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目的探讨心理护理对门诊输液肿瘤患者心理状况的影响。方法选取120例门诊输液肿瘤患者,分析其负性心理,并采取心理护理措施,于治疗前后采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)问卷调查法对患者心理状况进行调查评分,对心理护理前后问卷调查结果进行分析和比较。结果心理护理后SCL-90量表中各项目阳性比例明显低于采取心理护理前,SCL-90量表中各症状评分也明显低于采取心理护理前,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论对门诊输液肿瘤患者采用心理护理可有效减轻或消除患者各种负性情绪,维持良好的心态,从而利于治疗、护理操作进行,利于疾病康复。  相似文献   

营养教育是营养干预的基本内容,是营养治疗的首选方法。肿瘤患者的营养教育遵循一般人群营养教育的基本 原则,但更具针对性,其内容比一般人群营养教育更加丰富,包括如下 10 个方面:回答患者、家属及照护者提出的问题, 告知营养诊断目的,完成饮食、营养与功能评价,查看实验室及仪器检查结果,传授营养知识、提出饮食、营养建议,介 绍肿瘤的病理生理知识,讨论个体化营养干预方案,告知营养干预可能遇到的问题及对策,预测营养干预效果,规划并实 施营养随访。研究证明,肿瘤患者营养教育是一项经济、实用而且有效的措施。营养教育不仅仅是传授饮食、营养知识, 更加重要的是学习如何改善营养,改变饮食行为,养成良好的饮食、营养习惯,从而改善营养与健康。因此,营养教育是 一个长期的过程,是一个养成的过程。肿瘤患者由于营养不良发生率更高、原因更加复杂、后果更为严重,因而更加需要 接受长期的营养教育,以缩短住院时间,减少并发症,改善临床结局,进而提高生活质量,延长生存时间。  相似文献   

As a result of mutilating operative procedures, aggressive cytotoxic chemotherapy and terminal stage of the disease, tumor patients face frequent visits to the tumor center. They are often hospitalized and thereby excluded from family and home. To enable cancer therapy and supportive care on an ambulatory basis, a team consisting of two physicians, two nurses and one psychologist was settled in our department in November 1986. The purpose of this team was to transfer several oncological treatment modalities from the hospital to the homes of the patients. Apart from organizing the patients' discharge from the hospital and coordinating treatment, the main task of the team has been to follow the patient during the course of the disease and give psycological support. In our experience the possibility of home care has clearly improved the patients' quality of life.  相似文献   

To seven patients suffering from advanced cancer who wishedto know what their disease was and whose families supportedthem in their wish, I informed them of the name of the diseaseand how advanced their case was. After being told they had cancer,not only did the patients become more cheerful to and more trustfulof their families, but also they came to place greater confidencein us doctors and nurses. Their wish to live was strong andthey all wanted to have their anticancer therapy continued.At the terminal stage, four of them merely wanted to have theirpain relieved, and two of them became depressive when the symptomsof approaching death became evident. But judging from the totalclinical course of the seven carefully screened patients, Ibelieve that informing them of the true nature of the diseasebrought about favorable results.  相似文献   

Despite major technological advances in the treatment of cancer, many patients are dissatisfied with conventional biomedical interventions. This is largely because they fail to resolve long term intractable problems such as chronic pain or stress. More emphasis is now being placed on quality of life. This shift in attitude has opened the door for complementary therapies as adjuvants to traditional models of cancer care. Changes within the NHS have facilitated this transition, by the creation of the ‘internal market’ and the devolvement of central funding to individual clinical directorates.To exploit these opportunities, complementary, therapists must develop new skills and be prepared to adopt NHS standards of assessment to evaluate the efficacy of their work. Standards are a component of ‘Quality assurance’. They are observable, achievable and measurable, and contribute towards an acceptable evaluation process. Standards are used by health care purchasers to assess which therapies should be made available to patients within the NHS. This paper describes the development of a massage service that has been integrated into the Hammersmith Oncology Department. The massage standard is seen to be fundamental and essential to the continued development and evaluation of the project.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 在全国范围内调查了解肿瘤患者营养知识 - 态度 - 行为现状,为进一步实施肿瘤患者的营养教育和营养 干预提供科学依据。 方法 多中心、前瞻性、观察性研究,于 2012 年 12 月~2013 年 5 月采用便利抽样的方法对全国 1682 名肿瘤患者进行问卷调查,对所得结果进行统计学分析。 结果 总体肿瘤患者的营养知识得分(K 分) 72.7±28.70,及格 率 74.49%,优秀率 56.24%;营养态度得分(A 分) 84.3±20.40,及格率 90.31%,优秀率 74.97%;营养行为得分(P 分) 72.7±19.18,及格率 81.75%,优秀率 50.30%;肿瘤营养知识与态度(r=0.5109, P < 0.0001)、知识与行为(r=0.2643 , P < 0.0001)之间具有相关性;男、女肿瘤患者营养知识、态度得分无差别(P > 0.05),营养行为得分男性高于女性(P < 0.05),肿瘤患者营养知识、态度、行为及格率男、女之间无差别(P > 0.05),营养知识、态度优秀率男女之间无差 别(P > 0.05),男患者营养行为优秀率高于女性(P < 0.05);不同年龄肿瘤患者间比较,营养知识、行为得分有差别 (P < 0.05), 45~60 岁患者得分最高,营养态度得分无差别(P > 0.05),营养知识、态度及格率有差别(P < 0.05), > 60 岁患者最高,营养行为及格率无差别(P > 0.05),营养知识、态度、行为优秀率不同年龄肿瘤患者间无差别(P > 0.05);不同教育程度肿瘤患者营养知识、态度、行为得分、及格率、优秀率有差别(P < 0.05),受教育程度高者优于 受教育程度低者;不同患病时间的肿瘤患者营养知识、行为得分、及格率、优秀率无差别(P > 0.05),营养态度得分、 及格率、优秀率有差别(P < 0.05),患病时间短者高于患重时间长者;不同患病部位肿瘤患者营养知识得分、及格率、 优秀率无差别(P > 0.05),营养态度得分、优秀率有差别(P < 0.05),消化系统患者最高,及格率无差别(P > 0.05), 营养行为得分、优秀率有差别(P < 0.05),消化系统患者最高,及格率无差别(P > 0.05);肿瘤患者前 3 位营养知识 来源是电视(56.48%)、医生(54.40%)、书籍(43.46%),后 3 位营养知识来源是杂志(25.51%)、营养师(10.17%)、 其他(3.57%)。 结论 当前我国肿瘤患者对营养治疗有着积极地的态度,但营养知识和行为较差亟需进一步提高,非常有 必要加强对肿瘤患者的营养教育培训。  相似文献   

Background  This study describes the information needs of adult cancer survivors, identifies sociodemographic, health, and healthcare-related factors associated with information needs, and examines the relationship between information needs and survivors’ perceived mental and physical health. Methods  One thousand forty survivors 2–5 years post-diagnosis who were identified via two cancer registries were included in the present analysis. Self-report questionnaires assessed six categories of information needs, sociodemographic, health, and healthcare-related variables, and perceived mental and physical health. Results  Information needs were prevalent and varied; most survivors need more information about tests and treatments, health promotion, side effects and symptoms, and interpersonal and emotional issues. Multivariate analyses suggested that survivors who were younger, who reported non-White race/ethnicity, who reported less than excellent quality of follow-up cancer care, and who had more comorbid health conditions had more information needs. After adjustment for sociodemographic and health-related variables, more information needs were associated with worse perceived mental and physical health. Conclusions  Most cancer survivors needed more information about maintaining good health outcomes during survivorship. Health communication interventions, such as Survivorship Care Plans, have excellent potential to address survivors’ information needs while improving quality of follow-up cancer care and health-related quality of life.  相似文献   



With rise in incidence and prevalence of cancers in the ageing population, the need for an age sensitive comprehensive assessment measure has been felt. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is often difficult to implement due to time and logistic constraints. A brief assessment tool encompassing the specific domains of the CGA would be a better way to assess older adults with cancer. These tools exist but have not necessarily been culturally adapted. The main aim of the study was to develop a culturally relevant short geriatric assessment tool and explore its psychometric properties.


An initial item pool was formed after review of the literature and study of the existing scales. This draft tool was then pre and pilot tested to finalize the items and check the feasibility of application. The final tool was validated by exploratory factor analysis on a sample of 100 older patients with cancer.


After pre and pilot study on fifteen and thirty older patients with cancer respectively, this tool consisting of a total of 38 items spread over eight domains was developed and validated on a sample of 100 subjects. Due to co-linearity, three items were deleted after exploratory factor analysis, bringing the final item number to35. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.93 and the intra-class correlation co-efficient (ICC) was 0.94. Thus, the final tool had 13 questions with sub-parts (35 items in total). The time taken to administer the tool was around 25?min.


The tool developed is valid and reliable and can be used for the initial assessment and further care planning of older Indian patients with cancer.  相似文献   

Individuals diagnosed with advanced cancer frequently experience physical and psychological distress. Hope has been identified as an essential resource in the lives of people with cancer, helping them to cope during times of suffering and uncertainty. Therefore, in order to help bolster hope, health care providers require an understanding of its meaning from the perspective of advanced cancer patients and an awareness of those interventions demonstrated empirically to foster hope in this patient population. This paper summarises salient evidence pertaining to hope in advanced cancer patients and their families or informal caregivers. We examine the challenging issue of how to define hope, discuss the issue of measuring hope and review the state of evidence addressing interventions that may enhance or bolster hope in the face of advanced disease.  相似文献   

Objective:To investigate the quality of life(QOL) of cancer pain patients in Beijing,and explore the effect of cancer pain control on patients’ QOL.Methods:Self-developed demographic questionnaire,numeric rating scale and SF-36 questionnaire were used together among 643 cancer pain patients in 28 Grade 2nd to 3rd general hospitals and 2 Grade 3rd cancer hospitals.Results:The SF-36 eight dimensions scores ranged from 31.75 to 57.22 in these cancer pain patients.The t test and Wilcoxon rank sum test were used to compare the QOL between pain controlled(PC) group and pain uncontrolled(PUC) group,and the results showed that patients in PC group had the higher QOL scores in 6 areas of SF-36(P<0.05).Binary logistic regression results found that pain management satisfaction scores(P<0.001),family average personal monthly income(P=0.029),current receiving chemotherapy(P=0.009) and cancer stage(P<0.001) were the predictors to cancer pain controlled results.Conclusion: Cancer patients with pain in Beijing had poor QOL. Pain control will improve the QOL of cancer pain patients.  相似文献   

This article is based on an appraisal of Cancer Information and Support Services in Britain supported by the UK-based charity Macmillan Cancer Relief. Commissioned in 2002, the appraisal formed part of a wider review aimed at extending knowledge about Cancer Information and Support Services. It was also designed to ensure that the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service Model continues to reflect the needs of people whose lives are affected by cancer. The individual services reviewed for the appraisal vary widely in terms of resources, staffing and organizational structure, but many common themes emerge. The importance of outreach and networking are highlighted, along with the problem of isolation. Many post-holders saw a need to include a hospital base, while the role played by volunteers is widely acknowledged. A key aim of the review was to start to identify the factors that contribute to the success of a service, and a number of these emerge from the study. The creation of a culture that enables such a service to thrive appears to be as important as securing financial and other resources. The contribution made by Macmillan is explored, and ways in which the organization can support the dissemination of knowledge are put forward.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To characterize their information needs, we examined the main topics of inquiry and discussion (subjects of interaction, SOI) of calls made by family and friends of cancer patients to the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service's (CIS) 1-800-4-CANCER telephone information service and summarized differences by sociodemographic characteristics. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: Data from 26 789 family or friends of cancer patients calling the CIS between September 2002 and August 2003 were analyzed. Frequencies, chi(2)'s, and logistic regressions were conducted to ascertain sample characteristics and sociodemographic correlates of each SOI. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The greatest proportion of calls concerned specific treatment information (54.9%) and general cancer site information (36.9%). Calls about specific treatment information were more likely among Asians, Hawaiian Natives, and Pacific Islanders (OR = 1.23, 1.04-1.45), and those with higher education (OR = 1.21, 1.18-1.25). As age increased, the odds of calls about specific treatment information also increased (OR = 1.05, 1.03-1.07). Females (OR = 0.78, 0.72-0.84), Hispanics (OR = 0.77, 0.67-0.89), African-Americans (OR = 0.68, 0.61-0.76), and American-Indians and Alaskan Natives (OR = 0.74, 0.58-0.93) were less likely to inquire about specific treatment information. Inquiries about general cancer site information were more likely among females (OR = 1.14, 1.06-1.23) and less likely among younger callers (OR = 0.95, 0.93-0.97) and African-Americans (OR = 0.87, 0.78-0.98). Differences in inquiries made by sociodemographic subgroups can inform the CIS' and other cancer-related organizations' efforts to develop and disseminate cancer information for family and friends of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Patient's frailty, attitude, life expectancy, affect the decision-making process, impacting on the following four points:1.Disclosing the diagnosis.2.Discussing treatment options and prognosis.3.Tailoring treatment.4.Assisting patients along their recovery.Setting up an open, frank, transparent and informative discussion is the key step in addressing a patient-centered treatment plan. Our recommendations are summarized in the following pages.  相似文献   

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