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Objective: The evidence for using virtual reality (VR) with children with cerebral palsy (CP) was examined. Methods: A search of 13 electronic databases identified all types of studies examining VR as an intervention for children with CP. The most recent article included was published in October 2008. For each study, the quality of the methods was assessed using the appropriate scale. A total of 19 articles were retrieved. Thirteen studies from 11 articles were included in the final analysis. Results: Outcomes documented brain reorganization/plasticity, motor capacity, visual-perceptual skills, social participation and personal factors. Two studies were randomized controlled trials. These reported conflicting results regarding motor outcomes. Twelve of the 13 studies presented positive outcomes in at least one domain. Conclusions: VR has potential benefits for children with CP. However, the current level of evidence is poor and empirical data is lacking. Future methodologically rigorous studies are required. 相似文献
With the growing accessibility of computer-assisted technology, rehabilitation programs for individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) increasingly use virtual reality environments to enhance motor practice. Thus, it is important to examine whether performance improvements in the virtual environment generalize to the natural environment. To examine this issue, we had 64 individuals, 32 of which were individuals with CP and 32 typically developing individuals, practice two coincidence-timing tasks. In the more tangible button-press task, the individuals were required to ‘intercept’ a falling virtual object at the moment it reached the interception point by pressing a key. In the more abstract, less tangible task, they were instructed to ‘intercept’ the virtual object by making a hand movement in a virtual environment. The results showed that individuals with CP timed less accurate than typically developing individuals, especially for the more abstract task in the virtual environment. The individuals with CP did—as did their typically developing peers—improve coincidence timing with practice on both tasks. Importantly, however, these improvements were specific to the practice environment; there was no transfer of learning. It is concluded that the implementation of virtual environments for motor rehabilitation in individuals with CP should not be taken for granted but needs to be considered carefully. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The abnormal posture and motor pattern have not stabilized in children with cerebral palsy at early period, thus timely treatment can establish normal postural reflex and motor pattern, and prevent complications of muscle contracture, ankylosis, skeletal deformity, etc. The clinical factors affecting the rehabilitative efficacy of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy should be observed.
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of therapeutic occasion, grading of gross motor function and developmental level on the rehabilitative efficacy in children with cerebral palsy.
DESIGN: A case-controlled analysis.
SETTING: Qilu Children's Hospital of Shandong University.
PARTICIPANTS: Totally 138 children with cerebral palsy, who were hospitalized for 12 months in the Rehabilitation Center of Qilu Children's Hospital, Shandong University, were selected from April 2004 to September 2006, and all the children were diagnosed to be accorded with the standard set by the national seminar on cerebral palsy in 2004. There were 97 males and 41 females, including 55 cases of 0–2 years old, 47 cases of 2–4 years and 36 cases of 4–6 years. Informed contents were obtained from relatives of all the children.
METHODS: ① Comprehensive rehabilitation treatment: Vojta method was to induce the children to turn over the body and crawl by stimulating reflective turn over and crawling on belly. Bobath method including trainings of head control, turning over body, keeping sitting position, keeping balance, crawling, keeping standing position, and walking, etc.; The children were massaged by using the maneuvers of push, press, rub, pull, wave, etc. according to the sites and types of palsy. Acupuncture was performed mainly at bilateral motor areas, the needle was retained for 1 hour per time, 6 days continuously every week, and followed by a 1-day interval. ② Prognosis assessment: The gross motor functional grading of the children with cerebral palsy at admission was assessed using the Chinese version of gross motor function classification system (GMFCS). The gross motor functions of the children with cerebral palsy were assessed before rehabilitation treatment and 12 months after rehabilitation treatment by using gross motor function measure (GMFM). The improved GMFM total score was calculated. Developmental quotient was evaluated using Gesell developmental schedules (GDS) after 12-month rehabilitation treatment. Univariate analysis of variance was performed using the improved GMFM total score with age, GMFCS grade and developmental level (developmental quotient).
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Effects of age started to accept rehabilitation treatment, GMFCS grade and developmental level on the recovery of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy.
RESULTS: All the 138 children with cerebral palsy were involved in the analysis of results. The improved GMFM total scores were significantly different among the children with cerebral palsy of different ages started to accept treatment, GMFCS grades and developmental levels (F=13.464, 37.283, 30.814, P < 0.01). The younger the children started to accept treatment, the lower the their GMFCS grades and the higher their developmental levels, then the higher their improved GMFM total scores.
CONCLUSION: The recovery of gross motor function is better in younger children started to accepted treatment with cerebral palsy with lower GMFCS grades and higher developmental levels. 相似文献
目的观察"痉挛三针"对痉挛型脑瘫儿童运动功能的影响。方法选择我院治疗的86例痉挛型脑瘫患儿,依据随机数字表法分为观察组与对照组各43例。对照组采用头针针灸结合康复训练治疗,观察组在对照组的治疗基础上加用"痉挛三针"。比较2组治疗前后的改良Ashworth评分、GMFM-88中D区与E区评分及治疗效果。结果治疗后2组改良Ashworth评分均不同程度降低,GMFM-88中D区与E区评分均有所提高,观察组显著优于对照组;观察组总有效率(90.7%)显著优于对照组(81.4%),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 "痉挛三针"可有效降低痉挛型脑瘫儿童内收肌肌张力,使患儿获得更好的独立行走及跑跳等运动功能。 相似文献
目的探讨选择性颈段脊神经后根部分切断术治疗脑瘫性上肢痉挛状态的疗效。方法回顾性分析17例脑瘫性上肢痉挛病人的临床资料.均采用选择性颈段脊神经后根部分切断术。平均随访38、7个月。结果94.1%的病人术后即刻痉挛状态缓解.随访期间缓解率为88.2%:术后6周内运动功能改善率为52.9%.随访期间为76.5%:生活质量提高率在随访期间为82.4%。术后发生上肢感觉障碍20侧(58.8%),肌力下降13侧(38.2%),随访期间均见好转。随访期间复发2例(11.8%)。结论选择性颈段脊神经后根部分切断术是治疗脑瘫性上肢肌群广泛痉挛有效的手术方法。选择合适病例.熟悉局部解剖.掌握显微手术技巧和术后坚持长期正规康复训练等.是保证疗效的关键。 相似文献
Purpose: To determine the feasibility of family-focused, modified constraint-induced therapy with children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and test study procedures in preparation for a randomized controlled trial. Design: Prospective pre–post feasibility study. Methods and procedures: Ten children (median age: 3 years 6 months) were assessed at baseline, at completion of intervention and at 6 months post-baseline. Intervention consisted of a mitt worn on the unaffected hand for 2?hours per day for 8 weeks. Targeted adjunct therapy was provided during the time the mitt was worn. Primary assessments included the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, Goal Attainment Scaling, Assisting Hand Assessment and the Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function. Outcomes: Modified constraint-induced therapy as implemented in this study was acceptable to participants. Over the intervention period, participants experienced improvements in the performance of important daily activities as determined by the primary outcome measures. Conclusions: Modified constraint-induced therapy which targets participant-identified goals and which is family-focused warrants further investigation utilizing randomized trial methodology. Propósito: Determinar la viabilidad de la terapia modificada de inducción de restricción enfocada en la familia en niños con parálisis cerebral hemipléjica, y evaluar procedimientos de estudio en la preparación de una prueba controlada aleatorizada. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo pre-post viabilidad. Métodos y procedimientos: Se evaluaron a diez niños (edades medias: 3años 6 meses) en una etapa inicial, al completar el tratamiento y a los seis meses después de la evaluación inicial. La intervención consistió del uso de un guante en la mano no afectada durante 2 horas al día por 8 semanas. La terapia adjunta fue proporcionada durante el periodo de tiempo en que el guante fue usado. Los instrumentos de evaluación primaria incluyeron: Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, Goal Attainment Scaling, Assisting Hand Assessment y the Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function. Resultados: La terapia de inducción de restricción modificada fue aceptada por los participantes de la forma en que fue implementada en este estudio. Los participantes experimentaron mejoría en el desempaño de las actividades de la vida diaria durante el periodo de tratamiento, siendo determinado esto por los resultados de las mediciones primarias. Conclusiones: El hecho de que las terapias de inducción de restricción modificada tengan como objetivo metas identificadas por los pacientes y un enfoque familiar, sienta precedente para la realización de investigaciones futuras que utilicen una metodología de pruebas aleatorizadas. Palabras clave: Terapia de inducción restringida modificada, parálisis cerebral, función del miembro superior, pediátrica, enfocado en la familia, hemiplejia 相似文献
Objective: To systematically examine the effects of robotic therapy on upper extremity (UE) function in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in Pubmed, CINAHL, Cochrane, PsychInfo, TRIP, and Web of Science up to July 2013. Studies of children with CP, using robotic therapy and measures of UE were included. Results: Nine articles using three different robotic systems were included. Of these, seven were case studies. Overall, robotic therapy showed the potential effects as all studies reported at least one positive outcome: a moderate effect in improving reaching duration, smoothness, or decreased muscle tone, and a small to large effect in standardized clinical assessment (e.g. Fugl-Meyer). Conclusion: This review confirms the potential for robotic therapy to improve UE function in children with CP. However, the paucity of group design studies summons the need for more rigorous research before conclusive recommendations can be made. 相似文献
Objectives: (1) To determine the feasibility of qualitative sensory testing in the lower extremities (LE) of children with cerebral palsy (CP), especially spastic diplegia. (2) To determine if there is a detectable difference in qualitative LE sensory function in children with CP compared to typical children. (3) To determine if dorsal rhizotomy results in detectable changes in LE sensory function in children with spastic diplegia. Design: Objectives 1 and 2: Prospective observational cohort study. Objective 3: Add-on to prospective interventional studies. Setting: Regional tertiary children's hospital. Participants: Objectives 1 and 2: 62 children with CP and 65 typical children between 3–18 years of age. Objective 3: 34 children with spastic diplegia. Interventions: Objectives 1 and 2: None. Objective 3: Dorsal rhizotomy. Main outcome measures: Pain, light touch, direction of scratch, vibration, toe position and knee position using standard qualitative techniques. Results: Objective 1: 32 (52%) children with CP and 55 (85%) typical children completed all items ( p?=?0.09). Objective 2: Summary scores for separate LE sensory modalities were lower in children with CP for direction of scratch ( p?<?0.001), toe position ( p?=?0.01) and vibration sense ( p?=?0.01). Objective 3: No changes of LE sensory function. Conclusions: LE sensory testing in young children with CP is feasible. There is a qualitative sensory deficit in this sample of children with CP and specifically in children with spastic diplegia that is traditionally associated with dorsal column sensory modalities. A conservative dorsal rhizotomy does not produce a measurable change in LE sensory function in this sample of children with spastic diplegia. 相似文献
Objective: To support the use of TUG and TUDS to detect changes in functional mobility in children with mild cerebral palsy. Methods: Six children with spastic cerebral palsy and classified by GMFCS as level I or II were enrolled in the study. The gross motor function was measured by the GMFM and functional mobility by the TUG and TUDS. The participants were assessed before and after an 8-week follow-up. Results: After this period, increased GMFM scores were found at dimensions D (standing) and E (walking, running and jumping). The time to complete TUG and TUDS was shorter after the follow-up period. Negative correlations were found between GMFM dimension E and the TUG and TUDS tests. Conclusion: Changes in the gross motor skills measured by the GMFM may be accompanied by changes in the movement speed measured by TUG and TUDS. These tests may complement information provided by GMFM. 相似文献
This study assessed the possibility of rehabilitating two adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) using a Kinect-based system in a public school setting. The system provided 3 degrees of freedom for prescribing a rehabilitation program to achieve customized treatment. This study was carried out according to an ABAB reversal replication design in which A represented the baseline and B represented intervention phases. Data showed that the two participants significantly increased their motivation for upper limb rehabilitation, thus improving exercise performance during the intervention phases. Practical and developmental implications of the findings are discussed. 相似文献
The aims of this study were to investigate the nature and extent of upper limb deformities via the use of various classifications, and to analyze the relationship between upper limb deformities and gross motor or upper limb functionality levels. Upper extremity data were collected from 234 children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) who were admitted to the university hospital for intensive rehabilitation. Upper limb deformities were classified according to the Zancolli classification for finger and wrist extension ability, the Gshwind and Tonkin classification for supination ability, and the House classification for thumb-in-palm deformity. Digital deformity was also classified. Upper limb function was assessed using the Upper Extremity Rating Scale (UERS) and the Upper Limb Physician's Rating Scale (ULPRS). Gross motor function was assessed using the Gross Motor Functional Classification System (GMFCS). Among the 234 children observed, 70.5% had a limitation in forearm supination, and 62.8% had problems with wrist and finger extension in at least one limb. Thumb-in-palm deformity of at least one hand was found in 47.0% of patients. Swan neck deformity was the most common finger deformity. Upper limb functional measures, the ULPRS and the UERS, significantly correlated with the degree of upper limb deformity, as assessed by the Gschwind and Tonkin, Zancolli, and House classifications. Further, the degree of upper limb deformity was significantly related to the GMFCS level in children with bilateral CP, but not in children with unilateral CP. Limitation of forearm supination was the most common upper limb deformity in children with spastic CP. The degree of upper limb deformity significantly affected upper limb function in these children. 相似文献
Effective use of the upper limb can impact on educational outcomes, participation in activities of daily living and vocational options for many children with cerebral palsy (CP). This article presents the results of a systematic review of the literature on the management of upper limb dysfunction in children with CP. The range of management options includes therapies such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, neurodevelopmental therapy and conductive education; peripheral splinting and casting; focal or generalized pharmacotherapy; and surgery to improve upper limb function or correct deformity. A literature search identified 60 papers, of which four were randomized controlled trials and 44 were prospective studies with objective outcome measures. Principal studies undertaken for each type of treatment and the efficacy of the different types of treatment were critically evaluated. In addition, the current level of evidence for each study was evaluated according to Sackett's (1989) model and ICIDH-2 classification. A close examination of two relatively new treatments for upper limb spasticity, constraint induced movement therapy and botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) was conducted with reference to more extensive data on the efficacy of BTX-A in the lower limb. 相似文献
Objective: To study the effect of active stretching of ankle plantarflexors using an interactive dynamic stander in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: Six children in Gross Motor Function Classification System classes I–III, aged 4–10 years, trained intensive active dorsiflexion in an interactive dynamic stander using ankle movement to play custom computer games following a 10-week control period. Gross Motor Function Measure Item Set, gait performance and passive and active dorsiflexion with extended and flexed knee were chosen as outcome parameters. Results: Median active and passive ankle dorsiflexion increased significantly (5 and 10 degrees, respectively) with extended knee. There was a small but clinically significant increase in gross motor function. The intervention had no effect on temporospatial gait parameters. Conclusion: In spite of the low number of participants, these results may indicate that intensive active stretching in an interactive dynamic stander could be an effective new conservative clinical treatment of ankle plantarflexor contracture in children with CP. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of botulinum toxin A (BTXA) treatment on impairment and function of the upper limb during a 2-year follow-up period. A prospective longitudinal study design with assessments before and after intervention was utilized, involving six patients with cerebral palsy (three boys and three girls) aged 3 years 4 months to 11 years 11 months at commencement of study. The outcome measures were spasticity (modified Ashworth, MAS), active and passive range of movement (ROM), grips (pinch, key grip, 3-finger grip, narrow cylinder grip, wide cylinder grip, pen grip and diagonal grip; grasping, releasing; pronation-supination), bimanual functions, fine motor functions (Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function), movement pattern (Upper Limb Physician's Rating Scale, ULPRS), functional skills and self-care capability (Paediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, PEDI), upper extremity use (House Classification) and cosmetic appearance. The assessments were repeated by the same examiners at baseline and at 1, 3 and 6 months after each BTXA treatment and then every 6 months until 24 months. One subject received a total of four injections (at 0, 6, 12 and 18 months), one two injections (at 0 and 12 months) and four one injection at the beginning of the study period. Upper extremity surgery was performed on two subjects during the study and one was operated on 2 months after completion of the study. All children benefited from the BTXA treatment in terms of reduction in muscle tone and increase in active and passive ROM. By 6 months, spasticity returned, but in four children passive and especially active ROM remained better than at baseline. No significant changes in grips, bimanual tasks or Melbourne Assessment scores were detected. The change in movement pattern (ULPRS) was maintained for 3 months in two children and beyond this in four, thus extending beyond the pharmacologic effects of botulinum toxin A. All but one child showed improvement in PEDI functional skill and caregiver assistance scale scores during the 2-year period. The House classification showed a one-grade improvement in one child at 1 month and in one child at 3 months and a three-grade improvement in one child at 3 months after BTXA treatment. After each treatment, the parents reported at least a one-grade improvement in cosmetic appearance in all children at 1 month and in four children maintained at least until 6 months. In two subjects operated during the study period, a distinct improvement in active and passive ROM and a two-grade improvement in the House classification were observed after the operation. In this limited series, the reduction in muscle tone after BTXA treatment did not translate into better gripping or quality of fine motor functions (Melbourne Assessment) of the affected hand, but seemed to have a positive effect on upper limb movement pattern (ULPRS), upper extremity use (House Classification) and cosmetic appearance. Assessment of upper limb function in a child with cerebral palsy demands a variety of measures. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to measure which three-dimensional spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters differentiate upper limb movement characteristics in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (HCP) from those in typically developing children (TDC), during various clinically relevant tasks.We used a standardized protocol containing three reach tasks (forwards, upwards, and sideways), two reach-to-grasp tasks (with objects requiring different hand orientations), and three gross motor tasks. Spatiotemporal (movement duration, trajectory straightness, maximum velocity, and timing of maximum velocity), as well as kinematic parameters (discrete angles and waveforms of the trunk, scapula, shoulder, elbow and wrist), were compared between 20 children with HCP (age 10.9 ± 2.9 years) and 20 individually age-matched TDC (age 10.9 ± 3.0 years). Kinematic calculations followed the recommendations from the International Society of Biomechanics.Results showed that children with HCP had longer movement durations, less straight hand trajectories, and lower maximum velocities compared to the TDC. Timing of maximum velocity did not differ between both groups. The movement pathology in children with HCP was highlighted by increased trunk movements and reduced shoulder elevation during reaching and reach-to-grasp. We also measured an increased anterior tilting and protraction of the scapula in children with HCP, although differences were not significant for all tasks. Finally, compared to the TDC, children with HCP used less elbow extension and supination and more wrist flexion to execute all tasks.This study reported distinct 3D upper limb movement characteristics in children with HCP and age-matched TDC, establishing the discriminative ability of the measurement procedure. From a clinical perspective, combining spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters may facilitate the identification of the pathological movement patterns seen in children with HCP and thereby add to a well-targeted upper limb treatment planning. 相似文献
Objective: To evaluate the effects of an internet-platform exergame cycling programme on cardiovascular fitness of youth with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: In this pilot prospective case series, eight youth with bilateral spastic CP, Gross Motor Functional Classification System (GMFCS) level III, completed a six-week exergame programme. Outcomes were obtained at baseline and post-intervention. The primary outcome measure was the GMFCS III-specific shuttle run test (SRT-III). Secondary outcomes included health-related quality of life (HQL) as measured by the KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire, six-minute walk test, Wingate arm cranking test and anthropomorphic measurements. Results: There were significant improvements in the SRT-III ( t?=??2.5, p?=?0.04, d?=?0.88) post-intervention. There were no significant changes in secondary outcomes. Conclusion: An exergame cycling programme may lead to improvement in cardiovascular fitness in youth with CP. This study was limited by small sample size and lack of a comparison group. Future research is warranted. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The use of acupuncture has received recognition to effectively treat cerebral palsy. Moreover, music therapy can be used to modify treatment of cerebral palsy. OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of combined treatment using acupuncture and music therapy on gross motor function measure (GMFM) of children with cerebral palsy, compared with acupuncture treatment alone. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: Randomized, controlled, clinical study. The experiment was conducted in Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine between January 2007 and September 2007. PARTICIPANTS: All children with cerebral palsy in the trial were from the outpatient department of Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The children were randomly divided into two groups: 30 children in Group B received acupuncture and music therapy, while 30 children in Group A received only acupuncture therapy. METHODS: Subjects in Groups A and B received acupuncture based on syndrome differentiation. The main acupoints were necessary for all participants. At first, flash needling was applied to the acupoints. For the remaining acupoints, the technique of transverse needling was applied to the head acupoints, and perpendicular needling was used for the other points. The inserted needles were twirled and then maintained for 30 minutes. The needle was twirled for one second every other 10 minutes, without reinforcing-reducing techniques. The therapy was performed every other day. The trial consisted of three periods each, and lasted for 84 days. Subjects in Group B received music therapy. They listened to music that they preferred while acupuncture was being performed. Following acupuncture, they were allowed to perform musical activities, such as percussion, singing, and dancing. The music therapy was scheduled for one hour, including listening to music for 30 minutes and music activities for 30 minutes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The comprehensive functional evaluation scale of cerebral palsy and the GMFM were applied to test sy 相似文献
目的比较肌力训练结合常规康复治疗与常规康复治疗对痉挛型脑瘫患儿运动功能的临床疗效差异。方法58例脑瘫患儿随机分为两组,即肌力训练结合常规康复治疗组(肌力训练组,30例)和常规康复治疗组(28例)。两组患儿入组后开始为期2周的康复治疗,2周后改由家长在家进行治疗。分别在治疗前,治疗后的6周、12周进行以下评定:(1)综合痉挛量表(CSS);(2)粗大运动功能量表(GMFM)中的D和E两项;(3)步行速度。结果两组患儿的CSS、GMFM评分及步行速度治疗前差异无显著性意义(P〉0.05),治疗后6周、12周与治疗前比较差异均有显著性意义(氏0.05),GMFM评分、步行速度治疗后6周、12周两组比较差异均有显著性意义(氏0.05)。结论肌力训练结合常规康复治疗能更好地提高痉挛型脑瘫患儿的运动能力。 相似文献
The Kinect-based virtual reality system for the Xbox 360 enables users to control and interact with the game console without the need to touch a game controller, and provides rehabilitation training for stroke patients with lower limb dysfunctions. However, the underlying mechanism remains un- clear. In this study, 18 healthy subjects and five patients after subacute stroke were included. The five patients were scanned using functional MRI prior to training, 3 weeks after training and at a 12-week follow-up, and then compared with healthy subjects. The FugI-Meyer Assessment and Wolf Motor Function Test scores of the hemiplegic upper limbs of stroke patients were significantly increased 3 weeks after training and at the 12-week follow-up. Functional MRI results showed that contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex was activated after Kinect-based virtual reality training in the stroke patients compared with the healthy subjects. Contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex, the bilateral supplementary motor area and the ipsilateral cerebellum were also activated during hand-clenching in all 18 healthy subjects. Our findings indicate that Kinect-based virtual reality training could promote the recovery of upper limb motor function in subacute stroke patients, and brain reorganization by Kinect-based virtual reality training may be linked to the contralateral sen- sorimotor cortex. 相似文献
Some children with mild cerebral palsy have articulation disorders that are resistant to conventional speech therapy techniques. This preliminary study investigated the use of electropalatography (EPG) to diagnose and treat a long‐standing articulation disorder that had not responded to conventional speech therapy techniques in an 8‐year‐old boy (D) with a congenital left hemiplegia. The targets for EPG therapy were speech errors affecting velar targets /k, g, η/, which were consistently fronted to alveolar placement [t, d, n]. After 15 sessions of EPG therapy over a 4‐month period, D's ability to produce velars improved significantly. The EPG data revealed two features of diagnostic importance. The first was an unusually asymmetrical pattern of tongue‐palate contact and the second was unusually long stop closure durations. These features are interpreted as a subtle form of impaired speech motor control that could be related to a mild residual neurological deficit. The results suggest that EPG is of potential benefit for diagnosing and treating articulation disorders in individuals with mild cerebral palsy. 相似文献