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Correlates of DSM-III personality disorder in obsessive-compulsive disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty-three patients with primary obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) completed the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ), a self-rating scale designed to assess axis II personality disorders (PD) from DSM-III. Results showed that 53% of the patients received at least one PD diagnosis. The most frequent diagnoses were avoidant (30%), histrionic (26%), dependent (19%), and schizotypal (16%). Consideration of the personality traits irrespective of diagnostic category showed that in addition to avoidant and dependent personality characteristics, the sample had strong passive aggressive and compulsive tendencies and substantial histrionic, paranoid, and schizotypal traits. Patients exhibiting a greater number of personality traits were also significantly more symptomatic. However, anxiety, phobic, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were not selected as unique predictors of any personality variables in the regression analyses. Rather, the most important correlate of PD in these patients consisted of dysphoric mood as assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and, to a lesser degree, younger age or shorter duration of illness. These findings do not support a specific link between OCD and PD in general and compulsive PD in particular.  相似文献   

One hundred eighty-seven patients meeting DSM-III criteria for panic disorder (161 with agoraphobia) and 51 patients meeting DSM-III criteria for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) were assessed with the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ), a self-rating scale designed to assess axis II personality disorders and traits. The results showed that the personality profiles were similar between the two diagnostic groups and that the major personality characteristics identified in panic/agoraphobic patients, e.g., avoidant, dependent, histrionic, and borderline, were more pronounced in patients with OCD. These findings support our earlier suggestion of a nonspecific link between panic disorder/agoraphobia and personality disorder (PD)/traits.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Relatively few systematic data exist on the clinical impact of bipolar comorbidity in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and no studies have investigated the influence of such a comorbidity on the prevalence and pattern of Axis II comorbidity. The aim of the present study was to explore the comorbidity of personality disorders in a group of patients with OCD and comorbid bipolar disorder (BD). METHODS: The sample consisted of 204 subjects with a principal diagnosis of OCD (DSM-IV) and a Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) score>or=16 recruited from all patients consecutively referred to the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin over a period of 5 years (January 1998-December 2002). Diagnostic evaluation and Axis I comorbidities were collected by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I). Personality status was assessed by using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders (SCID-II). Socio-demographic and clinical features (including Axis II comorbidities) were compared between OCD patients with and without a lifetime comorbidity of BD. RESULTS: A total of 21 patients with OCD (10.3%) met DSM-IV criteria for a lifetime BD diagnosis: 4 (2.0%) with BD type I and 17 (8.3%) with BD type II. Those without a BD diagnosis showed significantly higher rates of male gender, sexual and hoarding obsessions, repeating compulsions and lifetime comorbid substance use disorders, when compared with patients with BD/OCD. With regard to personality disorders, those with BD/OCD showed higher prevalence rates of Cluster A (42.9% versus 21.3%; p=0.027) and Cluster B (57.1% versus 29.0%; p=0.009) personality disorders. Narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders were more frequent in BD/OCD. CONCLUSIONS: Our results point towards clinically relevant effects of comorbid BD on the personality profiles of OCD patients, with higher rates of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders in BD/OCD patients.  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) often emerges in childhood or adolescence. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether adult patients with prepuberal onset differ from subjects with later onset in terms of personality disorder comorbidity. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders was used to assess 148 patients with a principal diagnosis of OCD according to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders. The following two subgroups of subjects were selected according to the age at onset of symptomatology: patients with an early-onset (< or =10 years), and patients with a later onset (> or =17 years). Of the 148 patients screened for the present study, 33 (22.3%) had an early onset and 1369 (46.6%) had a later onset. With regard to personality disorders, early-onset patients showed more OC personality disorders (OCPD) than later onset patients. Our finding suggests that OCD in childhood increases the risk for developing OCPD in adulthood, or that early-onset OCD and OCPD share a common pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We assessed 96 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder for DSM-III personality disorder diagnoses with a standardized interview instrument (Structured Interview for the DSM-III Personality Disorders). Fifty patients (52%) met criteria for at least one personality disorder, with mixed, dependent, and histrionic personality disorders most frequently diagnosed. Compulsive personality disorder was diagnosed in only 6 patients (6%), 5 of whom had had onset of obsessive-compulsive symptoms before the age of 10 years, indicating that DSM-III compulsive personality disorder is not invariably a premorbid condition for the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Schizotypal personality disorder, at 5%, was found to be less common than in past samples, reflecting differences in either assessment methods or sampling.  相似文献   

DSM-III personality disorder dimensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dimensional scores were computed for the 11 DSM-III personality disorders (PDs) in 797 relatives of psychiatric patients and never ill control subjects interviewed with the Structured Interview for DSM-III Personality Disorders. The distribution of scores for all 11 PD dimensions was skewed to the right. A principal components analysis with varimax rotation produced three factors that closely corresponded to DSM-III's suggested clustering of the PDs into eccentric, dramatic, and anxious types. Men scored significantly higher on the paranoid, schizoid, compulsive, antisocial, and narcissistic dimensions, whereas women had significantly higher histrionic, dependent, and avoidant scores. Age was negatively correlated with most of the PD dimensions, and the correlations were strongest with the four PDs in cluster 2 (histrionic, antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline). Each of the eight axis I disorders examined was associated with increased axis II pathology.  相似文献   

DSM-III personality disorders and the outcome of treated panic disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty-two patients with panic disorder who had been receiving active benzodiazepine treatment for 8 weeks were assessed by using the outcome measures of spontaneous and situational panic attacks, scores on the Hamilton scales for anxiety and for depression, and scores on self-rated disability scales. Although spontaneous panic attacks were not affected by the presence of any personality disorder, the remaining outcome measures showed a strong and negative association with DSM-III antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. There was also a mild negative association with avoidant personality disorder. A subgroup of patients with both major depression and panic disorder appeared more strongly affected.  相似文献   

强迫型人格障碍(OCPD)是指一种专注于追求秩序、完美以及精神和人际关系的控制,因而失去灵活性、开放性和效率的普遍模式.由于OCPD与其他精神障碍有很高的共病率,且它们之间的关系向来存在争议,因此现着重对已有相关研究进行归纳总结,以期为未来研究提供方向和建议.  相似文献   

Using the new DSM-III criteria for personality disorders, the rates of these disorders were evaluated in opiate addicts applying for treatment. Consistent with previous studies, 68% of the sample met diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder. Contrary to older theories of an “addictive personality,” a range of personality disorders was found and 24% of the addicts met the criteria for multiple personality disorders. To compare addicts with differing personality patterns, the eleven DSM-III personality disorders were categorized into five mutually exclusive groups: antisocial (39%), borderline (14%), narcissistic (9%), other personality disorder (6%) and no personality disorder (32%). Addicts in these groups differed demographically and in distributions of concurrent psychiatric diagnoses.  相似文献   

目的:研究强迫型人格障碍(OCPD)在强迫障碍(OCD)中的共病情况,并研究OCD共病OCPD对OCD影响。方法:以69例门诊OCD患者为研究对象,采用DSM-Ⅳ轴Ⅱ障碍用临床定式检查(SCID-Ⅱ)研究强迫障碍患者的共病人格障碍(PD)情况,将研究对象分为2组:OCD共病OCPD组和OCD不共病OCPD组,对比研究2组间临床特征的不同。结果:79.7%强迫障碍患者合并有PD,C类中的OCPD和OCD共病率达43.5%。共病组较不共病组疾病严重程度更重,表现为发病年龄早、病程更长、强迫思维更严重。结论:OCPD和OCD关系密切,OCD共病OCPD是OCD严重程度的一个标志。  相似文献   

The diagnoses of paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder are not adequately dealt with either conceptually or phenomenologically in DSM-III. A case of monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis illustrating this point is presented. The question of whether this disorder should be diagnosed as paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or an atypical affective disorder is discussed.  相似文献   

Electroencephalography of DSM-III borderline personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The EEG's of hospitalized males with the sole diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (n = 37) were compared to those of a group with only dysthymic disorder (n = 31). Borderline patients were found to have significantly more marginal, definite, and combined (marginal and definite) abnormalities on the EEG. The most prevalent abnormality in the borderline was slow-wave activity. The mixture of wave frequencies occurring in the electroencephalogram, known as fusing, occurred significantly more often in the borderline group compared to the dysthymic group. Severity of illness of the borderline group and the depressed group was not significantly correlated with EEG abnormality. Neurophysiologic implications for the pathogenesis of the borderline personality disorder are discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Three clinical populations--panic disorder (n = 88), randomly selected outpatients (n = 82), and normal control subjects (n = 40)--were compared on three standardized DSM-III personality disorder instruments, the Structured Interview for DSM-III Personality Disorders (SIDP), the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), and the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ). Significant differences were consistently found in presence of "any" personality disorder and DSM-III Cluster C (there were always more disorders in the outpatients). Logistic regression analysis revealed the important determinants predicting personality disorders, and therefore of differences between groups, were state depression, age, lifetime history of alcohol abuse, and presence of panic disorder.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to examine the frequency of personality disorders in 36 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and to investigate whether patients with a coexisting personality disorder could be characterized by certain personality traits assessed by means of the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP). In total, 27 (75%) of the OCD patients fulfilled the DSM-III-R criteria for a personality disorder, and 13 patients (36%) had an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Subjects with a comorbid personality disorder had significantly higher scores on most of the KSP scales, including all anxiety scales, as well as scales measuring indirect aggression, irritability, guilt and detachment, whereas subjects without personality disorders did not differ significantly from healthy controls with regard to personality traits.  相似文献   

Forty-eight patients with panic disorder/agoraphobia (PAD) and 30 with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) were assessed for DSM-III-R axis II personality disorders (PD) and the presence of the same anxiety disorder in the relatives of probands (homotypic disorders). No specific personality disorder was present significantly more often in either of the two groups. Agoraphobia was not associated with higher rates of axis II disorders in PAD patients. Duration of illness did not influence the presence of a PD in patients of both groups. Secondary cases of the same anxiety disorder were significantly more common among first-degree relatives of PAD patients. A discriminant analysis performed on the most frequent personality traits of both groups provided a correct classification of cases of 97.4%. Our results do not support the hypothesis of PD as secondary to anxiety disorders and confirm previous findings of a lack of specificity between DSM-III-R axis II categories and OCD and PAD.  相似文献   

Several studies have found that 3 personality disorders (PDs) tend to share moderate rates of comorbidity with depressive PD: avoidant, borderline, and obsessive-compulsive. This study sought to evaluate the diagnostic criteria of each disorder in an effort to understand where areas of overlap may occur and to modify criteria sets where reasonable to reduce any degree of overlap. One thousand two hundred psychiatric outpatients were interviewed with the Structured Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders. The highest degree of comorbidity was observed between avoidant PD and depressive PD. Logistic regression analyses indicated that 2 criteria-avoidant criterion 5 and depressive criterion 2-could be removed from the diagnostic criteria sets and reduce the rates of overlap by as much as 15%. A factor analysis of the criteria of all 4 PDs indicated that there is a common clustering of many of the symptoms of avoidant, borderline, depressive, and obsessive-compulsive PDs and that borderline symptoms tend to cluster together most consistently. Avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality symptoms clustered in ways that may reflect a problem of how to engage with others, suggestive of an approach-avoidance conflict. Depressive PD symptoms clustered in a way suggestive of problems with anger that is directed toward oneself and others. The factor analysis results suggest that an organization of symptoms around themes of conflict may provide useful ways of understanding the personality patterns of these 4 disorders.  相似文献   

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