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This first part of a multiphase longitudinal study looks at life events implicated in manic depression among an American working class, bipolar sample. Three turning points are identified. a) Stressful life events occurred that resulted in loss of significant social roles. b) Attempts to regain or replace the roles or otherwise "fight back" proved ineffective. c) Retreat via depression, and rebellion via mania, ensued. These turning points were well verified for 75 per cent of the subjects prior to first onset, and for 56 per cent prior to most recent onset. Special methodological issues are raised, and the need for a biopsychosocial etiology of manic depression is suggested.  相似文献   

Although dysfunctioning of the HPA axis is considered to be a core pathophysiological process in mood disorders, the evidence with regard to depression remains conflicting. This could partly be due to the large heterogeneity within mood disorders, since HPA axis abnormalities may also be associated with the extent of co-occurring manic symptomatology as is seen in bipolar disorder. In this study, patients with depressive disorder and bipolar spectrum disorders were studied with regard to their HPA axis functioning. In 304 healthy controls, 1134 patients with pure unipolar depressive disorder (UP), and 133 bipolar spectrum disorder patients (BD spectrum), cortisol was measured in 7 saliva samples to determine the 1 h cortisol awakening response (CAR), evening cortisol levels and cortisol suppression after a 0.5 mg dexamethasone suppression test. Both patient groups had overall higher CAR levels compared to controls, but only UP patients showed a higher increase over time in the CAR. A linear association was found between increasing bipolarity and cortisol diurnal slope: BD spectrum patients had a significantly higher diurnal slope than UP patients. Dexamethasone suppression did not differ between mood disorder diagnoses. The heterogeneity in HPA axis functioning in patients with depression can partially be explained by co-existing manic symptomatology, since an increase in the CAR appears to be more specific for pure depression whereas the presence of bipolarity is associated with an increase in the diurnal slope of cortisol.  相似文献   

目的:了解重性抑郁障碍(MDD)或双相障碍抑郁发作患者出现躁狂症状的频率和程度。方法:对52例经简明国际神经精神访谈(MINI)、符合《美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册》第4版(DSMIV)重性抑郁障碍或双相障碍抑郁发作的患者,采用情感障碍评估量表(ADE)评估患者本次抑郁发作中出现的躁狂症状。结果:52例患者中有36例重性抑郁障碍,16例为双相障碍抑郁发作。至少有1条躁狂症状的患者达86.5%(n=45),至少有3条躁狂症状的患者占32.7%(n=17),而没有任何躁狂症状的患者仅占13.5%(n=7)。结论:抑郁发作患者大多存在不同程度的躁狂症状,及时识别这些症状,对诊断与治疗有指导意义。情感障碍评估量表是一个值得应用的评估情感发作的工具。  相似文献   

An estimated 6.2% of children in the United States satisfy the criteria for a depression diagnosis, but approximately half of this group do not receive necessary treatment. Thus it is important to consider potential barriers to use through service system finance.This article reviews three major types of changes affecting access: parity legislation, managed care, and public contracting. How these developments will affect children with depression and manic depression (DMD) is unclear.To better understand the potential effects on children with DMD, this review uses new data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to describe the service use patterns of this population. These children have higher levels of expenditures, higher rates of inpatient use, and higher rates of Medicaid payment than do other children with mental health diagnoses; they also are overrepresented among the costliest cases of mental illness in children.Children with DMD pay a relatively low out-of-pocket share, suggesting that parity efforts focusing only on copayments and deductibles will have little effect on the absolute out-of-pocket burden for these children. Because children with DMD are overrepresented among high utilizers of health services, health care rationing arrangements or techniques, such as utilization review and capitation, may place this population at particular risk.  相似文献   

This report constitutes the Newfoundland component of a large scale replication study to assess the relationship of HLA to affective disorders; the Ontario component will be published subsequently. In a collaborative study between the University of Toronto, Memorial University and the University of Rochester, first degree family members of Probands with major affective disorder in Newfoundland were assessed for the lifetime presence of psychiatric disorder; their blood was also typed for Human Leucocyte Antigens (HLA). Because of the high rate of refusal to participate, only 10 Newfoundland families could be assessed completely. While this number of families is too small to evaluate the role of HLA as a marker of susceptibility to affective disorder, the results will be added to those of the larger Ontario component. Some problems of conducting research in communities similar to those found in Newfoundland are briefly discussed in the context of characteristics of the Probands in the study group as compared with those of subjects who refused entry into the study.  相似文献   

目的 对已发表的关于联用碳酸锂治疗抑郁症并降低其转躁率的文献进行Meta分析.方法 全面收集关于联用碳酸锂治疗抑郁症并降低其转躁率的对照研究资料,制定标准筛选纳入文献,对符合条件的研究结果用RevMan 5.0软件进行Meta分析.结果 共有8篇文献符合纳入标准,对其进行合并分析发现,联用碳酸锂治疗抑郁症可明显降低其转躁率(P<0.00001).结论 碳酸锂可降低抗抑郁药物引起的转躁.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Abnormalities of the hippocampus may play a role in the pathophysiology of depression, but efforts to identify a structural abnormality in this brain structure among depressed patients have produced mixed results. Previous research may have been limited by exclusive reliance on measures of hippocampal volume. High-dimensional brain mapping is a new analytic method that quantitatively characterizes the shape as well as volume of a brain structure. In this study, high-dimensional brain mapping was used to evaluate hippocampal shape and volume in patients with major depressive disorder and healthy comparison subjects. METHOD: By using magnetic resonance imaging, brain scans were obtained from 27 patients with major depressive disorder and 42 healthy comparison subjects. High-dimensional brain mapping generated a series of 10 variables (components) that represented hippocampal shape, and hippocampal volumes were also computed. Analysis of variance techniques were used to compare depressed patients and comparison subjects on hippocampal shape and volume. RESULTS: While the depressed patients and comparison subjects did not differ in hippocampal volume, there were highly significant group differences in hippocampal shape. The two groups did not overlap on a discriminant function computed from a model comprising the 10 components. The pattern of hippocampal surface deformation in the depressed patients suggested specific involvement of the subiculum. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with major depression may have structural abnormalities of the hippocampus that can be detected by analysis of hippocampal shape but not volume. A specific defect in the subiculum could have widespread effects throughout neurocircuits that appear to be abnormal in depression.  相似文献   

Objectives:  To determine the degree of association of five single nucleotide polymorphisms at the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of the human dopamine transporter gene (hSLC6A3; hDAT1) in bipolar affective disorder.
Methods:  In a case–control design study, the polymorphisms were genotyped for allelic and genotypic distribution between 105 index cases (50 males) with bipolar affective disorder according to DSM IV and 199 unaffected control subjects (120 males).
Results:  At the 5'-UTR locus of hSLC6A3, no significant allelic or genotypic differences were observed between index cases and controls. However, distinct 5-locus genotypes accumulated in subjects with bipolar affective disorder compared to control subjects (p = 0.029, odds ratio 1.84, 95% confidence interval 1.12–3.02).
Conclusions:  In conclusion, our data do not provide evidence for a major role of the 5'-UTR of the dopamine transporter gene in bipolar affective disorder. A minor contribution of distinct genotypes may be possible and warrants replication in extended samples.  相似文献   

老年抑郁症患者的脑正电子发射体层摄影术显像分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨老年抑郁症患者脑^18氟-脱氧葡萄糖(18^F-FDG)正电子发射体层摄影术(PET)显像的特点。方法 分别对6例老年抑郁症患者(GD组)及10名健康体检者(对照组)进行脑^18 F-FDGPET显像,按年龄、简易智力状态检查量表总分和性别构成配对,用统计参数图第2版软件比较两组间脑局部葡萄糖代谢的差别。结果 GD组较对照组在双侧尾状核、额下回、颞上回、额中回,右侧核外、额上回、舌回和左侧扣带回、中央前回等脑区局部葡萄糖代谢减低(均P〈0.005)。GD组无局部脑葡萄糖代谢增加的脑区。结论 老年抑郁症患者存在基底节区、前额叶、颞叶和边缘系统的局部葡萄糖代谢下降。  相似文献   

Objectives:  Current guidelines for the initial treatment of bipolar type II (BP II) major depressive episode (MDE) recommend using either a mood stabilizer alone or a combination of a mood stabilizer plus a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI). This recommendation is the result of concern over antidepressant-induced manic switch episodes. However, recent evidence suggests that the manic switch rate may be low in BP II MDE during SSRI therapy.
Methods:  As part of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled relapse-prevention study of fluoxetine monotherapy in BP II MDE, 37 patients received open-label fluoxetine 20 mg every day for up to 8 weeks. Outcome measures included the Hamilton Depression Rating (HAM-D 17) rating and the Young Mania Rating (YMR) scale.
Results:  Eleven of 23 patients (48%) who completed 8 weeks of fluoxetine treatment showed a HAM-D 17 reduction of ≥50%, while 14 (38%) of all treated patients had ≥50% reduction in baseline HAM-D 17 score. Using a conservative YMR score of ≥8 to identify hypomanic symptoms, the frequency of patients with YMR score ≥8 during fluoxetine did not differ from that seen during the screen and baseline period. Only three patients (7.3%) had symptoms suggestive of hypomania, and only one patient stopped treatment because of a rapid mood swing into depression.
Limitations:  Fluoxetine was given at a fixed dose of 20 mg everyday. Fluoxetine was prescribed in an open-label manner, and the sample size was limited.
Conclusions:  These observations support the findings of a low manic switch rate during SSRI monotherapy of BP II MDE, and suggest that fluoxetine monotherapy may be a safe and effective initial treatment of BP II MDE.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty patients suffering from manic depressive psychosis were interviewed about the prodromes to both manic and depressive episodes. These prodromal periods were compared with a recent control period during which the patient was in remission. It was possible for 85% of patients to identify a depressive prodrome and 75% a manic prodrome. Prodromal periods were characterised by a significant increase in the number and magnitude of symptoms compared with those present during remission. The mean duration of manic prodromes was slightly longer than that of depressive prodromes (28.9 days and 18.8 days respectively). The majority of patients could identify a time sequence to the retainment of insight during their prodromes and could also identify idiosyncratic symptoms.  相似文献   

Six manic patients were treated with high doses of d-propranolol or d- and dl-propranolol in a double-blind, placebo controlled study. The following variables were measured: propranolol dosage, propranolol serum concentration, pulse frequency, blood pressure, and psychotic behavior. In all cases an improvement was noticed. High dosages were necessary to obtain sufficient effect. The antimanic property of d-propranolol was approximately 50% smaller than the antimanic property of dl-propranolol. We conclude that at least some part of the antimanic action of beta-blockers is independent from the beta-blocking property.  相似文献   

Summary Six manic patients were treated with high doses of d-propranolol or d- and dl-propranolol in a double-blind, placebo controlled study. The following variables were measured: propranolol dosage, propranolol serum concentration, pulse frequency, blood pressure, and psychotic behavior. In all cases an improvement was noticed. High dosages were necessary to obtain sufficient effect. The antimanic property of d-propranolol was approximately 50% smaller than the antimanic property of dl-propranolol. We conclude that at least some part of the antimanic action of beta-blockers is independent from the beta-blocking property.Supported by the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation, Cologne  相似文献   

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