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目的 探讨口腔内黏膜尿道成形治疗尿道狭窄的长期效果. 方法 2001年1月至2010年12月,应用口腔内黏膜(颊黏膜和舌黏膜)尿道成形治疗前尿道狭窄255例.尿道狭窄段长度3 ~18 cm,平均6 cm.尿道成形采用保留原尿道板的扩大尿道成形术或埋藏黏膜条背侧替代尿道成形术.对49例尿道狭窄段≥8 cm者采取双侧颊黏膜拼接、颊粘膜与舌黏膜拼接或双侧连续长条舌黏膜尿道成形. 结果 术后随访8 ~120个月,平均37个月.230例患者排尿通畅,尿线粗,最大尿流率为16~51 ml/s,平均26 ml/s.尿道造影显示重建段尿道管腔通畅.总成功率90.2%.25例患者于术后1年内发生并发症,其中尿道再次狭窄17例,尿道皮肤瘘8例.17例尿道再狭窄患者中15例再次行口腔内黏膜尿道成形,2例吻合口狭窄行尿道内切开,术后排尿通畅;8例尿道皮肤瘘均接受尿瘘修补术后治愈. 结论 口腔颊黏膜和舌黏膜均是良好的尿道替代物,舌黏膜取材较颊黏膜更为便利;口腔内多种黏膜的组合移植重建尿道是治疗长段前尿道狭窄( ≥8 cm)的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的:探索颊黏膜在修复女童复杂性前尿道缺损中的应用价值。方法:采用部分耻骨劈开联合阴道前庭切口,截取相应大小的口腔颊黏膜作管状成形I期修复女童前尿道缺损3例。结果:3例女童术后均排尿通畅,最大尿流率为l9.6—24.4m1/s,平均为20.5m1/s,尿道造影示尿道通畅。结论:口腔颊黏膜具有取材方便、对患者创伤小、抗感染能力强等特性,是一种较好的尿道替代材料,尤其适合尿道狭窄段<5cm的患者。  相似文献   

尿道背侧颊黏膜镶嵌补片法治疗长段前尿道狭窄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价颊黏膜尿道背侧镶嵌技术尿道修复重建手术的有效性和安全性.方法 男性前尿道狭窄患者57例.平均年龄36(17~52)岁.尿道狭窄长度平均3.0(2.5~7.0)cm.颊黏膜取材长度平均4.0(3.5~8.0)cm,平均宽度2.3(I.8~2.5)am.57例均有经尿道内窥镜冷切电切手术史,其中1次手术史29例(51%),2次20例(35%),3次8例(14%),行耻骨上膀胱造瘘48例,9例采用尿道扩张维持.手术游离并旋转尿道,并于尿道背侧纵行切开,6-0可吸收线缝合颊黏膜与尿道切缘.保留尿管4周,拔管时行顺行尿道造影.患者排尿困难和尿线变细、尿道造影或尿道镜发现尿道管腔狭窄<16 F确定为尿道狭窄复发.结果 57例手术均成功,平均手术时间135(105150)min.平均随访11.2(1~23)个月.尿道通畅54例(95%),术后2~3个月复发3例(5%),狭窄部位均为远端的颊黏膜与尿道结合部,行尿道内窥镜冷刀切开,定期尿道扩张治疗.伤口感染3例,未发生尿瘘及尿道憩室.患者口腔疼痛持续2~5 d,平均2.3 d.术后无张VI困难、颊部麻木及腮腺导管梗阻等并发症发生,VI腔颊部均未见瘢痕形成.结论 VI腔颊黏膜尿道背侧镶嵌补片修复重建尿道,效果确切、并发症少、狭窄复发率低,是理想的长段前尿道狭窄的修复重建手段.  相似文献   

舌黏膜尿道成形治疗尿道狭窄的初步报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨舌黏膜补片法尿道成形治疗尿道狭窄的疗效。方法:采用舌黏膜尿道成形治疗尿道狭窄14例。尿道狭窄段3.5~14cm,平均6.2cm;术前耻骨上膀胱造瘘8例,余6例排尿均较为困难,最大尿流率2.5~5.5ml/s,平均3.8ml/s。结果:术后随访2~8个月,1例因伤口感染致尿道皮肤瘘,余患者均排尿通畅,最大尿流率增至22~51ml/s,平均29.6ml/s。结论:舌黏膜具有取材方便、对患者创伤小、抗感染力强等特点,是一种较好的尿道替代物,尤其适合尿道狭窄段<6cm的患者。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Since the resurgence in the use of buccal mucosa (BM) in substitution urethroplasty in the late 1980s and early 1990s, there has been controversy as to which surgical technique is the most appropriate for its application.METHODS: The authors performed an updated literature review. Several centres have published widely on this topic, and the points considered include the use BM in dorsal onlay grafts, ventral onlay grafts, and tubularised grafts and the role of two-stage procedures.RESULTS: In experienced hands, the outcomes of both dorsal onlay grafts and ventral onlay grafts in bulbar urethroplasty are similar. The dorsal onlay technique is, however, possibly less dependent on surgical expertise and therefore more suitable for surgeons new to the practice of urethroplasty. The complications associated with ventral onlay techniques can be minimised by meticulous surgical technique, but in series with longer follow-up, complications still tend to be more prevalent. In penile urethroplasty, two-stage dorsal onlay of BM (after complete excision of the scarred urethra) still provides the best results, although in certain circumstances a one-stage dorsal onlay procedure is possible. In general, ventral onlay of BM and tube graft procedures in the management of penile strictures are associated with much higher rates of recurrence and should therefore be avoided.CONCLUSIONS: In experienced hands the results of the ventral and dorsal onlay of BM for bulbar urethroplasty are equivalent. Two-stage procedures are preferable in the penile urethra, except under certain circumstances when a one-stage dorsal onlay is feasible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe our technique of lingual mucosal graft harvesting for substitution urethroplasty and the complications encountered at the donor site. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients who underwent lingual mucosal graft urethroplasty between May 2006 and March 2007 were included in this study. TECHNIQUE: The site of the graft harvest is the lateral mucosal lining of the tongue. Graft harvesting is started from the posterior landmark of the graft on the left side of the tongue. It is continued across the tip of the tongue to the other side if lengthier graft is required. The graft harvesting site is simultaneously closed with continuous running suture using 4-0 polyglactin suture to achieve immediate and good homeostasis. RESULTS: Mean duration of follow up was 4.2 months. Average length of harvested graft was 6.5 cm. Mean harvesting time was 18 min. At the first postoperative day, 92% patients experienced pain at donor site and 24% had slurring of speech. By third postoperative day, >70% were free of pain and four had slurring of speech. By sixth postoperative day, none of the patient suffered pain. All the patients were able to resume oral fluid within 24 h, eat soft solid diet in 48-72 h and return to normal diet after 4-5 days of surgery. No patient suffered from difficulty in opening the mouth, salivation disturbances, peri-oral numbness or difficulty in protrusion of tongue. CONCLUSION: Lingual mucosal graft harvesting is a simple procedure, provides lengthy graft and is associated with minimal donor site complications.  相似文献   

Urethral stricture management is a challenging surgery. Multiplicity of techniques means that none of them is ideal. No single technique is appropriate for all situations and the successful surgeon should have a store of operations to choose from according to each specific case. This review aims to provide an update on the different uses of buccal mucosal graft as a reconstructive and replacement tool for anterior urethral strictures management.  相似文献   

游离黏膜组织重建尿道治疗复杂性尿道狭窄的临床研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 探讨利用游离黏膜一期尿道成形治疗复杂性尿道狭窄或闭锁的疗效。方法 2000年8月至2004年7月采用2种游离黏膜一期尿道成形术治疗73例复杂性尿道狭窄。术前42例已行耻骨上膀胱造瘘,余31例最大尿流率1.2~6.5ml/s。用游离结肠黏膜(n=22)重建尿道长10~18cm,平均13cm;用口腔黏膜(n=51)重建尿道长3~11cm,平均5cm。术后随访分别行逆行尿道造影及尿流率,部分患者行尿道镜检查。结果随访2~48个月,平均19个月。术后排尿通畅67例(91.8%)。发生再次狭窄4例,其中结肠黏膜重建者1例,口腔黏膜重建者3例;排尿欠畅2例,定期行尿道扩张;尿道皮肤瘘2例;结肠腹壁瘘1例。1例结肠黏膜重建尿道者术后47个月移植物活检示结肠黏膜的组织形态学基本无变化。结论口腔与结肠黏膜均可作为较理想的尿道替代物,口腔黏膜较适合狭窄段不长的尿道修复,结肠黏膜较适合复杂性超长段尿道狭窄或缺损的治疗。  相似文献   

Xu YM  Sa YL  Fu Q  Zhang J  Xie H  Jin SB 《European urology》2009,56(1):193-200


Female urethral injury is rare, and there is no accepted standard approach for the repair of urethral strictures.


To evaluate the efficacy of transpubic access using pedicle tubularized labial urethroplasty for urethral reconstruction in female patients with urethral obliterative strictures and urethrovaginal fistulas.

Design, setting, and participants

Between January 1996 and December 2006, eight cases of female urethral strictures associated with urethrovaginal fistulas were treated using pedicle labial skin flaps.


A flap of approximately 3 × 3.5 × 3 cm of the labia minora or majora with its vascular pedicle was tubularized over an 18–22 Fr fenestrated silicone stent to create a neourethra. This technique was used in five women. Two flaps, approximately 1.5–3.5 cm, were taken from bilateral labia minora or majora and were pieced together to create a neourethra. This technique was used in three patients.


We performed voiding cystourethrography and uroflowmetry to assess postoperative results.

Results and limitations

The patients were followed up for 10–118 mo (mean 48.25 mo) after the procedure. There were no postoperative complications. Two patients complained of dysuria, which resolved spontaneously after 2 wk. One patient experienced stress incontinence that resolved after 4 wk. At 3-mo follow-up, one patient complained of difficulty voiding; the urinary peak flow was 13 ml/s, and the patient was treated successfully with urethral dilation. All other patients had normal micturition following catheter removal.


Pedicle labial urethroplasty is a reliable technique for the repair of extensive urethral damage, and a transpubic surgical approach provides wide and excellent exposure for the management of complex obliterative urethral strictures and urethrovaginal fistulas secondary to pelvic fracture.  相似文献   

舌黏膜与颊黏膜或包皮拼接重建尿道治疗长段尿道狭窄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨舌黏膜与颊黏膜或包皮拼接尿道成形治疗多节段或长段尿道狭窄的安全性和治疗效果.方法 尿道狭窄患者11例,年龄24~56岁,平均32岁.其中前尿道长段狭窄7例,狭窄长度10~15 cm,平均12 cm;尿道2~3处狭窄4例.病程6个月~8年.取舌黏膜条与颊黏膜条拼接尿道成形治疗7例,舌黏膜条与包皮瓣拼接尿道成形治疗4例.结果 11例手术顺利.1例舌黏膜与包皮拼接尿道成形患者术后3个月并发尿道外口狭窄,经手术矫正后排尿通畅,术后8个月最大尿流率27.5 ml/s.余10例排尿通畅、尿线粗,术后随访5~12个月,平均10个月,最大尿流率21~36 ml/s,平均26.8 ml/s.结论 舌黏膜与颊黏膜或包皮拼接尿道成形具有取材方便、患者创伤小的特占点,是治疗长段尿道律窄的较好术式.尤其适用于尿道多处狭窄者.  相似文献   

目的 探讨犬舌黏膜与颊黏膜组合移植替代尿道的可行性和有效性. 方法杂种雌犬7只,平均体质量13 kg,剥离尿道黏膜4 cm×1 cm,取2 cm×1 cm舌侧面黏膜和颊黏膜各1条,拼接后移植至尿道内,恢复尿道黏膜的连续性.术后留置硅胶导尿管1周,拔除尿管后观察排尿情况.1.5~12.0个月后行逆行尿道造影检测实验犬尿道通畅情况,并用10 F尿管证实有无狭窄.随后处死实验犬,测定移植物长度并行病理组织学检查,观察舌黏膜与颊黏膜组合移植至尿道后组织学改变情况. 结果7只实验犬均存活,排尿通畅6只,发生尿道狭窄1只;无尿瘘.移植手术前后舌黏膜和颊黏膜拼接长度分别为(4.00±0.15)和(3.75±0.23)cm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).排尿通畅犬移植黏膜存活良好;舌黏膜与颊黏膜交界处愈合良好,无狭窄发生;光镜下见鳞状上皮呈连续分布,拼接移植黏膜的鳞状上皮与尿道的移行上皮区分明显,移植黏膜的鳞状上:皮有渐被尿道移行上皮替代的趋势.结论 犬舌黏膜和颊黏膜组合移植可替代尿道黏膜并恢复尿道的连续性.  相似文献   

目的 提高对硬化性苔藓样病( lichen sclerosus,LS)导致尿道狭窄的认识,观察游离黏膜尿道成形治疗LS所致尿道狭窄的疗效. 方法 2007年1月-2010年12月收治LS所致前尿道狭窄患者36例,年龄27~75岁,平均41岁.尿道狭窄段长5.0 ~20.0 cm,平均11.5 cm.根据尿道狭窄段长短和严重程度选择不同的黏膜组织,其中行口腔内黏膜(舌、颊黏膜)尿道成形27例,结肠黏膜尿道成形8例,另1例老年患者行前尿道劈开.在行尿道重建术前对病变累及的阴茎头、尿道口、尿道行病理学检查. 结果 36例患者术后3周拔除导尿管,排尿通畅;活检结果提示上皮基底部特征性病变,过度角化,上皮层变薄,淋巴细胞浸润等.术后随访6 ~ 50个月,平均22个月.出现尿道外口狭窄3例(8.3%),其中口腔内黏膜尿道成形者2例,结肠黏膜重建尿道者1例,行尿道外口切开后排尿通畅.余患者术后排尿通畅,最大尿流率17.2~47.0 ml/s,平均23.4 ml/s. 结论 采用游离黏膜尿道成形治疗LS所致尿道狭窄疗效较好,但需密切随访,因病变迁延可致尿道再狭窄,尤其是尿道口再狭窄.  相似文献   

小肠黏膜下脱细胞基质修复前尿道狭窄的疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨小肠黏膜下脱细胞基质(small intestinal submucosa,SIS)修复前尿道狭窄的可行性和有效性.方法 2009年6月至2010年8月采用4层SIS补片修复治疗尿道狭窄患者18例.患者年龄20~69岁,平均38岁;尿道狭窄段3.5~7.0 cm,平均4.6 cm;术前最大尿流率1.5~5.5 ml/s,平均3.8 ml/s.术中按需将SIS(长4.0~7.5 cm,宽 2.0 cm)植入尿道背侧缺损处,5-0可吸收线将SIS间断固定在阴茎海绵体上,SIS两侧与已剪开的狭窄段尿道作连续缝合,两端分别与尿道断端作间断吻合.结果 手术过程顺利,术后恢复好.随访6~18个月,平均10个月,患者未发生感染、排斥反应等并发症.17例排尿通畅,最大尿流率14.0~44.0 ml/s,平均25.4 ml/s.尿道造影显示尿道通畅;术后4、6周尿道镜检查示SIS移植物与周围组织分界清楚;术后14周尿道镜检查SIS已降解,修复段尿道与周围组织间限消失,黏膜光洁完整,管腔无明显狭窄;植入SIS部位活检显示黏膜表层为上皮细胞.1例尿道下裂术后患者术后5个月出现轻度尿道狭窄症状,行尿道扩张治疗.结论 利用SIS修复尿道狭窄具有创伤小、抗感染力强的特点,可作为组织工程尿道修复重建材料修复部分尿道狭窄患者.
Objective To investigate the feasibility of using small intestinal submucosa (SIS) graft for the repair of anterior urethral strictures. Methods From June 2009 to August 2010, 18 men (mean age, 38 yrs) with anterior urethral strictures underwent urethroplasty using a four-layer SIS as an onlay patch graft. SIS was used to augment the urethral caliber at the stricture site. The mean stricture length was 4.6 cm (range 3.5 to 7 cm). The pre-operative mean maximal flow rate was 3.8 ml/s (range 1.5 to 5.5 ml/s). The required SIS grafts (4 to 7.5 cm long and 2 cm wide) were positioned into the urethrotomy defect and were spread-fixed to the corpora cavernosa using 5-0 polyglactin interrupted sutures. Two apices of the graft were sutured to the proximal and distal apices of the urethrotomy with 5-0 polyglactin interrupted stitches. The margins of the opened urethra were sutured to the SIS patch with 5-0 polyglactin running sutures. Results The mean follow-up period was 10 mon. (range 6-18 mon.). No postoperative complication, such as infection or rejection related to the use of heterologous graft material was observed. Seventeen patients voided well postoperatively with the mean peak urine flow of 25.4 ml/s (14-44 ml/s). Cystoscopy revealed that at four weeks and six weeks, the SIS graft was well distinguishable from the normal surrounding tissue; and at 16 weeks, the urothelium was regenerated and the biomaterial was not distinguishable from the normal surrounding tissue. The squamosal epithelium was seen in the histological examination of the grafts. The remaining one patient with failed hypospadias developed a slight urethral narrowing at five months post-operatively and needed sound dilatations. Conclusions SIS matrix appears to be a safe and effective reconstructive material in selected urethral reconstructions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨口腔黏膜尿道成形治疗复杂性尿道狭窄影响疗效的相关因素。方法:对采用口腔黏膜替代尿道成形术76例患者的尿道狭窄位置与长度、口腔黏膜宽度、术前手术次数、支架管留置时间等与狭窄复发率进行单因素分析。结果:76例随访3~60个月,平均24.1个月,术后初期排尿通畅61例(80.3%);再次狭窄15例,其中3例同时伴尿道皮肤瘘,4例伴尿道假性憩室。2例经数次尿道扩张、8例再次手术后排尿通畅,总成功率为93.4%。结论:尿道狭窄复发率与黏膜宽度明显相关(P〈0.05)。在0.8~2.0cm范围内口腔黏膜条越宽,尿道狭窄发生率越低;狭窄长度与术前手术次数对短期狭窄复发率无明显影响。  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (case series)
Level of Evidence 4


To report the medium‐term results at our institution of repairing long bulbar urethral strictures with buccal mucosal grafts.


Between January 2003 and June 2007, a buccal mucosa graft repair was used in 34 patients with recurrent bulbar strictures >2 cm. The follow‐up included uroflowmetry with an ultrasonographic estimate of residual volume at 3 months, 1 year and yearly thereafter, or at the onset of obstructive voiding symptoms. A retrograde urethrogram with a voiding cysto‐urethrogram was taken at 6 months. Flexible urethroscopy was used whenever a recurrent stricture was suspected. A successful outcome was defined as normal voiding with no stricture on the voiding cysto‐urethrogram and no need for subsequent instrumentation.


The median (range) age of the patients was 55.5 (23–74) years. The mean (sd ) preoperative maximum flow rate was 6.6 (2.5) mL/s with a mean (sd ) residual volume of 51.7 (89.7) mL. Seven patients (21%) had had one or more previous urethral dilatations, 15 (44%) had undergone one or more internal urethrotomies and 10 (30%) received both treatments. Eight patients (24%) had previous open urethral surgery; two had no previous treatment. A dorsal onlay technique was used in 30 patients, a ventral onlay in one, a combined technique (dorsal onlay and ventral fasciocutaneous flap) in two and a two‐stage buccal mucosa urethroplasty in one. The mean (sd ) operative duration was 147 (36) min, and the stricture length and buccal mucosa graft length were, respectively, 3.2 (1.2) cm and 4.4 (0.6) cm. Follow‐up was available in 33 patients (97%) with a mean of 23 (15.4) months. The success rate was then 94%. Both failures occurred within the first year and were managed successfully by internal urethrotomy. The mean (sd ) postoperative maximum flow rate was 20 (11) mL/s with a mean (sd ) residual volume of 46 (68) mL. There were no medium‐term donor‐site complications. Postmicturition dribbling was noted in eight patients (24%). None of the patients had de novo impotence or urinary incontinence, and to date no patient has needed a repeat open reconstruction.


Our results show that in patients with bulbar urethral strictures of >2 cm, urethroplasty using buccal mucosa is feasible, with very encouraging medium‐term results. We confirm that this type of reconstruction could be considered the standard of care for bulbar strictures of >2 cm.  相似文献   

目的:探讨带蒂皮瓣尿道成形术治疗尿道狭窄的技巧。方法:对32例前尿道狭窄患者用带蒂皮瓣尿道成形术一期切开狭窄段同期成形尿道。结果:术后随访,0.5~3年,平均2.2年,25例一次成功,排尿通畅,4例出现狭窄,内切开治愈,3例出现尿瘘,第二次修补治愈。结论:带蒂皮瓣技术对前尿道狭窄,一次完成尿道狭窄切开和尿道成形,成功率高,是一种理想的治疗方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We describe a new surgical technique with the use of fibrin glue for bulbar urethra reconstruction using a dorsal buccal mucosal onlay graft. METHODS: Six patients with a mean age of 43 yr underwent bulbar urethroplasty with dorsal onlay buccal mucosal graft and fibrin glue. The urethra was mobilised from the corpora cavernosa and opened along its dorsal surface. The buccal mucosal graft was applied on the corpora cavernosa using 2 ml of fibrin glue. Two interrupted polyglactin 5-0 sutures were used to fix the apices of the graft to the underlying albuginea of the corpora cavernosa. The urethra was rotated back to cover the graft and an adjunctive fibrin glue was injected over the urethra. RESULTS: The mean operative time was 100 min (range, 90-120 min). No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed. Voiding cystourethrography was performed when the catheter was removed 2 wk after surgery. Urine culture, uroflowmetry, and urethrography were repeated after 6 and 12 mo and annually thereafter. Mean follow-up was 16 mo (range, 12-24 mo). No restrictures at the anastomotic sites were demonstrated in any of the patients 6 and 12 mo after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The use of fibrin glue represents a slight but significant step toward perfecting the surgical technique of bulbar urethral reconstruction.  相似文献   

目的 观察结肠黏膜尿道成形术治疗复杂性超长段尿道狭窄的长期效果和影响因素. 方法 2000年10月至2009年9月采用结肠黏膜尿道成形治疗复杂性超长段尿道狭窄46例.年龄17 ~70岁,平均39岁.尿道狭窄段长10.0~20.0 cm,平均15.2 cm.术前有平均2.7次不成功的尿道修复史.通过定期门诊或电话随访进行术后疗效评估,包括排尿情况和尿流率检查,部分患者行尿道造影和尿道镜检查等.以不需要任何处理包括尿道扩张,能正常排尿,尿流率在正常范围内者视为手术成功. 结果 结肠黏膜重建尿道的长度为11.0~21.0 cm,平均15.4 cm.1例失访,余45例随访20~120个月,平均62个月.发生与手术相关的并发症4例(8.9%),其中3例于术后3、8和24个月发生尿道外口狭窄,1例术后29个月发生结肠黏膜新尿道与尿道近端吻合口狭窄.另2例发生与结肠黏膜尿道成形术无关的尿道狭窄. 结论 结肠黏膜尿道成形术治疗复杂性超长段尿道狭窄术后长期效果理想;影响术后效果的因素是尿道口狭窄和吻合口狭窄.  相似文献   

目的:探讨结肠黏膜重建尿道治疗复杂性超长段尿道狭窄的应用价值与疗效.方法:对既往已有平均2.5次不成功的尿道修复史的35例患者,采用结肠黏膜一期尿道成形术,治疗其复杂性超长段尿道狭窄.所用结肠黏膜重建的尿道长10~20cm,平均14.6cm.术后分别行尿道造影,检测尿流率,部分患者行尿道镜检查.结果:患者术后随访3~60个月,平均28.5个月.31例术后排尿通畅,最大尿流率大于15 ml/s.1例因结肠黏膜新尿道与前列腺部尿道吻合区血供较差,术后继发尿道狭窄;1例在术后3个月并发尿道外口狭窄,经手术矫正后排尿通畅;2例分别在术后46,20个月时发生与重建尿道无关的球膜部尿道狭窄,采用口腔黏膜尿道成形术后排尿通畅.结论:利用结肠黏膜重建尿道治疗复杂性超长段尿道狭窄或闭锁,是一种可行而有效的方法,尤其是适合在较多常规方法治疗失败者.  相似文献   

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