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目的了解呼和浩特市区日托幼儿膳食营养状况,为政府有关部门进行政策干预提供依据。方法采用称重法和询问法,于2005年对呼和浩特市区幼儿园日托3~6岁幼儿2134名进行为期1a的膳食调查。结果呼和浩特市3~6岁儿童的能量、脂肪摄入高于推荐标准;蛋白质、糖类摄入低于推荐标准;钙、维生素A、维生素C、维生素B1、维生素B2摄入不足,分别占中国膳食营养素摄入量标准的42%,49%,71%,86%和84%。结论呼和浩特市区学龄前儿童营养素摄入不均衡,需调整优化膳食结构。  相似文献   

目的 了解福州市区日托幼儿膳食和健康状况。方法 随机整群抽取市区6所幼儿园的日托幼儿1165名进行体格检查如膳食及贫血状况调查。结果 不同年龄组学龄前儿童在幼儿园的午餐和两次点心中的各营养素摄入量除Ca、维生素A外都超过膳食营养供给量(RDA)的40%,能量食物和能量营养素来源分布较合理。营养不良或营养过剩发生率分别为2.99%帮26.26%;贫血率为12.36%。结论 福州市幼儿园膳食结构较为合理,但存在幼儿营养过剩的问题,应引起家长、学校和社会的关注。  相似文献   

目的 了解中国农村留守儿童膳食营养状况,为农村留守儿童营养干预提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,随机选择农村2~7岁留守儿童1278名和对照儿童1273名作为调查对象.采用3日膳食称重法和食物摄人频率法进行膳食调查,并以中国营养学会推荐的膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)为依据,评价农村留守儿童膳食能量和各种营养素的摄人状况.结果 农村留守儿童膳食以粮谷类和蔬菜类为主,留守儿童肉禽水产类、水果类及零食类等食物的摄入量低于对照儿童,差异有统计学意义.农村留守儿童能量、三大产热营养素及部分矿物质(钙、锌、硒、钾)和维生素(维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2)的摄入量均低于推荐摄入量.农村留守儿童能量及主要营养素普遍摄入不足,能量摄入不足率在50%以上,蛋白质摄人不足率达80%以上,而钙、锌等矿物质和维生素B1、维生素B1等维生素的摄入不足率达90%以上.蛋白质来源中,优质蛋白质摄入量仅占总蛋白质摄入量的35%,而植物蛋白质占65%.此外植物性铁的摄入比例明显偏高,达到87%.结论 中国农村留守儿童的膳食结构不尽合理,能量和多种营养素摄入不足,能量、蛋白质及铁的来源不合理,膳食营养状况有待改善.  相似文献   

[目的 ]为了解幼儿的膳食营养状况 ,为更合理地指导儿童喂养提供科学依据。 [方法 ] 2 0 0 0年 1~ 6月 ,采用随机和自愿的方法 ,在济南市市区选择 1 55名 1~ 3岁的儿童 ,采用回顾和询问方法 ,了解儿童 2 4 h内各种食物的摄入量 ,通过营养素计算软件获得热能和各种营养素摄入量 ,计算其占推荐的营养素摄入量或适宜摄入量的百分比。[结果 ]各年龄组儿童的热能、蛋白质、维生素 A、维生素 B2 、维生素 E和硒的摄入量均能满足机体的需要 ,而维生素 PP、铁、锌的摄入量不足。不同年龄儿童营养素摄入有所不同 ;母亲的文化水平、职业与儿童的膳食营养状况有关。[结论 ]应适当调整儿童的膳食组成与烹调加工方法 ,鼓励儿童进食各种食物 ,以补充无机盐和维生素的不足。  相似文献   

目的 调查评价低体重患儿的膳食结构和饮食营养状况,以便提出膳食建议并为营养教育提供依据.方法 采用简化的食物频率询问法对普儿病房142名3~6岁低体重患儿进行膳食调查,并以中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)为标准,评价膳食能量和各营养素摄入情况.结果 142名低体重息儿各营养素摄入量未达80%推荐摄入量/适宜摄入量(RNI/AI)的有:维生素A为69.2%,碳水化合物为63.3%,维生素C为61.1%,热能为58.8%,钙为54.9%.有34.8%患儿粮谷类提供的能量不到40%.结论 低体重患儿膳食结构不合理,粮谷类和蔬菜类食物的摄入量严重不足,导致患儿能量不足、维生索A、维生素C及钙缺乏.  相似文献   

目的 提供一种结合食物价格及营养质量指数的实用方法,以改善幼儿园不合理的膳食。方法 结合当地食物价格,计算INQ指数/食物可食部分价格比值,构建基于价格和INQ指数的食物数据库并指导南宁市3所幼儿园的膳食配餐,干预期为2个月,干预前后分别进行1次膳食调查,计算并分析干预前后幼儿园膳食结构、营养素摄入量和营养素-价格比的差异。结果 干预前,3所幼儿园的膳食结构不合理,儿童的大部分营养素摄入量低于5岁男孩的RNI标准。干预后膳食能量来源结构较干预前有所改善,儿童的营养素量摄入量较干预前均有不同程度增加,除硒和钙外,其余营养素的摄入量均超过了RNI标准,其中干预前后能量、蛋白质、脂肪、核黄素、钙等多种营养素平均摄入量存在统计学差异(P<0.05);除幼儿园A的硒元素、B幼儿园的能量、脂肪、碳水化合物和尼克酸及幼儿园C的脂肪外,其余营养素摄入量与食物价格的比值均较干预期有所提高,干预前后视黄醇、核黄素、维生素E、钙等多种营养素的营养素-价格比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 基于价格及营养质量指数的配餐法科学准确、简单实用,可在不显著增加经费支出情况下明显改善幼儿园膳食质量。  相似文献   

目的了解保安族聚居区9~14岁寄宿学生膳食营养状况,为进一步改善学生营养状况提供参考。方法设计针对性的膳食调查表,以24 h膳食回顾法为主,结合记账法、称重法收集被调查对象连续3 d的膳食摄入情况,计算每位学生每日食物消耗的种类和数量,借助营养素分析软件进行营养评价。结果寄宿学生膳食结构以谷薯类食物为主,肉禽水产、奶类、豆类、蛋类食物摄入量偏低,蔬菜水果摄入总量尚可,但水果类比例很低;膳食钙、维生素A、维生素B2摄入普遍不足,各年龄组学生摄入量均未达到膳食营养素推荐摄入量(RNI)或适宜摄入量(AI);蛋白质及碳水化合物基本满足其营养需求;各年龄组男女生70%以上的能量均来自碳水化合物,脂肪供能偏低,三餐能量分配不合理。结论保安族聚居区寄宿学生膳食结构不合理。应强化寄宿制学校集中供餐工作者的营养均衡理念,调整膳食结构。  相似文献   

1979~1983连续四年观察了两个全托托儿所和一个全托幼儿园儿童的身长、体重及膳食营养状况。结果表明,到1982年时,儿童身长、体重在标准均值以上的人数均超过50%,托儿所儿童能量及蛋白质的摄入量加上零食中的含量能达到供给量标准。各类食物摄入量也能达到或超过北京市推荐的托儿所儿童参考食物量标准。幼儿园儿童营养素的摄入量与供给量比较都偏低,但其生长发育良好,故对该年龄组儿童的营养素供给量应再进行研究。  相似文献   

目的 了解山西医科大学学生膳食营养状况及其存在的问题,为开展大学生营养宣传教育提供科学依据.方法 整群抽取山西医科大学学生429名,采用24h膳食回顾法连续记录3d膳食,计算每人每日食物摄入情况,与中国居民膳食宝塔的食物摄入推荐量进行比较;计算能量及各种营养素的摄入量,与中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量进行比较.结果 在学生所有食物摄入中,谷类摄入量偏高,鱼虾类、禽畜肉类、奶类及奶制品、蔬菜水果摄入量偏低;维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2及维生素C摄入不足;钙摄入不足;铁摄入充足,但多来自于植物性食物.学生早餐摄入的能量较低,女生零食摄入较多.结论 山西医科大学学生的膳食营养状况不理想.应指导大学生进行合理膳食.  相似文献   

为了解当前乌鲁木齐市幼儿园儿童的营养状况,为集体儿童膳食改善提供科学依据,我们于1995年5-6月对乌鲁木齐市红旗幼儿园的半托儿童进行了营养调查。1对象与方法1.1对象:红旗幼儿园的199名汉族半托儿童,年龄为3—6岁。1.2膳食调查:采用称重法对幼儿园膳食进行为期5天调查,并对园外加食进行了登记调查。调查结果采用电脑处理,计算每人每天从膳食中摄取各种营养素含量。1.3体格检查:对199名儿童进行身高、体重测量,检查结果以WHO推荐的儿童身高标准体重参考值作为评定标准。2结果2.1膳食调查:各年龄组儿童营养素摄入量与我国…  相似文献   

王琦 《现代预防医学》2015,(17):3150-3153
摘要:目的 为了解长治市某省级示范幼儿园学龄前儿童的营养膳食摄入情况,并对营养膳食调查结果进行评价与分析,为进一步合理编制营养膳食食谱与营养配餐指导提供科学依据。方法 对省级示范幼儿园1周(5 d)的膳食利用称重法与记账法并结合询问法进行调查记录,统一采用集体学龄前儿童健康管理系统,利用营养膳食计算机软件进行数据分析。结果 能量(88.7%)、蛋白质(89.8%)摄入量略低,维生素B2(74.2%)、维生素C(80.2%)摄入量偏低,而钙(67.9%)、锌(65.5%)摄入量严重不足;三大产能营养素供能比分别为蛋白质14.1%,脂肪38.1%,糖类47.8%,脂肪摄入量偏高,糖类偏低,而优质蛋白质(45.2%)摄入量符合供给标准,营养合理;蛋白质来源于动物性食物比例不足(40.3%),除维生素A外,钙、铁、维生素B2均来源于植物性食物,脂肪主要来源于植物油,儿童超重率为10.2%,肥胖率为3.1%,龋齿率为36.7%、弱视率为6.1%,而贫血检出率为3.5%;以上结果均从体格检查与营养指标测定结果中得到证实。结论 基于幼儿园食谱存在的问题,根据合理营养、平衡膳食原则和学龄前儿童的生理特点,应加强幼儿园营养膳食管理,优化食谱,提高学龄前儿童的营养状况,确保学龄前儿童健康快乐发育成长。  相似文献   

李静  王玉 《实用预防医学》2011,18(2):205-207
目的了解现阶段兰州市幼儿园膳食模式和膳食营养状况。方法 采用称重连续5 d进行膳食调查,参照《中国居民膳食指南》及《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(Chinese DRIs)》进行评价。结果调查对象膳食结构以谷类、薯类为主,奶类、大豆及坚果类、鱼、虾类摄入不足;三大营养素供热比存在脂肪供能比例低,碳水化合物供能比例高;热量(79.86%)、脂肪(78.16%)、蛋白质(78.67%)、维生素A(78.35%)、维生素B1(78.57%)、维生素B2(57.14%)、钙(39.45%)、碘(12.67%)、镁(75.94%)、锌(60.67%)、硒(73.40%)不足RNI的80%;优质蛋白质、血红素铁的膳食来源比例低;三餐一点供能比例不合适,早餐供能比低,午餐供能比例高。结论幼儿园儿童膳食营养分布和搭配不合理,营养状况有待改善,需增加奶类、鱼虾等海产品、动物性食物摄入量,在早、中餐之间加一餐点,采用"三餐二点"制并合理搭配各种食物,平衡合理的膳食模式有助于提高幼儿园儿童膳食营养质量。  相似文献   

【目的】了解2006年成都市托幼园所膳食营养状况,指导其膳食调配。【方法】采用称重法对成都市不同等级托幼园所中11 166名儿童进行膳食调查,采用χ2检验对膳食结果、体格发育资料及实验室资料进行统计学分析。【结果】蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、铁及锌摄入量符合膳食要求,热量摄入量未达供给量标准的90%以上,钙摄入量不足。能量来源分布蛋白质摄入偏多,碳水化合物摄入不足,脂肪摄入基本符合要求。热量及营养素供给达膳食要求的儿童体格生长明显优于营养供给不足者。【结论】近年来对托幼园所的卫生保健指导是有成效的,今后仍需进一步加强并重点对二类托幼园所的膳食进行指导。  相似文献   

福州市区6所幼儿园日托幼儿营养调查及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
「目的」了解福州市区日托幼儿膳食和健康状况。「方法」随机整群抽取市区6所幼儿园日托幼儿1290名进行膳食调查和体验。「结果」不同年龄组幼儿在园的午餐和点心中的各营养素摄入量除钙,VitA外,均超过RDA标准的40%(钙占28.4%、VitA占33.8%);6所幼儿园中除2所部分营养素供给不平衡外,膳食结构均比较合理;营养不良的营养过剩发生率分别为3.0%和26.3%,贫血率为12.4%。「结论」福州市区日托幼儿在园营养状况良好,但要注意提高钙和VitA的摄入量。营养过剩问题应引起家长、学校和社会的关注。  相似文献   

Objectives To describe the diet of schoolchildren aged 7 years, and identify gender differences in food and nutrient intakes. Subjects A cohort of children resident in the south-west of England in 1999/2000. Methods Diet was assessed using three 1-day unweighed food diaries. Nutrient intakes were compared with dietary reference values for this age group, and with children aged 7–10 years in the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey. Food and nutrient intakes were contrasted between boys and girls. Results Median nutrient intakes exceeded the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for most nutrients. Median intakes of iron and zinc were below the RNI. Median sodium intake was greater than the maximum set by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. The mean energy intake for boys and girls, respectively, were 7.3 and 6.8 MJ, this is below the estimated average requirement. The percentage of energy from fat was 35.3% for boys and 36.1% for girls. Boys had higher iron intakes than girls, even after adjustment for energy intake. There were differences in the types of foods eaten between boys and girls; girls ate more fruit and vegetables (P = 0.001) and boys ate more breakfast cereals (P = 0.016). Conclusions The dietary intakes of these 7-year-old children were adequate for most nutrients. However, a reduction in the sodium content of the diet would be advantageous. Fruit and vegetable consumption should be encouraged particularly among boys.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the diet of schoolchildren aged 7 years, and identify gender differences in food and nutrient intakes. SUBJECTS: A cohort of children resident in the south-west of England in 1999/2000. METHODS: Diet was assessed using three 1-day unweighed food diaries. Nutrient intakes were compared with dietary reference values for this age group, and with children aged 7-10 years in the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey. Food and nutrient intakes were contrasted between boys and girls. RESULTS: Median nutrient intakes exceeded the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for most nutrients. Median intakes of iron and zinc were below the RNI. Median sodium intake was greater than the maximum set by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition. The mean energy intake for boys and girls, respectively, were 7.3 and 6.8 MJ, this is below the estimated average requirement. The percentage of energy from fat was 35.3% for boys and 36.1% for girls. Boys had higher iron intakes than girls, even after adjustment for energy intake. There were differences in the types of foods eaten between boys and girls; girls ate more fruit and vegetables (P = 0.001) and boys ate more breakfast cereals (P = 0.016). CONCLUSIONS: The dietary intakes of these 7-year-old children were adequate for most nutrients. However, a reduction in the sodium content of the diet would be advantageous. Fruit and vegetable consumption should be encouraged particularly among boys.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the normal range of nutrient intakes and food consumption patterns in 18 month old children. SUBJECTS: 1,026 children resident in South West England, forming part of the Children in Focus (CIF) research cohort. METHODS: Diet was assessed using a 3 day unweighed dietary record. Nutrient and food intakes were compared with the dietary reference values and with the results of a British survey of preschool children -- the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS). RESULTS: Intakes of energy and nearly all nutrients were significantly higher in boys than in girls. Intakes of energy were slightly above the estimated average requirements. For most nutrients the mean and median intakes were well above the Reference Nutrient Intakes (RNI). The exceptions were vitamin D, iron and zinc. Nutrient intakes in CIF were very similar to those in the NDNS except for carotene, calcium, vitamin D and iodine, where intakes were considerably higher in CIF, and sugar intake which was lower in CIF. Intakes of most foods were similar in the two surveys. However, consumption of milk, yoghurt and fromage frais and baby foods was higher in CIF, intakes of most fruit and vegetables was somewhat higher, and intakes of savoury snacks and sugar confectionery were lower. In addition, there were differences between the two groups in the types of meat and meat products consumed. CONCLUSIONS: These children are unlikely to be deficient in any nutrients, with the possible exceptions of iron, zinc, and vitamin D. The use of vitamin D supplements and the inclusion of iron- and zinc-rich foods in the diets of preschool children should be encouraged. These data will be important in assessing the influence of early diet on subsequent health and development.  相似文献   

目的 了解武汉市示范性幼儿园和一级幼儿园儿童膳食营养状况及其差异。方法 随机整群抽取示范性幼儿园和一级幼儿园各一所 ,对 10 12名儿童连续 4个月进行膳食调查。结果 两类幼儿园热量和蛋白质摄入状况基本正常 ,示范园的蛋白质人平均摄入、蛋白质供热比高于一级园 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;铁、碘的摄入示范园明显高于一级园 (P<0 .0 5 )。两类幼儿园钙、硒、碘的摄入量均未到标准的 5 0 % ;两类幼儿园 Vit A的摄入量均只在 30 %左右。结论 武汉市在园儿童膳食营养状况良好 ,但要注意提高钙、硒、碘和 Vit A的摄入量 ,示范性幼儿园和一级幼儿园在部分营养素的摄入量方面存在较明显差异 ,应适当调整。  相似文献   

The evaluation of nutrition is an essential element of preventing chronic diseases and can be used to determine nutritional recommendations. A child spends about 7–8 h a day in a kindergarten; therefore, meals served there should be balanced appropriately to ensure the full psychophysical development of the young organism. At preschool age, children develop eating habits that can have life-long effects. Based on 10-day menus, the study aimed to estimate the energy and nutritional value of children’s diets at four randomly selected kindergartens in the Wroclaw district, Poland. In total, 80 menus were analyzed (40 for summer and 40 for autumn). The data from kindergartens were analyzed based on the Diet 6D computer program. Regardless of the kindergarten, the analyzed food rations showed irregularities related to excessive supplies (in reference to the dietary recommendations) of sucrose, fiber, salt, magnesium, and vitamin A. The preschool food rations did not cover demands with respect to PUFA n-3, PUFA-n-6, calcium, and vitamin D. The observed irregularities confirm the need to monitor the content of energy and nutrients in preschool menus to be able to correct any dietary errors.  相似文献   

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