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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) was isolated from 2.7% of 2983 children under 3 years of age with diarrhoea in Singapore. Of the nine serotypes identified, the most common were 0126:K71(B16), 086:K61(B7) and 0127:K63(B8). Infants were at the greatest risk of contracting gastroenteritis due to EPEC, and female children were slightly more susceptible than males. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests showed that the EPEC strains were generally resistant to ampicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and triple sulpha, but highly sensitive to ceftriaxone and gentamicin.  相似文献   

Shigellae and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) were identified in children with dysentery and their household contacts in Bangkok. Shigellae were isolated from 49% and EIEC from 6% of 306 children with dysentery seen at the outpatient department of Children's Hospital on weekdays during January through June 1989 and October 1989 through October 1990. The same serotype infecting the index child was isolated from 21 (4%) of 522 household contacts of 151 index children with Shigella infections and from none of 60 household contacts of 19 index children with EIEC infections. Amplification of DNA sequences coding for the invasion-associated locus (ial) by polymerase chain reaction increased the identification of Shigella and EIEC infections from 57% (111/193) to 68% (132/193). ial sequences were identified in 3 of 20 drinking water specimens from which shigellae or EIEC were not isolated. Amplification of ial sequences identified more shigellae and EIEC than did bacteriologic and colony hybridization methods in children with dysentery and in drinking water in Bangkok.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of verotoxin-producing strains ofEscherichia coli (VTEC) was examined in six children with haemolytic uraemic syndrome and one child with haemorrhagic colitis. Stools were screened for strains of serogroup O157 on sorbitol-MacConkey agar for VTEC of other serogroups by serotyping. Verotoxin (VT) was tested on Vero cell monolayers: the antigenic variant of VT was assessed by neutralization experiments. Strains producing verotoxin 1 or verotoxin 2 or both were detected in the stools of all seven children. Three strains belonged to serogroup O157 (two of them to serotype O157:H7, one was non-motile) and another five belonged to serogroups O26 (two strains), O1, O5 and O18. The faeces of five children available for testing contained free VT. Production of VT was also examined retrospectively in 32E. coli strains of serotype O26:H11 isolated from children with diarrhoea; eight (25%) of them produced moderate to high levels of verotoxin 1 despite several years storagein vitro. In conclusion, VTEC including strains of serogroup O157 seem to be an important cause of haemolytic uraemic syndrome, haemorrhagic colitis and diarrhoea in children in Czechoslovakia.
Vero Cytotoxin bildende Stämme von Escherichia coli bei Kindern mit hämolytisch-urämischem Syndrom und Diarrhoe in der Tschechoslowakei
Zusammenfassung Bei sechs Kindern mit hämolytisch-urämischem Syndrom und einem Kind mit hämorrhagischer Kolitis wurde nach Verotoxin bildenden Stämmen vonEscherichia coli (VTEC) gesucht. Das Stuhl-Screening auf Stämme derSerogruppe O157 erfolgte auf Sorbitol-MacConkey Agar; zum Nachweis von VTEC und anderen Serogruppen wurde die Serotypisierung eingesetzt. Verotoxin (VT) wurde auf Monolayer-Verozellkulturen nachgewiesen; die Bestimmung der Antigenvariante von VT erfolgte durch Neutralisationsversuche. Bei allen sieben Kindern konnten im Stuhl Stämme nachgewiesen werden, die Verotoxin 1 oder Verotoxin 2 bildeten. Drei Stämme gehörten der Serogruppe O157 an (zwei davon Serotyp O157:H7, einer war ohne Motilität) und die übrigen fünf gehörten zu den Serogruppen O26 (zwei Stämme), O1, O5 und O18. Freies VT konnte in fünf Stühlen nachgewiesen werden; diese Untersuchung war nur bei fünf Kindern durchführbar. 32E. coli-Stämme vom Serotyp O26:H11, Isolate von Kindern mit Diarrhoe, wurden retrospektiv ebenfalls auf Bildung von VT untersucht. Davon bildeten achtin vitro (25%) noch mittel- bis hohe Spiegel von Verotoxin 1 obwohl sie schon mehrere Jahre lang gelagert waren. VTEC einschließlich der Stämme der Serogruppe O157 stellen folglich wichtige Erreger des hämolytischurämischen Syndroms, der hämorrhagischen Kolitis und anderer Formen der Diarrhoe bei Kindern in der Tschechoslowakei dar.

Enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli are important causes of bacterial gastroenteritis with the potential for progression to more serious syndromes, especially in the case of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli. Consequently, recent developments in molecular epidemiology and treatment regimens have focused on enterohaemorrhagic E. coli, while the similar initial pathogenic mechanisms of both enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic E. coli continue to be investigated in detail. The carriage of most E. coli virulence determinants on pathogenicity islands, plasmids or phages allows the rapid evolution of these pathotypes, which need to be monitored closely.  相似文献   

The incidence of enteroadherent Escheridhia coli exhibiting localized adherence to HeLa cells was investigated using the EAF probe (Nataro et al., J. Infect. Dis., 152:560-563, 1985) among 126 infants below 3 years of age along with 126 age-matched healthy controls in Brazil. The EAF probe proved to be sensitive and specific in detection of enteroadherent E. coli. EAF-probe positive E. coli was isolated from 23.0% of the infants with acute diarrhoea while the corresponding rate of isolation from healthy controls was 11.9%. EAF-probe positive E. coli strains belonging to the classical enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) serogroups were more often associated with diarrheal cases (18.3%) than with strains isolated from control healthy infants (5.6%). The predominant EAF-probe positive E. coli serotypes were O55:H-, O111:H2 and O119:H6. These serotypes, especially O111:H2, were mainly isolated from cases with diarrhoea suggesting a strong causal association. Among the EAF positive non-EPEC serotypes, the most prevalent serotype was O88:H25 and this represents a, hitherto, unrecognized diarrheagenic E. coli serotype.  相似文献   

An outbreak of diarrhoea with abdominal pain occurred among members of the staff of a school and their guests after a social function at which a cold buffet was served. Sixty people attended the function and 43 subsequently completed questionnaires. Of these, 27 had diarrhoea. The median incubation period was 36 h and the range 12-66 h. Food history analysis showed an association between diarrhoea and eating curried turkey mayonnaise. Stool specimens from 13 of those who developed diarrhoea were examined: Escherichia coli 06.H16 (producing heat-stable and heat-labile enterotoxins) was found in nine specimens and E. coli 027.H20 (producing heat-stable enterotoxin) in 11 specimens. Eight patients had both strains and only one was negative for enterotoxigenic E. coli. Food samples were not available for examination. Enterotoxigenic E. coli should be considered as a possible cause in well-defined outbreaks of food-borne diarrhoea with abdominal pain.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium among children with acute diarrhoea in the west of Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During a period of 12 months beginning on 18 February 1985, 1246 specimens of faeces from 935 children aged 3 weeks to 12 years with acute diarrhoea of varying severity were examined for the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts. Twenty-six patients required admission to hospital; four of them needed intravenous rehydration. Predominant clinical features were diarrhoea, often watery, and vomiting. Diarrhoea varied in duration between 7-15 days. Cryptosporidium oocysts were found in specimens from 41 patients, an incidence of 4.3%. In four patients an additional enteropathogen was identified (Campylobacter species in two and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in two - serotypes 0126: K71 (B16) and 018C: K77 (B12]. None of the patients had recently travelled abroad. Of the children 23 were from a farming or rural background. Eight of the farms had recently had significant outbreaks of diarrhoea among calves. There was a marked seasonal variation with 27 of the cases arising between 18 February and 18 June, an incidence during this period of 8%.  相似文献   

S M Hill  A D Phillips    J A Walker-Smith 《Gut》1991,32(2):154-158
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) infection is not generally thought to cause severe diarrhoea after the neonatal period. Patients admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children over the three years (1984-7) with diarrhoea and EPEC infection were reviewed. Clinical details, features of small intestinal mucosa, and treatment were recorded in those who developed chronic diarrhoea with failure to thrive. Twenty six children with EPEC required hospital admission for diarrhoea and six of these (23%) developed chronic diarrhoea. In contrast only two (5%) of 42 with other serogroups of E coli (p less than 0.01) and 28 (4%) of 764 children without EPEC admitted with acute diarrhoea developed chronic symptoms (p less than 0.01). EPEC serogroups detected in the stool of the six children with chronic diarrhoea were 0128 in three, 0114 in two, and 0119 in one. The patients' clinical characteristics were: previous good health, no significant immunodeficiency, age 4-10 months, foreign travel (three of six), severe life threatening secretory diarrhoea from 0.5 to 1.5 1 per day (four of six), small intestinal enteropathy (five of six) three of whom showed mucosal adherent, non-invasive E coli of the same serotype as that in the stool, in association with microvillous loss and pedestal formation. All were treated with hypoallergenic feeds, two with parenteral nutrition, and three with parenteral antibiotics. All eventually recovered. EPEC infection is a common treatable cause of life threatening chronic diarrhoea in infancy.  相似文献   

Background and study aimsDiarrhoea and urinary tract infection (UTI) are common clinical problems. Meanwhile, Escherichia coli (E. coli), is the commonest bacterial pathogen reported in both of them. This study aimed to evaluate the pathogenic E. coli (PEC) in stool of acute diarrhoea and urine of UTI regarding their virulence genes and their influence on the susceptibility to routinely prescribed antibiotics.Patients and methodsTwenty two stool and another 22 urine samples of patients with acute diarrhoea and UTI respectively were collected from patients admitted at Kasr Al-Ainy Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. E. coli isolation, identification of their phyla; chuA, yjaA, and TspE4.C2, and further identification of 10 virulent genes; fimH, papC, papG//, papG///, papEF, afa, sfa, CNF1, iroN & hlyA was performed. Antibiotic susceptibility was studied against quinolones, gentamicin (GM), and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (TMP-SMX).ResultsThe studied virulence genes were comparably detected in both pathogenic samples. In diarrheogenic E. coli (DEC); phylum A was significantly related to both ciprofloxacin (CIP) and TMP-SMX resistance, and both of the virulence genes fimH and iroN were significantly related to all the studied antibiotics resistance, while afa was significantly related to nalidixic acid (NA) resistance. In uropathogenic E. coli (UEC); phylum D was significantly related to CIP and levofloxacin resistance, and both of the virulence genes fimH and iroN were significantly related to most of the studied antibiotics resistance.ConclusionThe isolated PEC was evidently and broadly resistant to the studied antibiotics, with limited influence of their phyla and virulence genes (fimH and iroN).  相似文献   

The frequency of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) strains was investigated in 253 children up to 3 years old, with (patient group, PG, 199 children) and without (control group, CG, 54 children) diarrhoea, living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. DEC strains were detected in 70 (27.6%) children, including 54 (27.1%) with diarrhoea and 16 (29.6%) without diarrhoea. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) was the most frequent DEC category, accounting for 14.6% of the isolates in the PG and for 11.1% in the CG. E. coli strains carrying enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) virulence markers showed higher incidence in the CG (12.9%) than in the PG (8.0%). E. coli strains belonging to non-classical EPEC groups that carried eae only or eae and bfpA, designated as attaching-effacing E. coli (AEEC) were the most frequent (79.1%). Simultaneous presence of multiple EPEC virulence factors (EAF/eae/bfpA) were only detected among strains isolated from the PG. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains were isolated from 5.5% of the children in the CG and from 3.5% of those in the PG. Most of the ETEC isolates were LT-probe positive (70%) and none carried both LT-I and ST-I probe sequences. One enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) strain was recovered from a child with diarrhoea. No stx-probe positive E. coli strains were detected. Overall, DEC strains were not found to be significantly associated with diarrhoea (p>0.05). However, the higher incidence of EAEC, the most frequent DEC category, among children with diarrhoea, suggests a potential role of EAEC as an important enteric pathogen in the community investigated.  相似文献   

This study reports the detection, for the first time, of human rotavirus in stools of children and the molecular characterization of isolated circulating strains in Botswana. We collected 249 stool samples between 1999 and 2001 from children with diarrhoea in three health districts of Botswana and examined them for the presence of rotavirus antigens and particles. Group A rotavirus antigen was detected in 43 of 249 (17%) of the samples tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Of the 43 children shedding rotaviruses, 37 (86%) were infants < or =2 years of age. The presence of rotavirus particles was also confirmed by direct electron microscopy. The characteristic 11 segments of the double-stranded RNA mobility pattern of rotavirus were demonstrated by polyacrylamide electrophoresis in 20 of 43 (47%) of the rotavirus-positive samples. The predominant electrophoretic pattern detected was the long (L) electrophoretype 14 of 20 (70%) followed by the short (S) electrophoretype five of 20 (25%). One strain had a mixed (L/S) pattern. Of the 26 samples subjected to subgrouping by enzyme immuno assay, eight were typed as subgroup-II specific and seven were subgroup I. The predominant VP7 genotypes detected were G1 (59%). Two mixed strains of G1 + G3 (5%) and G1 + G2 (5%) were also detected. VP4 genotypes in circulation were: P[4] (5%), P[6] (33%) and P[8] (33%). Mixed P-types P[4 + 6] (5%) and P[6 + 8] (18%) were also detected. Rotavirus strains G1 P[8] and GI P[6 + 8] were the most common cause of diarrhoea in our study area.  相似文献   

To identify Escherichia coli that cause infantile diarrhea in Bangkok, Thailand, E. coli isolated in a year-long study of infantile diarrhea were examined for O and H serotypes and virulence determinants. Classic enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) were isolated from 28 of 509 infants with diarrhea (cases) and 11 of 509 age-matched controls (P = .009; odds ratio [OR], 2.64). Most of this difference was attributable to EPEC adherence factor (EAF)-positive EPEC that produced an attachment and effacement lesion, as identified in the fluorescence actin staining assay, isolated from 13 cases and 1 control (P = .003; OR, 13.3). EAF-EPEC was isolated from 15 cases and 10 controls (P = .418; OR, 1.52) and EAF+ non-EPEC from 17 cases and 10 controls (P = .242; OR, 1.72). EAF+EPEC that caused an attachment and effacement lesion was found in 3% of children less than 6 months old with diarrhea who were studied in an outpatient clinic in Bangkok in 1988.  相似文献   

The fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), a measure of airway inflammation, shows promise as a noninvasive tool to guide asthma management, but there is a paucity of longitudinal data about seasonal variation and environmental predictors of FeNO in children. The objective of this project was to evaluate how environmental factors affect FeNO concentrations over a 12-month study period among children with doctor diagnosed asthma. We conducted a prospective cohort study of 225 tobacco-smoke exposed children age 6-12 years with doctor-diagnosed asthma including measures of FeNO, medication use, settled indoor allergens (dust mite, cat, dog, and cockroach), and tobacco smoke exposure. Baseline geometric mean FeNO was 12.4 ppb (range 1.9-60.9 ppb). In multivariable analyses, higher baseline FeNO levels, atopy, and fall season were associated with increased FeNO levels, measured 6 and 12 months after study initiation, whereas inhaled steroid use, summer season, and increasing nicotine exposure were associated with lower FeNO levels. In secondary analyses of allergen sensitization, only sensitization to dust mite and cat were associated with increased FeNO levels. Our data demonstrate that FeNO levels over a year long period reflected baseline FeNO levels, allergen sensitization, season, and inhaled steroid use in children with asthma. These results indicate that FeNO levels are responsive to common environmental triggers as well as therapy for asthma in children. Clinicians and researchers may need to consider an individual's baseline FeNO levels to manage children with asthma.  相似文献   

The transfer of drug resistance and beta-lactamase activity of 28 E. coli from travellers' diarrhoea were examined. Plasmid-mediated beta-lactam resistance was found in 18 and at least 3 different types of beta-lactamases were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Between June 1982 and May 1983, rotavirus was found in 29% of 248 pediatric patients between 1 month to 5 years of age at Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. Among 413 household contacts, RV was detected in 9 (2%) of whom 6 developed diarrhoea. RV was not found in age-matched healthy controls. In a serological study, the serological response was 81% in rotavirus diarrhoea cases (17 out of 21) by ELISA. By the ELISA blocking test, the seroconversion rate was only 29.6% in rotavirus diarrhoea cases (8 out of 27) and in others, 2 out of 71 cases (2.6%) who also showed serological response did not have rotavirus in their stools. This study indicates role of rotavirus in causing acute diarrhoea in young children, suggests a guideline for diagnosis and management of the patients. The rotavirus immunization should be considered if the vaccine becomes available in the near future.  相似文献   

Chandler DS  Mynott TL 《Gut》1998,43(2):196-202
BACKGROUND: K88 positive enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (K88+ ETEC) is an important cause of diarrhoea in young piglets. K88+ ETEC pathogenesis relies on attachment to specific glycoprotein receptors located on the intestinal mucosa. Proteolytic treatment of these receptors in vitro and in vivo prevents attachment of K88+ ETEC to piglet small intestines and may be of clinical use to prevent K88+ ETEC pathogenesis. AIMS: To determine whether bromelain, a proteolytic extract obtained from pineapple stems, would protect piglets against K88+ ETEC diarrhoea and to confirm and extend earlier findings on the effects of bromelain on K88+ ETEC receptors in vivo. METHODS: Bromelain (0, 12.5, or 125 mg) was orally administered to just weaned piglets for 10 days. One day following commencement of bromelain treatment, piglets were challenged with K88+ ETEC (5 x 10(10) K88ac:0149) for seven days. Intestinal contents from unchallenged piglets were obtained via an intestinal fistula, and tested for their ability to bind K88+ ETEC before and after bromelain treatment. RESULTS: Both doses of bromelain were successful in reducing the incidence of K88+ ETEC diarrhoea and protected piglets from life threatening disease. Bromelain treated pigs also had significantly increased weight gain compared with untreated pigs. Bromelain only temporarily inhibited K88+ ETEC receptor activity, with receptor activity being regenerated 30 hours following treatment, consistent with the regeneration of new enterocytes. CONCLUSION: Results show that bromelain can temporarily inactivate ETEC receptors in vivo and protect against ETEC induced diarrhoea. Bromelain may therefore be an effective prophylaxis against ETEC infection.  相似文献   

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