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The purpose of the present study was to investigate differences in neck muscle stiffness between patients with chronic neck pain and asymptomatic control group.


Thirty-five patients with chronic neck pain and 35 age-matched asymptomatic participants enrolled in the study. Shear wave velocity (SWV) of upper trapezius, levator scapulae, splenius capitis, and sternocleidomastoid muscles were obtained using an ACUSON S3000 Ultrasonography Device (Siemens Medical Solutions, Mountain View, California). In patients with chronic neck pain, pain intensity was measured by Numerical Rating Scale and disability level was measured by Neck Disability Index.


The SWV of splenius capitis was similar in both groups (P = .985); however, SWV of upper trapezius (P = .001), levator scapulae (P = .038), and sternocleidomastoid (P = .001) of the patients with chronic neck pain were higher compared with the asymptomatic controls groups. Numerical Rating Scale and Neck Disability Index scores did not correlate with the SWV of the selected muscles (P > .05).


Stiffness of upper trapezius, levator scapulae, and sternocleidomastoid muscles in patients with neck pain were higher compared to asymptomatic participants. In addition, severity of pain and disability did not correlate to stiffness of these muscles in patient with chronic neck pain.  相似文献   

Lee AS, Cholewicki J, Reeves NP, Zazulak BT, Mysliwiec LW. Comparison of trunk proprioception between patients with low back pain and healthy controls.


To determine whether proprioceptive impairments exist in patients with low back pain (LBP). We hypothesized that patients with LBP would exhibit larger trunk proprioception errors than healthy controls.


Case-control study.


University laboratory.


24 patients with nonspecific LBP and 24 age-matched healthy controls.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

We measured trunk proprioception in all 3 anatomical planes using motion perception threshold, active repositioning, and passive repositioning tests.


LBP patients had significantly greater motion perception threshold than controls (P<.001) (1.3±0.9° vs 0.8±0.6°). Furthermore, all subjects had the largest motion perception threshold in the transverse plane (P<.001) (1.2±0.7° vs 1.0±0.8° for all other planes averaged). There was no significant difference between LBP and healthy control groups in the repositioning tasks. Errors in the active repositioning test were significantly smaller than in the passive repositioning test (P=.032) (1.9±1.2° vs 2.3±1.4°).


These findings suggest that impairments in proprioception may be detected in patients with LBP when assessed with a motion perception threshold measure.  相似文献   

Niessen MH, Veeger DH, Meskers CG, Koppe PA, Konijnenbelt MH, Janssen TW. Relationship among shoulder proprioception, kinematics, and pain after stroke.


To identify a possible relationship among chronic poststroke shoulder pain (PSSP), scapular resting pose, and shoulder proprioception.


Case-control study.


Rehabilitation center.


A total of 21 inpatients with stroke and 10 healthy control subjects.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

Orientations of both the contralateral and ipsilateral (ie, paretic and nonparetic) shoulders during rest in degrees, angular displacement (degrees) for threshold to detection of passive motion (TDPM) tests, and absolute error (degrees) for passive reproduction of joint position (PRJP) tests.


The contralateral shoulder of patients with PSSP showed more scapular lateral rotation and larger TDPM and PRJP scores than both patients without PSSP and control subjects. Additionally, the contralateral shoulder of patients with deteriorated proprioception showed more scapular lateral rotation than control subjects, whereas their ipsilateral shoulder showed more scapular lateral rotation than both control subjects and patients with good proprioception.


A clear relation among affected shoulder kinematics, affected proprioception, and PSSP was found. In determining the risk of developing PSSP, attention should be paid to a patients shoulder proprioception and kinematics. If both are altered after stroke, this could worsen the initial pathology or cause secondary pathologies and thus initiate a vicious circle of repetitive soft tissue damage leading to chronic PSSP. Additionally, more attention should be paid to the ipsilateral (ie, nonparetic) shoulder because it could be used in determining the risk of developing PSSP in the contralateral (ie, paretic) shoulder.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of a low-load training program for the deep cervical flexors (DCFs) on pain, disability, and pressure pain threshold (PPT) over cervical myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in patients with chronic neck pain.


Thirty patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain participated in a 6-week program of specific training for the DCF, which consisted of active craniocervical flexion performed twice per day (10-20 minutes) for the duration of the trial. Perceived pain and disability (Neck Disability Index, 0-50) and PPT over MTrPs of the upper trapezius, levator scapulae, and splenius capitis muscles were measured at the beginning and end of the training period.


After completion of training, there was a significant reduction in Neck Disability Index values (before, 18.2 ± 12.1; after, 13.5 ± 10.6; P < .01). However, no significant changes in PPT were observed over the MTrPs.


Patients performing DCF training for 6 weeks demonstrated reductions in pain and disability but did not show changes in pressure pain sensitivity over MTrPs in the splenius capitis, levator scapulae, or upper trapezius muscles.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to assess the inter- and intra-assessor reliability of the cervical spine device (Formetric, DIERS International GmbH, Schlangenbad, Germany) in measuring cervical range of motion.


The cervical spine device was used to measure the cervical range of motion of 65 asymptomatic participants. Flexion-extension, right and left rotation, and right and left lateral flexion were analyzed. Two different assessors performed the measurements on the same day to estimate inter-assessor reliability and 2 days later to examine intra-assessor reliability. Intra-assessor and inter-assessor reliability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The standard error of measurement (SEM) and the smallest detectable difference (SDD) were also estimated.


Inter-assessor reliability ICCs for flexion + extension and total lateral flexion movements were >0.90. The ICCs for rotation movements and for left lateral flexion were >0.70. The ICCs for flexion (0.64), extension (0.58), and right lateral flexion (0.56) indicated moderate correlation. Mean SEMs ranged from 2.28° (SDD = 6.31°) for left rotation to 8.08° (SDD = 22.38°) for total rotation. As for intra-assessor test-retest reliability, all ICCs were >0.70. Mean SEMs ranged from 3.14° (SDD = 8.70°) for total lateral flexion to 7.50° (SDD = 20.77°) for extension.


Both inter- and intra-observer reproducibility correlation values are moderate to high for measurements obtained using the cervical spine device.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to assess the correlations between neck muscle strength and pain features, such as neck-related disability, neck pain frequency and intensity, and headache frequency in women with headache.


Seventy women with migraine between 18 and 55 years of age diagnosed according to International Headache Society criteria were assessed. Participants provided clinical information regarding neck pain and headache. The Neck Disability Index was used to assess neck-related disability, and neck muscle strength was assessed via maximum voluntary contraction during flexion, extension, and lateral flexion with a handheld dynamometer. The correlation was verified with Spearman’s correlation coefficient (ρ). Multiple linear regression was performed to verify whether the clinical variables could predict the strength of neck muscles. All calculations were performed adopting a level of significance of 0.05.


Neck extensor strength was negatively correlated with all clinical variables (ρrange = –.24 to –.32, p < .05); lateral flexor strength was negatively correlated with headache frequency, neck pain intensity, and neck-related disability (ρrange = –.27 to –.39, p < .05); and flexor strength also correlated negatively with neck pain intensity and related disability (ρr = –.26 to –.29, p < .05). Headache frequency and neck pain intensity were identified as significant predictors of the strength variability in extension (R2 = 0.16, p < .05) and in lateral flexion (R2 = 0.18, p < .05).


For the women with migraine in this study, correlations of headache and neck pain with neck muscle strength features were weakly to moderately negative. Headache frequency and neck pain intensity may influence a small proportion of the strength variability in extension and lateral flexion.  相似文献   



The purpose of the current randomized clinical trial was to examine the effects of cervical thrust manipulation or sham manipulation on cervicocephalic kinaesthetic sense, pain, pain-related disability, and pressure pain sensitivity in patients with mechanical neck pain.


Fifty-four individuals with neck pain were randomly assigned to receive either a cervical manipulation (right or left) or a sham manipulation. Immediate outcomes included cervical kinesthetic sense as assessed by joint position sense error (JPSE) and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs). At 1 week, neck pain intensity (numerical pain rate scale) and neck pain-related disability (Neck Disability Index [NDI]) outcomes were also collected.


The mixed-model analysis of covariance revealed a significant group × time interaction in favor of the cervical thrust manipulation group for the JPSE on rotation and extension. There was also a significant interaction for changes in PPTs at C5 to C6 and tibialis anterior. At the 1-week follow-up, a significant interaction existed for neck-related disability but not for neck pain at rest, worst pain, or lowest pain experienced the preceding week.


Our results suggest that cervical spine thrust manipulation improves JPSE, PPT and NDI in participants with chronic mechanical neck pain. Furthermore, changes in JPSE and NDI were large and surpass published minimal detectable changes for these outcome measures. In addition, the effect sizes of PPTs were medium; however, only C5 to C6 zygapophyseal joint exceeded the minimal detectable change. In contrast, cervical thrust manipulation did not improve neck pain intensity at 1 week after the intervention.  相似文献   



Chronic low back pain (CLBP) and chronic neck pain (CNP) are the most common types of chronic pain, and chiropractic spinal manipulation is a common nonpharmacologic treatment. This study presents the characteristics of a large United States sample of chiropractic patients with CLBP and CNP.


Data were collected from chiropractic patients using multistage systematic stratified sampling with 4 sampling levels: regions and states, sites (ie, metropolitan areas), providers and clinics, and patients. The sites and regions were San Diego, California; Tampa, Florida; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Seneca Falls and Upstate New York; Portland, Oregon; and Dallas, Texas. Data were collected from patients through an iPad-based prescreening questionnaire in the clinic and emailed links to full screening and baseline online questionnaires. The goal was 20 providers or clinics and 7 patients with CLBP and 7 with CNP from each clinic.


We had 6342 patients at 125 clinics complete the prescreening questionnaire, 3333 patients start the full screening questionnaire, and 2024 eligible patients completed the baseline questionnaire: 518 with CLBP only, 347 with CNP only, and 1159 with both. In general, most of this sample were highly-educated, non-Hispanic, white females with at least partial insurance coverage for chiropractic care who have been in pain and using chiropractic care for years. Over 90% reported high satisfaction with their care, few used narcotics, and avoiding surgery was the most important reason they chose chiropractic care.


Given the prevalence of CLBP and CNP, the need to find effective nonpharmacologic alternatives for chronic pain, and the satisfaction these patients found with their care, further study of these patients is worthwhile.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate if young people with insidious-onset neck pain who spend long periods on mobile electronic devices (known as “text neck") have impaired cervical proprioception and if this is related to time on devices.


A 2-group comparative observational study was conducted at an Australian university. Twenty-two participants with text neck and 22 asymptomatic controls, all of whom were 18 to 35 years old and spent ≥4 hours per day on unsupported electronic devices, were assessed using the head repositioning accuracy (HRA) test. Differences between groups were calculated using independent sample t-tests, and correlations between neck pain intensity, time on devices, and HRA test were performed using Pearson’s bivariate analysis.


During cervical flexion, those with text neck (n = 22, mean age ± standard deviation [SD]: 21 ± 4 years, 59% female) had a 3.9° (SD: 1.4°) repositioning error, and the control group (n = 22, 20 ± 1 years, 68% female) had a 2.9° (SD: 1.2°) error. The mean difference was 1° (95% confidence interval: 0–2, P = .02). For other cervical movements, there was no difference between groups. There was a moderately significant correlation (P ≤ .05) between time spent on electronic devices and cervical pain intensity and between cervical pain intensity and HRA during flexion.


The participants with text neck had a greater proprioceptive error during cervical flexion compared with controls. This could be related to neck pain and time spent on electronic devices.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to compare the crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) with in-person recruitment and web-based surveys as a method to (1) recruit study participants and (2) obtain low-cost data quickly from chiropractic patients with chronic low back pain in the United States.MethodsIn this 2-arm quasi-experimental study, we used in-person clinical sampling and web-based surveys from a separate study (RAND sample, n = 1677, data collected October 2016 to January 2017) compared with MTurk (n = 310, data collected November 2016) as a sampling and data collection tool. We gathered patient-reported health outcomes and other characteristics of adults with chronic low back pain receiving chiropractic care. Parametric and nonparametric tests were run. We assessed statistical and practical differences based on P values and effect sizes, respectively.ResultsCompared with the RAND sample, the MTurk sample was statistically significantly younger (mean age 35.4 years, SD 9.7 vs 48.9, SD 14.8), made less money (24% vs 17% reported less than $30,000 annual income), and reported worst mental health than the RAND sample. Other differences were that the MTurk sample had more men (37% vs 29%), fewer White patients (87% vs 92%), more Hispanic patients (9% vs 5%), fewer people with a college degree (59% vs 68%), and patients were more likely to be working full time (62% vs 58%). The MTurk sample was more likely to have chronic low back pain (78% vs 66%) that differed in pain frequency and duration. The MTurk sample had less disability and better global health scores. In terms of efficiency, the surveys cost $2.50 per participant in incentives for the MTurk sample. Survey development took 2 weeks and data collection took 1 month.ConclusionOur results suggest that there may be differences between crowdsourcing and a clinic-based sample. These differences range from small to medium on demographics and self-reported health. The low incentive costs and rapid data collection of MTurk makes it an economically viable method of collecting data from chiropractic patients with low back pain. Further research is needed to explore the utility of MTurk for recruiting clinical samples, such as comparisons to nationally representative samples.  相似文献   



To investigate the reliability of a novel method to measure neck surface electromyography (SEMG), kinematics, and pain during active movements in participants with neck pain.


This test-retest study evaluated 23 participants with chronic neck pain. Each was measured twice within a single session. Three-dimensional kinematics and SEMG were recorded in 10° increments during forward and side flexion, extension, and rotation of the neck. Neck position during pain occurrence was also measured.


Intraclass correlation coefficients were >0.80 for 96% and 100% of SEMG and kinematic data, respectively. The percentage of standard error of the measurement (SEM) values were <25% for 91% of all SEMG measures; most were <15%, and some were <10%. For ranges of motion in the primary plane, percentage of SEM values were all <6% (SEM 1°-3°). Intraclass correlation coefficients for neck position during pain occurrence were all >0.60, except for right rotation (0.48) (SEM values 2°-8°). Pain occurred approximately 59% to 75% into the total range of motion and persisted to its end.


This methodology showed good reliability. It may be suitable for neck pain subclassification to evaluate the effects of treatment on pain, kinematics, and muscle activity during functional neck movements. The point of pain occurrence suggests increasing mechanical load on tissues may be one of the causative factors for movement-associated neck pain.  相似文献   



This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sacroiliac joint (SIJ) mobilization and/or self-mobilization on the level of soft tissue pain threshold in 21- to 23-year-old asymptomatic women (n = 20).


The FPIX Wagner Algometer was applied to compute the pressure pain threshold (PPT) over the right and left side of the iliolumbar ligament and lumbar erector spinae (L3). Measurements were taken of the right SIJ before and after a randomized protocol of oscillating mobilization, self-mobilization, and placebo treatment.


A main effect of intervention (mobilization, self-mobilization, placebo) was confirmed by analysis of variance, with increases in PPT over the iliolumbar ligament (F = 13.04, P < .05) and erector spinae (F = 12.28, P < .05) on the mobilized side. The Wilcoxon test indicated that SIJ mobilization increased PPT over the iliolumbar ligament (P < .05) and erector spinae (P < .05) on both sides. Self-mobilization increased erector spinae PPT on the exercised side (P < .05), whereas the placebo did not cause any changes in PPT (P > .05).


The study provides evidence of local and global pain modulation resulting from oscillatory mobilization of the SIJ in women without pain symptoms. Self-mobilization of the SIJ has limited analgesic application.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of median nerve mechanosensitivity by comparing median nerve neurodynamic test results of patients with nonspecific neck pain (NNP) and asymptomatic individuals.


A total of 40 patients (30 women, 10 men) with NNP between the ages of 21 and 62 years (39.53 ± 10.18 years) and 38 asymptomatic individuals (23 women, 15 men) between the ages of 18 and 60 years (37.13 ± 9.64 years) participated in the study. Pressure pain threshold was assessed with digital pressure algometer, cervical joint range of motion was assessed with a universal goniometer, and median nerve mechanosensitivity was assessed with Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test 1 (ULNT1). The test step where the first sensory response was given, the location and character of the sensory response, and the final elbow extension angle were recorded during ULNT1.


Patients with NNP had significantly decreased pressure pain threshold (P < .001), decreased range of motion of cervical flexion (P < .001), and decreased cervical lateral flexion (P = .001) compared with asymptomatic individuals, whereas no change was identified in range of motion of rotation (P = .100). In ULNT1, 45% of patients with NNP reported pain and 40% of them reported stretch. A total of 65% of asymptomatic individuals reported stretch, and 13% of them reported pain. It was identified in ULNT1 that final elbow extension angle was lower in the NNP group compared with asymptomatic individuals (P = .008).


Median nerve mechanosensitivity increased, pressure pain threshold decreased, and active neck motion was limited in individuals with NNP compared with asymptomatic individuals.  相似文献   

[Purpose] The job of secondary school teachers involves a lot of head down posture as frequent reading, assignment correction, computer use and writing on a board put them at risk of developing occupational related neck pain. Available studies of neck pain experienced by teachers are limited. The purpose of this study was to determine whether training of deep cervical flexor muscles with pressure biofeedback has any significant advantage over conventional training for pain and disability experienced by school teachers with neck pain. [Subjects] Thirty teachers aged 25–45 years with neck pain and poor craniocervical flexion test participated in this study. [Methods] A pretest posttest experimental group design was used in which experimental group has received training with pressure biofeedback and conventional exercises while control group received conventional exercises only. Measurements of dependent variables were taken at baseline, and after 2 and 4 weeks of training. Pain intensity was assessed using a numeric pain rating scale and functional disability was assessed using the neck disability index. [Results] The data analysis revealed that there was significant improvement in pain and disability in both the groups and the results were better in the experimental group. [Conclusion] Addition of pressure biofeedback for deep cervical flexor muscles training gave a better result than conventional exercises alone. Feedback helps motor learning which is the set of processes associated with practice or experience leading to permanent changes in ability to respond.Key words: Neck pain, Disability, Teachers  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to determine the asymmetry of cervical multifidus (MF) and longus colli (LC) muscles in patients with unilateral chronic radicular neck pain (CRNP) and healthy subjects using ultrasonography.Materials and MethodsNinety five individuals (50 patients with unilateral CRNP and 45 healthy subjects) participated in this study. The size of the cervical MF and LC muscles; anterior posterior dimension (APD) and lateral dimension (LD); were bilaterally measured in a relaxed state using ultrasonography.ResultsPatients with CRNP showed greater asymmetry in the cervical MF and LC muscles size than the healthy subjects. The mean percentages differences between sides for MF and LC muscles size was higher in patients than that of healthy subjects (for both APD and LD; P<0.05). The ratio of smaller to larger dimensions of the cervical MF and LC muscles for patients were significantly less than that of healthy controls (for both APD and LD; P< 0.05).ConclusionThe results indicated that cervical MF and LC muscles showed higher asymmetry between sides and lesser ratio of smaller size to larger size in patients with CRNP as compared with healthy subjects. Current results confirmed the presence of MF and LC muscles atrophy in subjects with CRNP.  相似文献   

Pinsault N, Vuillerme N, Pavan P. Cervicocephalic relocation test to the neutral head position: assessment in bilateral labyrinthine-defective and chronic, nontraumatic neck pain patients.


To determine whether vestibular or cervical proprioceptive information influence the cervicocephalic relocation test to the neutral head position, by comparing head repositioning errors obtained in asymptomatic, unimpaired control subjects with those obtained in bilateral labyrinthine-defective patients and chronic, nontraumatic neck pain patients.


A group-comparison study.


University medical bioengineering laboratory.


Labyrinthine-defective patients (n=7; mean age ± SD, 67±15y), nontraumatic neck pain patients (n=7; 56±9y), and asymptomatic, unimpaired control subjects (n=7; 64±12y).


Participants were asked to relocate the head on the trunk, as accurately as possible, after full active cervical rotation to the left and right sides. Ten trials were performed for each rotation side.

Main Outcome Measures

Absolute and variable errors were used to assess accuracy and consistency of the repositioning, respectively.


No significant difference in repositioning errors was observed between labyrinthine-defective patients and control subjects, whereas nontraumatic neck pain patients demonstrated significantly increased absolute errors in horizontal and global components and higher variable errors in horizontal component.


These findings suggest that the vestibular system is not involved in the performance of the cervicocephalic relocation test to neutral head position, and further support this test as a measure of cervical proprioceptive acuity.  相似文献   

[Purpose] Muscle co-contraction is important in stabilizing the spine. The aim of this study was to compare cervical muscle co-contraction in adults with and without chronic neck pain during voluntary movements. [Subjects and Methods] Surface electromyography of three paired cervical muscles was measured in fifteen young healthy subjects and fifteen patients with chronic neck pain. The subjects performed voluntary neck movements in the sagittal and coronal plane at slow speed. The co-contraction ratio was defined as the normalized integration of the antagonistic electromyography activities divided by that of the total muscle activities. [Results] The results showed that the co-contraction ratio of patients was greater during flexion movement, lesser during extension movement, slightly greater during right lateral bending, and slightly lesser during left lateral bending compared with in the controls. [Conclusion] The results suggested that neck pain patients exhibit greater antagonistic muscle activity during flexion and dominate-side bending movements to augment spinal stability, while neuromuscular control provides relatively less protection in the opposite movements. This study helps to specify the changes of the stiffness of the cervical spine in neck pain patients and provides a useful tool and references for clinical assessment of neck disorders.Key words: Co-contraction, Chronic neck pain, Electromyography  相似文献   

Clinically elevated rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are found among many youth with chronic pain and their parents and are linked to worse child pain outcomes. Conceptual models of mutual maintenance in pediatric PTSD and chronic pain posit that child and parent pain catastrophizing are key mechanisms underlying this co-occurrence. To our knowledge, the current study is the first to examine child and parent pain catastrophizing as potential mediators in the child PTSD-child pain and parent PTSD-child pain relationships among a cohort of youth with chronic pain. One hundred two children (72.5% female, mean age=13.5 years), recruited from a tertiary level chronic pain program, and 1 of their parents participated. At intake, parents completed psychometrically sound self-report measures of PTSD symptoms and catastrophizing about child pain. Children completed self-report measures of PTSD symptoms, pain catastrophizing, pain interference, and pain intensity. Findings revealed that relationships between child PTSD and child pain as well as parent PTSD and child pain were mediated by child (but not parent) pain catastrophizing. This suggests that children's catastrophic thinking about pain may explain how child and parent PTSD symptoms influence children's experience of chronic pain and is a potential target in family-based interventions to improve pain and mental health outcomes.


Consistent with conceptual models of co-occurring PTSD and chronic pain, children's catastrophic thinking about child pain mediated relationships between parent and child PTSD symptoms and child chronic pain outcomes. Child pain catastrophizing may be a fruitful target in interventions to improve children's chronic pain and mental health outcomes.  相似文献   

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