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Objective To investigate the effects of allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) and (RANTES) in sera and deciduas on unexplained early spontaneous abortion. Methods AIF-1 and RANTES were examined in sera and deciduas/endometria of 43 unexplained early spontaneous abortion women (group A), 40 healthy women with early pregnancy(group B) and 20 healthy women with no pregnancy (group C). Immu- nohistochemistry and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were used in this study. Results AIF-1 protein was expressed both in deciduas of group A and in endometria of group C. In group A, H scores in the recurrent abortion deciduas specimens were significantly greater than those in the first abortion;in endometrium, expression of AIF-1 was greater in the secretory than in proliferative phase of group C. In group B, concentrations of RANTES in sera were higher in 7th-8th week of pregnancy than in 6th-7th and >8th week of pregnancy; expression of AIF-1 protein showed a negative correlation with RASNTES concentration; a significant increase of the RANTES levels in sera and tissue was observed in group B. Conclusion These results demonstrate, for the first time, that AIF-1 are expressed in deciduas of unexplained spontaneous abortion suggesting that AIF-1 involve in alloimmune abortion; RANTES might act as a novel blocking antibody;AIF-1 and RANTES might act as reliable markers for diagnosis of early alloimmune abortion.  相似文献   

Theantiprogesteronebiologicaleffectofmifepristoneismediatedbyitscompeti-tionwiththeprogesteronereceptor.Sincemifepristonecaninterferewiththemetabolismandthetissuestructureoftheembryoanditsaffiliatedtissuesinmanyaspects,however,thespecificmechanismisstilltobeclarified.Twokindsofinter-cellularadhesionmolecules,integrinβ3andICAM-1(CD54),wereknowntohavcloserelationswithcellmaintenanceandproliferation.Byusingimmuno-flowcytom-etry,weinvestigatedtheeffectofmifepristoneontheexpressionofintegrinβ3a…  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the expression and change of the B3 integrin subunit and fibronectin in normal human oviductal t‘issue during various phases of the menstrual cycle and tubal ectopic pregnant tissue Methods Samples of normal ( n=29 ) and pregnant fallopian tube ( n=22 ) tissues were obtained from women who had normal cycle and history of normal pregnancy. Normal oviductal tissue samples were divided into 4 groups based on their menstrual cycle. Both expression and distribution of the B3 subunit and fibronectin were determined with the immunohistochemical method and the image analysis. Results The B3 subunit was expressed in the cytoplasm of ciliated cells. The expression level of the B3 subunit was higher after ovulation than that before ovulation in isthmus epithelium (P <0.001), and declined significantly after ovulation in ampullae epithelium (P <0.001). In umbrella epithelium within 4 days after ovulation, the expression level of the B3 subunit was observed at rather higher level among other phases (P <0.001). The ciliated and secretory cells of the epithelium except for where the pregnancy occurred in tubal pregnancy expressed the subunit, and no significant relationship was found between the normal tubal tissue of the secretory phase and tubal ectopic pregnant tissue (P>0.05). Fibronectin was expressed in the basementmembrane of human oviductal epithelium and matrix. The expression level of fibronectin was higher in the hyperplastic phase than that in the secretory one (P<0.001). And it was lower in normal tubal tissue of the secretory, phase than that in tubal ectopic pregnant tissue (P <0.001). Conclusion The B3 integrin subunit was expressed in the ciliated cells of human oviductal epithelium, and fibronectin was expressed in the basement membrane of human oviductal epithelium and matrix. Their expression and change in oviductal tissue is based on different phases of menstrual cycle. The B3 subunit could not related to the occurrence of tubal ectopic pregnancy. Fibronectin could be the potential molecular basis for the tubal ectopic pregnancy.  相似文献   

Spontaneous abortion(SA) is a very commondisease in clinical practice.Except the known causessuch as anatomy,chromosome and endocrine etiolo-gies,there are almost5 0 % SA patients withoutdef-inite causes,which make the treatmentdifficult.Re-centstudies showed thatthe disorderof immune reg-ulation between mother and fetus played a significantrole in SA.Since the trophoblastis the directmater-nal- fetal interface,it becomes the research focus onthe immune regulation at present.Our study wasai…  相似文献   

were risk factors influencing anxiety of unmarried female youth. Conclusion Depession and anxiety was more popular in unmarried females with IA. Intervention for improving mental health of unmarried females should be developred. Key words: comparison; dep…  相似文献   

The fetus represents a foreign entity to the maternal immune system, yet this nature allograft is notnormally rejected. This unique situation is alwaysconcerned closely by immunologists and organ transplantation workers. Following the deepgoing of thestudy on the mechanisms of immune tolerance, it wasfound that specific activated T cell apoptosis inducedby Fas/Fas ligand (FasL) played an important role inperipheral immune tolerance. The major reason whysome immune--privileged organs such as …  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the association between β3 integrin-fibronectin signaling and salpingitis. Methods Thirteen chronically inflamed tubal samples were included in the case group, while 29 normal fallopian tube samples were set as the controls. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the distribution patterns and expressions of β3 integrin and fibronectin in the fallopian tube samples. Results β3 integrin was presented in the ciliated cells within the whole length of the normal fallopian tube, but no staining was detected in the tubal epithelium of salpingitis. A similar distribution pattern of fibronectin was revealed between the cases and the controls, with exclusive staining in the tubal mucosal matrix and the basement membranes of the tubal epithelium and mucosal vessels, whereas no staining was detected in the tubal epithelial cells. Fibronectin in the samples of salpingitis showed a remarkably stronger-staining than that of the normal controls (P<0.01). Conclusion Salpingitis could reduce β3 integrin expression and raise fibronectin expression in the fallopian tube epithelium, concomitantly changed concentrations of β3 integrin and fibronectin seem to have impacts on the onset of salpingitis.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate levels of transforming growth factor-3β (TGF-3β) in the plasma and placental of normal or preeclamptic pregnancies. Methods The study population consisted of 36 women with normal pregnancy and 36 women with preeclampsia. Peripheral venous blood samples were collected before labor, and placental tissues were immediately obtained after delivery. TGF-3β levels in maternal plasma and placental homogenate were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results The mean plasmas level of TGF-313 was significantly higher in preeclamptic patients than that of normal parturient (P〈0.001); the mean placental level of TGF-3β was also higher in preeclamptic patients than that of normal parturient (P〈0.001). Conclusion The TGF-3β levels increase in preeclamptic patients, which suggests TGF-3β may play an important role in the pathologic process of preeclampsia.  相似文献   

Expression of Survivin in Early Villus and Decidua and Its Implication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Survivin isa newly found memberof inhibitorofapoptosis proteins(IAP) ,which is independent ofBcl- 2 proteins,and is expressed in most human ma-lignancy,being abundant in mouse and human em-bryonic and fetal tissues and undetectable in normaladult tissues.Survivin has been shown to be presentin 6 0 cancer celllines,including breast,lung,renal,prostate and ovarian[1] .It hasbeen reported thattheexpression of survivin protein washigh in the glandu-lar epithelial cells during secretory phase of h…  相似文献   

The expression and possible role of integrin-focal adhesion kinase signal pathway in invasive pituitary adenomas were explored. Forty-nine human pituitary adenomas were detected for the expression of integrinβ1 (INTβ1) and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) by immunohistochemistry, and their correlation with the invasiveness of pituitary adenomas as well as between themselves was ana- lyzed. The results showed that INTβ1 was expressed in 46 cases (93.9%) and FAK in 36 cases (73.5%), respectively, and their expression levels were highly correlated with tumor invasiveness, but not with the tumor types. It was suggested that the integrin-focal adhesion kinase signal pathway plays a role in the invasiveness of pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

ImmunohistochemicalAnalysisofGlobulinandComplementsinBloodVesselsofPlacentalVilliduringPregnancyInducedHypertensionCHENHanpin...  相似文献   

Antigestogens such as mifepristone oppose the action of endogenous progesteroneby blocking the progesterone receptor in the uterus. There is a modest increase in thecapacity of endonterium from the luteal phase of the cyele and.from decidua of early pregnancy to generate prostaglandins after the administration of antigestogens. Coup-led with a decrease in the metabolism of prostaglandins, this may lead to an increase inconcentration of PGF, and other prostaglandins which cause myometrial contractionsand decidual necrosis.  相似文献   

In order to study transforming growth factor81 (TGF51) in molecular level and investigate thefeasibility of TGF51 gene therapy for bone defects,an eukaryotic expression vector containing ratTGF51 cDNA was constructed. The expression ofTGF51 in the transfected osteoblasts was observed.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS1. 1 Animals and Cell CultureSprague--Dawley rats, I adult and 5 newborn,were purchased from Animal Center of Tong nMedical University. Lymphocytes, isolated fromperipheral…  相似文献   

Plasmaβ-endorphin(β-EP)levelsriseprogressivelythroughoutpregnancyandreachapeakatlabor[1].Thisendogenousopioidpeptidewasthoughttoplayaroleinmaintainingnormalpregnancyandproduceananalgesiceffectduringlabor[2].How-ever,thegeneralagreementconcerningthese…  相似文献   

The expression of Aurora B in normal endometria and endometrial carcinomas and its relation with clinicopathologic parameters of endometrial carcinomas were investigated.Streptavidin-biotin peroxidase(SP) immunohistochemical technique was used to detect the expression of Aurora B in 10 cases of normal proliferative phase endometria,10 cases of normal secretory phase endometria and 72 cases of endometrial carcinomas respectively.According to the 1988 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics(FIGO) grade,there were 37 patients in grade 1,23 in grade 2 and 12 in grade 3 respectively.According to the FIGO stage,there were 59 patients in stage Ⅰ-Ⅱ and 13 patients in stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ.Aurora B was expressed in both normal proliferative phase endometria,secretory phase endometria and endometrial carcinomas,but its positive labeling index(PLI) in proliferative phase endometria was significantly higher than that in secretory phase endo-metria(P<0.01) and endometrial carcinomas(P<0.01).The PLI of Aurora B was lower in tumors with well differentiation(G1),low surgical staging(Ⅰ-Ⅱ),and ≤1/2 myometrial invasion than that in tumors with moderate and low differentiation(G2-G3),higher surgical staging(Ⅲ-Ⅳ),and >1/2 myometrial invasion(all P<0.01).Aurora B exerts its functions in the replication of normal endometrial glandular cells;Expression of Aurora B is significantly correlated with biologic behavior of endo-metrial carcinoma,indicating that Aurora B may be a promising prognostic factor in endometrial carcinoma.  相似文献   

TumorsuppressedgenePTEN(phosphotaseandten sionhomologdeletedfromchromsome 10 )wasidentifiedbythreedifferentgroupsin 1997 PTENismutatedinsporad icbrain ,breastandprostatecancer.ThenormalexpressionofPTENcansuppresstumorcellsinvading ,metastasisandgrowth.TheabnormalexpressionofPTENwillresultinPTENproteindecreasingordisappearing .Proliferatingcellnuclearantigen (PCNA )isanauxiliaryproteinofDNApolymerase ,whichisexpressedinG1stageofcellcircle ,getstotheclimaxinSstage ,anddecreasesinG2 -…  相似文献   

Ovarianepithelialcancerisacommonmalignantovarianneoplasmwithahighmortality Thefactorsthatregulatetherapidgrowthofovarianepithelialcancersarestilllargelyunknown Therearesomeevidencesindicatingthatoncogenecanconfergrowthfactorautomaticallyontocancercells Theautocrinesecretionhypothesisproposesthat,asaresultofoncogeneactivation ,neoplasticcellscanescapegrowth restrainingmechanismbyindependentlyproducingandrespondingtotheirowngrowthfactors Inrecentyears ,attentionhasfocusedonfibroblastgrowthfactor…  相似文献   

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