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A quinoline fluorescence method for staining zinc in axonal boutons was used to study the effects of kainic acid (KA) induced seizures upon zinc in the boutons of hippocampal mossy fibers. Compared to untreated rats, rats given KA (10-12 mg/kg) and undergoing sustained seizures showed a marked loss of zinc fluorescence in the mossy fiber regions. The reduced fluorescence was detectable within 3 h of KA administration, was most pronounced at 12-24 h, and was still noticeable up to 48 h after KA. The findings suggest that zinc is released rapidly from mossy fiber boutons during seizures.  相似文献   

Prolonged seizures produce death of hippocampal neurons, which is thought to initiate epileptogenesis and cause a disruption of hippocampally mediated behaviors. This study aimed to evaluate behavioral and neuroanatomical changes induced by brief seizures and to compare them with changes induced by prolonged seizures. Adult rats were administered 6 brief seizures, elicited by electroshock (ECS). Prolonged seizures (status epilepticus, SE) were induced by pilocarpine. Two months later, the rats’ behavior was tested using the Morris water maze, passive avoidance and active avoidance tests. The number of neurons in the hippocampal formation was estimated using stereological methods. ECS seizures produced loss of neurons, ranging between 14% and 26%, in the dentate hilus, subiculum, presubiculum, parasubiculum, and entorhinal layers III and V/VI. However, the neuron loss caused by SE in the same structures, as well as in the hippocampal CA3 and CA1 fields, ranged between 34% and 50%. SE additionally killed many neurons in the dentate granular layer, postsubiculum and entorhinal layer II. ECS treatment caused mild impairments in spatial learning and passive avoidance, but it was not associated with spontaneous motor seizures. In contrast, SE produced a severe disruption of spatial learning, passive and active avoidance, and led to the development of spontaneous seizures. These data show that both prolonged seizure activity and brief seizures result in structural and functional alterations in the temporal lobe circuits, but those caused by prolonged seizures are considerably more severe. Hippocampal damage elicited by brief seizures does not necessarily lead to spontaneous motor seizures.  相似文献   

The development of spontaneous limbic seizures was investigated in a rat model in which electrical tetanic stimulation of the angular bundle was applied for up to 90 min. This stimulation produced behavioural and electrographic seizures that led to a status epilepticus (SE) in most rats (71%). Long-term EEG monitoring showed that the majority of the rats (67%) that underwent SE, displayed a progressive increase of seizure activity once the first seizure was recorded after a latent period of about 1 week. The other SE rats (33%) did not show this progression of seizure activity. We investigated whether these different patterns of evolution of spontaneous seizures could be related to differences in cellular or structural changes in the hippocampus. This was the case regarding the following changes. (i) Cell loss in the hilar region: in progressive SE rats this was extensive and bilateral whereas in nonprogressive SE rats it was mainly unilateral. (ii) Parvalbumin and somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons: in the hilar region these were almost completely eliminated in progressive SE rats but were still largely present unilaterally in nonprogressive SE rats. (iii) Mossy fibre sprouting: in progressive SE rats, extensive mossy fibre sprouting was prominent in the inner molecular layer. In nonprogressive SE rats, mossy fibre sprouting was also present but less prominent than in progressive SE rats. Although mossy fibre sprouting has been proposed to be a prerequisite for chronic seizure activity in experimental temporal lobe epilepsy, the extent of hilar cell death also appears to be an important factor that differentiates between whether or not seizure progression will occur.  相似文献   

A period of continuous hippocampal stimulation (CHS) establishes an acute condition of self-sustaining limbic status epilepticus (SSLSE) which is followed by chronic neuropathological changes reminiscent of hippocampal sclerosis encountered in epileptic patients. In the chronic (greater than or equal to 1 month) condition following CHS-induced SSLSE, extended electrographic monitoring in the hippocampus revealed spontaneous recurrent paroxysmal discharges. All 6 animals studied had persistent interictal spiking; 3 had multiple fully developed electrographic seizures. There was a marked diminution of paired pulse inhibition, demonstrated by a protocol known to reflect the potency of inhibition mediated by GABAA receptors. Hippocampal slices from animals that had previously experienced CHS-induced SSLSE demonstrated an increased excitability relative to slices from control animals as evidenced by epileptiform bursting in increased extracellular potassium ([K+]0) and decreased extracellular calcium ([Ca2+]0). These studies establish that CHS-induced SSLSE in rats provides an experimental model with recurrent spontaneous hippocampal seizures. Based on electrophysiological data we suggest that a decrease in GABA-mediated inhibition and/or altered sensitivity to extracellular ions may play roles in the development of such seizures.  相似文献   

We evaluated the frequency, therapeutic response and predictors of status epilepticus (SE) and cluster seizures among elderly people. Patients over 60 years old with epilepsy (n = 201; age, 68.0 ± 7.5 years) were prospectively recruited. Among them, 64 patients (32%) who presented with new-onset cluster attacks and/or SE formed the study group. All underwent evaluation with electroencephalography (EEG) and CT scans. The mean duration of SE and cluster seizures at admission was 14.9 ± 53.7 hours. Cluster seizures were observed in 53 (26.4%) and SE in 34 (17%) elderly patients with seizures (n = 201). The types of SE were: generalized convulsive (23 patients), epilepsia partialis continua (eight patients), non-convulsive (two patients) and myoclonic (one patient). The types of epilepsy syndrome included were: acute symptomatic (37 patients; 57.8%), cryptogenic (15 patients; 23.4%) and remote symptomatic (12 patients; 18.8%). Interictal EEG was abnormal in 79.7% of patients with critical presentation compared to 53.3% of patients without critical presentation. Epileptiform activity was observed in 46.9% of patients with SE and/or cluster seizures compared to 27.0% without SE and/or cluster seizures (p = 0.001). The neuroimaging differences between the two groups were the absence of white-matter changes on CT scan in those with, compared to those without, SE and/or cluster seizures (28.1% compared to 41.6%, p = 0.06). The risk factors for SE and/or cluster seizures were: acute symptomatic seizures, simple partial seizures, a higher number of seizures, lower Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score and an absence of white-matter changes on CT scan. After multivariate analysis, lower GCS score (p = 0.01; odds ratio [OR] = 0.82) and a higher number of seizures (p = 0.03; OR = 1.03) significantly predicted the occurrence of SE and/or cluster seizures. Seizures were controlled with two antiepileptic drugs in 70.6%. To conclude, SE and/or cluster seizures are common (32%) among elderly patients with epilepsy. Early and aggressive treatment is effective in the majority.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic effects of seizures induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of kainic acid (KA) were studied in developing rats (postnatal days (P) 5, 10, 20, 30, and adult 60). For 3 months following KA-induced status epilepticus, spontaneous recurrent seizure (SRS) occurrence was quantified using intermittent video monitoring. Latency to generalized seizures was then tested using flurothyl, and brains were histologically analyzed for CA3 lesions. In P5-10 rats, KA caused generalized tonic-clonic ('swimming') seizures. SRS did not develop, and there was no significant difference between control and KA-treated rats in latency to flurothyl-induced seizures. In contrast, rats P20 and older exhibited limbic automatisms followed by limbic motor seizures which secondarily generalized. Incidence and frequency of SRS increased with age. P20-30 rats with SRS had shorter latencies to flurothyl seizures than did KA-treated P20-30 rats without SRS or controls. KA-treated P60 rats (with or without SRS) had shorter latencies than controls to flurothyl seizure onset. SRS in P60 rats occurred sooner after KA than in P20-30 rats. CA3 lesions were seen in P20-60 rats with and without SRS, but not in P5-10 rats. These data suggest that there are developmental differences in both acute and chronic responses to KA, with immature animals relatively protected from the long-term deleterious effects of this convulsant.  相似文献   

The mossy fiber pathway has long been considered to provide the major source of excitatory input to pyramidal cells of hippocampal area CA3. In this review we describe anatomical and physiological properties of this pathway that challenge this view. We argue that the mossy fiber pathway does not provide the main input to CA3 pyramidal cells, and that the short‐term plasticity and amplitude variance of mossy fiber synapses may be more important features than their long‐term plasticity or absolute input strength. Hippocampus 2001;11:408–417. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In a recent report we have shown that a protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide (CHX), is able to block the mossy fiber sprouting (MFS) that would otherwise be triggered by pilocarpine (Pilo)-induced status epilepticus (SE), and also gives relative protection against hippocampal neuronal death. Under this condition animals still showed spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRS) which led us to question the role played by sprouted mossy fibers in generating those seizures. In both patients and animal models of epilepsy the relative contribution of SE (when present) and/or SRS for the development of MFS is not known. In the present study we investigated the relationship between MFS, SE and SRS, and evaluated whether the CHX-induced blockade of MFS was transient or permanent in nature. We performed a chronic study which included animals subject to Pilo-induced SE in the presence of CHX and sacrificed between 8 and 10 months later, and animals that were subject to Pilo-induced SE in the presence of CHX and underwent a reinduction of SE with Pilo, 45 days after the first induction, but this time in the absence of CHX. Re-induction of SE or a long period of chronic seizures, were able to trigger supragranular MFS even in animals where the first (or only) SE event was triggered in the presence of CHX. MFS did not show any association with the frequency of SRS, and thus seemed to depend more critically on time. Our current findings allow us to suggest that MFS are neither the cause nor the consequence of SRS in the pilocarpine model.  相似文献   

Morphological and electrophysiological studies have shown that granule cell axons, the mossy fibers (MFs), establish gap junctions and therefore electrical communication among them. That granule cells express gap junctional proteins in their axons suggests the possibility that their terminals also express them. If this were to be the case, mixed electrical-chemical communication could be supported, as MF terminals normally use glutamate for fast communication with their target cells. Here we present electrophysiological studies in the rat and modeling studies consistent with this hypothesis. We show that MF activation produced fast spikelets followed by excitatory postsynaptic potentials in pyramidal cells (PCs), which, unlike the spikelets, underwent frequency potentiation and were strongly depressed by activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors, as expected from transmission of MF origin. The spikelets, which persisted during blockade of chemical transmission, were potentiated by dopamine and suppressed by the gap junction blocker carbenoxolone. The various waveforms evoked by MF stimulation were replicated in a multi-compartment model of a PC by brief current-pulse injections into the proximal apical dendritic compartment, where MFs are known to contact PCs. Mixed electrical and glutamatergic communication between granule cells and some PCs in CA3 may ensure the activation of sets of PCs, bypassing the strong action of concurrent feed-forward inhibition that granule cells activate. Importantly, MF-to-PC electrical coupling may allow bidirectional, possibly graded, communication that can be faster than chemical synapses and subject to different forms of modulation.  相似文献   

Several rodent models are available to study the cellular mechanisms associated with the development of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), but few have been successfully transferred to inbred mouse strains commonly used in genetic mutation studies. We examined spontaneous seizure development and correlative axon sprouting in the dentate gyrus of CD-1 and C57BL/6 mice after systemic injection of pilocarpine. Pilocarpine induced seizures and status epilepticus (SE) after systemic injection in both strains, although SE onset latency was greater for C57BL/6 mice. There were also animals of both strains which did not experience SE after pilocarpine treatment. After a period of normal behavior for several days after the pilocarpine treatment, spontaneous tonic-clonic seizures were observed in most CD-1 mice and all C57BL/6 that survived pilocarpine-induced SE. Robust mossy fiber sprouting into the inner molecular layer was observed after 4-8 weeks in mice from both strains which had experienced SE, and cell loss was apparent in the hippocampus. Mossy fiber sprouting and spontaneous seizures were not observed in mice that did not experience a period of SE. These results indicate that pilocarpine induces spontaneous seizures and mossy fiber sprouting in both CD-1 and C57BL/6 mouse strains. Unlike systemic kainic acid treatment, the pilocarpine model offers a potentially useful tool for studying TLE development in genetically modified mice raised on the C57BL/6 background.  相似文献   

Selective release of endogenous zinc from the hippocampal mossy fibers in situ   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The release of endogenous zinc was studied in the hippocampus of the anesthetized rat. Push-pull cannulae were bilaterally introduced in the hippocampus and zinc concentrations determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. We first studied the regional distribution of K+-evoked release of zinc. A 2 min (30 mM) K+ pulse produced a release of endogenous zinc, when the push-pull cannulae were located in the vicinity of the mossy fibers (CA3 or hilus) but not in other regions (including CA1, fimbria, molecular layer of the fascia dentata, thalamus etc...). In CA3 the maximal release was of 2000 ng/ml (200 times the levels of zinc present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)). Destruction of the mossy fibers by a local unilateral injection of 1.5 micrograms of colchicine dissolved in 0.6 microliter of a saline solution, eliminated this release without affecting the release in the control (contralateral) side. Electrical stimulation of the perforant path at 1 Hz did not evoke a release of zinc. In contrast at 10 Hz this stimulation produced a burst of population spike and a significant release of zinc in the mossy fibers (and not in other regions of the hippocampus). These experiments provide direct evidence that zinc is selectively released from the mossy fibers.  相似文献   

Previous studies of CRH-induced status epilepticus in infant rats demonstrated neuronal loss in several limbic structures, including the CA3 region of the hippocampus. The goal of the present study was to identify the neurons affected by CRH-induced seizures and determine whether they formed synapses with afferent axon terminals. Clusters of neurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus were osmiophilic when viewed in thick sections. Semi-thin 2-μ sections of the pyramidal cell layer contained dark, shrunken neurons with apical and basal dendrites among normal appearing pyramidal cells. Electron microscopy revealed degenerating pyramidal cells with intact cell membranes and electron dense nuclei and cytoplasm. The shrunken dendrites of these cells had spines and were postsynaptic to large immature-appearing mossy fibers. Thus, CA3 pyramidal neurons that are linked via mossy fibers to the tri-synaptic excitatory hippocampal circuit die subsequent to CRH-induced status epilepticus. The shrunken appearance and selective loss of these neurons are incompatible with necrosis as the mechanism of degeneration.  相似文献   

It is established that the majority but not all of the seizure-induced cell death is associated with status epilepticus while spontaneous recurrent seizures associated with epilepsy do not cause neuronal death. Extracellular effects and compensatory changes in brain physiology complicate assessment of neuronal death in vivo as the result of seizures. In this study we utilized a well-characterized in vitro hippocampal neuronal culture model of both continuous high-frequency epileptiform discharges (status epilepticus) and spontaneous recurrent epileptiform discharges (acquired epilepsy) to investigate the direct effects of continuous and episodic electrographic epileptiform discharges on cell death in a carefully controlled extracellular environment. The results from this study indicate that continuous high-frequency epileptiform discharges can cause neuronal death in a time-dependent manner. Episodic epileptiform seizure activity occurring for the life of the neurons in culture was not associated with increased neuronal cell death. Our data confirm observations from clinical and some animal studies that spontaneous recurrent seizures do not initiate cell death. The hippocampal neuronal culture model provides a powerful in vitro tool for carefully evaluating the effects of seizure activity alone on neuronal viability in the absence of various confounding factors and may provide new insights into the development of novel therapeutic agents to prevent neuronal injury during status epilepticus.  相似文献   

Shorvon S 《Epileptic Disord》2012,14(2):138-147
This paper reviews the clinical trials in acute repetitive seizures and in tonic-clonic status epilepticus. There are good randomised controlled studies on the use of benzodiazepines in early status epilepticus, but an inadequate trial base in the later stages. Therapy has therefore to be based on open studies, although in the later stages there is also a dearth of open data. Tonic-clonic status epilepticus is a medical emergency and a condition with a significant mortality. The lack of information compromises optimal therapy. This paper reviews the reasons for the lack of data and the problems associated with collecting data. It is proposed that, in the first instance, the best way of improving the quality of evidence would be a multinational case registry of existing practice.  相似文献   

We report our experience with 300 consecutive parenteral doses of lorazepam (LOR) for status epilepticus (SE) or serial seizures in 77 children and young adults. The median dose for SE in children less than 12 years old was 0.10 mg/kg. LOR stopped the SE in 79% and diminished the intensity of SE in an additional 4%. Prior acute or chronic anticonvulsant use (excepting chronic benzodiazepines) did not alter effectiveness or increase side effects. Duration of freedom from seizures following acute therapy was independent of LOR dosage. In patients requiring sequential doses, LOR becomes progressively less effective. Side effects were few and, when present, always associated with a single or first dose in a series. LOR is a safe and effective acute anticonvulsant agent for in-hospital control of SE in the pediatric age group. Tachyphylaxis of anticonvulsant action occurs when serial doses are used.  相似文献   

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