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邹敬才  刘宝林 《口腔医学》1999,19(4):179-181
目的为了探讨种植牙根端接触骨质类型对种植牙周骨界面应力分布的影响方法应用三维有限元方法对螺旋型种植牙周骨界面应力分布进行了分析结果种植牙根端与密质骨或与松质骨接触时在骨界面应力分布上有较大的差异种植牙根端与松质骨接触时最大压应力位于颈周而与密质骨接触时则位于根端骨内结论种植牙根端与密质骨接触可降低种植牙颈周骨内应力减小骨界面的位移运动但增加了根端骨内的应力从减小颈周骨内应力的角度出发种植牙根端与密质骨接触也是一种良好有效的手段  相似文献   

种植体穿通下颌骨对骨界面应力分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:为了探讨下颌种植牙穿通下颌骨后对骨界面应力分布的影响。方法:采用三维有限元方法,通过单个穿下颌螺旋型种植体的种植,了解穿下颌种植后对骨界面应力分布的影响。结果:穿下颌种植减小了颈周密质骨内的应力,加大了根端侧穿下颌骨下缘处的应力,减小了骨界面的位移。结论:穿下颌种植,改变了骨界面的最大应力分布部位,使最大应力位于根端侧下颌骨下缘处。  相似文献   

种植牙弹性模量对骨界面应力分布的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从生物力学的观点出发,种植牙的弹性模量对骨界面的应力分布是有影响的,为了探讨这一规律,作者应用二维有限元方法,对单个螺旋型种植牙,在五种不同的弹性模量时(1370MPa、13700Mpa、70000MPa、1370000MPa)进行了骨界面的应力分布规律的比较分析,结果显示:种植牙的弹性模量越高,颈周骨内应力越小,而根端骨内应力越大;种植牙弹性模量越低,种植牙与骨界面的相对位移运动就越大;种植牙的  相似文献   

种植牙受力角度对骨界面应力分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用二维有限元法,对单个螺旋型种植牙,在轴向、侧向15°、30°、45°时,载荷300N,分析比较了骨界面的应力分布规律。结果表明:轴向载荷时,颈部骨内应力比根端部骨内应力小,侧向载荷时,则颈部应力大,根端部应力小;颈部骨内应力轴向载荷时为最小,随着侧向载荷角度的增加,骨内应力值逐渐增加,每增加5°,骨内应力约增加1MPa;临床种植时,种植牙应尽可能轴向垂直种植,避免颈部骨内应力过大  相似文献   

为了探讨人工种植牙的数目、上部结构对种植牙周骨界面应力分布的影响,本实验应用三维有限元分析方法,对二单位和四单位式杆式覆盖种植义齿种植牙周骨界面的应力分布规律进行了探讨。结果表明:最大压应力、最大拉应力二单位式与四单位式均位于颈周密质骨,二单位式大于四单位式,两者有显著差异性,(P<0.001)。四单位式最大拉、压应力,远中种植牙要大于近中种植牙。最大位移运动二单位式小于四单位式,四单位式近中种植牙大于远中种植牙。二单位式与四单位式位、压应力主要集中于颈部,其它部位与颈部相比有非常显著的差异性,(P<0.0001)。结论:种植牙数目的增加,可以减小种植牙周颈部密质骨内的最大应力值。四单位式种植义齿颈周骨内应力要小于二单位式种植牙,从这点上看,四单位式种植义齿要优于二单位式种植义齿。多个种植牙种植时,杆的连接,改变了种植牙周骨内的应力分布规律,其应力主要由种植牙颈周密质骨来承担  相似文献   

为了探讨人工种植牙的数目、上产结构对种植牙周骨界面应力分布的影响,本实验应用三维有限元分析方法,对二单位和四单位式杆式覆盖种植义齿种植牙周骨界面的应力分布规律进行了探讨。结果表明:最大压应力、最大拉应力二单位式与四单位式均位于颈周密质量,二单位式大于四单位式,两者有显著差异性,(P〈0.001)。四单位式最大拉、压应力,远中种植牙要大于近中种植牙。最大位移运动二单位式小于四单位式、四单位式近中种植  相似文献   

皮质骨厚度对支抗种植体-骨界面应力分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究皮质骨厚度改变对支抗种植体-骨界面应力分布的影响,供临床参考。方法:用三维有限元方法,对分别种植于皮质骨厚度为0.5mm、1.0mm、2.0mm颌骨模型中的种植体施加150g近远中方向的载荷,分析支抗种植体-骨界面应力分布情况:结果:三者种植体颈部的Von-Mises应力值分别为0.6040MPa、0.5330MPa、0.5380MPa;位移值分别为0.2110μm、0.1630μm、0.1250μm:结论:皮质骨在一定厚度内,植入体颈部皮质骨越薄,骨界面应力值就越大:但皮质骨超过一定厚度后,骨界面应力并不随其厚度的增加而做相应递减。皮质骨的厚度与界面骨的位移成反比.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同骨皮质厚度和不同植入角度对支抗种植钉应力分布的影响及位移变化。方法:建立简单的颌骨及支抗种植钉的三维有限元模型,在不同的骨皮质厚度为0.5mm-3mm和不同的植入角度30°-90°下分别植入支抗种植钉(直径1.6mm、长8mm),在支抗种植钉的头部施加200g力,力的方向与骨面平行,得到模型中的应力和位移,并进行分析。结果:模型中颌骨最大应力均发生在支抗种植钉的颈部,集中分布在1mm的深度范围内。随着骨皮质厚度的增加骨皮质应力减小,当厚度为0.5mm时骨皮质应力较大,从21.00MPa(植入角度70°)到37.88MPa(植入角度30°);骨皮质厚度为1mm时(除外植入角度为≤50°)应力<28MPa。植入角度对骨皮质应力变化影响较大,植入角度为60°、70°时应力较小。颌骨最大位移发生在受支抗种植钉拉压的两侧,支抗种植钉最大位移在其顶部,当骨皮质厚度为0.5mm时,支抗种植钉的位移最大,当骨皮质厚度≥1mm时,骨皮质厚度的变化对位移的影响不显著,植入角度为70°时支抗种植钉位移最小。结论:骨皮质厚度会影响骨皮质和骨松质的应力,临床植入支抗种植钉时应该避开骨皮质较薄的区域,植入区域骨皮质厚度应≥...  相似文献   

目的:探讨穿下颌种植体数目,钛金基板对穿通下颌骨种植体周围骨界面应力分布的影响。方法:本研究采用ANsys5.7三维有限元分析软件对经CT扫描后的无牙下颌骨进行建模分析,得出不同条件下穿下颌种植体(二单位、四单位,加与未加基板)周围骨界面颈部骨皮质,松质骨上1/3,松质骨中1/3,松质骨下1/3,下颌骨下缘骨皮质及种植体尖部的最大拉应力,最大压应力,位移值。结果以统计直方图,应力分布图等表示。结果:二单位加连接杆加基板穿下颌种植受唇舌向加载时,最大拉应力及压应力均表现在颈部骨皮质的唇侧及舌侧,受近远中向加载时,最大拉应力表现在左侧种植体左侧的骨皮质颈部,最大压应力表现在右侧种植体的右侧骨皮质颈部,受垂直向加载时,最大拉应力表现在种植体的尖部,最大压应力表现在颈部骨皮质及种植体尖部。位移分布规律与应力分布相对应。四单位加连接杆加基板穿下颌种植在受各向加载时,应力分布及位移分布规律基本同二单位式,但相对的应力值较小。未加基板穿下颌种植在受各向加载时,其应力分布规律与加基板者基本相似,但加基板种植的根部应力小于未加基板者,而种植体尖部应力较大。结论:增加穿通式种植体的数目,可以减小种植体周颈部密质骨的最大应力值,加基板多个穿通式种植可以分散下颌骨下缘应力集中。提示:在进行穿通式种植覆盖义齿修复的临床应用中,应考虑增加种植体的数目并在下颌骨下缘使用基板连接。  相似文献   

种植体直径对骨界面应力分布影响的三维有限元分析   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
目的:种植直径对种植体骨界面应力的影响,引起了许多学者的关注,国内外研究报告的观点不一。本研究是为了进一步探讨种植体直径对种植体骨界面应力的影响。方法:采用三维有限元的方法对6种不同直径的种植体在受垂直和侧向力时骨界面的应力进行分析。结果:种植体受垂直和水平加载时,随着种植体直径的增加,种植体骨界面的应力值和应和集中值下降,应力趋向均布。结论:增加种植体的直径可以提高种植牙的轴向和侧向的承受力,临床上在选择种植体时,应昼地选择粗直径的种植体。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional finite element analysis was used to evaluate the effects of implant length and diameter on the stress distribution of a single-implant supported crown and the strain distribution of its surrounding bone prior to and after the phase of osseointegration. The effect of length was investigated using implants with a diameter of 3.75 mm and lengths of 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, and 14 mm. The effect of diameter was investigated using implants with a length of 10 mm and diameters of 3 mm, 3.75 mm, 4.5 mm, and 5mm. The phase prior to osseointegration was simulated by assuming a coefficient of friction for the interface between the implant and the surrounding bone, while the phase after osseointegration was simulated by assuming a fixed bond on the interface between the implant and the surrounding bone. The FEA results indicated a tendency towards stress reduction on the implant, both prior to and after osseointegration, when the length was increased. However, the calculated stresses on the implant were lower after the phase of osseointegration. Although no specific correlation could be seen regarding the influence of implant diameter, the calculated stresses on the implant were again lower after the phase of osseointegration. For all these cases, the maximum stress concentration occurred at the abutment-implant interface. As far as bone tissue was concerned, there was a tendency towards strain reduction, before and after osseointegration, when the length of the implant was increased from 10 mm up to 14 mm. This tendency was not manifested for the range of 8 to 10 mm. The effect of implant diameter on bone tissue was not clear. It appears that implants of a diameter more than 5 mm are not preferable for immediate loading. Finally, it seems that cortical bone is not influenced by the phase of osseointegration, while trabecular bone is highly affected.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of medial implant location in three-unit posterior cantilever fixed partial dentures (FPDs) on stress distribution in mandibular bone surrounding two implants. A three-dimensional finite element model that included three-unit FPD and two cylindrical-type implants (4 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length) osseointegrated in the posterior mandible, was digitized. Five different models were created according to the medial implant location between the missing second premolar and the first molar location. The distal implant was fixed at the missing second molar location. Oblique bite force of 100 N at 30 degrees buccal to the vertical direction was directed on each of three artificial teeth, respectively and simultaneously, while the lower surface of the mandible was fixed. The maximum equivalent stress in the cortical and the trabecular bone generally increased as the medial implant shifted to a distal position. Under the simultaneous bite force, relatively low maximum stresses within the cortical bone: between 55 MPa and 57 MPa, were shown in the models with the medial implant placed within the range of one implant diameter from the most medial position, while higher maximum stresses: between 64 MPa and 73 MPa, were demonstrated with more distally placed medial implants. The results suggest that reasonably low mechanical stress in the surrounding bone may be assured when the medial implant is placed in the range between the missing second premolar position and one implant diameter distal from that location.  相似文献   

Background: The purpose of this study is to analyze biomechanical interactions in the alveolar bone surrounding implants with smaller‐diameter abutments by changing position of the fixture–abutment interface, loading direction, and thickness of cortical bone using the finite element method. Methods: Twenty different finite element models including four types of cortical bone thickness (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 mm) and five implant positions relative to bone crest (subcrestal 1, implant shoulder 1 mm below bone crest; subcrestal 0.5, implant shoulder 0.5 mm below bone crest; at crestal implant shoulder even with bone crest; supracrestal 0.5, implant shoulder 0.5 mm above bone crest; and supracrestal 1, implant shoulder 1 mm above bone crest) were analyzed. All models were simulated under two different loading angles (0 and 45 degrees) relative to the long axis of the implant, respectively. The three factors of implant position, loading type, and thickness of cortical bone were computed for all models. Results: The results revealed that loading type and implant position were the main factors affecting the stress distribution in bone. The stress values of implants in the supracrestal 1 position were higher than all other implant positions. Additionally, compared with models under axial load, the stress values of models under off‐axis load increased significantly. Conclusions: Both loading type and implant position were crucial for stress distribution in bone. The supracrestal 1 implant position may not be ideal to avoid overloading the alveolar bone surrounding implants.  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同长度的眶部种植体对骨界面应力分布的影响。方法 建立直径3.75 mm,长度分别为3、4、6、10 mm的眶部种植体-颅颌面骨三维有限元模型,分别给予沿种植体轴向和与轴向成45°的载荷,载荷大小20 N,记录两种方向载荷下种植体及骨界面的Von-Mises应力峰值和位移峰值,分析其应力分布。结果 施加沿种植体轴向载荷时,种植体周围应力集中于根部,种植体受力大于骨面;施加与轴向成45°载荷时,应力集中于种植体颈部与第一螺纹之间,种植体受力大于骨面。施加两个方向的载荷时,3 mm种植体的应力峰值明显大于其他长度种植体,而位移峰值无明显变化。在相同长度下,施加沿种植体轴向载荷时的应力峰值及位移峰值均明显低于与轴向成45°载荷时,载荷方式对界面应力分布有明显的影响。结论 临床上尽量选择4 mm以上的眶部种植体;应用3 mm种植体时,应选择骨密质较厚的区域植入。  相似文献   

Xi Ding  MDS    Xing-Hao Zhu  MDS    Sheng-Hui Liao  PhD    Xiu-Hua Zhang  BDS    & Hong Chen  MDS 《Journal of prosthodontics》2009,18(5):393-402
Purpose: To establish a 3D finite element model of a mandible with dental implants for immediate loading and to analyze stress distribution in bone around implants of different diameters. Materials and Methods: Three mandible models, embedded with thread implants (ITI, Straumann, Switzerland) with diameters of 3.3, 4.1, and 4.8 mm, respectively, were developed using CT scanning and self‐developed Universal Surgical Integration System software. The von Mises stress and strain of the implant–bone interface were calculated with the ANSYS software when implants were loaded with 150 N vertical or buccolingual forces. Results: When the implants were loaded with vertical force, the von Mises stress concentrated on the mesial and distal surfaces of cortical bone around the neck of implants, with peak values of 25.0, 17.6 and 11.6 MPa for 3.3, 4.1, and 4.8 mm diameters, respectively, while the maximum strains (5854, 4903, 4344 μ?) were located on the buccal cancellous bone around the implant bottom and threads of implants. The stress and strain were significantly lower (p < 0.05) with the increased diameter of implant. When the implants were loaded with buccolingual force, the peak von Mises stress values occurred on the buccal surface of cortical bone around the implant neck, with values of 131.1, 78.7, and 68.1 MPa for 3.3, 4.1, and 4.8 mm diameters, respectively, while the maximum strains occurred on the buccal surface of cancellous bone adjacent to the implant neck, with peak values of 14,218, 12,706, and 11,504 μm, respectively. The stress of the 4.1‐mm diameter implants was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than those of 3.3‐mm diameter implants, but not statistically different from that of the 4.8 mm implant. Conclusions: With an increase of implant diameter, stress and strain on the implant–bone interfaces significantly decreased, especially when the diameter increased from 3.3 to 4.1 mm. It appears that dental implants of 10 mm in length for immediate loading should be at least 4.1 mm in diameter, and uniaxial loading to dental implants should be avoided or minimized.  相似文献   

目的 探讨在不同骨质条件中、达到骨整合时(40%的骨结合率),不同直径的8 mm种植体骨界面应力分布的变化规律,为短种植体的临床应用提供一定的参考和实验依据.方法 采用三维有限元方法分析6种不同直径的8 mm种植体在Ⅰ~Ⅳ类骨质条件中,受垂直和侧向力时,种植体骨界面的应力值大小及分布规律.结果 在~Ⅳ类骨质中,无论垂直或是斜向加载,应力值随着种植体直径增加,呈现减小的趋势.种植体直径3.3~5 mm时,最大应力值大小变化较为明显(曲率约为-1);种植体直径5.5~7.1mm时,变化趋于平缓(曲率接近0).另一方面,随着骨质密度降低,种植体骨界面的最大应力逐渐增大:Ⅳ类>Ⅲ类>Ⅱ类>Ⅰ类.在Ⅰ、Ⅱ类骨质中最大应力分布接近,Ⅲ、Ⅳ类骨质最大应力分布相近.结论 在临床应用短种植体时,可尽量选择较粗直径的种植体(直径3.3~5 mm),但当种植体直径足够大时(直径大于5.5 mm),再增加种植体直径对临床效果的改善不明显;实验结果显示,Ⅲ、Ⅳ类骨质时的应力值远大于Ⅰ、Ⅱ类骨质,提示在临床实践中,可以将Ⅲ、Ⅳ类的骨质通过骨挤压、骨移植等方式来提高骨密度,以保证远期成功率.  相似文献   


Objective. The purpose of this paper is to compare the differences in stress between Ti-6Al-4V and PS-ZrO2 dental implant during clenching and whether these changes are clinically significant to limit the use of zirconia in oral implantology. Materials and methods. The model geometry was derived from position measurements taken from 28 diamond blade cut cross-sections of an average size human adult edentulous mandible and generated using a special sequencing method. Data on anatomical, structural, functional aspects and material properties were obtained from measurements and published data. Ti-6Al-4V and PS-ZrO2 dental implants were modelled as cylindrical structure with a diameter of 3.26 mm and length of 12.00 mm was placed in the first molar region on the right hemimandible. Results. The analysis revealed an increase of 2–3% in the averaged tensile and compressive stress and an increase of 8% in the averaged Von Mises stress were recorded in the bone–implant interface when PS-ZrO2 dental implant was used instead of Ti-6Al-4V dental implant. The results also revealed only relatively low levels of stresses were transferred from the implant to the surrounding cortical and cancellous bone, with the majority of the stresses transferred to the cortical bone. Conclusion. Even though high magnitudes of tensile, compressive and Von Mises stresses were recorded on the Ti-6Al-4V and PS-ZrO2 dental implants and in the surrounding osseous structures, the stresses may not be clinically critical since the mechanical properties of the implant material and the cortical and cancellous bone could withstand stress magnitudes far greater than those recorded in this analysis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨直径与长度连续变化时选择种植体尺寸的方法。方法 :运用Pro/E和ANSYS软件建立不同长度(716 mm)、不同直径(316 mm)、不同直径(36 mm)的三维有限元模型,施加垂直荷载和侧向荷载,观察种植体位移峰值和骨组织VonMises应力峰值等评估指标。结果:垂直或侧向荷载作用下,随着直径和长度的增大,各评估指标均明显下降(60%6 mm)的三维有限元模型,施加垂直荷载和侧向荷载,观察种植体位移峰值和骨组织VonMises应力峰值等评估指标。结果:垂直或侧向荷载作用下,随着直径和长度的增大,各评估指标均明显下降(60%80%),相关度分析显示,两种荷载下直径的影响均较大(约90%),长度的影响与荷载有关(垂直荷载:18%80%),相关度分析显示,两种荷载下直径的影响均较大(约90%),长度的影响与荷载有关(垂直荷载:18%60%;侧向荷载:<7%)。直径-长度比兼顾种植体直径与长度,当确定皮质骨承载力及安全系数,便可由直径-长度关系曲线选择合适的种植体直径与长度。结论:种植体直径与长度均可明显影响种植体位移和骨组织应力峰值。本文介绍的直径长度比法可为临床医生选择、优化种植体提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   


Bone height restrictions are more common in the posterior regions of the mandible, because of either bone resorption resulting from tooth loss or even anatomic limitations, such as the position of the inferior alveolar nerve. In situations where adequate bone height is not available in the posterior mandible region, smaller lengths of implants may have to be used but it has been reported that the use of long implants (length ≥10 mm) is a positive factor in osseointegration and authors have reported failures with short implants. Hence knowledge about the stress generated on the bone with different lengths of implants needs scientific evaluation. The purpose of this study was to compare and evaluate the influence of different lengths of implants on stress upon bone in mandibular posterior area. A 3 D finite element model was made of the posterior mandible using the details from a CT scan, using computer software (ANSYS 12). Four simulated implants with lengths 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 13 mm were placed in the centre of the bone. A static vertical force of 250 N and a static horizontal force of 100 N were applied. The stress generated in the cortical and cancellous bone around the implant were recorded and evaluated with the help of ANSYS. In this study, Von Mises stress on a 6 mm implant under a static vertical load of 250 N appeared to be almost in the same range of 8 and 10 mm implant which were more as compared to 13 mm implant. Von Mises stress on a 6mm implant under a static horizontal load of 100 N appeared to be less when compared to 8, 10 and 13 mm implants. From the results obtained it may be inferred that under static horizontal loading conditions, shorter implants receive lesser load and thus may tend to transfer more stresses to the surrounding bone. While under static vertical loading the shorter implants bear more loads and comparatively transmit lesser load to the surrounding bone.


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Masticatory forces acting on dental implants can result in undesirable stress in adjacent bone, which in turn can cause bone defects and the eventual failure of implants. PURPOSE: A mathematical simulation of stress distribution around implants was used to determine which length and diameter of implants would be best to dissipate stress. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Computations of stress arising in the implant bed were made with finite element analysis, using 3-dimensional computer models. The models simulated implants placed in vertical positions in the molar region of the mandible. A model simulating an implant with a diameter of 3.6 mm and lengths of 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, and 18 mm was developed to investigate the influence of the length factor. The influence of different diameters was modeled using implants with a length of 12 mm and diameters of 2.9 mm, 3.6 mm, 4.2 mm, 5.0 mm, 5.5 mm, 6.0 mm, and 6.5 mm. The masticatory load was simulated using an average masticatory force in a natural direction, oblique to the occlusal plane. Values of von Mises equivalent stress at the implant-bone interface were computed using the finite element analysis for all variations. Values for the 3 most stressed elements of each variation were averaged and expressed in percent of values computed for reference (100%), which was the stress magnitude for the implant with a length of 12 mm and diameter of 3.6 mm. RESULTS: Maximum stress areas were located around the implant neck. The decrease in stress was the greatest (31.5%) for implants with a diameter ranging from of 3.6 mm to 4.2 mm. Further stress reduction for the 5.0-mm implant was only 16.4%. An increase in the implant length also led to a decrease in the maximum von Mises equivalent stress values; the influence of implant length, however, was not as pronounced as that of implant diameter. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, an increase in the implant diameter decreased the maximum von Mises equivalent stress around the implant neck more than an increase in the implant length, as a result of a more favorable distribution of the simulated masticatory forces applied in this study.  相似文献   

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