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美国各种政治流派对美国卫生政策的制订和改革持有不同的观点,本文结合美国医疗制度的特点,对四个主要流派的基本论点进行了比较详细的介绍和评述。  相似文献   

经济政策与卫生经济政策引论   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
一、经济政策 经济政策就是通过特定的手段来实现政策主体所确定的目标。政策目标、政策手段和政策主体是构成经济政策的三个基本因素。 (一)经济政策目标与价值判断 政策目标是经济政策的出发点和归宿,制约着经济政策从制定到实施的全过程。政策目标涉及到“是什么”和“应该是什么”这样两个问题。对各种不同的政策目标,首先要加以论述。这些论述就是运用实证经济学方法回答客观经济现象“是什么”的问题;其次,对各种不同的政策目标要作出评价,  相似文献   

论卫生经济政策的理论根据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
政府制定与实施卫生经济政策以社会经济成本与效益的理论为根据。卫生经济政策分析的社会经济成本与效益的理论是以经济学基本理论为基础的。社会经济成本是指开展某项活动,生产某种产品,提供某项服务要占用和消耗的经济资源而必须付出的社会经济代价。社会经济效益是指所生产的产品与劳务满足人民群众需要的程度。 经济资源有三种基本形态:土地、资本和劳动。土地泛指各种自然资源,资本泛指经过人类劳动而形成的生产资料,劳动泛指具有一定专业知识和技能的劳动者。 卫生经济政策分析不仅要认真研究与测算卫生机构内部发生的财务会计成本与收益,还要认真研究与测算宏观卫生  相似文献   

本文从卫生经济学角度认为卫生政策应在宏观上考虑到卫生投资、卫生服务补偿与卫生服务总支出之间的相对平衡,并应在加强预防保健工作、理顺和控制病人的流向、加强医疗机构的科学管理、药品的生产与医疗需求的协调性上,引导病人恰当、合理的医疗消费,发展适宜技术,实行全行业管理,开发“自我保健”的卫生资源等方面给予政策上的导向与保证。  相似文献   

在实现以提高经济效益为前提的经济建设战略目标过程中,如何依据社会主义市场经济理论和社会主义经济发展的内在联系,充分发挥财务管理在促进卫生经济改革和发展中的作用,是摆在我们面前的新课题。现就卫生经济政策与财务管理谈一点看法: 一、关于经济政策与财务管理理论上的探讨 在逻辑学家看来,万事万物都应按其本来面目表现出来。经济行为在所有情况下均表现为从若干备选  相似文献   

改革是硬措施,发展是硬道理。运用政策调节人的思想行为和社会活动,促进社会经济的发展,是人类特有的主观能动性的突出表现。在国家思想观念、政治生活、经济体制发生重大变革的重要时期,研究和制定正确的卫生经济政策,用以促进卫生改革的不断深化,推动卫生事业的健康发展,是当前卫生管理的重要课题。为此,本文主要阐述制定卫生经济政策的  相似文献   

区域卫生经济政策是指一定区域内保证卫生事业正常运行,以满足人民群众日益增长的、不同层次的医疗卫生保健要求的各种经济政策,属国家经济政策范畴。卫生经济政策分为宏观卫生经济政策和微观卫生经济政策;也可分为卫生筹资政策和卫生补偿政策。这些卫生经济政策随着社会经济政策、医疗卫生发展和人民群众实际需求的变化而变化。 (一) 八十年代以来,特别是近几年为适应国家经济体制的变化,我区卫生事业进行了相应改革,区域卫生经济政策也有部分调整,表现在由政策、企业和集体经济组织包揽所有医疗卫生服务相应部分人民群众医疗卫生费用的格局已被打破,出现了新的区域卫生经济政策刍形。  相似文献   

90年代以来,与我国卫生事业稳步发展、卫生服务供给能力不断增强形成反差的是部分地区居民的卫生服务需求受到了一定程度的抑制,医疗服务需求数量与规模均有不同程度的下降与萎缩。全国医院诊疗人次由1991年的26.14亿人次下降为1995年的21.90亿人次;入院人次由1991年的5292万人次下降为1995年的5033万人次。需求数量的下降与供给水平的提高,使医疗服务的需求约束在医院表现得更为明显,全国县以上医院的病床使用率由1991年的81.4%下降为  相似文献   

美国的医学科技比较发达,许多领域在国际上处于领先地位,然而,美国的现行医疗制度在世界上却被称为落后的,最不成功的,与美国的经济水平,科技水平形成反差,本评述了造成以上反差的现状及其原因。  相似文献   

With America entering a new period of debate about the future of its health care system and with several alternative models now being tested in individual states, this article explores the similarities and differences between the National Health Service of the United Kingdom and America's varying approaches to addressing the health services needs of its citizens. The focus of this article is in identifying opportunities to benefit from the relative strengths and avoid or correct the weaknesses inherent in each system.  相似文献   

《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》(以下简称《决定》)指出:“农村卫生工作是我国卫生工作的重点,关系到保护农村生产力、振兴农村经济、维护农村社会发展和稳定的大局,对提高全民族素质具有重要意义”。《决定》要求:加强农村公共卫生工作,推进农村卫生服务体系建设,加大农村卫生投入力度,建立和完新型善农村合作医疗制度和医疗救助制度,依法加强农村医药卫生监管,加  相似文献   

Since 1980 there has been an unprecedented shift in federal expenditures away from health and social welfare; an "electoral mandate" to reduce government's role is widely cited as justification. Yet, a survey of all major opinion polls of the past decade shows that electoral behavior and popular opinion are not synonymous. In exploring the historical ideological roots of this disjunction, the post- New Deal rise of "interest group" over "class" behavior is noted; "depoliticization" of political issues and "abstentionism" in voting follow. Rather than a realignment, recent elections represent a dealignment from regressive choices.  相似文献   

目的:比较分析金砖国家医疗资源与卫生费用相关情况,以期对我国目前正在深化的医改工作提供有益借鉴。方法:通过数据分析、查阅文献等方法进行。结果:我国医疗资源在金砖五国中处于中等水平,但人均医院床位数相对偏高;卫生总费用、卫生总费用和人均卫生费用增速均位列五国之首;卫生总费用占GDP比重偏低,且增速较慢;政府卫生总支出占卫生总费用比重提高较快。结论:中国应在加大卫生投入基础上,调整医疗资源结构,转变卫生服务模式,预防优先,医防合作,健全人才培养、服务补偿以及绩效考评等机制,重视体制创新,重视科技支撑,努力打造中国医改升级版,为实现全面小康和中国梦提供坚实保障。  相似文献   

Current changes in technology and in economic, social, and demographic trends must be taken into account in the formulation or reformulation and implementation of policies and programs for the prevention and control of occupational disease and dysfunction.  相似文献   

In the decade of the 1970s there were some significant changes to the Australian health system while the health systems of most other countries remained stable. By comparing the Australian health system with that of a number of other countries in the 1970s, the paper examines both the causes and consequences of these changes. The substance of the various Australian health system initiatives was a change from a voluntary to a mandatory health insurance system and then, after a short period of 'catastrophic' health insurance, a return to a voluntary system. Most of these changes appeared to be motivated by political and ideological preferences rather than by a rational assessment of their likely efficiency or effectiveness. In any event, and despite claims to the contrary, these changes were minor when viewed in the broad context of international systems of health care. The conclusions of the analysis, while tentative, suggest that the health system changes had little, if any, direct impact on health costs, service use and indicators of health outcomes.  相似文献   

BackgroundIncreased electronic cigarette (ECIG) use has motivated new regulations to address the changing landscape of tobacco use and promote public health.MethodThis policy scan compares ECIG prevalence and regulations in the European Union (EU), Canada, and the United States (US) at the federal- and local-level to foster a policy dialogue around modern tobacco prevention and control regulations.ResultsAmong young adults, 40 % in the US, 29 % in Canada, and 28 % in the EU report ever using an ECIG. Results from the policy scan find significant variation in approach to regulating ECIGs. EU member states are subject to the most stringent requirements regarding nicotine concentration regulations, and several member states have also opted to ban flavors and/or require plain packaging or out of sight retail sales. Among EU and US states, taxation is a popular strategy, though taxing strategies vary widely. Regarding youth use, US states have led the way for increasing the legal age of sale to 21 at the federal level, and in Canada recent federal regulations are innovative in their approach to banning advertising that may appeal to youth.ConclusionStrategies to achieve public health goals related to ECIGs vary widely, with federalism playing an important role in policy innovation, offering opportunities to evaluate their effectiveness and inform future regulations.  相似文献   

Mental disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 1996). In a report on health indicators of premature death and disability, the World Bank concluded that mental health problems account for 8.1% of the global burden of disease (GBD). Industrialized nations have taken different approaches in applying innovations to mental health care and mental health care policy. This paper uses the K. McInnis-Dittrich model of policy analysis (Ginsberg, 1994) to analyze the approaches of the United Kingdom (U.K.) and the United States (U.S.) to mental health treatment, specifically examining the effects of the U.K.'s national practice guidelines and the U.S.'s lack of similar guidelines. Recommendations for changes in current U.S. mental health policy are presented.  相似文献   

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