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Although IGF-I has been identified as an important growth factor for the skeleton, the role of IGF-I on embryonic bone development remains unknown. Here we show that, in IGF-I-deficient (IGF-I(-/-)) mice, skeletal malformations, including short-limbed dwarfism, were evident at days post coitus (dpc) 14.5 to 18.5, accompanied by delays of mineralization in the spinal column, sternum, and fore paws. Reduced chondrocyte proliferation and increased chondrocyte apoptosis were identified in both the spinal ossification center and the growth plate of long bones. Abnormal chondrocyte differentiation and delayed initiation of mineralization was characterized by small size and fewer numbers of type X collagen expressing hypertrophic chondrocytes and lower osteocalcin expression. The Indian hedgehog-PTHrP feedback loop was altered; expression of Indian hedgehog was reduced in IGF-I(-/-) mice in long bones and in the spine, whereas expression of PTHrP was increased. Our results indicate that IGF-I plays an important role in skeletal development by promoting chondrocyte proliferation and maturation while inhibiting apoptosis to form bones of appropriate size and strength.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor gene expression during rat embryonic development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The function of insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II) in embryogenesis is unknown. To investigate the ontogeny of IGF gene expression during mammalian development we used a highly sensitive and specific solution-hybridization assay to determine the steady state levels of IGF mRNAs during midgestation in the rat. IGF-I mRNA can be detected as early as day 11 of embryonic development and rises 8.6-fold over the ensuing 48 h. By contrast IGF-II mRNA is relatively constant over days 11-14 of gestation. These observations suggest that both IGFs may play important roles in early fetal development.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is a critical regulator of skeletal growth. While IGF-I has been shown to be a potent chondrocyte mitogen in vitro, its role in chondrocyte differentiation is less well characterized. We chose to study the action of IGF-I on an accepted model of chondrocyte differentiation, the ATDC5 cell line. Insulin concentrations sufficiently high to interact with the IGF-I receptor are routinely used to induce ATDC5 cells to differentiate. Therefore, we first examined the ability of IGF-I to promote chondrocyte differentiation at physiological concentrations. IGF-I could induce differentiation of these cells at concentrations below 10 nM. However, increasing IGF-I concentrations were less potent at inducing differentiation. We hypothesized that mitogenic effects of IGF-I might inhibit its differentiating effects. Indeed, the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-pathway inhibitor PD98059 inhibited ATDC5 cell DNA synthesis while enhancing differentiation. This suggested that the ability of IGF-I to promote both proliferation and differentiation might require that its signaling be modulated through the differentiation process. We therefore compared IGF-I-mediated ERK activation in proliferating and hypertrophic chondrocytes. IGF-I potently induced ERK activation in proliferating cells, but minimal ERK response was seen in hypertrophic cells. In contrast, IGF-I-mediated Akt activation was unchanged by differentiation, indicating intact upstream IGF-I receptor signaling. Similar findings were observed in the RCJ3.1C5.18 chondrogenic cell line and in primary chick chondrocytes. We conclude that IGF-I promotes both proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes and that the differentiation effects of IGF-I may require uncoupling of signaling to the ERK pathway.  相似文献   

J L Liu  D LeRoith 《Endocrinology》1999,140(11):5178-5184
Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is essential for cell growth and intrauterine development while both IGF-I and GH are required for postnatal growth. To explore the possibility of direct GH action on body growth, independent of IGF-I production, we have studied the effects of GH in an IGF-I-deficient mouse line created by the Cre/loxP system. The IGF-I null mice are born with 35% growth retardation and show delayed onset of peripubertal growth, grow significantly slower, and do not attain puberty. Their adult body weight was approximately one third and body length about two thirds that of their wild-type litter mates. Injection of recombinant human GH (rhGH, 3 mg/kg, twice daily, sc) between postnatal day 14 (P14) to P56 failed to stimulate their growth as measured as both body weight and length. In contrast, wild-type mice receiving the same doses of rhGH exhibited accelerated growth starting at P21 that continued until P56, when their body weight was increased by 30% and length by 12% compared with control mice treated with diluent. Despite the lack of response in growth, IGF-I null mice have normal levels of GH receptor expression in the liver and increased liver Jun B expression and liver size in response to rhGH treatment. Our results support an essential role for IGF-I in GH-induced postnatal body growth in mice.  相似文献   

In addition to the well-known growth stimulating effects of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), recent studies suggest that these peptides may also modulate the differentiated functions of endocrine cells. Thus, in the present studies, we have investigated the actions of IGFs on androgen biosynthesis by cultured testicular cells. Treatment of cells obtained from adult hypophysectomized rats with LH (1 ng/ml) stimulated testosterone production 60-fold over basal levels. In contrast, treatment with either synthetic human IGF-I or IGF-II failed to stimulate androgen production. However, concomitant treatment of the LH-containing cultures with increasing doses of IGF-I (10-500 ng/ml) augmented testosterone production up to 70% over that seen with LH alone (ED50 = 67 ng/ml). Similar effects were obtained with IGF-II but this peptide was about 10-fold less potent than IGF-I. In addition, these peptides also stimulated the accumulation of pregnenolone and progesterone in the culture medium. Additional studies demonstrated specific binding of [125I]iodo-IGF-I to testicular cells. This binding was competed by IGF-related peptides with the potency order IGF-II = IGF-I greater than insulin whereas unrelated peptides did not compete. The cellular localization of these receptors was examined in testicular cells separated on a metrizamide density gradient. IGF-I receptors were evenly distributed between two cell peaks containing subpopulations of Leydig cells whereas much less binding was found in other testicular cell types. Coupled with recent findings indicating testicular production of IGF-I, the present results suggest that this peptide may act as a positive intratesticular modulator of Leydig cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Postnatal development of the mammary gland requires interactions between the epithelial and stromal compartments, which regulate actions of hormones and growth factors. IGF-I is expressed in both epithelial and stromal compartments during postnatal development of the mammary gland. However, little is known about how local expression of IGF-I in epithelium or stroma regulates mammary growth and differentiation during puberty and pregnancy-induced alveolar development. The goal of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of IGF-I actions in the postnatal mammary gland and test the hypothesis that IGF-I expressed in stromal and epithelial compartments has distinct functions. We established mouse lines with inactivation of the igf1 gene in mammary epithelium by crossing igf1/loxP mice with mouse lines expressing Cre recombinase under the control of either the mouse mammary tumor virus long-terminal repeat or the whey acidic protein gene promoter. Epithelial-specific loss of IGF-I during pubertal growth resulted in deficits in ductal branching. In contrast, heterozygous reduction of IGF-I throughout the gland decreased expression of cyclins A2 and B1 during pubertal growth and resulted in alterations in proliferation of the alveolar epithelium and milk protein levels during pregnancy-induced differentiation. Reduction in epithelial IGF-I at either of these stages had no effect on these indices. Taken together, our results support distinct roles for IGF-I expressed in epithelial and stromal compartments in mediating growth of the postnatal mammary gland.  相似文献   

A potential role of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in the regulation of steroidogenesis in the rabbit corpus luteum was investigated using a primary culture of luteal cells obtained 3 days after ovulation. Dissociated cells were cultured for 1 day in the presence of medium 199 and 10% fetal bovine serum; thereafter, the cells were cultured in medium 199 containing 0.1% BSA, gentamicin (50 micrograms/ml), and hormones or growth factors, and without serum. IGF-I (human recombinant, 100 ng/ml) was as effective as LH (ovine, 10 ng/ml) in maintaining progesterone accumulation through 4 days of culture. Estradiol (10(-8) M), either alone or in combination with LH or IGF-I failed to stimulate progesterone accumulation, which was not surprising since these cells did not possess estrogen receptors. The stimulation of progesterone by IGF-I was not detectable until 24-36 h after introduction of the growth factor to the cultures, whereas stimulation by LH was observed within 2 h. The steroidogenic effect of IGF-I was not attributable to increased cell number, as DNA values or [3H]thymidine incorporation were unchanged by IGF-I. IGF-I increased functional enzymatic activity, observed as increased progesterone accumulation in the presence of 25-hydroxycholesterol used as exogenous substrate. These data indicate that luteal cells have the capacity to respond to IGF-I, raising the possibility that IGF-I has a role in the regulation of steroidogenesis in the rabbit corpus luteum.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor-scatter factor (HGF-SF) is a potent hepatic mitogen yet inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell growth in vitro. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is a pleiotropic growth factor shown to be important in cell growth and differentiation in other tumors. We hypothesized that IGF-I may play a role in regulating HGF-SF activity and HCC progression. Using an in vivo model of HCC, we showed elevated IGF-I messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in normal liver from tumor-burdened animals in the absence of changes in circulating IGF-I levels. Analysis of IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) and HGF-SF (c-met) receptor expression showed significantly higher expression of both receptors in normal liver compared with an HCC specimen. Using cultured HCC cells from this model, we next showed that treatment with IGF-I led to significant increases in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity. Furthermore, we observed significant time-dependent increases in the expression of the c-fos and c-jun proto-oncogenes after addition of IGF-I (n = 5 per group, P <.05). Despite activation of a MAPK pathway and increased proto-oncogene expression, IGF-I failed to significantly affect cell mitogenesis. In contrast, HGF significantly inhibited cell mitogenesis in HCC lines (68.4% +/- 9.4% vs. control, n = 4, P <.05). Pretreatment of HCC cells with IGF-I (60 minutes) led to significant HGF-SF stimulation of total cell mitogenesis dependent on both IGF-I and HGF-SF dose (194% +/- 8% increase vs. control, n = 4, P <.05). In conclusion, tumor burden is important in altering intrahepatic growth factor synthesis. Signal cooperation between multiple cytokine pathways is an important factor in the progression of HCC.  相似文献   

W Ruan  D L Kleinberg 《Endocrinology》1999,140(11):5075-5081
Previous studies from this laboratory have emphasized the essential role of GH in pubertal mammary development and shown that insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) was capable of substituting for GH in this process in rats and mice. The present study shows that, even when GH is present, no mammary development is possible unless IGF-I is present. IGF-I(-/-) null female animals were found to have significantly less mammary development than age matched wild-type controls (P <0.006) using several endpoints including the number of terminal end buds or TEBs (1.3 vs. 7.3), percent of the fat pad occupied by glandular elements (6.5 vs. 100), and number of ducts (15 vs. too numerous to count). That the deficiency in mammary gland development was related to the absence of IGF-I was underscored by the observation that des (1-3) IGF-I administration to IGF-I(-/-) null animals for 5 days caused significant mammary gland development as measured by TEB formation and branching of ducts. The number of TEBs rose from a mean of 1.3 in controls to 20.5 without added E2 (P < 0.009), and from 1.7 to 21 when des (1-3) IGF-I was given together with E2 (P < 0.006). The number of ducts increased significantly from a mean of 12 to 27 in response to IGF-I and E2, and from 15 to 24.5 with IGF-I alone. In contrast, administration of human GH with E2 had no stimulatory effect on mammary development in these animals, indicating that the full effect of GH in this process is mediated by IGF-I. To determine whether IGF-I was also responsible for further ductal morphogenesis, we administered des (1-3) IGF-I + E2 to the knockout animals for 14 days and compared the effects of this combination of hormones on mammary development with those observed after 5 days. We found that there was a significant increase from 5 to 14 days in the number of TEBs (mean: 21 vs. 41) and the area of the mammary fat pad occupied by glands (mean: 10 vs. 20%). There was elongation and thickening of the ducts which accounted for the increased area that was occupied by ductal structures. There was no significant increase in the number of ducts. However, there was the appearance of a large number of buds along the length of the ductal structures, suggesting the beginning of side branching. These results suggest that IGF-I, when given along with E2, is responsible for ductal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

B104, an established rat neuroblastoma cell line exhibiting specific neuronal qualities, was chosen as a model to study insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding and action in the central nervous system. Specific binding of [125I]IGF-II to B104 membranes averaged 12.2 +/- 4.0% (mean +/- SD)/100 micrograms/ml protein compared with [125I]IGF-I binding of 10.1 +/- 2.9%. In competitive binding studies employing [125I]IGF-II as the radioligand, high affinity for IGF-II was demonstrated (50% displacement at 2.7 ng/ml), with none for IGF-I or insulin. Upon cross-linking [125I]IGF-I to membranes under reducing conditions, two prominent bands were observed, migrating with apparent mol wt (Mr) of 135,000 and 280,000. Both bands were inhibited by IGFs and insulin, but not by R-II-PABI, a polyclonal antibody to the type 2 receptor. These bands presumably represent the alpha-subunit and an incompletely reduced alpha-alpha-dimer of the type 1 IGF receptor. When cross-linking [125I]IGF-II to membranes under reducing conditions, the primary labeled bands migrated with apparent Mr of 260,000 and 280,000. These bands were inhibited by IGF-II and R-II-PABI, but not by insulin, and probably represent the monomeric type 2 receptor. In addition, we observed a minor band at apparent Mr 35,000, which was inhibited by IGF but not by insulin. By a modified cross-linking technique, we confirmed the existence of a small IGF-binding protein in the serum-free conditioned medium of B104 cultures, migrating as two bands with apparent Mr of 33,000-39,000. These proteins demonstrated high affinity for IGF-I and IGF-II, but none for insulin. In summary, this study demonstrates the presence in B104 rat neuroblastoma cells of 1) abundant classical type 1 and type 2 IGF receptors, and 2) a secreted and membrane-associated small IGF-binding protein.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are found in extracellular fluids bound to carrier proteins which influence the biological activity of the IGFs. Three structurally different binding proteins (BPs) have been isolated and cloned; each has distinct tissue specific expression and unique properties. We report here that testicular cells synthesize a specific subset of these binding proteins. Ligand blot analysis and RNA blot hybridization indicates that cultured peritubular cells synthesize primarily IGFBP-2. In contrast, as determined by ligand blot, RNA blot hybridization and N-linked deglycosylated studies, IGFBP-3 is predominantly synthesized by the Sertoli cell. In a dose dependent fashion, FSH markedly reduces the levels of IGFBP-3 in Sertoli cell conditioned medium. Similarly, isoproterenol, (Bu)2cAMP and cholera toxin also markedly reduce the abundance of IGFBP-3 in conditioned media. In contrast, IGF-I increases the concentrations of IGFBP-3 with the concentration required for half-maximal stimulation, approximately 20 ng/ml. Consistent with a peritubular cell origin, IGFBP-2 may be the predominant species found in interstitial fluid. In summary, our data reveal that the IGFBPs are expressed in a cell type specific manner in the testis. The opposing effects of FSH and IGF-I on Sertoli cell IGFBP-3 expression suggests a mechanism by which the IGF-I biological activity on Sertoli cell might be influenced.  相似文献   

Local regulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) production in the human ovarian follicle was investigated using cultured human granulosa-luteal cells. Both insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) exerted a dual effect on granulosa cells: while estradiol (E2) production was increased by both stimulants, the addition of either of the two hormones led to a reduction in IGFBP-1 secretion by more than 50%. Inhibition of IGFBP-1 production in response to IGF-I was dose-dependent,with the highest effect observed at 5 nM IGF-I. A significant correlation was found between the increase in E2 and inhibition of IGFBP-1 secretion in response to IGF-I. These observations may suggest a novel mechanism, at the follicular level, by which FSH and IGF-I amplify the IGF-I effect in the ovarian follicular cells.  相似文献   

Insulin is known to regulate adipocyte differentiation and lipid accumulation, but the specific mechanism by which precursor cells differentiate into adipocytes is not clearly understood. This study evaluated the role of the IGF-I receptor in the process of adipocyte differentiation in bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells (HMSCs). The results demonstrated that nanomolar concentrations of IGF-I adequately replaced micromolar concentrations of insulin in supporting differentiation and lipid accumulation in HMSCs. The addition of IGF-I specifically increased cell proliferation and lipid accumulation in HMSCs, but a mixture of differentiation factors including dexamethasone, indomethacin, and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine did not. These effects were blocked by the alphaIR-3 antibody, which inhibits IGF-I receptor activity. We also describe the pattern of differentiation with regard to cell growth, lipid accumulation, and morphologic changes and define the changes in these parameters that are influenced by IGF-I. Finally, peroxisome proliferator activating receptor-gamma immunoreactivity was also increased in response to IGF-I, and this effect was blocked in cells treated with the alphaIR-3 antibody. Taken together, these findings suggest that IGF-I plays a critical role in adipocyte differentiation and lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

In biological fluids, IGFs bind to six distinct binding proteins (IGFBP-1 to -6). IGFBP-6 is of particular interest because it has been shown to inhibit proliferation in many cell types and to be synthesized in the central nervous system (CNS). It also has the strongest affinity for IGF-II among the IGFBPs. To study IGFBP-6 function in vivo, we established IGFBP-6 transgenic mice in which human IGFBP-6 (hIGFBP-6) cDNA is expressed under the control of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) promoter. Northern and Western blot analysis revealed strong transgene expression in the CNS. With histological examination of the CNS, cerebellum size and weight proved to be reduced by about 25% and 35%, respectively, and there were smaller numbers of differentiated, GFAP-expressing astrocytes than in wild-type mice. Between birth and 1 month of age, transgenic mice had high levels of circulating hIGFBP-6 and reduced plasma IGF-I, and, as a result, body weight was significantly reduced. Reproductive physiology was also affected. Litter size was reduced by 27% when wild-type males were mated with 3-month-old transgenic females and by 66% when mated with 6-month-old transgenic females. Histological examination of ovaries of transgenic mice revealed a marked decrease in weight and in the number of corpora lutea, suggesting altered ovulation, and circulating LH levels were reduced by 50%. Our results indicate that this new model of transgenic mouse may prove to be a useful tool in elucidating the in vivo role of IGFBP-6 in the brain, especially in regard to hypothalamic control, and in reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to establish the postnatal profile of specific epidermal growth factor (EGF) binding in the maturing mouse colon, with particular emphasis on possible regional differences between both proximal and distal colonic binding patterns vs. those of the small intestine. Binding studies using [125I]EGF were performed on isolated epithelial cells obtained from 2-, 5-, 9-, 16-, and 22-day-old mice as well as adults. At 2 days, cells isolated from the entire colon bound 4 times more [125I]EGF than did corresponding intestinal cells, whereas between the ages of 5 days to adult, colonic cells bound between 1.7-2.5 times more labeled EGF than their intestinal counterparts. The immature colon already exhibited maximal binding after birth as opposed to the small intestine where binding only reached maximal values by the third week of life. Comparison between the proximal and distal colon in 9-, 16-, and 22-day-old mice revealed a further 2-fold increase in EGF binding in the distal colon compared to that in the proximal colon. Scatchard plots of [125I]EGF displacement by native EGF in both proximal and distal colonic segments also revealed the presence of two classes of binding sites, with high affinity constants (K1) significantly greater in the distal colon. These results demonstrate for the first time not only the continued presence of EGF receptors in mouse colonic epithelium, but also significant regional differences in EGF-binding capacity within the digestive tract throughout the postnatal period.  相似文献   

The hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a pleiotropic cytokine that influences mitogenesis, motility and differentiation of many different cell types by its tyrosine kinase receptor c-Met. We previously demonstrated that the c-Met/HGF system is present and functionally active during postnatal testis development. We found also that spermatozoa express c-Met and that HGF has a positive effect on the maintenance of sperm motility. In the present paper, we extend our study on the germ cells at different stages of differentiation during the postnatal development of the testis. We demonstrate that c-met is present in rat spermatogonia, pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids and that HGF significantly increases spermatogonial proliferation in 8- to 10-day-old pre-pubertal rats. At this age HGF does not affect Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells proliferation. In addition, we studied the effect of the factor on germ cell apoptosis and we show that HGF prevents the germ cell apoptotic process. We also studied the effect of HGF on 18- to 20-day-old and 28- to 30-day-old rat testes. At these ages also the factor significantly increases germ cell duplication and decreases the number of apoptotic cells. However, the effect on programmed cell death is higher in the 8- to 10-day-old rats and declines in the older animals.In conclusion, we report that rat germ cells (spermatogonia, pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids) express c-met and that HGF modulates germ cell proliferating activity and apoptosis in vitro. These data indicate that the c-Met/HGF system is involved in male germ cell homeostasis and, consequently, has a role in male fertility.  相似文献   

Reduced GH levels are found in obesity; despite which IGF-I levels are reported as low normal or normal. Previously peripheral responsiveness to GH has been investigated and reported to be increased in obese men and premenopausal women; however, the use of weight-based GH doses in these studies made data interpretation difficult. GH binding protein (GHBP) measurement constitutes an indirect estimate of GH receptor number. GHBP has been reported to be elevated in obesity; however, results from a recent study implied that this was only in men and premenopausal but not postmenopausal women. Therefore, we pursued this question further by challenging a cohort of healthy normal-weight and obese subjects with a non-weight-based dose of GH and examined the relationship of GHBP with the IGF-I response in the context of their body composition. Ninety-eight (40 male) healthy subjects with a wide range of ages and body mass index (BMI) were studied. Ninety-one (34 male) of these subjects were divided into groups of similar age: men and women with a BMI less than 30 [normal-weight men (NM), BMI 26 (22-29) kg/m(2) (n = 19) and women (NW), BMI 24 (19-29) kg/m(2) (n = 23) and with a BMI > 30 (obese men (OM), 41 (30-72) kg/m(2) (n = 15) and women (OW), 43 (30-68) kg/m(2) (n = 34)]. Fat mass and percentage fat were measured by a bioelectrical impedance analyzer. An IGF-I generation test, which involved a sc injection of 21 IU (7 mg) GH, was performed. At baseline serum samples were assayed for GHBP; serum IGF-I and IGFBP3 levels were measured both at baseline and 24 h after GH administration. There was a higher increment IGF-I in obese men and women, compared with the equivalent normal-weight subjects [NM vs. OM: 245 (33-342) vs. 291 (192-427) ng/ml (P < 0.05); NW vs. OW: 220 (103-435) vs. 315 (144-450) ng/ml (P < 0.0005)]. Increment IGF-I was negatively correlated with baseline IGF-I (F = 12.1) and positively correlated with GHBP (F = 18.2) (R(2) = 0.29). GHBP levels were significantly higher in OM and OW (pre- and postmenopausal) than in the equivalent normal-weight groups [NM vs. OM: 2175 (995-4190) vs. 3030 (1540-5470) pmol/liter (P < 0.05); NW vs. OW: 2131 (1010-5040) vs. 3585 (1540-5740) pmol/liter (P < 0.0005)]. GHBP levels correlated highly with BMI, percentage fat, and fat mass (R > 0.6, P < 0.0001). Baseline IGF-I was not affected by body composition. In conclusion, in obese compared with normal-weight healthy subjects, there is a larger increment IGF-I to a single bolus of GH in men, and irrespective of menopausal status, women. Increment IGF-I is associated positively with GHBP level, which in turn is associated with markers of increasing obesity in men and women. GH responsiveness is increased in obesity.  相似文献   

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