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Summary 18 suppressors of alcR125 have been selected in Aspergillus nidulans. They have been located in genes as follows: 12 in suaA, 1 in suaB and 5 in suaC. Suppressors have been examined to see whether their phenotype is diagnostic for their genotype. Several new traits are described: conidial viability, cycloheximide resistance, fertility, suppression of niaD500, naaD501 and fWA1. These tests, added to those already in use, provide a battery of tests suitable for assigning suppressor mutations to physiological type (tRNA or ribosomal), and in one case to a specific gene since only suaA mutations suppressed fWA1. A very broad range of phenotypes was associated with suppressors such that every mutation had a unique phenotype. This indicates that the ribosomal suppressor mutations are in genes which code directly for ribosomal proteins, rather than genes which code for modifying enzymes.  相似文献   

Despite the high number of genes identified in hereditary polyneuropathies/Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, the genetic defect in many families is still unknown. Here we report the identification of a new gene for autosomal dominant axonal neuropathy in a large three-generation family. Linkage analysis identified a 5 Mb region on 9q33-34 with a LOD score of 5.12. Sequence capture and next-generation sequencing of the region of interest identified five previously unreported non-synonymous heterozygous single nucleotide changes or indels, four of which were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Two sequence variants co-segregated with the disease, and one, a 2 bp insertion in the last exon of LRSAM1, was also absent in 676 ethnicity-matched control chromosomes. This frameshift mutation (p.Leu708Argfx28) is located in the C-terminal RING finger motif of the encoded protein. Ubiquitin ligase activity in transfected cells with constructs carrying the patient mutation was affected as measured by a higher level of abundance of TSG101, the only reported target of LRSAM1. Injections of morpholino oligonucleotides in zebrafish embryos directed against the ATG or last splice site of zebrafish Lrsam1 disturbed neurodevelopment, showing a less organized neural structure and, in addition, affected tail formation and movement. LRSAM1 is highly expressed in adult spinal cord motoneurons as well as in fetal spinal cord and muscle tissue. Recently, a homozygous mutation in LRSAM1 was proposed as a strong candidate for the disease in a family with recessive axonal polyneuropathy. Our data strongly support the hypothesis that LRSAM1 mutations can cause both dominant and recessive forms of CMT.  相似文献   

We investigated the proteolipid protein (PLP) gene of two boysin a Japanese family with Pelizaeus—Merzbacher disease(PMD), an X-linked neurologic disorder characterized by dysmyelinationin the central nervous system (CNS). The patients showed similarclinical signs from birth and autopsy on the elder brother confirmeda connatal type of PMD. Direct sequencing of the PLP gene andPLP mRNAs from the brain of the PMD patient revealed a G toT transition in exon V of the PLP gene, which leads to a glycineto cystein substitution at residue 220. Allele-specific oligonucleotidehybridization revealed that this mutation was also present inhis brother, but was absent in 100 X chromosomes of normal Japaneseindividuals. Northern blot analysis showed that the mRNA levelsof PLP and myelin basic protein, two major myelin proteins producedby oligodendrocytes, were much reduced in the PMD brain, hence,there was a specific loss of oligodendrocytes. It seems likelythat the substitution is responsible for PMD (connatal type)in this particular family and causes oligodendrocytes deathin the CNS.  相似文献   

Kinetoplastid protozoa contain a unique microbody organelle called the glycosome. Several important metabolic pathways are compartmentalized within the glycosome that are found in the cytoplasm of higher eukaryotes. We have previously reported the identification of a Leishmania donovani cell line called gim1-1, in which several normally glycosomal proteins are partially mislocalized to the cytoplasm. The GIM1 gene complements the defect and restores import of proteins to the glycosome. Here we demonstrate that GIM1 encodes an integral membrane protein of the glycosome. We also report that the mutant gim1-1 allele behaves as a dominant negative mutation. Introducing the gim1-1 allele extrachromasomally led to mislocalization of a glycosomal reporter protein even in wild-type cells. Gene disruption experiments in heterozygous GIM1/gim1-1 cells showed that when the mutant gim1-1 allele was lost, cells re-established normal glycosomal protein localization. Interestingly, no disruptions of the wild-type allele were obtained. These data indicate that a dominant negative mutation in the GIM1 gene is the sole genetic lesion responsible for the glycosomal defects in gim1-1, and suggest that GIM1 is an essential gene in Leishmania.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human minK gene KCNE1 have been linked to autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive long-QT (LQT) syndrome, a cardiac condition predisposing to ventricular arrhythmias. minK and KvLQT1, the LQT1 gene product, form a native cardiac K+ channel that regulates the slowly delayed rectifier potassium current I(Ks). We used single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing techniques to identify novel KCNE1 mutations in patients with a congenital LQT syndrome of unknown genetic origin. In 150 unrelated index patients a missense mutation (V109I) was identified that significantly reduced the wild-type I(Ks) current amplitude (by 36%) when coexpressed with KvLQT1 in Xenopus oocytes. Other biophysical properties of the I(Ks) channel were not altered. Since we observed incomplete penetrance (only one of two mutation carriers could be diagnosed by clinical criteria), and the family's history was unremarkable for sudden cardiac death, the 109I allele most likely causes a mild phenotype. This finding may have implications for the occurrence of "acquired" conditions for ventricular arrhythmias and thereby the potential cardiac risk for asymptomatic mutation carriers still remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The original pso3-1 mutant isolate of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae exhibits a pleiotropic mutagen-sensitivity phenotype that includes sensitivity to UVA-activated 3-carbethoxypsoralen, to UVC-light, to mono- and bi-functional nitrogen mustard, to paraquat, and to cadmium; on the other hand, it shows hyper-resistance (HYR) to nitrosoguanidine when compared to established wild-type strains. Also, the original pso3-1 mutant exhibits a low UVC-induced mutability and mitotic gene conversion and a high rate of spontaneous and UVC-induced petite mutations. Since the HYR to the nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) phenotype resembles that of low glutathione-containing yeast cells, the original pso3-1 mutant was crossed to a gsh1 knock-out mutant that lacks the enzyme for the first step in glutathione biosynthesis and the resulting diploid was tested for complementation. While there was none for HYR to nitrosoguanidine, and other low glutathione-related phenotypes, some other phenotypic characteristics of pso3-1, e.g. UVC sensitivity and UVC-induced mutability were restored to a wild-type level. Tetrad analysis of a diploid derived from a cross of the original haploid pso3-1 isolate with a repair-proficient, normal glutathione-containing, PSO3 GSH1 wild-type led to the separation of a leaky gsh1 mutation phenotype from that of the repair-deficient pso3-1 phenotype. Linkage studies by tetrad and random spore analyses indicated no linkage of the two genes. This shows that the low glutathione content in the original pso3-1 isolate is due to a second, additional, mutation in the GSH1 locus and is unrelated to the pso3-1 mutation. Thus, the original pso3-1 isolate is a pso3-1 gsh1 double mutant with most of the particular characteristics of the pleiotropic sensitivity phenotype contributed by either the pso3-1 or the gsh1-leaky mutant allele. The expression of a few phenotypic characteristics of pso3, however, were most pronounced in pso3-1 mutants with a low glutathione pool. Received: 16 August / 24 September 1997  相似文献   

Summary A virtually complete deficiency of hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) causes Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. A novel mutation of HPRT gene in a Japanese Lesch-Nyhan family has been identified using mRNA and genomic DNA from peripheral blood cells. A single nucleotide substitution of T to C in exon 3 resulted in a mis-sensemutation, CTC (Leu) to CCC (Pro), at codon 65. Utilizing anMnlI restriction site which was lost in the mutation as an indicator,a family study showed that the mother was normal not having the mutant gene. The mutation was ade novo event that had occurred in the germ cells of the mother or in the proband during the early phase of fetal development.  相似文献   

An Argentine male child died at 4.5 years of age of a lethal mitochondrial disease associated with a MELAS mutation and a Barth syndrome-like presentation. The child had severe failure to thrive from the early months and for approximately two years thereafter. In addition, the patient had severely delayed gross motor milestones, marked muscle weakness, and dilated cardiomyopathy that progressed to congestive heart failure. He also had persistently elevated urinary levels of 3-methylglutaconic and 2-ethylhydracrylic acids and low blood levels of cholesterol. Detailed histopathologic evaluation of the skeletal muscle biopsy showed high activity of succinate dehydrogenase, a generalized decrease of COX activity, and abundant ragged-red fibers. Electron microscopic studies revealed multiple mitochondrial abnormalities in lymphocytes and monocytes, in the striated muscle, and in the postmortem samples (muscle, heart, liver, and brain). Biochemical analysis showed a pronounced and constant lactic acidosis, and abnormal urinary organic acid excretion (unchanged in the fasting and postprandial states). In addition, in CSF there was a marked increase of lactate and beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-HOB) and also a high systemic ratio beta-HOB/acetoacetate. Enzymatic assay of the respiratory chain in biopsied muscle showed 10% of complex I activity and 24% of complex IV activity compared with controls. Molecular studies of the mitochondrial genome revealed an A to G mutation at nucleotide pair 3243 in mitochondrial DNA, a well-known pathogenetic mutation (MELAS mutation) in all the patient's tissues and also in the blood specimens of the probands mother and sibs (4 of 5). The diagnosis of MELAS mutation was reinforced by the absence of an identifiable mutation in the X-linked G4.5 gene of the propositus. The present observation gives additional evidence of the variable clinical expression of mtDNA mutations in humans and demonstrates that all clinical variants deserve adequate investigation to establish a primary defect. It also suggests adding Barth-like syndrome to the list of phenotypes with the MELAS mutation.  相似文献   

We have studied mitochondrial gene expression and metabolic function in a human lymphoblastoid cell-line homoplasmic for the np 7445, deafness- associated mitochondrial DNA mutation. The mutation maps to the 3' termini of the oppositely oriented genes encoding cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and tRNA-ser(UCN). In comparison with control lymphoblastoid cells, we detected a marked depletion (> 60%) of tRNA- ser(UCN). There was, however, no significant impairment of respiratory function, no alteration to the structure or abundance of COI mRNA or its precursors, and no detectable abnormality of mitochondrial protein synthesis. We also found considerable tissue-variation in the abundance of tRNA-ser(UCN). We propose that the tissue-specific phenotype associated with this mutation results from an inherent deficiency in the processing of the mutant pre-tRNA, that becomes limiting for protein synthesis only in a restricted set of cells of the auditory system in which the tRNA is, for other reasons, already at a critically low level.   相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been associated with hypertension in several pedigrees with maternal inheritance. However, the pathophysiology of maternally inherited hypertension remains poorly understood. We reported here clinical, genetic evaluations and molecular analysis of mtDNA in a three-generation Han Chinese family with essential hypertension. Eight of 17 matrilineal relatives exhibited a wide range of severity in essential hypertension, whereas none of the offsprings of the affected father had hypertension. The age-at-onset of hypertension in the maternal kindred varied from 31 to 65 years, with an average of 52 years. Sequence analysis of mtDNA in this pedigree identified the known homoplasmic 4435A>G mutation, which is located at immediately 3' end to the anticodon, corresponding to the conventional position 37 of tRNA(Met), and 41 variants belonging to the Asian haplogroup G2a1. In contrast, the 4435A>G mutation occurred among mtDNA haplogroups B5a, D, M7a2 and J. The adenine (A37) at this position of tRNA(Met) is extraordinarily conserved from bacteria to human mitochondria. This modified A37 was shown to contribute to the high fidelity of codon recognition, structural formation and stabilization of functional tRNAs. However, 41 other mtDNA variants in this pedigree were the known polymorphisms. The occurrence of the 4435A>G mutation in two genetically unrelated families affected by hypertension indicates that this mutation is involved in hypertension. Our present investigations further supported our previous findings that the 4435A>G mutation acted as an inherited risk factor for the development of hypertension. Our findings will be helpful for counseling families of maternally inherited hypertension.  相似文献   

We reported here clinical, genetic evaluations and molecular analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in two Han Chinese families carrying the known mitochondrial 12S rRNA A1555G mutation. In contrast with the previous data that hearing loss as a sole phenotype was present in the maternal lineage of other families carrying the A1555G mutation, matrilineal relatives among these two Chinese families exhibited both hearing loss and hypertension. Of 21 matrilineal relatives, 9 subjects exhibited both hearing loss and hypertension, 2 individuals suffered from only hypertension and 1 member had only hearing loss. The average age at onset of hypertension in the affected matrilineal relatives of these families was 60 and 46 years, respectively, whereas those of hearing loss in these two families were 33 and 55 years, respectively. Molecular analysis of their mtDNA identified distinct sets of variants belonging to the Eastern Asian haplogroup D5a. In contrast, the A1555G mutation occurred among other mtDNA haplogroups D, B, R, F, G, Y, M and N, respectively. Our data further support that the A1555G mutation is necessary but by itself insufficient to produce the clinical phenotype. The other modifiers are responsible for the phenotypic variability of matrilineal relatives within and among these families carrying the A1555G mutation. Our investigation provides the first evidence that the 12S rRNA A1555G mutation leads to both of hearing loss and hypertension. Thus, our findings may provide the new insights into the understanding of pathophysiology and valuable information for management and treatment of maternally inherited hearing loss and hypertension.  相似文献   

R Foster  G S Martin 《Virology》1992,187(1):145-155
We have analyzed a host- and temperature-dependent mutant of Rous sarcoma virus in order to learn more about the nature of mutations which lead to a host range phenotype. We have cloned and sequenced the v-src genes from this mutant, tsLA33-1, and from its presumed parent, tsLA33. Both the tsLA33 and the tsLA33-1 pp60v-src proteins contain multiple mutations. The tsLA33 v-src gene product has amino acid alterations at four positions. In the tsLA33-1 v-src gene product, two of these four mutations have reverted to wild type. We have constructed chimeras between the two mutant v-src gene products and between each mutant and the Prague A v-src gene product. To assess the contribution of each amino acid change to the transformation phenotypes of tsLA33 and tsLA33-1, we expressed the hybrid proteins in both chicken embryo fibroblasts and Rat-3 fibroblasts. Additionally, we have measured the protein tyrosine kinase activity of chimeras constructed between the tsLA33 and tsLA33-1 pp60v-src proteins. Our results indicate that mutations in the catalytic domain of each protein are the principal determinants of the transforming ability and protein tyrosine kinase activity of the tsLA33 and tsLA33-1 pp60v-src proteins.  相似文献   

We report a novel, heteroplasmic point mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA for tryptophan at position 5532. The mutation was present in all the tissues studied and segregated with the biochemical defect, with higher levels of mutation present in cytochrome c oxidase-deficient muscle fibres. The patient manifested a neurogastrointestinal syndrome with features including failure to thrive, psychomotor retardation, ophthalmoplegia, sensorineural deafness and encephalopathy together with vomiting, diarrhoea and colitis.  相似文献   

An Argentine male child died at 4.5 years of age of a lethal mitochondrial disease associated with a MELAS mutation and a Barth syndrome‐like presentation. The child had severe failure to thrive from the early months and for approximately two years thereafter. In addition, the patient had severely delayed gross motor milestones, marked muscle weakness, and dilated cardiomyopathy that progressed to congestive heart failure. He also had persistently elevated urinary levels of 3‐methylglutaconic and 2‐ethylhydracrylic acids and low blood levels of cholesterol. Detailed histopathologic evaluation of the skeletal muscle biopsy showed high activity of succinate dehydrogenase, a generalized decrease of COX activity, and abundant ragged‐red fibers. Electron microscopic studies revealed multiple mitochondrial abnormalities in lymphocytes and monocytes, in the striated muscle, and in the postmortem samples (muscle, heart, liver, and brain). Biochemical analysis showed a pronounced and constant lactic acidosis, and abnormal urinary organic acid excretion (unchanged in the fasting and postprandial states). In addition, in CSF there was a marked increase of lactate and β‐hydroxybutyrate (β‐HOB) and also a high systemic ratio β‐HOB/acetoacetate. Enzymatic assay of the respiratory chain in biopsied muscle showed 10% of complex I activity and 24% of complex IV activity compared with controls. Molecular studies of the mitochondrial genome revealed an A to G mutation at nucleotide pair 3243 in mitochondrial DNA, a well‐known pathogenetic mutation (MELAS mutation) in all the patient's tissues and also in the blood specimens of the probands mother and sibs (4 of 5). The diagnosis of MELAS mutation was reinforced by the absence of an identifiable mutation in the X‐linked G4.5 gene of the propositus. The present observation gives additional evidence of the variable clinical expression of mtDNA mutations in humans and demonstrates that all clinical variants deserve adequate investigation to establish a primary defect. It also suggests adding Barth‐like syndrome to the list of phenotypes with the MELAS mutation. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Para-Bombay phenotype, with an estimated incidence of 1 in 8000 in Taiwanese residents based on serological analysis, is caused by aberrant alpha(1,2)-fucosyltransferase function and hence diminished H-antigen synthesis. In an individual with para-Bombay phenotype, DNA sequencing revealed two missense mutations previously reported C658T mutation and a novel G659A mutation. Haplotype analysis with restriction enzyme digestion showed that the two mutations are located on opposing alleles of the H (FUT1) gene and lead to compound heterozygosity. Since no other known genetic changes were evident, it appears that the new missense mutation, G659A, is deleterious to the alpha(1,2)-fucosyltransferase function encoded by the H (FUT1) gene.  相似文献   

目的 研究类孟买型血型的分子基础。方法 采用血清学方法鉴定个体的红细胞表型 ,用聚合酶链反应 ( polymerase chain reaction,PCR)扩增类孟买型表型个体的 ABO基因第 6、7外显子、α1 ,2 岩藻糖基转移酶基因编码区序列和 Se基因编码区序列 ,PCR产物经割胶纯化后直接进行测序分析。结果 类孟买型的α1 ,2 岩藻糖基转移酶基因核苷酸第 5 4 7~ 5 5 2位中的两碱基 AG缺失 ( CAGAGAG→ CAGAG) ,导致阅读框架发生移码 ,提前形成终止密码。先证者父母为杂合缺失携带者。结论  α1 ,2 岩藻糖基转移酶基因两碱基缺失可引起类孟买型血型  相似文献   

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