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目的了解掌握地处台湾海峡西岸沿海的厦门市翔安区居民饮用水砷含量水平情况。方法对厦门市翔安区辖区内所有自然村进行饮用水水源抽样调查检测水砷含量。结果厦门市翔安区106个自然村的595个饮用水源水砷含量在<0.2~11.0μg/L之间,含量均值1.1μg/L,中位数0.9μg/L,检出水砷含量≥1μg/L的水源点占46.6%。结论调查检测结果表明厦门市翔安区饮用水砷含量均未超过0.05 mg/L的饮用水中砷的国家卫生标准限值。  相似文献   

目的:了解农十师农牧团场饮用水卫生状况,提高饮用水卫生质量。方法:对农十师各农牧团场的生活饮用水,枯、丰水期共103份水样进行有关项目的检测。结果:枯水期48份水样所检指标的合格率为33·3%;丰水期55份水样所检指标的合格率为16·4%。在枯、丰两期103份水样中,pH、砷指标均符合国家标准。细菌学指标合格率最低。结论:需加大对农十师农牧团场饮用水卫生质量的监管力度。  相似文献   

目的掌握小金县农村生活饮用水砷含量,为防治饮水型砷中毒提供科学依据。方法对小金县农村生活饮用水进行砷含量调查。结果采水样206,除1个水样砷含量〉O.05mg/L,超过国家农村生活饮用水标准,其余205个水样均〈O.05mg/L,符合国家农村生活饮用水标准。结论小金县新桥乡确实存在高砷水源,水砷含量〉0.05mg/L,超过国家农村生活饮用水标准,望有关部门高度重视。  相似文献   

目的通过对饮用水砷含量检测,筛查高砷水源,确定高砷地区,为地方性砷中毒防治并采取干预措施提供科学依据。方法严格按照《河南省地方病防治项目实施方案》要求对我县浅山区和河流沿岸居民生活饮用水进行抽样筛查,测定饮水中砷的含量。结果经对我县4个乡镇15个行政村30个自然村459份饮用水砷含量测定,饮水砷含量最高值为0.032mg/L,未超过国家生活饮用水砷含量0.050 mg/L水质卫生标准。结论我县未发现高砷水源,饮水型砷中毒在我县发生和流行的可能性不大。  相似文献   

[目的]分析英德市2005年一起饮用水砷中毒事件,为预防饮用水污染提供依据。[方法]采用现场流行病学方法分析资料,尿砷、血砷、水砷用氢化物原子荧光分光光度法测定。[结果]火烧陂河饮用水取水点、冶炼化工厂废水排放口和病例家庭储水水砷含量超过生活饮用水标准3.5~697.6倍。[结论]冶炼化工厂废水污染引起饮用水砷污染中毒事件。  相似文献   

[目的]对一起急性砷中毒事件进行流行病学调查检验分析。[方法]采集病人家里浸泡雄黄的水缸中的饮用水1份,按照GB/T 5750.6-2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法》测定砷含量;并测定病人尿砷的含量。[结果]饮用水砷含量为19.20 mg/L,2例患者尿砷含量分别为434.37μg/L和3 559.03μg/L。[结论]根据实验室诊断、临床症状和流行病学调查,证实这是一起因饮用雄黄浸泡饮用水引起的急性砷中毒事件。  相似文献   

目的了解新疆维稳部队饮用水中氟化物、砷的含量。方法按照GB/T5750.6-2006规定,对新疆27个维稳部队饮用水中氟化物、砷含量进行了抽测。结果抽检的1份南疆维稳部队饮用水中氟化物含量低于最低检出限(0.1mg/L)。抽检的26份北疆维稳部队饮用水中氟化物含量合格率为100.0%,其平均值为0.493mg/L,最小值低于最低检出限,最大值为0.76mg/L,高于我国饮用水标准(1.0mg/L),表明北疆维稳部队抽检的水样未存在氟化物污染的情况。对于砷含量,南疆维稳部队饮用水低于最低检出限0.001mg/L,北疆维稳部队饮用水中砷含量平均值为0.00085mg/L,最小值低于最低检出限,最大值为0.0043mg/L,低于我国饮用水标准(0.01mg/L),水样砷含量合格率为100.0%,表明抽检的新疆维稳部队饮用水未受到砷的污染。结论抽检的维稳部队饮用水未受到氟化物、砷的污染。  相似文献   

为了解盱眙县水源中砷含量情况,2004年9月,江苏省疾病预防控制中心对盱眙沿淮河的鲍集、淮河等部分乡镇进行了饮用水(指井水)水砷含量调查检测,结果显示150份样品中有30份砷含量超过国家标准(国家标准:饮用水水砷含量〈0.05mg/L),占检测水样的20%,最高水砷含量为0.298mg/L,已达到中度砷中毒病区标准。为进一步查清高砷水源地区分布,2005年8月,在江苏省疾病预防控制中心的组织下,对沿淮河、洪泽湖周边乡镇的有关自然村,再次进行饮用水水砷含量调查检测。  相似文献   

三峡地区食物及饮用水砷含量调查   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的掌握三峡地区食物及饮用水中砷含量,为防制燃煤型地方性砷中毒提供科学依据.方法对库区燃煤污染型氟中毒病区部分县乡当地粮食、蔬菜、饮用水、茶叶、海椒进行砷含量调查.结果不同监测点粮食砷含量约高于对照区,但低于国家粮食砷卫生标准;饮用水砷含量与对照区差异无显著性意义(P>0.05);而茶叶、海椒砷含量与对照区差异有显著性意义(P<0.01),且超过国家卫生标准1~3.5倍.结论茶叶、海椒砷含量超标1~3.5倍,不可忽视.  相似文献   

[目的]掌握奎屯垦区饮用高砷水源的区域和范围,为今后改水工作提供科学依据.[方法]2007年5~9月,按全国饮用高砷水源筛查方案,对奎屯垦区3个重点团场、32个连队的饮用水源水进行砷含量调查.[结果]检测水样311份,检出砷超标40份,合格率为87.14%.检测合格率,124团为49.32%(36/73),129团为99.47%(187/188).130团为96.00%(48/50).[结论]新疆奎屯垦区经过多年的改水除砷工作,居民饮用水有了很大的改善,但仍有部分新井未经改造.老井由于年久失修、水资源缺乏等原因造成部分居民仍在饮用高砷水源水.  相似文献   

Millions of people worldwide are exposed to drinking water containing arsenic, and epidemiologic studies have identified associations between the ingestion of arsenic-contaminated water and increased risks of cancer. In many of these studies, the assessment of arsenic exposure is based on a limited number of drinking water measurements, and the assessment of long-term or past exposure relies on the assumption that arsenic concentrations in sources of drinking water remain stable over time. In this investigation, the temporal stability of arsenic concentration was assessed in 759 wells in western Nevada state in the USA. Arsenic concentrations in these wells ranged from nondetectable to 6200 microg/L (median, 10 microg/L; standard deviation, 335 microg/L). Spearman correlation coefficients between arsenic concentrations measured in the same wells over a period of 1--5, 6--10, and 11--20 years apart were, respectively, 0.84 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.81--0.86), 0.85 (95% CI, 0.81--0.88), and 0.94 (95% CI, 0.88--0.96). These findings suggest that, in this study area, arsenic concentrations in most wells remain stable over time and a limited number of measurements per well can be used to predict arsenic exposures over a period of many years.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the extent of arsenic contamination of groundwater and surface water in Peru and, to evaluate the accuracy of the Arsenic Econo-Quick (EQ) kit for measuring water arsenic concentrations in the field.MethodsWater samples were collected from 151 water sources in 12 districts of Peru, and arsenic concentrations were measured in the laboratory using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The EQ field kit was validated by comparing a subset of 139 water samples analysed by laboratory measurements and the EQ kit.FindingsIn 86% (96/111) of the groundwater samples, arsenic exceeded the 10 µg/l arsenic concentration guideline given by the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water. In 56% (62/111) of the samples, it exceeded the Bangladeshi threshold of 50 µg/l; the mean concentration being 54.5 µg/l (range: 0.1–93.1). In the Juliaca and Caracoto districts, in 96% (27/28) of groundwater samples arsenic was above the WHO guideline; and in water samples collected from the section of the Rímac river running through Lima, all had arsenic concentrations exceeding the WHO limit. When validated against laboratory values, the EQ kit correctly identified arsenic contamination relative to the guideline in 95% (106/111) of groundwater and in 68% (19/28) of surface water samples.ConclusionIn several districts of Peru, drinking water shows widespread arsenic contamination, exceeding the WHO arsenic guideline. This poses a public health threat requiring further investigation and action. For groundwater samples, the EQ kit performed well relative to the WHO arsenic limit and therefore could provide a vital tool for water arsenic surveillance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Arsenic in drinking water remains a major public problem in Bangladesh, although arsenic mitigation programs began there a decade ago. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of this program by determining the relationship between current arsenic levels in well water and the high level of urinary arsenic excretion. METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in the Pabna district of Bangladesh between May and July 2005. We included 174 married couples and collected their drinking water from 138 wells. The allowable limit for arsenic in drinking water is 50 microg/L in Bangladesh, while the normal level of urinary arsenic is < or =40 microg x 1.5 L(-1) x day(-1) by Dhaka Community Hospital. RESULTS: Of 348 subjects, 304 exceeded the urinary arsenic level of 40 microg x 1.5 L(-1) x day(-1). Of all wells, 44.2% had arsenic levels >50 microg/L. Multiple-adjusted odds ratios of urinary arsenic level >40 microg x 1.5 L(-1) x day(-1) were 8.90 (95% CI: 3.31-23.93) for the arsenic level in well water of 11-50 microg/L, and 53.07 (11.91-236.46) for that of 51-332 microg/L, compared with < or =10 microg/L. When the Bangladeshi standard arsenic level in drinking water of 50 microg/L was used, the sensitivity in detecting subjects with a urinary arsenic level >40 microg x 1.5 L(-1) x day(-1) was 50%, although when the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline value of 10 microg/L was used, it was 76.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Green marked wells, which the Bangladesh government regards as safe, are not always safe. The mitigation programs should use the WHO guideline arsenic level to determine the safety of well water for drinking.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the degree of contamination by arsenic in drinking water in the Los Altos de Jalisco (LAJ) region of west-central Mexico, and to estimate the levels of exposure that residents of the area face. METHODS: Total arsenic concentration (the sum of all arsenic forms, organic and inorganic) was determined for 129 public water wells in 17 municipal capitals (cabeceras municipales) of the LAJ region, using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy. For most of the wells, water samples were taken in both November 2002 and October 2003. The levels of exposure to arsenic were estimated for babies (10 kg), children (20 kg), and adults (70 kg). RESULTS: Mean concentrations of arsenic higher than the Mexican national guideline value of 25 micro g/L were found in 44 (34%) of the 129 wells. The mean concentration of total arsenic for the 129 wells ranged from 14.7 micro g/L to 101.9 micro g/L. The highest concentrations were found in well water samples collected in the cities of Mexticacán (262.9 micro g/L), Teocaltiche (157.7 micro g/L), and San Juan de los Lagos (113.8 micro g/L). Considering the global mean concentration for all the wells in each of the 17 cities, the mean concentration of arsenic exceeded the Mexican guideline value in 7 of the cities. However, the global mean concentration in all 17 cities was higher than the World Health Organization guideline value of 10 micro g/L for arsenic. The range of the estimated exposure doses to arsenic in drinking water was 1.1-7.6 micro g/kg/d for babies, 0.7-5.1 micro g/kg/d for children, and 0.4-2.7 micro g/kg/d for adults. CONCLUSIONS: At the exposure doses estimated in the LAJ region, the potential health effects from chronic arsenic ingestion include skin diseases, gastrointestinal effects, neurological damage, cardiovascular problems, and hematological effects. While all the residents may not be affected, an important fraction of the total population of the LAJ region is under potential health risk due to the ingestion of high levels of arsenic. Epidemiological studies to determine the arsenic levels in the blood, hair, and nails of humans should be conducted in the LAJ region to help assess the relationship between the prevalence of health problems and the chronic ingestion of arsenic.  相似文献   

The pandemic of arsenic poisoning due to contaminated groundwater in West Bengal, India, and all of Bangladesh has been thought to be limited to the Ganges Delta (the Lower Ganga Plain), despite early survey reports of arsenic contamination in groundwater in the Union Territory of Chandigarh and its surroundings in the northwestern Upper Ganga Plain and recent findings in the Terai area of Nepal. Anecdotal reports of arsenical skin lesions in villagers led us to evaluate arsenic exposure and sequelae in the Semria Ojha Patti village in the Middle Ganga Plain, Bihar, where tube wells replaced dug wells about 20 years ago. Analyses of the arsenic content of 206 tube wells (95% of the total) showed that 56.8% exceeded arsenic concentrations of 50 micro g/L, with 19.9% > 300 micro g/L, the concentration predicting overt arsenical skin lesions. On medical examination of a self-selected sample of 550 (390 adults and 160 children), 13% of the adults and 6.3% of the children had typical skin lesions, an unusually high involvement for children, except in extreme exposures combined with malnutrition. The urine, hair, and nail concentrations of arsenic correlated significantly (r = 0.72-0.77) with drinking water arsenic concentrations up to 1,654 micro g/L. On neurologic examination, arsenic-typical neuropathy was diagnosed in 63% of the adults, a prevalence previously seen only in severe, subacute exposures. We also observed an apparent increase in fetal loss and premature delivery in the women with the highest concentrations of arsenic in their drinking water. The possibility of contaminated groundwater at other sites in the Middle and Upper Ganga Plain merits investigation.  相似文献   

This study documents the response of 6500 rural households in a 25 km(2) area of Bangladesh to interventions intended to reduce their exposure to arsenic contained in well water. The interventions included public education, posting test results for arsenic on the wells, and installing 50 community wells. Sixty-five percent of respondents from the subset of 3410 unsafe wells changed their source of drinking water, often to new and untested wells. Only 15% of respondents from the subset of safe wells changed their source, indicating that health concerns motivated the changes. The geo-referenced data indicate that distance to the nearest safe well also influenced household responses.  相似文献   

目的:了解青海省湟中、平安、乐都区饮水型地方性氟中毒(简称饮水型氟中毒)病区病情及改水降氟工程运转情况,评价控制措施效果。方法:2018年,在青海省湟中、平安、乐都区的历史饮水型氟中毒病区村进行改水状况、改水工程运转情况及水氟含量调查;对调查村所有8 ~ 12岁儿童进行氟斑牙检查;抽取3个区的3个病区村进行25岁以上成...  相似文献   

Millions of persons around the world are exposed to low doses of arsenic through drinking water. However, estimates of health effects associated with low-dose arsenic exposure have been extrapolated from high-dose studies. In Bangladesh, many persons have been exposed to a wide range of doses of arsenic from drinking water over a significant period of time. The authors evaluated dose-response relations between arsenic exposure from drinking water and premalignant skin lesions by using baseline data on 11,746 participants recruited in 2000-2002 for the Health Effects of Arsenic Longitudinal Study in Araihazar, Bangladesh. Several measures of arsenic exposure were estimated for each participant based on well-water arsenic concentration and usage pattern of the wells and on urinary arsenic concentration. In different regression models, consistent dose-response effects were observed for all arsenic exposure measures. Compared with drinking water containing <8.1 microg/liter of arsenic, drinking water containing 8.1-40.0, 40.1-91.0, 91.1-175.0, and 175.1-864.0 microg/liter of arsenic was associated with adjusted prevalence odds ratios of skin lesions of 1.91 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.26, 2.89), 3.03 (95% CI: 2.05, 4.50), 3.71 (95% CI: 2.53, 5.44), and 5.39 (95% CI: 3.69, 7.86), respectively. The effect seemed to be influenced by gender, age, and body mass index. These findings provide information that should be considered in future research and policy decisions.  相似文献   

目的了解安徽省是否存在水源性高砷区及地方性砷中毒区,为地方性砷中毒防治提供依据。方法根据安徽省生活饮用水质抽样普查工作的结果,选定天长市、五河县、砀山县为地方性砷中毒重点调查县。采取分阶段随机抽样方法,每县随机选取15个调查点(自然村)调查水砷含量。对饮水水砷含量超标的调查点进行砷中毒病情现场调查,调查居民超标水井饮用年限、皮肤角化、皮肤脱色、皮肤色沉情况,并检测其家中饮用水水砷、水氟含量及尿砷等。结果共计检测水砷450份,其中15份水砷超标(>0.05mg/L)。对水砷超标较高的五河县临北乡官塘铺行政村宣滩自然村调查,初步诊断发现地方性砷中毒可疑14人,轻度5人。结论安徽省境内发现水源性高砷区和地方性砷中毒病区存在。并发现有疑似及轻度病人存在。在发现高砷区中不存在高氟水源和地氟病病区。应尽快在高砷区开展改水降砷及地方性砷中毒的监测工作。  相似文献   

Approximately 1.25 million Minnesotans get their drinking water from private wells. These wells may contain coliform bacteria, nitrate, arsenic, and other contaminants that can pose health risks. In order to ensure the safety of drinking water, the Minnesota Department of Health recommends that well owners test for such contaminants and perform periodic checks of the physical condition of the well. Health officials also recommend that unused or abandoned wells be properly sealed to prevent contamination of ground water.  相似文献   

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