous fat tissue, a dense perivascular and periadnexal infiltrate composed of numerous plasmacytoid histiocytes and large- or medium-sized lymphocytes ( Fig. 2a,b ). No epidermal changes, edema in the papillary dermis, or vasculitis were found. Immunofluorescence staining of frozen tissue sections of a facial nodule showed granular deposits of C3. Inguinal lymph node biopsy revealed, in the paracortical area, focal necrosis with a proliferation of transformed lymphocytes, histiocytes, and numerous nuclear debris typical of histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis ( Fig. 3a,b ). On immunohistochemical staining examination, CD68 was positive in pathologic paracortical areas. Few mononuclear cells were positive for CD3, CD8, and L-26 ( Fig. 4 ). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification did not show human herpes simplex viruses in the skin biopsy specimen, and culture was also negative.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint (a) Clinical aspect: erythematous papulonodules on the face. (b) Clinical aspect: erythematous papulonodules of the upper part of the trunk  相似文献   

报告1例急性髓细胞性皮肤白血病(M4型).患者女,48岁.全身出现丘疹、红色结节14d,伴剧烈瘙痒.体格检查:全身泛发大小不等的红色丘疹、结节,质韧,无压痛.皮损组织病理检查:真皮内弥漫淋巴样细胞浸润,有明显异形及较多核分裂象.免疫组化组织病理检查:CD68阳性(灶性),MPO阳性(少量).骨髓穿刺:白血病细胞大量增生,免疫标记:CD68、CD11b、MPO及HLA-DR均阳性.诊断:急性髓细胞性白血病(M4型).患者经过2次DA(伊达比星、阿糖胞苷)方案化疗后,再次行骨髓穿刺示缓解,但皮损仍有复发.  相似文献   

A 57-year-old man had had deformities of all ten fingernails for one and a half years before presentation and deformities of all ten toenails for the previous six months. The surfaces of the nails were rough, with excessive longitudinal striations. The bases of the nails were slightly hypertrophic, and the tips were atrophic and itchy. A longitudinal nail biopsy including the nail matrix revealed the typical histology of lichen planus. Reticulated pigmentation, maceration, and erosion on the buccal mucous membrane were also discovered. Histological analysis of the buccal mucous membrane revealed lichen planus intermingled with eosinophils. Immunological blood analysis revealed elevated CD4+ T cells and CD4/CD8 ratio. He worked as a tinsmith and had dental metal. The metal series patch test revealed positive reactions to chromate and tin. Treatment with systemic steroids was quite effective in treating the nail lesions.  相似文献   

Examination of biopsy samples from 62 patients with--or with suspected--cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) revealed 2 cases in which the neoplastic cells were positive for the T-cell receptor (TCR) gamma delta complex. One patient had mycosis fungoides and 1 patient had a pleomorphic lymphoma of medium and large-cell type. Both cases showed aggressive courses with dissemination to internal organs and short survival times. The phenotypic examination showed that the neoplastic cells were positive with TCR delta 1, CD3, CD25, CD29, CD45R0 and CD54. No staining was seen with antibodies against framework determinants or variable regions on the TCR alpha beta heterodimer. Negative reactions were also seen with CD4, CD8, CD5, CD7, CD16, CD30 and CD57. It is concluded that rare CTCL express TCR gamma delta chains. These malignancies may originate from the TCR gamma delta-positive T cells seen in normal skin, and it is possible that their recognition may be important for clinical reasons.  相似文献   

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