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苯那普利与卡托普利治疗工原发性高血压疗效对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较苯那普利与卡托普利对轻中度原发性高血压的降低与安全性。方法 84例轻中度原发性高血压患者随机接受苯那普利(10 ̄20mg/d)和卡托普利(37.5 ̄75.0mg/d)(各42例)治疗4周,其中44例(每组22例)于治疗前后行24h动态血压监测。结果 苯那普利和卡托普利的降压总有效率在偶测血压监测时分别为92.5%和90.5%(P〉0.05),而动态血压监测时两药有效率分别为95.5%和6  相似文献   

苯那普利治疗原发性高血压20例疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盐酸苯那普利(洛汀新)是一种新型的血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)。我们于1996年4月~1996年11月采用苯那普利治疗原发性高血压20例,疗效满意。现将结果报告如下。对象与方法按1978年WHO高血压病的诊断标准,选择原发性高血压病患者20例,男性11例,女性9例,年龄38~73岁  相似文献   

海捷亚与苯那普利治疗原发性高血压的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较海捷亚和苯那普利治疗原发性高血压的效果及安全性.方法80例原发性高血压患者经过1周药物洗脱期和2周安慰剂期后,再随机分为两组海捷亚组(每天1片)和苯那普利组(10mg/d),每组40例,疗程8周.在治疗第1、2、4、6、8周末记录血压、心率及不良反应情况.结果治疗8周后两组血压均下降,海捷亚组显效35例,有效4例,无效1例,总有效率为97.5%;苯那普利组显效28例,有效5例,无效7例,总有效率为82.5%,两组比较有统计学差异(P<0.01).结论海捷亚能有效控制血压,不良反应少.  相似文献   

自1996年以来,使用北京汽巴嘉基制药有限公司生产的苯那普利(洛汀新)治疗原发性高血压31例,取得较为满意疗效,现将结果报道如下。1对象与方法1.1病例选择31例中,男21例,女10例。年龄46~79岁,平均563岁。所有病例均符合WHO高血压的...  相似文献   

<正> 1988年美国全国高血压普查治疗委员会推荐可随不同病情灵活选药的新阶梯式用药程序.结合我国实际情况高血压一线治疗药物为:利尿剂、β-受体阻断剂(α-受体阻断剂)、钙拮抗剂、转换酶抑制剂.为探讨转换酶抑制剂对治疗高血压的效应,本文观察并比较苯那普利与卡托普利治疗原发性高血压的临床疗效.  相似文献   

目的:比较海捷亚和苯那普利治疗原发性高血压的效果及安全性。方法:80例原发性高血压患者经过1周药物洗脱期和2周安慰剂期后,再随机分为两组:海捷亚组(每天1片)和苯那普利组(10mg/d),每组40例,疗程8周。在治疗第1、2、4、6、8周末记录血压、心率及不良反应情况。结果:治疗8周后两组血压均下降,海捷亚组显效35例,有效4例,无效1例,总有效率为 97.5%;苯那普利组显效 28例,有效 5例,无效 7例,总有效率为 82.5%,两组比较有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论:海捷亚能有效控制血压,不良反应少。  相似文献   

目的 :确定多沙唑嗪 (doxazosin)控释片对轻、中度原发性高血压的降压疗效及耐受性。方法 :选取 41例坐位舒张压 95~ 115mmHg( 1mmHg =0 133kPa)的轻、中度原发性高血压患者 ,随机分为多沙唑嗪控释片组 ( 4mg/d)与苯那普利 (benazepril)组 ( 10mg/d)。于安慰剂期末及治疗 2、4、6、8周测诊室血压、心率并记录症状、体征及不良反应。结果 :8周治疗总有效率 :多沙唑嗪控释片组 6 1 9% ,苯那普利组 6 5 0 %。 2组坐位血压较基础血压均明显下降 ,2组下降幅度相似。不良反应多沙唑嗪控释片组较苯那普利组少 ( 14 3%vs .45 0 % ,P <0 0 5 )。 2组均无体位性低血压发生。结论 :多沙唑嗪控释片 4mg ,每日 1次 ,治疗轻、中度原发性高血压患者具有疗效肯定 ,耐受性好 ,不良反应少的特点 ;经过 8周的治疗证明 ,服用 4mg多沙唑嗪控释片的降压效果与服用 10mg的苯那普利片相同  相似文献   

目的观察苯那普利联合利尿剂治疗老年原发性高血压的临床疗效。方法116例老年原发性高血压患者进行随机分组,治疗组60例,给予苯那普利联合利尿剂治疗,对照组56例,单用苯那普利治疗,疗程8周,两组进行疗效比较。结果治疗组总有效率91.7%,对照组总有效率82.0%,两者差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论苯那普利联合利尿剂治疗老年原发性高血压,疗效优于单用苯那普利。  相似文献   

氯沙坦 (商品名 :科素亚 ,由默沙东公司生产 )是第一种口服有效的非肽类的血管紧张素 受体拮抗剂 ( A A) ,它能在受体水平阻滞血管紧张素 ( A )与受体的结合 ,从而阻断所有与 A 有关的生理作用。苯那普利 (商品名 :洛汀新 ,由北京诺华公司生产 )是一种前体药物 ,经在体内转化成活性的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 ( ACEI)后发挥降压作用。本研究旨在对照两者的疗效和安全性。1 对象与方法1 .1   对象选择本院门诊及住院患者共 60例 ,男 34例 ,女2 6例 ,年龄 35~ 78岁 ,病程 1个月~ 2 5年。凡偶测右上臂坐位血压≥ 1 40 /90 mm Hg( 1 mm …  相似文献   

目的:评价那普利降血压及改善心功能的疗效。方法:苯那普利每天10mg-20mg。治疗4周为1疗程。治疗前后均观察血压,并做心脏彩色多普勒和血脂,血糖,肾功能检测。结果:4周后血压明显下降。有效率为87%,心功能改善有效率为85%。结论:苯那普利有良好的降压效果。并能改善心功能,副作用小,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

卡托普利,硝苯地平单用或联用治疗高血压的疗效比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
监测单用或合并使用卡托普利和硝苯地平在高血压治疗中的作用。方法253例高血压病患者随机分成3组,其中卡托普利组83例(ISH7例),平均用药量90.17±19.53mg/d,总有效率73.5%;硝苯地平组79例(ISH7例),平均用药量36.35±11.42mg/d,总有效率74.7%;卡托普利+硝苯地平组91例(ISH9例),平均用药量卡托普利49.38±10.34mg/d,硝苯地平22.36±8.03mg/d,总有效率92.3%。卡托普利+硝苯地平组疗效均优于前2组(P均<0.01)。3组不良反应发生率分别为34.9%,53.2%,19.8%,以卡托普利、硝苯地平联合组为最低,卡托普利组次之。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fifty patients with mild or moderate essential hypertension were randomized (double-blindly) to treatment with either captopril (n=26) or atenolol (n=24). Their mean supine diastolic blood pressure after placebo was 100–125 mmHg. The study included an initial dose finding phase (12 weeks) during which the dosages of captopril and atenolol were increased stepwise every second week in order to obtain normotension (supine diastolic blood pressure <95 mmHg). Hydrochlorothiazide was added when necessary. During the second phase of the study the patients were followed on active treatment for 2 years. After the initial 12 weeks of active treatment, recumbent and standing blood pressures had fallen significantly both in the captopril group (by 31/20 and 33/19 mmHg, p<0.001) and in the atenolol group (by 24/18 and 30/20 mmHg, p<0.01 (systolic), p<0.001 (diastolic)). The antihypertensive effect was maintained in both groups during long-term treatment. The antihypertensive effect of both agents was potentiated to the same extent by addition of hydrochlorothiazide. Side-effects were few and mild. It can be concluded that both captopril and atenolol are safe and effective antihypertensive drugs.  相似文献   

卡托普利对高血压高胰岛素血症的干预   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对42例原发性高血压患者(EH)、26例正常人测定口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)前后血糖(GS)、血胰岛素(IS)及其反应曲线下面积,发现EH组空腹GS与对照组之间无统计学差异;空腹IS和服糖后EH组GS、IS及其曲线下面积显著高于对照组,提示EH患者存在糖耐量降低、IS抵抗(IR)。EH组中21例患者单纯接受卡托普利有效降压4~8周后,OGTT显示糖负荷1h、2h的IS和GS水平均显著低于治疗前水平,结果提示卡托普利可以改善EH患者IR。  相似文献   

王言林 《高血压杂志》1995,3(3):227-228
对50例轻、中度高血压(EH)患者用依那普利(5mg,4/d)和卡托普利(2.5mg,2/d)口服做单盲平等两组对照研究。治疗4周结果两组总有效率相似(分别60.6%,65.2%,P>0.05),无论SBP和DBP均值的下降均明显(P<0.05~0.001)。但对每组各抽5例的24h动态血压监测治疗前后比较,依那普利组24h血压控制均较满意,而卡托普利组白天血压控制满意,但夜晚又翌晨血压与治疗前接近(P<0.05)。如昼夜血压均高者,选用依那普利等长效制剂为佳,如夜间血压正常者,可用卡托普利治疗,唯晨剂应在睡醒后即服为宜。  相似文献   

观察氨氯地平与卡托普利对顽固性高血压的联合治疗作用。方法高血压Ⅱ~Ⅲ期病人42人,入选前停药两周,经卡托普利12.5mg3/d,2周后DBP>95mmHg者随机分成2组,分别加服氨氯地平和安慰剂,4周为一个疗程。结果在卡托普利基础上加服氨氯地平使平均SBP从174降至148mmHg。平均DBP从105降至92mmHg(P<0.001),安慰剂纠正的氨氯地平降压作用SBP降低22mmHg,DBP降低12mmHg(P<0.01)。结论氨氯地平与卡托普利合用可用于治疗顽固性高血压。  相似文献   

Intraarterial ambulatory pressure (AP) was recorded before and during therapy with captopril or enalapril in two groups with hypertension. Seven patients were admitted during the study. The. monitoring of AP and heart rate (HR) was performed during placebo therapy and following a minimum period of 7 days of 25 mg twice daily captopril or 2.5 to 10 mg once daily enalapril. The AP and HR following percutaneous insertion of a cannula into the brachial artery were sampled then data were analyzed as reported previously.

After the cannula was inserted, examinations of tilt-up, handgrip and ergometer were performed. Both drugs produced a significant reduction of ambulatory AP throughout 24 hours with preservation of the overall shape of the circadian curve. The results also demonstrated that both drugs had not affected normal daily activities. Thus, twice daily captopril and once daily enalapril can be used as the first-line therapy of hypertension.  相似文献   

幼年自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)从第4周末开始至第7周末给予卡托普利60ms/ks·d治疗3周,然后停药观察血压变化。结果发现.治疗可使SHR在整个实验观察期间(8~16周)血压升高延缓3~4周。作者认为应用卡托普利治疗可延缓高血压的自然发展过程。  相似文献   

We report on 29 treatment courses in 25 children aged 1.5 – 18 years who received captopril because of severe renal hypertension. The mean initial dosage was 1.3 (0.5 to 3) mg/kg/day and the mean sustaining dose 2.2mg/kg/day. The treatment was followed for 2 – 40 (mean 15) months. We observed a lowering of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) from 26% at the 2nd day to 65% at the 6th month. The isolated use of captopril was ineffective in 13% of cases, but blood pressure dropped in all of them after addition of beta blocking agents. No clear-cut relation was found between response of blood pressure and etiology, degree of HT or plasma renin activity (PRA). No side effects occurred during treatment except for one case of reversible acute renal failure in a transplanted patient with renal artery stenosis.  相似文献   

Abstract Seventy-four patients from four short-term studies of captopril in mild-moderate essential hypertension continued in a cooperative long-term efficacy and tolerance program. The duration of observation is 2–>4 years, the total treatment time being 2434 months. No development of resistance to therapy was observed. The total daily dose of captopril has been gradually decreased and in 20 patients changed from t.i.d. to b.i.d. regime. The drug has been well tolerated and only few and mild side-effects have been observed after the initial titration period. The drop-outs (n=19) were mostly due to non-medical causes (n=14). Except for one case of proteinuria, no laboratory abnormalities were detected and there were no signs of long-term toxicity.  相似文献   

Effects of captopril on arterial pressure (AP) and renal function were investigated in patients with non-malignant “benign” or malignant phase essential hypertension (EH group), or with chronic renal failure (CRF group). After captopril administration, AP and renal vascular resistance (RVR) decreased significantly, and renal blood flow (RBF) and plasma renin activity (PRA) increased in both groups. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increased in the EH group, but was unchanged in CRF. Filtration fraction decreased in the malignant hypertension and CRF groups. Significant correlations were found between baseline PRA and baseline RVR, and the captopril-induced decrease in mean AP, decrease in RVR, increase in RBF, and increase in GFR in the EH group, while these associations were not observed in CRF. These results indicate that the high AP, RVR, suppressed RBF and GFR in the EH group were closely related to activity of the renin-angiotensin system, but not so the low RBF and GFR in CRF. Small doses of captopril may improve impaired renal function in EH, and may not cause deterioration in the CRF group.  相似文献   

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