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甲型肝炎病毒的纯化及其单抗的制备 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
应用不连续蔗糖/甘油密度梯度超速离心的方法,从培养细胞中纯化甲肝病毒(He-patitisAVirus,HAV)。纯化的HAV抗原经SDS-PAGE电泳分析,获得三条带:VP1(34000),VP2(30000)和VP3(26000)。用纯化的HAV抗原免疫Balb/c小鼠,将已免疫小鼠的脾细胞与SP2/0细胞融合,获得6株分泌抗HAV单克隆抗体的杂交瘤。它们的培养上清和腹水的抗体滴度分别是50~1000和1000~4000。Ig亚类5株为IgG1,1株为IgG2a。采用间接的ELISA法分析HAV抗原的抗原位点,结果表明HAV抗原至少存在4个抗原位点,两个存在于VP1蛋白带,另两个分别存在于VP2和VP3蛋白带 相似文献
We have utilized cloned T cell reagents and ionizing radiation-induced mutants of an HLA heterozygous lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) to investigate the determinants detected by the cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) assay. Cells of an LCL clone, 721.501, an HLA haplotype loss mutant expressing the HLA-A2-Cw1-Bw51-DR1-Dw1-DQw1-DPw2-GLO haplotype were used as sensitizing cells for responder cells in vitro. "Cloned" reagents were generated by single-cell deposition of cells of a bulk reagent primed against 721.501 cells. Those clones were screened for cytolytic activity against HLA loss mutant targets (derived from LCL 721) of four different categories; HLA-A2 loss only, A2-Cw1-Bw51 loss, A2-Cw1-Bw51-DR1-DQw1 loss, and the entire HLA haplotype loss. Of 196 clones tested, 36 were cytolytic, including three anti-A2, five anti-Bw51/Cw1, 12 anti-DR1/DQw1, 13 anti-DP region associated with DPw2, and three of undetermined specificity, based on cytolytic patterns against the HLA loss mutant targets. Of 25 anti-HLA class II lytic clones, 23 (92%) fitted the characteristics of helper cell-independent cytolytic T cells (HITc), whereas only two of eight (25%) anti-class I clones were HITc. The 13 anti-DP region clones were divided into three subgroups defined by blocking by anti-FA and not Tü39 monoclonal antibodies (MoAb), by Tü39 and not anti-FA, and by both MoAbs. 相似文献