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中国本科护理教育面临的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解中国本科护理教育发展的历史及现状,分析本科护理培养目标、教育模式、评价体系、学制设置及护理实践等方面存在的问题,并提出明确培养目标、改变教学方式、完善评价体系、完善学制、拓展实践理念等对策建议。  相似文献   

卫生部邀请国际专家委员会检查了希腊的保健体制,委员会建议在人头税基础上创建家庭医生(GP)网,家庭医生管理预算以代表病人购买医院服务和药品。但希腊执行基金持有家庭珠企图似乎有相反的影响。  相似文献   

了解护理理论在临床工作中的应用情况,结合目前存在的主要问题,探讨如何改进护理理论的教学。  相似文献   

现代护理管理发展的趋势为:管理人性化、经营管理企业化、经济效益合理化、工作分工、分权、工作成组化、决策科学化、人员专业化等,日本的护理大学教育于1952年起步,护士从大学教育中可获得的护理管理知识甚少。因此日本从护理教育现状出发,在继续教育中增设护理管理者在职培训,是切实可行的方法。中国的护理高等教育于20世纪80年代方才起步,目前在各大医院担任护理管理者大多未经过正规系统的高等护理教育,护理管理知识更新的速度和需求显得日益突出。  相似文献   

家政教育正在成为当今社会越来越重视的一个崭新的领域,其体系日趋完善,教育内容更加符合现代社会的要求.纵观其内涵,人们会发现将家政教育的有益素养充实到现代护理教育之中,能使护理人才更加适应社会的需求.  相似文献   

2008年,还有什么比奥运更加重要的事儿呢?从本月开始,《现代保健》将带你一起寻找奥运曾经留下的印迹。听,发令枪即将响起,你做好出发的准备了吗?希腊将成为我们第一个目的地一第一届现代奥运会的举办地将为你的四月生活增添一份心灵的悸动。  相似文献   

希腊为欧洲共同体成员国之一。该国实行的是以疾病保险为主的混合型医疗保健服务制度。 “社会保险协会”(IKA)为该国社会保障的主要组织机构。该机构为全国居民提供包括老年保险和疾病医疗保险在内的多项社会保险服务,并负责包括疾病医疗保险金在内的多种保险项目的资金筹集工作。  相似文献   

涂冬洁 《中国卫生产业》2020,(2):156-157,160
目的评价护理本科生中开设护理信息化管理与应用课程的效果,为今后开设护理信息相关课程提供参考。方法 160名2016级及2017级自愿选修此课程的护理本科生作为研究对象,课程结束之后,以开卷考试的形式进行考核,评价学生对学习该课程的认知情况;在临床实习期间对这160名同学与同期实习但没有学习过该课程的同学采取问卷调查及访谈法,比较开设该课程对临床护理工作的影响。结果通过学习该课程,成绩优秀者31.9%,良好者45.6%,中等者18.1%,及格者4.4%,无不及格;比较是否学习过本课程的学生在临床实习阶段一个月内掌握护士站工作基本操作情况,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论护理信息化管理与应用课程的开设不仅提高了学生对护理信息相关知识的认知,且有效应用于临床护理工作中,满足了医院管理信息化日益发展的需求,在护理本科教育中必要的。  相似文献   

19世纪60年代以后,随着现代医学的兴起,近代护理学也开始得到了发展。然而,对护理教育和护理服务的立法则是本世纪的事。自本世纪20年代开始,随着医院的迅速发展,对护理人员的需求也日益增加,为保证护理服务的质量,在建立和健全卫生服务管理体制的同时,各国相继对护理人员的教育培训和服务也逐渐通过法律或法规的形  相似文献   

从医疗安全组织结构和职责、医疗安全委员会的设置和职责、医疗护理事故报告程序、临界差错报告、制定安全操作程序、护理安全教育等6方面,概述了日本医院护理安全管理举措.指出护理安全管理重在护理隐患管理.我国医院护理管理者应积极营造患者安全文化,重视培养护士的风险评估及防范意识,鼓励员工积极上报不良事件.  相似文献   

文章通过对护理专业硕士研究生教育过程的几个重点环节(课程设置、临床实践、专业学位设置、教育质量评价体系、就业趋向)的研究现状进行分析,总结描述目前护理研究生教育发展的部分成果,指出各环节进一步研究发展方向,以期为我国护理研究生教育提供一定参考依据.  相似文献   

Elaborated learning in undergraduate medical education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Southampton Medical School holds its major examination of basic knowledge after rather than before students enter their first clinical attachments. An interview survey investigated its educational effects, and found that students adopt one of four revision approaches. The most successful, not just in terms of examination grade but more particularly in students' subsequent ability to retrieve and use the knowledge gained, occurred when students related their preclinical revision to their clinical experiences. One of these approaches, an elaboration of knowledge, is considered to be essential for effective clinical thinking yet is probably rare elsewhere in medical education since it appears to be a consequence of a particular curricular arrangement. An explanation is given in terms of current thinking in cognitive psychology, and this challenges the theoretical assumptions on which other research in medical education has been uncritically based. Some implications for medical education and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Nursing homes have long been used to teach geriatric medicine to medical students, primary care residents, and geriatric medicine fellows, but we may be able to more appropriately use this clinical setting by addressing principles of long-term care in addition to general geriatrics. Long-term care education starts with developing an understanding of the health care system and how to use services to maximize the functional abilities of our frailest elderly, and, depending on the needs of specific learners may incorporate skills such as quality improvement methodology, interdisciplinary team participation, managing infection risk within a community, and optimally transitioning patients between care venues. At each level of medical education, specific long-term care learning outcomes should be established with attention given to appropriate assessment of these outcomes. Curricular elements should be directed by the needs of the specific group of learners and the resources of the institution.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Ericsson and colleagues introduced the term 'deliberate practice' to describe training activities that are especially designed to maximise improvement. They stressed that how much one practises is as important as how one practises. Essential aspects of deliberate practice are the presence of well defined tasks, informative feedback, repetition, self-reflection, motivation and endurance. Deliberate practice is often difficult, laborious, and even unpleasant. Previous studies in the fields of sports and music have shown a positive relation between deliberate practice and level of expertise. PURPOSE: The present study investigated the relationship between several aspects of deliberate practice and study achievements among undergraduate medical students. METHODS: A questionnaire was developed to measure important aspects of deliberate practice. It was filled out by 777 medical students at Maastricht University Medical School (response rate 90%). Scores on 3 regular tests were used to define student levels of expertise. RESULTS: Positive correlations between aspects of deliberate practice (self-study, study resources, planning, study style and motivation) and study achievements were found. Furthermore, high achieving students showed more characteristics of deliberate practice than low achieving students. CONCLUSION: Some important aspects of deliberate practice appear to contribute to the performance of medical students.  相似文献   

Review of ethics curricula in undergraduate medical education   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Goldie J 《Medical education》2000,34(2):108-119
Medical ethics education, it has been said, has 'come of age' in recent years in terms of its formal inclusion in undergraduate medical curricula. This review article examines the background to its inclusion in undergraduate curricula and goes on to examine the consensus that has arisen on the design of ethics curricula, using Harden's curriculum and S.P.I.C.E.S models as templates. While there is consensus on content for undergraduate medical ethics education, there is still significant debate on learning and teaching methods. Despite the broad agreement on the need to apply adult education principles to ethics teaching, there would appear to be some tension between balancing the need for experiential learning and achieving the 'core curriculum'. There are also as yet unresolved difficulties with regards to resources for delivery, academic expertise, curriculum integration and consolidation of learning. Assessment methods also remain contentious. Although there is consensus that the ultimate goal of medical ethics, and indeed of medical education as a whole, is to create 'good doctors', the influence of the 'hidden curriculum' on students' development is only beginning to be recognized, and strategies to counteract its effects are in their infancy. The need for proper evaluation studies is recognized. It is suggested that the areas of debate appearing in the literature could be used as a starting point for evaluation studies, which would form the empirical basis of future curriculum development.  相似文献   

This paper reports and evaluates a programme of interprofessional education for final-year medical students and fourth-year undergraduate BSc nursing students. The programme was designed in the light of social psychological studies of intergroup behaviour (the contact hypothesis). Key features included opportunities to work as equals in pairs and small groups on shared tasks in a cooperative atmosphere. Topics included communication between nurses, doctors and patients, deliberate self-harm by patients, and ethical issues in clinical care. A comprehensive evaluation of the effects of the programme on one cohort of 39 participants revealed that overall attitudes towards the other profession had improved. Participants reported increased understanding of the knowledge and skills, roles and duties of the other profession. The programme was positively evaluated by both groups of participants.  相似文献   

Background: It has been argued that the unique nature of the occupational therapy role in palliative care (PC) warrants dedicated attention in undergraduate programmes to improve the confidence of occupational therapy graduates to work in this setting. Nevertheless, little is known about either the present PC education or the preparedness of graduates to work in this field. In addressing each of these issues, this study also sought information to guide the development of occupational therapy‐specific undergraduate teaching resources. Methods: Survey information was gathered from two participant groups: (i) six occupational therapy schools from Australia and New Zealand and (ii) 24 occupational therapists employed in PC in Australia and New Zealand. Two different surveys were used, targeting issues specific to each of these two groups. Where possible, data were analysed quantitatively, whereas open‐ended questions were interpreted thematically. Results: Occupational therapy schools reported 2–10 hours of PC‐specific content and requested teaching resources specific to the occupational therapy role. Less than half of the clinicians (45.8%) recalled receiving undergraduate content in PC, and 75% reported having felt unprepared to work in this field. Clinicians who had received PC‐specific content at university felt more prepared to work in this field than those who had not. Several recommendations for teaching PC were made. Conclusions: The link between the extent of PC education received and perceived readiness to work in this field, together with the relatively small amount of dedicated undergraduate PC‐specific content, supports the need to optimise teaching in this unique field.  相似文献   

目的探讨对肺结核病人进行心理护理的作用。方法针对病人的心理特点,进行系统的心理护理及健康教育,使得肺结核病人能够很好地配合治疗,不同程度地提高了疗效。结果肺结核病人病程长,心理状态受多种因素的影响,从而影响治疗,病情易反复。结论为提高疗效,针对病人的不同情况进行不同的心理护理。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Effective management of the doctor's role in relation to human sexuality requires sensitivity and tact, an ability to put patients at ease, use of appropriate language, and therapeutic, non-discriminatory attitudes. However, previous research suggests that medical students and doctors may hold negative attitudes towards homosexuality and some forms of sexual behaviour. Some educational programmes have started to help students develop communication skills for sexual health consultations, but little work has addressed the broader issue of attitudes and values which may underlie behaviour. It is vital that medical students begin early the process of reflection and recognition of how their attitudes and values might influence their care of patients. In this paper we report on a course designed to initiate this process at Leicester-Warwick Medical School (LWMS). COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course utilizes techniques of desensitization, problem-solving and reflection to enable the students to achieve the learning outcomes, which are primarily oriented towards reflection and self-development. It uses a variety of teaching and learning strategies, combining peer learning with self-directed learning, and small-group learning with whole class learning. COURSE EVALUATION: We report observations and a before-and-after questionnaire study of students' views and attitudes. This evaluation suggests that the course is successful in reducing students' anxieties about human sexuality and improving their confidence in developing appropriate skills. CONCLUSIONS: The LWMS course is one model which might be used to begin the process of encouraging medical students to develop ways of appropriately managing their responsibilities in relation to human sexuality.  相似文献   

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