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We retrospectively studied the epidemiology of adult patients admitted for possible replantation or revascularisation of an injured upper extremity during the period June 2003 to May 2008. A total of 121 patients were admitted (71 graded severe), mean 24 (14 graded severe), being admitted each year. The annual rate of amputation injuries in the referral area of 1.5 million was 1.5/100 000 and for severe amputation injuries 0.9/100 000. Most injuries occurred in patients aged 41–50. Fifty-eight patients had the accident during working hours (36 severe), and 62 during leisure time (34 severe). The survival rate for subtotal amputations was 77% and for total amputations 55%. Of 15 further vascularisation procedures, two succeeded at the metacarpal level. Most of the accidents occurred during wood-processing with circular saws or powered wood splitters. More efforts should focus on preventing such injuries.  相似文献   

Since Malt and McKhann performed the first successful replantation of a traumatically amputated extremity in 1962, there has been a flurry of case reports and articles debating the pros and cons of the various technical aspects of replantation. There have been three case reports of children, under the age of 15, who have successfully undergone replantation of the upper extremity transected through the humerus. The first case report in this article is the fourth. The factors involved in selecting replantation or amputation, and the technical aspects of the operation which are felt to be important, are briefly reviewed. Because the mechanics of limb replantation are rather straightforward, we feel that the pediatric surgeon should be familiar with the preoperative and intraoperative factors to be weighed, and that this alternative to stump closure be carefully considered when one is presented with an upper extremity transection.  相似文献   

The usual mechanism of a major amputation creates a mutilating injury. Although survival rate is high, the functional results are guarded [1, 2]. The aim of this study is to review our experience with major upper extremity replantations performed between the years 1987–2007 with respect to the type of amputation as proposed by Chuang et al. [3]. 23 upper extremities were replanted in 22 patients (7 arms and 16 proximal forearms and elbows). All but one replanted parts survived. Out of 6 patients with arm replants 4 gained useful extremities and two had poor result after more than 2 years of rehabilitation and 17 additional surgical procedures. Out of 16 replanted forearms, after more than 2 years of rehabilitation period and 50 operations, useful extremity was achieved in 11 and poor result in 5. The main factor influencing functional result was the type of amputation according to Chuang et al. [3].  相似文献   

伴有严重复合创伤的上肢离断再植   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨伴有严重复合创伤的上肢离断再植的可能性.方法 纠正休克和恢复水电解质平衡后,行左上臂离断再植合并脾摘除术1例;前臂离断再植合并多发骨折固定,神经肌肉组织断裂修复4例;左前臂离断再植合并多发骨折固定,尿道断裂尿道会师术1例;右前臂离断再植合并多发骨折固定,大面积皮肤缺损修复1例.结果 休克得到纠正,合并伤获得有效控制及愈合,断肢离断再植均成活.随访半年以上的6例中,2例上臂离断再植后恢复伸屈肘功能,感觉恢复至肘下10 cm和14 cm,手内在肌萎缩.4例前臂离断再植后肢体恢复尺神经支配感觉区域,正中神经恢复保护性感觉,其中有2例手内在肌萎缩,手指活动屈伸活动范围28°~50°,能完成握持物体的一般性生活功能.结论 伴有严重复合创伤经有效的治疗后试行上肢离断再植术是可行的.  相似文献   

上臂高位断肢再植一例初步报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的报告一例上臂高位断肢再植的治疗结果。方法对1例左上臂高位断肢患者的病史,术后功能的恢复进行分析。结果本例患者术后再植肢体肿胀不明显,创面一期愈合。139d后,手指出现轻微的屈指运动,6个月后,左手出现触觉痛,8个月后,骨折线模糊,主动运动肩关节外展30°,前屈20°,肘关节屈75°,伸0,腕关节背伸0,掌屈15°,大小鱼际肌及手内在肌轻度萎缩,呈爪形手,被动屈曲时指尖能接近掌指关节,伸指受限,被动活动度达正常范围,腕关节近端痛觉,触压觉及温冷觉明显恢复,左手感觉尚未恢复。结论上臂高位离断再植的适应症是肢体完整,缺血时间短,神经非根性撕脱伤,且患者年轻,全身情况良好,应尽量给予再植。  相似文献   

目的:介绍毁损性断掌的特点及再植的临床经验。方法:观察30例毁损性断掌组织损伤的特点。结果:(1)组织毁损程度与范围和致伤物的形态及力量密切相关;(2)大体观察近端损伤程度多重于远端且多伴有近端的组织撕脱伤,以肌腱,神经撕脱为多见;(3)镜下显微观察见远端血管I-2cm范围内损伤较重,血管内,外膜多呈花斑样表现,尤其多见于压砸性离断及冲压性离断的病例;(4)掌骨骨折的粉碎程度与致伤物的力量及作用时间直接相关;(5)手掌部软组织的组织脆性在压砸或捻挫性毁损的情况下表现不一,是决定清创和短缩程度的重要依据。结论:充分认识毁损性断掌的特点,合理应用解剖关系及残存组织是决定再植成功的关键。  相似文献   

Reusing tissue of amputated or unsalvageable limbs to reconstruct soft tissue defects is one aspect of the “spare parts concept.” Using a free fillet flap in such situations enables the successful formation of a proximal stump with the length needed to cover a large defect from forequarter amputation without risking additional donor‐site morbidity. The use of free fillet flaps for reconstruction after forequarter and traumatic upper extremity amputations is illustrated here in a case report. A 41‐year old patient required a forequarter amputation to resect a desmoid tumor, resulting in an extensive soft‐tissue defect of the upper extremity. A free fillet flap of the amputated arm and an additional local epaulette flap were used to reconstruct the defect. At 9 months after the procedure, a satisfactory result with a very well healed flap was attained. Free fillet flaps can be used successfully for reconstruction of large upper extremity defects, without risking additional donor‐site morbidity. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 36:700–704, 2016.  相似文献   

BackgroundAfter major upper extremity traumatic amputation, replantation is attempted based upon the assumption that outcomes for a replanted limb exceed those for revision amputation with prosthetic rehabilitation. While some reports have examined functional differences between these patients, it is increasingly apparent that patient perceptions are also critical determinants of success. Currently, little patient-reported outcomes data exists to support surgical decision-making in the setting of major upper extremity traumatic amputation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to directly compare patient-reported outcomes after replantation versus prosthetic rehabilitation.MethodsAt three tertiary care centers, patients with a history of traumatic unilateral upper extremity amputation at or between the radiocarpal and elbow joints were identified. Patients who underwent either successful replantation or revision amputation with prosthetic rehabilitation were contacted. Patient-reported health status was evaluated with both DASH and MHQ instruments. Intergroup comparisons were performed for aggregate DASH score, aggregate MHQ score on the injured side, and each MHQ domain.ResultsNine patients with successful replantation and 22 amputees who underwent prosthetic rehabilitation were enrolled. Aggregate MHQ score for the affected extremity was significantly higher for the Replantation group compared to the Prosthetic Rehabilitation group (47.2 vs. 35.1, p < 0.05). Among the MHQ domains, significant advantages to replantation were demonstrated with respect to overall function (41.1 vs. 19.7, p = 0.03), ADLs (28.3 vs. 6.0, p = 0.03), and patient satisfaction (46.0 vs. 24.4, p = 0.03). Additionally, Replantation patients had a lower mean DASH score (24.6 vs. 39.8, p = 0.08).ConclusionsPatients in this study who experienced major upper extremity traumatic amputation reported more favorable patient-reported outcomes after successful replantation compared to revision amputation with prosthetic rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Objectives. To present our clinical experience in terms of disease presentation and choice of revascularisation procedure in our first group of 23 European Moyamoya angiopathy (disease and syndrome) patients. Method and patient selection. Twenty three patients were diagnosed and treated from 1997–2001 in our neurosurgical department. All patients underwent preoperative angiography, colour Doppler examination, cranial MRI and/or CT scans, HMPAO-SPECT or H 2 15O PET (baseline and Diamox challenge) scans.Nineteen patients presented with child-juvenile Moyamoya angiopathy with an average age at presentation of 8 years (range 1–17 years), in 4 patients adult Moyamoya was diagnosed with a mean age at presentation of 34 years (range 23–40 years). Results. In all but one patient bilateral affection was present at the time of diagnosis. All patients underwent direct and/or additional indirect revascularisation procedures. Twenty-one patients underwent bilateral revascularisation procedures. In two patients a unilateral procedure was performed.A direct STA-MCA bypass (superficial temporal artery branch – middle cerebral artery branch anastomosis) was performed in all patients. Additional direct STA-ACA bypass (STA – anterior cerebral artery branch anastomosis) was performed in 10 patients. Indirect arteriosynangiosis using the occipital artery was performed in the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) territory in 3 patients. The frontal branch of the STA was used for arteriosynangiosis in the frontal region in another 2 patients. Indirect frontal durasynangiosis was performed in 14 patients. The number and location of multiple revascularisation procedures was determined according to the angiographic findings as well as the site of decreased perfusion reserves seen on H 2 15O PET. A one stage revascularisation procedure was performed in 7 patients. Fourteen patients underwent two stage procedures. Following operation no complications were encountered in all but one adult patient who died postoperatively due to a massive middle cerebral artery infarct on the nonoperated side. Conclusions. As territorial hemodynamic disorder seems to be a characteristic in Moyamoya disease and/or syndrome, judging from our experience with European patients in our series, and several reports hitherto, treatment with multiple revascularisation procedures is considered to be justified.  相似文献   

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