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Ilizarov外固定架结合带蒂皮瓣转移治疗小腿感染性骨折不愈合伴皮肤软组织缺损(15例随访报告) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]探讨应用Ilizarov外固定支架结合带蒂皮瓣转移治疗小腿感染性骨折不愈合伴皮肤软组织缺损的手术方法及其疗效.[方法]2005年7月-2008年9月应用Ilizarov 环形外固定支架结合带蒂皮瓣转移治疗小腿感染性骨折不愈合伴皮肤软组织缺损15例,男12 例,女3 例;年龄20~58岁,平均 40岁;皮瓣面积6 cm×5 cm~15 cm×10 cm.[结果]15例患者均得到随访,随访时间8~33个月,平均13个月.其中14例获得了骨性愈合,创面一期修复,炎症未再复发.1例皮瓣部分坏死,炎症复发,经再次手术后治愈.平均胫骨骨折愈合时间为6.5个月.平均去除外固定支架的时间为7个月.[结论]Ilizarov外固定支架结合带蒂皮瓣转移可以有效治疗小腿感染性骨折不愈合伴皮肤软组织缺损,适宜的手术时机和手术指征是获得满意疗效的基础. 相似文献
目的总结带蒂皮瓣移位联合外固定支架治疗小腿开放性骨折伴软组织缺损的临床效果。方法2004年5月-2007年6月,收治小腿开放性骨折伴皮肤软组织缺损患者12例。男9例,女3例;年龄18~75岁。车祸伤8例,压砸伤2例,坠落伤、机器伤各1例。根据Gustilo分型:Ⅱ型2例,ⅢA型5例,ⅢB型5例。骨折位于胫骨上段2例,中段3例,中下段7例。软组织缺损范围5cm×3cm~22cm×10cm,骨外露范围3cm×2cm~6cm×3cm。病程1~12h。入院后以外固定支架或联合克氏针有限内固定重建骨稳定性,采用同侧小腿局部旋转皮(肌)瓣、腓肠神经营养皮(肌)瓣、隐神经营养皮瓣修复创面。皮(肌)瓣切取范围5cm×4cm~18cm×12cm。供区创面采用游离植皮或直接缝合。结果术后2例皮瓣创缘部分感染,1例皮瓣远端部分坏死,经换药处理后创缘Ⅱ期愈合;余患者皮瓣均成活,切口Ⅰ期愈合。供区植皮成活,切口均Ⅰ期愈合。术后患者均获随访,随访时间6个月~2年。皮瓣外形满意,质地优良,无明显臃肿。8例出现外固定支架针道感染,外固定取出后痊愈。1例胫骨中下段粉碎性骨折不愈合,2例胫骨中下段骨折延迟愈合,余患者骨折于术后3~4个月愈合。3例超踝关节外固定患者踝关节活动稍差,踝关节背伸0~10^o,跖屈10~30^o,余患者踝关节背伸10~20^o,跖屈30~50^o。结论带蒂皮瓣移位联合外固定支架治疗小腿开放性骨折伴皮肤软组织缺损是一种安全有效的方法。 相似文献
笔者自2007年10月~2011年6月,采用外固定支架结合腓肠神经营养皮瓣治疗胫腓骨开放性骨折伴皮肤缺损、骨外露13例,疗效满意,报告如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组13例,男12例,女1例;年龄24~53岁,平均38岁。致伤原因:矿山塌方砸伤9例,交通事故伤4例;按 相似文献
抗生素骨水泥珠链结合外固定架治疗感染性骨折不愈合 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
目的:探讨抗生素骨水泥珠链植入结合外固定架固定治疗感染性骨折不愈合的疗效。,方法:回顾分析22例感染性骨折不愈合患者,男20例,女2例;年龄21±74岁,平均(34.7±11.6)岁。骨折部位:股骨粗隆间3例、股骨干6例、股骨髁上2例、胫骨干9例、肱骨干2例。治疗过程分为3个步骤:先取出内固定物,清创后植入抗生素骨水泥珠链,Ⅰ期闭合伤口;1周后再次清创,更换抗生素骨水泥珠链,行外固定架固定;3个月后取出抗生素骨水泥珠链,取髂骨植骨。结果:随访15~28个月,平均(19.98±4.16)个月。1例胫骨干骨折和1例股骨粗隆问骨折患者分别于植骨术后2、3个月感染复发,其余20例患者感染控制良好。22例患者骨折全部愈合,愈合时间为植骨术后8-24周,平均(15.09±4.13)周。结论:彻底清创、抗生素骨水泥珠链植入结合外固定架固定及Ⅱ期植骨是治疗感染性骨折不愈合简单而有效的方法、 相似文献
皮瓣联合外固定架治疗胫骨骨折伴小腿软组织缺损 总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10
目的 探讨小腿软组织缺损伴有胫骨骨折或骨缺损、骨髓炎的有效治疗方法。方法 对45例小腿大面积软组织缺损同时伴有胫骨骨折或骨缺损、骨髓炎的病例,采用游离皮瓣腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣和筋膜皮瓣及腓肠肌内、外侧头肌皮瓣转位等加外固定架结合的方法治疗。结果 除1例骨髓炎外,全部病例小腿创面均愈合。采用半环架与皮瓣结合治疗37例,其骨折愈合时间为6~14个月;力臂式外固定架的6例愈合时间为1年~2年8个月;组合式外固定的2例愈合时间为1年2个月。结论 半环架与皮瓣结合是治疗小腿大面积软组织缺损伴有骨折、骨缺损或骨髓炎的一种良好方法。 相似文献
皮瓣结合外固定架治疗胫骨骨折伴小腿软组织缺损 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]探讨小腿软组织缺损伴有胫骨骨折或骨缺损的有效治疗方法,[方法]对5例小腿大面积软绀织缺损同时伴有胫骨骨折或骨缺损的病例,采用游离皮瓣腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣小腿内侧皮瓣等移植加外固定架结合的方法治疗,[结果]5例小腿创面均愈合,外同定架固定骨折在6~14个月内愈合,[结论]外同定架与皮瓣结合是治疗小腿大面积软组织缺损伴有骨折、骨缺损的一种良好办法。 相似文献
感染性胫骨骨折不愈合的外固定架治疗 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
感染并骨折不愈合是胫骨骨折内固定术后常见的并发症.自1997年3月~2006年2月,笔者对18例感染性胫骨骨折不愈合采取病灶清除、伤口灌洗、创面修复结合外固定架治疗,取得较好疗效,现报告如下. 相似文献
外固定架结合有限内固定治疗新鲜胫腓骨开放性粉碎性骨折 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6
胫腓骨骨折是四肢骨折中较常见的一类,受伤机制、损伤类型不同,治疗方法及手段也不同,特别是新鲜的开放性粉碎性骨折,治疗不当并发症较多,严重影响患者生活质量。1997年7月~2004年7月,我科采用外固定架结合有限内固定治疗新鲜胫腓骨开放性粉碎性骨折68例,取得较好的临床效果。报告如下。 相似文献
开放植骨治疗感染性骨折不愈合 总被引:60,自引:2,他引:60
目的介绍开放植骨治疗感染性骨折不愈合的手术方法,总结疗效,探讨提高治疗成功率的因素。方法126例感染性骨折不愈合或骨缺损患者,男98例,女28例;年龄15~71岁,平均35岁。胫骨骨折96例,股骨骨折12例,肱骨骨折5例,尺骨骨折6例,桡骨骨折2例,尺桡骨双骨折5例。骨缺损1.5~6.5cm,平均3.5cm。患处彻底清创,切除失活的软组织和骨组织,直至骨折端点状出血。对于轻度骨质疏松、稳定性骨折且预期病程短者可使用双臂单边单平面外固定架;对于明显骨质疏松、不稳定性骨折和(或)预期病程长者使用单臂双平面外固定架;对于严重骨质疏松者,使用单臂双平面外固定架固定并辅以石膏托外固定;邻近关节骨折,可考虑跨关节外固定架和(或)石膏固定。一期或择期植入带皮质的自体松质骨骨条,直径<5mm,开放伤口。术后严格无菌换药。静脉滴注敏感抗生素,平均用药11d。结果平均随访2.4年(8个月~4.5年)。术后平均8周移植骨质表面覆盖肉芽组织,14例于术后5周行游离植皮闭合创面,112例于术后平均10周瘢痕自行愈合。123例骨折于术后平均7个月愈合,9个月去除外固定;3例骨折未愈合。4例出现窦道,2例感染复发。结论开放植骨术是治疗感染性骨折不愈合和骨缺损的简单、积极而有效的方法。与传统方法相比,疗程缩短,手术次数减少。感染并非植骨 相似文献
目的介绍使用外固定架及适当短缩肢体治疗伴有软组织环形缺损的胫腓骨下段骨折的方法,并评价其疗效。方法伴有踝部软组织环形缺损的胫腓骨骨折13例,采用BK外固定架固定,适当缩短肢体长度,一期闭合创面,术后应用激素减少肿张发生。结果所有伤口均一期愈合。骨折愈合时间平均3.8个月.11例肢体断缩小于2cm,2例肢体短缩2~3.5cm。均无明显下肢功能障碍。结论对伴有环形软组织缺损的胫腓骨下段骨折,应用外固定架固定及适当短缩肢体,术后应用激素治疗可以取得较好疗效。 相似文献
BackgroundInfected nonunion of the distal humerus represents a true challenge as the fragment is usually small and difficult for fixation. The aim of the present study is to assess the results of Ilizarov external fixator in management of infected nonunion of the distal third humerus.Material and methodsTwenty-three patients with infected nonunion of the distal humerus were included in this study. The ages ranged from 19 to 58 years with an average of 35 years. Seventeen cases were males and 6 were females. All patients were treated by radical debridement and application of Ilizarov external fixator in one stage surgery.ResultsBony union was achieved in all cases. Bone graft was required in 12 patients with hypotrophic nonunion. The external fixation time ranged from 4 to 9 months with an average of 5.6 months. Infection was controlled in all cases without recurrence during the period of follow up. The complications included pin tract infection in 7 cases, radial nerve injury in one case, elbow stiffness in 4 cases and refracture after frame removal in one case.ConclusionIlizarov external fixator is effective in management of infected nonunion of the distal humerus. The thin tensioned wires produce good grip in the small or osteoporotic bone fragments. 相似文献
目的总结小儿肢体延长的临床经验,探讨肢体延长中出现的并发症及其对策。方法 采用Ilizrov外固定延长架对14例小儿下肢短缩畸形进行15侧肢体延长,其中股骨下端截骨延长3例,胫骨上端截骨延长9例,胫骨下端截骨延长2例。结果 随访1-6年,平均2年3个月。延长幅度3.0-10.0cm,平均6.5cm。延长率达原骨长度的12.5%_45.5%,平均22.9%。 相似文献
IntroductionPost-traumatic bone defects of the tibia present a difficult reconstructive challenge. Various methods of reconstruction are available, such as allografts, vascularised fibular graft (either free or pedicled) and bone transport technique.Patients and methodsFourteen patients with an average age of 34.1 years at operation (range, 12–65) with post-traumatic bony defects of the tibia were selected for reconstruction with vascularised fibular graft combined with Ilizarov external fixation. There were 12 male and two female. The size of the bony gap was 10.4 cm (range, 7–13) and the average length of the fibula used was 16.4 cm (range, 14–21).ResultsThe mean follow up period was 20.4 months (range, 10–37). All patients had bony union at both proximal and distal ends of the fibula primarily except one patient that required secondary iliac bone graft at the distal end of the fibula to obtain union. The average time for bone healing was 3.9 months (range, 3–9). The average time spent in Ilizarov frame was 5.9 months (range, 5–11). Unprotected full weight-bearing was achieved within an average of 7.3 months (range, 6–12).ConclusionVascularised fibular bone graft combined with an Ilizarov frame is a successful approach to safely and effectively reconstruct bone defects of the tibia. It has the advantages of vascularised fibular bone grafts together with the biomechanical advantages of Ilizarov frame that allows weight bearing to start almost immediately after surgery. This leads to a good outcome regarding the union and function. 相似文献
In the treatment of avulsion fractures of the posterior calcaneal tuberosity, open reduction and internal fixation are prone to several complications. We describe a new treatment using an Ilizarov external fixator, which can minimise the complications and achieve sufficient stability of the displaced fragment.Case presentation
A 55-year-old woman sustained an avulsion fracture of the calcaneus. Examination revealed the development of bruising with extremely taut skin over the posterior prominence of the displaced bone. Radiographs demonstrated grossly proximal displacement of the tuberosity fragment. Surgery was exclusively percutaneous using an Ilizarov external fixator. The displaced fragment was adequately reduced and stabilised. Progressive weight bearing in the equinus position was initiated at the third week after surgery and the external fixator was removed at the seventh week. There was no skin necrosis or loss of reduction while the fixator was maintained. Postoperative follow-up for 2 years revealed full recovery.Discussion
Major postoperative complications after conventional open reduction and internal fixation include skin necrosis, skin irritation by metal implants and re-displacement of the reduced fragment. Our method of using an external fixator may decrease the incidence of these three complications.Skin incision and the risk of skin necrosis are inevitable during internal fixation. On the other hand, the use of an external fixator reduces or eliminates skin necrosis, as it is applied percutaneously for reduction and stabilisation of the fragment. External fixation is mostly recommended in cases of poor vascularity or bruising. In addition, skin irritation can be avoided upon removal of the external fixator.Re-displacement occurs occasionally as a serious complication in lag screw fixation, particularly in cases with poor purchase of the osteoporotic bone. Tension band wiring and application of an Ilizarov external fixator in avulsion fractures of the calcaneus can neutralise tension on the Achilles tendon during the healing process. Thus, both these methods are believed to provide sufficient mechanical stability to fix the fragment.Conclusion
This new method, involving application of an Ilizarov external fixator, is recommended when the avulsion fragment is large enough to accommodate Ilizarov wires, especially in cases of circulatory problems or bruising. 相似文献18.
目的探讨骨外固定器治疗创伤后感染性胫骨骨不连接的疗效。方法自1994年6月至2004年6月.应用骨外固定器治疗创伤后感染性胫骨骨不连10例,其中单侧外固定支架5例,Ilizarov外固定支架5例。结果所有胫骨骨不连7例得到愈合,骨愈合时间7—11月,平均8.5月;2例随访已5个月,见有明显骨痂生长;1例术后感染复发,经过随访11月,未见明显骨痂生长。结论骨外固定器具有使用方法简单,疗效可靠,是治疗创伤后感染性胫骨骨不连接的理想方法。 相似文献