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Liu A  Tan H  Zhou J  Li S  Yang T  Tang X  Sun Z  Yang X  Wu C  Wen SW 《Psychiatry research》2008,159(3):376-381
The objective of the study was to construct a short screening scale for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We used data from our previous study on PTSD among flood victims in 1998 and 1999 in Hunan, China, which was a representative population sample of 27,267 subjects from 16 to 94 years old. Multistage sampling was used to select the subjects from the flood areas and PTSD was ascertained with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: 4th Edition (DSM-IV). We randomly assigned 80% (n=21,762) of study subjects to construct the screening scale (construct model) and the remaining 20% (n=5505) to test the model. Logistic regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic analysis were used to select a subset of items (symptoms) from the full scale that would effectively predict PTSD. A seven-symptom screening scale for PTSD was selected. A score of 3 or more on this scale was used to define positive cases of PTSD, with a sensitivity of 87.9%, specificity of 97.9%, positive predictive value of 81.3%, and negative predictive value of 98.7%. The short screening scale developed in this study is highly valid, reliable, and predictable. It is an efficient tool to screen PTSD in epidemiological and clinical studies.  相似文献   

Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and two groups instructed to fabricate its symptoms completed the MMPI. A discriminant function analysis of selected scale scores and an empirically derived decision rule successfully classified over 90% of the subjects.  相似文献   



The high prevalence of alcohol use disorder among individuals with a history of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder is well documented. The current study applied network analysis to map the structure of symptom associations between these disorders.


Data come from a community sample of 449 Australian adults with a history of trauma and alcohol consumption during the last 12 months. Data analysis consisted of the construction of the comorbidity network of PTSD/AUD symptoms, identification of the bridging symptoms, computation of the centrality measures, and evaluation of the robustness of the results.


Results highlighted two main symptom clusters, corresponding to two disorders, and that only nine edges connected the two clusters. Bridging symptoms connecting the two clusters were: alcohol use in dangerous situations, physical or mental health problems as a result of alcohol use, loss of interest or reduced social activities, and reckless/self-destructive behaviour.


Identification of both central symptoms, because of their key role in the constellation and strong associations with majority of symptoms, and bridge symptoms, because of their mediating role between two disorders, has some implications in terms of self-medication and risk-taking/self-regulation theories of comorbidity and provides a number of clinical implications, which warrants further exploration within clinical samples.

OBJECTIVE: Alcohol use disorders and other substance use disorders are extremely common among patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This article reviews studies pertaining to the epidemiology, clinical phenomenology, and pathophysiology of comorbid PTSD and substance use disorders. METHOD: Studies were identified by means of computerized and manual searches. The review of research on the pathophysiology of PTSD and substance use disorders was focused on studies of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the noradrenergic system. RESULTS: High rates of comorbidity suggest that PTSD and substance use disorders are functionally related to one another. Most published data support a pathway whereby PTSD precedes substance abuse or dependence. Substances are initially used to modify PTSD symptoms. With the development of dependence, physiologic arousal resulting from substance withdrawal may exacerbate PTSD symptoms, thereby contributing to a relapse of substance use. Preclinical work has led to the proposal that in PTSD, corticotropin-releasing hormone and noradrenergic systems may interact such that the stress response is progressively augmented. Patients may use sedatives, hypnotics, or alcohol in an effort to interrupt this progressive augmentation. CONCLUSIONS: Vigorous control of withdrawal and PTSD-related arousal symptoms should be sought during detoxification of patients with comorbid PTSD and substance use disorders. Inclusion of patients with comorbid PTSD and substance use disorders in neurobiologic research and in clinical trials will be critical for development of effective treatments for this severely symptomatic patient population.  相似文献   

Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse may abuse benzodiazepines and develop violent dyscontrol when using them. A total of 370 veterans were compared by substance abuse diagnosis (50%), benzodiazepine use (36%), and their interaction on 1-year outcomes after inpatient discharge. Substance abusers were less likely to be prescribed benzodiazepines (26% vs. 45%). No outcome showed a differential worsening by substance abuse or benzodiazepines, although some baseline differences were noted. Outpatient health care utilization was lower in benzodiazepine users (47 vs. 33 visits). Among PTSD patients with comorbid substance abuse, benzodiazepine treatment was not associated with adverse effects on outcome, but it may reduce health care utilization.  相似文献   

The role of visual imagery in the symptomatology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has not been fully appreciated. The occurrence of intrusive recollections of a traumatic event in the form of flashbacks is very common and may suggest a possible approach to treatment for many individuals with PTSD. A case is presented in which a combat veteran in psychodynamic psychotherapy for PTSD was successfully treated by capitalizing on his tendency to have flashbacks. In this instance, abreaction and subsequent working through of affective reactions to the abreaction resolved his disorder. Technical considerations and patient selection are discussed, and it is suggested that further study of the efficacy of this approach is warranted.  相似文献   

The prevalence of trauma exposure among youth is a major public health concern. Students who have experienced a traumatic event are at increased risk for academic, social, and emotional problems. School can be an ideal setting for mental health professionals to intervene with traumatized students, school staff, and parents both immediately following a traumatic event and when symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and other trauma-related mental health problems develop. This article describes evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder and outlines practical approaches to use in schools.  相似文献   

The tripartite model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) articulated in DSM-IV has received limited empirical support. Over the past decade, a burgeoning literature on PTSD symptom structure has accumulated suggesting several alternative models. Elucidating the latent structure of PTSD has important clinical and theoretical implications. This paper presents the first confirmatory factor analytic investigation of PTSD symptoms in an epidemiologically based trauma-exposed sample from Australia. Data from a subsample of respondents from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB; n = 2677) were submitted to confirmatory factor analysis and several alternative conceptual models were tested. Empirical support was found for an intercorrelated four-factor model reflecting re-experiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and hyperarousal symptoms. Given that the DSM is currently under revision, research addressing structural validity concerns is especially timely. The present findings renew calls in the structural literature suggesting that the structure of PTSD should be revised in DSM-V.  相似文献   

A postmortem human brain collection to study posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is critical for uncovering the molecular mechanisms that contribute to this psychiatric disorder. We describe here the PTSD brain collection at the Lieber Institute for Brain Development in Baltimore, Maryland, consisting of postmortem brain donations acquired between 2012 and 2017. Thus far, 87 brains from individuals meeting DSM‐5 criteria for PTSD were collected after consent was obtained from legal next‐of‐kin, and subsequently clinically characterized for molecular studies. PTSD brain donors had high rates of comorbid diagnoses, including depression (62.1%), substance abuse (74.7%), drug‐related death (69.0%), and suicide completion (17.2%). PTSD cases were subdivided into two categories: combat‐related PTSD (n = 24) and noncombat/domestic PTSD (n = 63). The major differences between the combat‐related and domestic PTSD cohorts were sex, drug‐related death, and the prevalence of bipolar disorder (BPD) comorbidity. The combat‐related group was entirely male, with only one BPD subject (4.2%), and had significantly fewer drug‐related deaths (45.8%) in contrast to the domestic group (31.8% male, 36.5% bipolar, and 77.8% drug‐related deaths). Medical examiners' offices, particularly in areas with higher military populations, are an excellent source for PTSD brain donations of both combat‐related and domestic PTSD.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess sleep disturbances in subjects with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from an urban general population and to identify associated psychiatric disorders in these subjects. The study was performed with a representative sample of 1,832 respondents aged 15 to 90 years living in the Metropolitan Toronto area who were surveyed by telephone (participation rate, 72.8%). Interviewers used Sleep-EVAL, an expert system specifically designed to conduct epidemiologic studies of sleep and mental disorders in the general population. Overall, 11.6% of the sample reported having experienced a traumatic event, with no difference in the proportion of men and women. Approximately 2% (1.8%) of the entire sample were diagnosed by the system as having PTSD at the time of interview. The rate was higher for women (2.6%) than for men (0.9%), which translated into an odds ratio (OR) of 2.8 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3 to 6.1). PTSD was strongly associated with other mental disorders: 75.7% of respondents with PTSD received at least one other diagnosis. Most concurrent disorders (80.7%) appeared after exposure to the traumatic event. Sleep disturbances also affected about 70% of the PTSD subjects. Violent or injurious behaviors during sleep, sleep paralysis, sleep talking, and hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations were more frequently reported in respondents with PTSD. Considering the relatively high prevalence of PTSD and its important comorbidity with other sleep and psychiatric disorders, an assessment of the history of traumatic events should be part of a clinician's routine inquiry in order to limit chronicity and maladjustment following a traumatic exposure. Moreover, complaints of rapid eye movement (REM)-related sleep symptoms could be an indication of an underlying problem stemming from PTSD.  相似文献   

Background   Early identification of deaf-blindness is essential to ensure appropriate management. Previous studies indicate that deaf-blindness is often missed. We aim to discover the extent to which deaf-blindness in people with intellectual disability (ID) is undiagnosed.
Method   A survey was made of the 253 residents of an institute offering residential and occupational facilities for people with IDs. Data are included for the 224 individuals who were able to complete both auditory and visual assessments. Otoacoustic emissions were used to screen for hearing impairment; those who did not pass were assessed by behavioural audiometry. Visual acuity was assessed with one of the following: EH-Optotypes, LH-Optotypes, Teller Acuity Cards, Cardiff Acuity Cards or the Stycar Ball Vision Test.
Results   Prior to the study hearing impairment had been diagnosed in 12.5% of the 224 subjects, and visual impairment in 17%. Upon completion of the study these figures rose to 46% and 38.4% respectively. Deaf-blindness was diagnosed in 3.6% of the subjects before, and in 21.4% after, the study. Most (87.5%) of the deaf-blind individuals had profound ID.
Conclusion   Deaf-blindness is most often not identified either by standard medical screening or by care staff. Individuals with this disability, however, require provision of special kinds of care. Four categories of deaf-blindness are proposed, according to the severity of sensory impairment in each modality. The tests used in this study are non-invasive and are appropriate for individuals with ID and children. Early and periodic screening for visual and hearing impairment in individuals with ID is recommended.  相似文献   

This study found that men who developed posttraumatic stress disorder after combat in Vietnam tended to have been adolescents while in combat. They had formed an intense attachment to other men in their combat unit, which had been disrupted by the death of a buddy. This loss generally was followed by acts of revenge and subsequent feelings of a profound lack of control over their destiny. Adolescents use their peer group as an intermediary stage between dependency on their family and emotional maturity, and the army, particularly under battlefield conditions, maximizes the impact of peer group cohesion. For these younger men, the death of a friend was experienced as the dissolution of the once omnipotent group and as a narcissistic injury. Group psychotherapy for Vietnam veterans allows the partial re-creation of the peer group in the context in which the trauma occurred. The sharing and reliving of common experiences may facilitate entrance into the world of adult relationships, a process that was arrested by the trauma.  相似文献   

Background : Genetic polymorphisms that influence serotonin (5‐hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) neurotransmission are candidates for contributing to susceptibility to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The objective of our study was to determine if a variable length polymorphism for the promoter regions of the 5HT transporter (5HTTLPR), and/or a substitution polymorphism in the promoter region for the 5HT2A receptor, would be associated with PTSD in a trauma exposed population of adult African‐Americans. Methods : Using a case control design, 118 participants recruited from the primary care clinics and the campus of a historically black university who met inclusion criteria including trauma exposure provided blood samples for genomic DNA. PTSD criteria were determined by the Clinician Assessment of PTSD Scale (CAPS) and criteria for other psychiatric disorders by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM‐IV (SCID). 5HTTLPR and 5HT2A‐1438A/G were genotyped using established methods. Associations of genotypes with lifetime PTSD, and models testing associations of allele “dose”, were analyzed. Results : Fifty‐five (47%) participants met lifetime criteria for PTSD and 26 (22%) met criteria for (mostly comorbid) major depression. The 5HT2A (lower expressing) G allele was significantly associated with PTSD. We did not find significant associations with 5HTTLPR. Conclusions : Our findings suggest a relationship between genetic variation in the 5HT2A promoter region and PTSD. Depression and Anxiety 26:993–997, 2009. Published 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



This study investigates acculturation and other antecedent psychiatric and socio-environmental risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in one aboriginal group (the Bunun) exposed to an earthquake disaster in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Only a few European population-based studies on the epidemiology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are available to date. This study aims to broaden the epidemiological knowledge of traumatic experiences (TEs), PTSD, and comorbid mental conditions in a representative German sample (N = 2510). The Composite International Diagnostic Interview list of traumatic events, the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 as well as PHQ-15 were used in this survey. Main results were low frequencies of TEs (24%) and PTSD (2.9%). Older participants (>60 years) reported significantly more TEs and more posttraumatic symptoms, whereas there was no significant difference in PTSD prevalence. A third of the subjects diagnosed with PTSD were found positive for depressive syndromes, and 27% were found positive for somatization syndrome. The results show that TEs and posttraumatic symptoms are frequent in senior citizens and thus have to be considered when treating older patients with mental health conditions.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experience sympathetic nervous system activation in response to war-related laboratory stimuli. Circulating plasma catecholamines, vital signs, and affect ratings were measured in 10 Vietnam combat veterans with PTSD and 11 control subjects, during and after viewing combat and noncombat stress films. PTSD subjects responded more strongly than controls to the combat film, with greater increases in plasma epinephrine, pulse, blood pressure, and subjective distress. The increases in autonomic activity of PTSD subjects was more pronounced and long lasting in response to the combat film than to the noncombat film, but type of film had no systematic effect on control subjects' responses. These findings are consistent with biological models that posit sympathoadrenal activation in response to memory-evoking cues of traumatic events in PTSD.  相似文献   

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