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198 9~ 1998年对 1140名外出海南省做工回归人员进行了调查 ,疟疾发病率为 5 4.0 4% ,原虫率为14.39% ,其中恶性疟原虫阳性率为 12 .19% ,占阳性总数的 84.8%。观察 16例恶性疟原虫无性体带虫者对氯喹均呈现抗药性 ,临床观察 18例恶性疟病人 ,以氯喹系统治疗均无效 ,调查结果表明 ,我区所发现的恶性疟为输入性抗氯喹恶性疟。 10年来投入了大量的人力、物力和财力 ,开展综合防治和监测 ,经过对疫点和疫区居民进行全民抗复发治疗 ,外出回归人员进行药物根治 ,连续 2年“DDT”室内滞留喷洒和 6年溴 (氯 )氰菊酯浸帐灭蚊 ,控制了输入性恶性疟传播蔓延 ,至今未发现输入继发病例。但是 ,随着流动人口逐年增加 ,输入传染源必将增多 ,因此做好流动人口疟疾防治与监测工作是防止抗氯喹恶性疟在当地滞留传播至关重要的措施 相似文献
输入性恶性疟综合防治与监测方法研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
1989-1998年对1140名外出海南省做工回归人员进行了调查,疟疾发病率为54.04%,原虫率为14.39%,其中恶性疟原虫阳性率为12.19%,占性总数的84.8%。观察16例恶性疟原虫无性体带虫者对氯喹均呈现抗药性,临床观察18例恶性疟病人,以氯喹系统治疗均无效,调查结构表明,我区所发现的恶性疟为输入抗氯喹恶性疟。10年来投入了大量的人力、物力和财力,开展综合防治和监测,经过对疫点和疫区居 相似文献
本文报告非恶性疟流行区浙江省永康县1985年8月至1987年2月,在当地外出人口中发现43例输入性恶性疟患者,这些病例都曾到云南省中缅边境等恶性疟流行区,约占本县到过这些地区流动人口的5~7‰。输入性疟疾病例多数发现于1~3月和6~8月,与该时从疟区返回的人数较多有关,而与当地传疟媒介的季节高峰无关。由于及时发现和治疗病例,并进行疫点处理,故未发生继发性病例。 相似文献
四川省输入性恶性疟病例的监测报告四川省寄生虫病防治研究所成都610041肖宁,康扬,许国君,谢常,代玉茹近年来,随着中国经济迅速发展和对外开放,流动于国内外人口激增。劳工、商人以及其他人员将疟疾带到无疟或低疟区,而且各地对流动人口又未采取适当的预防措... 相似文献
扬州市输入性恶性疟分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对扬州市近几年发现的12例输入性恶性疟病例的个案资料进行回顾性调查和分析,均为从非洲高疟区回归人员,有明确的疫区生活史,全年都可发病,无明显的发病高峰,部分患者临床症状不典型。应加强对到非洲高疫区劳务输出人员的疟防自我保护意识的教育。 相似文献
桂西山区位于广西西部 ,共有 12个县 (市 ) ,182个乡 (镇 ) ,35 9.35万人口 ,南部与越南交界 ,西部和北部与云南和贵州相邻 ,居住着壮、汉、苗、瑶、彝、仡佬等 6个民族。是广西历史上恶性疟流行区 ,以微小按蚊和中华按蚊为主要传疟媒介。有恶性疟、间日疟和三日疟 3种疟疾混合流行。在疟疾大流行的 1972年 ,对 142个点的居民抽查 ,有 89个点检出恶性疟 12 2 7例 ,占疟病例总数的 5 8.7% ,恶性疟阳性点数占总血检点数的 6 2 .6 8% ,恶性疟平均血检阳性率达 18.73% ,12个县 (市 )均有恶性疟流行。为了有效地控制桂西山区的恶性疟流行 ,于 198… 相似文献
患者男性 ,35岁 ,1999年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 4月赴南非津巴布韦劳务工作 ,离津前曾在津巴布韦国家野生动物园住宿 3天。 2 0 0 0年 4月 2 2日回国 ,4月 30日发热 ,在家服用丁胺卡那及病毒唑等 ,症状缓解。 5月 3日出现寒战 ,体温 38.5℃ ,伴头痛 ,再次服用前药 ,症状得到控制。 5月 6日晚突然出现言语错乱 ,于 5月 7日就诊。体检 :体温 38.5℃、呼吸 2 0次/min、脉博 10 8次 /min、血压 11/6 k Pa,神志清楚 ,反应迟钝 ,急性病容。肝肋下未触及 ,脾肋下 2 cm,肝区叩击痛 (+)。实验室检查 :WBC4 .7× 10 9/L (中性粒细胞占 82 % ,淋巴细胞占 … 相似文献
王正有 《中国病原生物学杂志》2003,16(1)
恶性疟的凶险发作机理尚未定论 ,一般认为是由于含有疟原虫的红细胞粘附于血管内壁 ,使血管内皮细胞损伤 ,从而激活内在凝血系统引起 DIC,或由疟原虫产生某种可溶性细胞毒性物质 ,释放入血流使宿主细胞内线粒体呼吸作用和磷酸化途径发生障碍 ,并使内交感神经高度兴奋 ,造成代谢和内分泌紊乱 ,或是由于激肽、激肽原酶等游离 ,使小血管收缩或扩张及内膜通透性增加 ,水和蛋白质从血管内逸出 ,引起组织水肿 ,故此血液粘稠度增加 ,导致细胞缺氧、功能丧失 ,从而引起临床上的凶险发作。根据临床表现的异同 ,可将恶性疟凶险发作分为脑型、胃肠型… 相似文献
疟疾监测方法研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
疟疾是一种严重危害人类健康的蚊媒病.对疟疾进行有效监测和预警具有重要意义.该文介绍了近年来疟疾病例监测、蚊媒监测、蚊媒感染疟原虫检测的方法及地理信息系统与遥感技术在疟疾监测中的应用. 相似文献
The aims of the research study on cost effectiveness of malaria surveillance and monitoring measures are presented. The nature of malaria surveillance and monitoring measures and the concept of cost effectiveness are examined. Progress in cost effectiveness analysis is discussed in terms of the interactive approach to a methodology, and the constraints on data collection and analysis. The implications of the study are then considered in terms of malaria control, the development of research capability and the nature of social and economic research. 相似文献
Haditsch M 《Travel medicine and infectious disease》2004,2(3-4):149-160
Malaria is a life threatening disease with a major impact on global health. The WHO declared an early diagnosis as one of the most important steps to fight the disease. The quality and the reliability of test results depend on the diagnostic tools used. Not every test meets the needs in every situation. PCR tests have the best sensitivity and specifity but are not as rapid as other tests and also due to the costs not available everywhere. The 'gold standard' method is to check stained blood slides, thick films require experienced persons to obtain correct results. So-called rapid tests are only additional tools no matter whether they are based on the detection of antigens, enzymes or plasmodial DNA by fluorescent staining. Some other blood bound markers may also provide a hint but are no sufficient tool for malaria diagnosis. 相似文献
Huong NM Davis TM Hewitt S Huong NV Uyen TT Nhan DH Cong le D 《Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH》2002,7(4):304-308
OBJECTIVES: To compare the sensitivity, specificity and post-treatment persistence of three commonly used rapid antigen detection methods. METHOD: We studied 252 Vietnamese patients aged from 4 to 60 years, 157 with falciparum and 95 with vivax malaria and 160 healthy volunteers. An initial blood sample was taken for microscopy, and OptiMAL, immunochromatographic test (ICT) malaria P.f./P.v. and Paracheck-Pf tests. Patients with falciparum malaria were treated with an artesunate-based combination regimen and those with vivax malaria received chloroquine. Eighty-seven patients with falciparum malaria who were initially positive for one of the antigen tests and who remained blood smear-negative underwent follow-up testing over 28 days. RESULTS: Paracheck-Pf was the most sensitive test for Plasmodium falciparum (95.8% vs. 82.6% for ICT malaria P.f./P.v. and 49.7% for OptiMAL). Specificities were all 100%. For vivax malaria, OptiMAL performed better than ICT malaria P.f./P.v. (sensitivities 73.7% and 20.0%, respectively), with 100% specificity in both cases. All tests had low sensitivities (< or = 75.0%) at parasitaemias < 1000/microl regardless of malaria species. During follow-up, Paracheck-Pf remained positive in the greatest proportion of patients, especially at higher parasitaemias (> 10,000/microl). Residual OptiMAL positivity occurred only in a relatively small proportion of patients (< 10%) with parasitaemias > 10,000/microl during the first 2 weeks after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Although microscopy remains the gold standard for malaria diagnosis, Paracheck-Pf may prove a useful adjunctive test in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in southern Vietnam. OptiMAL had the lowest sensitivity for P. falciparum but it might have a use in the diagnosis of vivax malaria and perhaps to monitor efficacy of treatment for falciparum malaria where microscopy is unavailable. 相似文献